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It's important to give relevant answers to these questions.

1) Avoid short, uncommunicative answers.
Q: Where are you from?
A: I come from Spain ... from Madrid, but I've been living in Paris for the past year. (Keep
going!) I had the chance to come to France to study at university and decided to stay here for
a few years more to get work experience.
2) Avoid short, 'yes', 'no' answers.
Q: Could you explain why you're taking the BEC exam?
A: Yes certainly! I'm hoping to work for a large financial company in London ... as you can
probably imagine it's very competitive to get a good job in this profession so. I decided to take
BEC to help me with my career.
Q: Have you got a job at the moment?
A: No, not a full-time job. I work part-time in a local restaurant. It's a nice job and the people
are lovely but it's not something I want to spend the rest of my life doing.
3) Think of examples to help you explain something that you've said.
Q: Are employment opportunities for graduates good in your country?
A: There are lots of opportunities for people who have experience but it can be difficult to get
a good position when you come straight out of university. (Give an example!) I've got a lot of
friends who are like me ... having to work in part-time jobs while they look for a better
position. Obviously some degrees are more marketable than others so it depends on the
person's qualification.

BEC Higher Speaking Test: Part 2 (Mini-Presentation)

Part 2 of the BEC Higher interview lasts about six minutes (eight minutes for groups of three).
Each candidate is given a card listing three different topics. Each candidate chooses one of the
topics on their card to talk about for 1 minute. The candidates are given one minute to prepare
and may make notes. When prompted, Candidate 1 gives their talk while Candidate 2 listens
but does not speak. At the end of the minute, Candidate 2 asks Candidate 1 a brief question
about the talk and Candidate 1 makes a brief reply. The task is then repeated with Candidate 2
presenting and Candidate 1 listening and asking a question at the end.
Tests ability to: sustain a long turn, speak coherently, listen and respond to a talk with
appropriate questions.
Example Task
The examiner will say something on the lines of:
Q: In this part of the exam I'm going to give each of you a choice of three different topics. I'd
like you to select one of the topics and talk about it for about 1 minute. You'll have about one
minute to prepare this and you're allowed to make notes if you want to. Now, here are your
topics ... and you can make notes on the spare paper while you are preparing to talk but
please don't write on your topic sheets. All right?

Q: Now, (Candidate 1), would you begin by telling us which topic you've chosen?
(Source: BEC Teachers Resource:
(Example Topic)
A: Customer relations: the importance of politeness when
dealing with customers
B: Training: how to ensure training opportunities are taken
up by as many staff as possible
C: Advertising: the issues to consider when drawing up an
advertising budget for a new product
A Quality control:
the importance to a company of monitoring the quality of its goods and services
B Information management:
how to ensure that information is managed effectively within a company
For two candidates:
Team Building
The company you work for is about to take over another company and is keen to encourage staff
from both companies to work together effectively. You have been asked to prepare a proposal for
team building.
Discuss and decide together:
- what kinds of work projects and leisure activities would be suitable to encourage teamwork
- what benefits effective teamwork could bring to the company
- what arrangements should be made before new colleagues start working together* [for three

BEC Higher Speaking Test Follow-on Questions

- what benefits do you think individual employees get from working in a strong team? [Why?]
- What do you think is the ideal number of people to work in a team? [Why?]
- Do you think a company needs individualists as well as team workers? [Why? / Why not?]
- Do you think it is the responsibility of the company or each employee to make sure people work
well together? [Why? / Why not?]
- How far should team building be taken into account when making long-term plans for a
company [Why? / Why not/]

The choice of three questions range from a very general, business-related topic for candidates
with little or no work experience to one that can be answered by someone with work
experience. It's therefore a task that all candidates should be able to deal with.

1. Use your 1 minute preparation time wisely and make notes of the points you'd like to make.
2. Structure your talk with a clear beginning, middle and end. Help the examiner and your
partner to follow your talk by signposting your presentation clearly. When giving examples
make this clear through expressions such as:
"For instance ..."
"Take for example ..."
"To give you an example ..."
"A case in point is ..."
"To illustrate this ..."
"To show you what I mean ..."
3. Start your talk with a powerful, attention-grabbing introduction. Instead of beginning rather
unimaginatively with: 'It is really important to be polite to customers ... '. try something like:
'In the highly-competitive world we live in the last thing we want to do is lose business
through poor customer relations.'
4. If you're concerned about not having enough to talk about for 1 minute or running out of
time before you've finished, the answer is to practise as often as possible. Time yourself and
ask a friend for feedback.
5. Make sure you listen carefully while your partner is presenting as you will need to think of
a relevant question to ask at the end.

BEC Higher Speaking Test: Part 3: (Collaborative Task & Follow-Up

In Part 3 of the BEC Speaking test, which lasts about seven minutes (nine minutes for groups
of three), the examiner will give you and your partner a card that contains a business-related
situation with two questions for discussion. You will have 30 seconds to read the card. The
examiner will not participate in the discussion until the end when he or she will ask each
candidate questions related to the topic.
Tests ability to: initiate discussion, ask for and give opinions, agree and disagree, develop
comments made by others and generate new ideas, be sensitive to turn-taking.
Example Task
The examiner will say something on the lines of:
Q: 'Now this part of the test is a discussion activity. You have about thirty seconds to read this
task carefully and then about three minutes to discuss and decide about it together. You're
expected to give reasons for your decisions and opinions. OK? Now you don't need to write
anything. Is that clear?
Q: I'll just listen and then ask you to stop after about three minutes but please speak so that
we can hear you. All right?
(Source: BEC Teachers Resource:
(Example Topic)

Staff Training
In order to show its commitment to the environment and
sustainability your company has decided to dedicate a training
day to the importance of responsible environmental actions the
company and staff can take. You have been asked to come up
with some general ideas to promote on the training day.
Discuss and decide together:
- what kinds of actions the staff and company could take to be
more environmentally friendly
- how you would promote the training event to encourage staff
to approach the event with a positive frame of mind.

Notice that the task is in the form of a role play or simulation and you should treat this as a
real-life task. Work with your partner as if you are both in this situation, sharing opinions and
trying to reach a decision.
It will help both yourself and your partner if you work together collaboratively on this task.
1. Be prepared to ask your partner for his or her opinion rather than simply stating your own.
2. Listen 'actively' to what your partner says, responding to comments he or she makes.
3. If you need time to think, use expressions such as:
"That's a good question."
"It's funny you should ask."
"Well, to cut a long story short ..."
"Well, to be honest ..."
"It's difficult to say."
"Let me think ..."

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