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Chapter 11

Mohamed Dabaja
Mr. Nack
4th Hour
10 November 14
1. Why was the election of 1800 so critical and what two parties squared off against each other? (p. 211)
Federalist and democratic-republicans; the presidential election, it would guide the way for many years of american
2. What did the Federalists under Adams fight for and what did the Jeffersonian opponents fight for? (p. 211)
Strong central government and public orders; states right.
3. What did the Jeffersonian party learn while in power? (p. 211)
It is far easier to condemn from the stump than to govern consistently
4. Who split from Adams and why? (p. 211)
Hamiltonian wing because it was robbed of its glorious war with france
5. What was the most damaging blow to the Federalists? What is the book referring to when it states an alldressed-upbut-no-place-to-go-feeling? (p. 212)
the refusal of adams to give them a rousing fight with france; they were ready to fight but had no one to fight.
6. Who were John Adams Jackasses? Who was known as the Father of the Navy? (p. 212)
Seamen for the new navy; john adams
7. How did the Federalists deflect the negative attention? What attacks were waged against Jefferson? (p. 212)
Spreading negative rumors against Jefferson; having an affair with his slave women, and robbing a widow and her
children of a trust fund.
8. What was the result of the 1800 election? What state traded allegiance that gave the election to Jefferson? Who
helped secure this state? (p. 214)
Jefferson won; new York; aaron burr.
9. How did the three-fifths clause help Jefferson win the election? How did the North react? (p. 214)
It didnt let the southern states overrule the northern states by population; they liked it
10. How did the deadlock occur within the Electoral College? Who was tied? (p. 214)
They received the same number of electoral votes; Jefferson and burr
11. Who broke the tie? Who controlled the House and who did they prefer as president? (P. 214)
House of representatives;burr

12. How did Jefferson finally win? (p. 214) a few federalist refrained from voting in the house of reps giving
Jefferson the win.
13. Who was the last Federalist president? (p. 214) john adams
14. According to Jefferson, how was the election of 1800 a revolution comparable to 1776? (p. 215) it returned
the original spirit of the revolution
15. What else was revolutionary about the 1800 election? (p. 215)
Peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of an election whos results all parties accepted.
16. Why did Jefferson stroll by foot to the Capital for his inauguration? (p. 216)
Because he believed that the customary pomp did not benefit his democratic ideals.
17. What was the basic message of his inaugural speech? How did he try to ingratiate Federalists? (p. 216)
His democratic principles; stating we are all republicans we are all federalists.
18. How did Washington D.C suit the Jeffersonian Republicans and how did pell-mell describe their character? (p.
It admired its simplicity and frugality; it would show if they didnt mind sitting next to under ranked men.
19. How is Jefferson a man of contrast and often compelled by an evil twin? (p. 216-217)
He reversed many of his political principles.
20. How did Jefferson show moderation when his party ascended to the Presidency? (p. 217)
He dismissed a few of his office seeking friends.
21. In what setting was Jefferson an able politician? What was the glue that held the Jeffersonian Republicans
What happened as the Federalists faded? (p. 217)a dinner party; opposition to the federalist; so did democratic
republican unity.
22. What did Jefferson do for the citizens punished under the Sedition Acts? How did he change the naturalization
(p. 218) he pardoned them;it reduced the 14 year wait to 5
23. What was the sole feature of Hamiltons financial system that Jefferson eliminated? Why? How did this affect
Economy? (p. 218)

a national debt was a bane not a blessing; it was able to balance the budget while at the

same time reducing the debt.

24. Who was Albert Gallatin? What were his views and Jeffersons view on the national debt? Secretary of the
treasury; it was a bane.
25. How did Jeffersons moderation further give credence to the claim the election of 1800 was a revolution? (p.

By absorbing major federalist programs.

26. What was the Judiciary Act of 1801 and who passed it? Who were the midnight judges? (p. 218)
granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support; federalist
congress; men who sponsored judiciary acts, signed judiciary act of 1801.
27. How did the Jeffersonian republicans view the Judiciary Act of 1801? (p. 218) they sponsored it.
28. Who was John Marshall and what role did he serve in the Supreme Court? Why is he described as the Ghost of
Alexander Hamilton? (p. 218) he was the chief justice; he was handing down federalist decisions.
29. What happened in the case of William Marbury? How did Marshall judge the case? Why is Marbury v. Madison
(1803) such a monumental case in the history of the United States and the Supreme Court? (p. 218-219)
Marbury decides on suing James Madison ; he saw it as uncontituional and cancelled it; It questioned who had the
real authority.
30. What was one of Jeffersons first actions as President? Was it a money issue? How did Jefferson view war? (p.
219) to reduce the military establishment to a mere police force of 2500 officers and men.
31. What did the Pasha of Tripoli do in 1801? How did this crisis challenge Jefferson? What was the price of the
signed in 1805? (p. 220) declared war on the United States; he was against war and didnt want an army;
32. What type of boats fascinated Jefferson? What was the mosquito fleet? How far inland was one of these
deposited during a hurricane in South Carolina? (p. 220) small gunboats; large number of little coastal craft; 8
33. How did Napoleon get Louisiana from the Spanish? What did the Spaniards refuse the Americans in New
in 1802? What treaty did this violate and how did the citizens on the frontiers react? (p. 220-221)
a pact formed with the king of Spain giving napoleon the Louisiana and giving trans Mississippi area; withdrew the
right of seposit; treaty of 1795an uproar accord.
34. Why did the idea of Louisiana being in the hands of the French cause problems for Jefferson? (p. 221)
He was a military genius and it would be hard to take the land. And they cant use the river to.
35. What were James Madison and Robert R. Livingston instructed to do in 1803? What role was Britain to play in
this? (p. 221) to buy new Orleans and as much land as they can with 10 million dollars; they would tell
negotiate Britain as an alliance.

36. What are the two reasons why at the last second Napoleon decided to sell all of Louisiana? (p. 221) there was a
yellow fever in the area, they were close to starting conflicts with Britain and saw it bad to have water for their
navy, they wanted to use it as a supplement land however they couldnt conquer Santo Domingo which was the
sugar hills.
37. How much did Livingston acquire Louisiana for? When was the treaty signed? What does it mean by the
They had bought a wilderness to get a city? (p. 222) 15 million; April 30, 1803, they bought what they didnt
need to get what they wanted.
38. How did the Louisiana Purchase show the two sides of Thomas Jefferson? How many square miles did the
States obtain? What was the cost per acre? It showed what he promised and what he saw in the constitution;
828000; 3 cent
39. In what ways was Jeffersons purchase epochal? How did Jefferson envision this land? (p. 222)
He avoided conflicts with France and an alliance with Britain; as an agrarian republic.
40. What policy was used in regards to the people who came with the Louisiana Purchase? How is this concept still
Present in Louisiana today? (p. 222) the acquisition of foreign territory and people by purchase; allows people
to purchase lands.
41. How did the purchase also highlight Washingtons idea of isolationism and avoiding entangling alliances? (p.
The purchase was made to not get caught into an alliance and it would not result in conflicts with France.
42. Who were Meriwether Lewis and Lewis Clark? Who helped them? What was gained from their explorations?
(p. 222-223) explorers who were sent to explore the Louisiana Purchase; Shoshoni woman sacajawea; this
created maps and knowledge of the Indians and wilderness.
43. What overland trail did Lewis and Clark discover? Where did Pike explore? (p. 224) Oregon Trail to pacific; the
Mississippi river and Sothern portion of the Louisiana territory
44. What fears did Aaron Burr provoke in regards to the Louisiana Purchase? What did he plot to do? Who did he
challenge to a duel? Why? What happened to Hamilton? (p. 224-25) (Does anyone else find this crazy?)
Secession and foreign intrigue; secession of new England and new York; Hamilton because he foiled the foreign
intrigue; Hamiltons shot dead.
45. What did Burr turn his attention to after killing Hamilton? Who was James Wilkinson? What did he and Burr
to do? (p.225) trans Mississippi west; the man he struck an allegiance with, military governor of Louisiana
purchase; they wanted to separate the west and east of the united states creating their own confederacy.

46. How did Chief Justice John Marshall rule in the case? What did Burr try to do next? (p. 225) that evidence was
needed to send burr to prison; he tried to get britian and france to make an alliance to take out America.
47. Who won the election of 1804? What was the electoral count? (p. 225) Jefferson; 162:14
48. How did the war between France and Britain further cause problems for Jefferson? (p. 226) (Is anyone sick of
British and French yet?) he couldnt trade with one country without the other wanted to attack
49. What is impressment? How many American men were forced into impressment between 1808 and1811? (p.
50. What happened in the Chesapeake Incident? (p. 226) forcible enlistment as sailors;60000
51. What decision does Jefferson make to keep the United States out of war? (p. 226) America would cut off its
exports so that the offending powers would be forced to bow and respect its rights.
52. What did the Embargo Act of 1807 state? What policy of Jeffersons does this embody? What effect did the
Embargoes have on the American economy? (p. 226) forbad export from united states on any foreign or
American ship; peaceful coercion; it staggered.
53. What happened in 1808 in regards to the embargo? How did Jefferson respond? How was this contradictory to
Revolutionary Jefferson? (p. 227) an illicit trade happened where armed Americans transposed letters of
embargo along the Canadian border; he induced congress to pass iron-toothed enforcing legislation; he was
harsher than king George the third in the peoples mind and he was a revolutionist but has stopped a revolution, he
isnt doing what the people wanted.
54. How did the Federalist Party react to the embargo? New England? (p. 227) it revived the federalist party its
leaders hurled their nullifications of the embargo act into the teeth of the Virginia lordlings; they seethed with talk
about secession.
55. When was the embargo finally lifted? What was the Non-Intercourse Act? (p. 227) march 1 1809; it reopened
trade with everyone except france and britian.
56. Why did the embargo fail (3 reasons)? (p. 228) he underestimated the britian and overestimated the
dependence on American trade. He also miscalculated the unpopularity of the act and the difficulty of enforcing it.
Napoleon would sieze American ships and steals their cargo using the embargo act as an excuse.
57. What positive affect did the embargo have on the burgeoning industry of the north? (p. 227) it forced Yankees
to reopen old factories and erect new ones which was the foundation of Americas industrial might.
58. Who was the 4th president? Describe him. (p. 227) james Madison, he was a legislator, diplomat who was not a
strong chief executive and he was the only president to go directly on the fighting front.
59. What was Macons Bill No. 2? How did Napoleon respond? What gamble did Madison make? Was his gamble

successful? (p. 229) it cancelled the embargo act; he wanted trade with America so they could blockade
britian; he took up napoleon on his offer; it failed
60. Who were the war hawks? Where were many of them from? What were they weary of? (p. 229) young hot
heads in recent elections; south and west; how their fathers had whipped the british single-handed.
61. Who were Tecumseh and the Prophet? What did they decide to do? (p. 230) Shawnee brothers who were
known as the prophet to non-Indians; they brought Indians together and brought cultural renewal for the Indians
62. Who attacked Tecumsehs army in the fall of 1811? Who won the battle of Tippecanoe? (p. 231) henry harrison;
henry won.
63. What happened to Tecumseh and the dream of Indian Confederacy? (p. 231) they both perished
64. What was the war hawks chant? In the end, why did Madison choose war with Britain? When was war
What did the votes represent? (p. 231) on to canada, on to Canada; he felt it was inevitable since they were
supplying Indians to attack them; june 1, 1812 he asked congress for war not for another 2 weeks was he obliged
65. Who supported the war and who did not? Why were the Federalists so against the war, especially in New
Why did America have to fight two wars? (p. 232)
south west, and republicans from populous middle states supported it; federalist opposed it; it was because they
were pro-British;

they fought one war against britian and another inside the

country since it was split with federalist and republicans.

Terms to Know:

Revolution of 1800- the presidential election between Jefferson and Adams

patronage- making appointments to office for political support
Judiciary Act of 1801-granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political
support midnight judges- the jusges added by the judiciary act of 1801
Marbury v. MadisonMarbury tried sueing Madison however he couldnt since the court saw it unconstitutional.
Tripolitan War- tripola declares war on U.Ssince it doesnt pay tribute for the safe passage of shipping.
Haitian Revolution- first successful slave revolt
Louisiana Purchase- Louisiana area is purchases for 15 million by the U.S
Corps of Discovery- official name of the members of the lewis and clark expedition.
Orders in Council- closing of European ports under the French control to foreign shipping
Impressment- conscription of men into government service.

Cheasapeake Affair- where the british fired on the cheasapeake and resulted in the U.S expelling british ships until
they apologize
Embargo Act- completely stopped foreign trade or exports of the U.S
Non-Intercourse Act- replaces encargo act opening trade to everyone but Britain and France.
Macons Bill no. 2- ends embargo acts
war hawks- any congressmen from south and west.
Battle of Tippecanoe- Shawnee indians attacking genral henry Williams resulting in the indians losing and the death
of the prophet.

People to Know:

Thomas Jefferson- president of the United states after john Adams.

Sally Hemings- Jeffersons slave who supposedly had an affair with Jefferson.
Albert Gallatin-Jeffersons sec of treasury.
John Marshall- chief justice of supreme court.
Samuel Chase- former associate justice of the supreme court,
Napoleon Bonaparte- Frenchs general and dictator.
Robert R. Livingston- he administrated the presidential oath for Washington, and is a lawyer/ politician.
Toussaint Louverture- leader of the Haitian revolution slave rebellion.
William Clark- explorer on expedition with Meriwether.
Sacajawea- Shoshone guide and interpreter for Lewis and Clark.
Aaron Burr- political leader who served as vice president.
James Wilkinson- corrupt military governor of the Louisiana territory
James Madison- 4th president of the U.S
Tecumseh- Shawnee chief who took arms against the U.S
Tenskwatawa (the Prophet)- one of the Shannon brothers who encouraged Indians to have unity.

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