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An Analog compound Curcumin synthesis results based on the structure of compound

Curcumin,by doing some modifications to the cluster its current status. The modifications
made expected to produce new compounds that have biological activity is stronger and
toksisitasnya lower (Orbayinah et al., 2003). Several analogues of Curcumin was examined
activity antioxidant on inhibition of lipid peroksidasi and an antidote to radical DPPH and
compounds such as ABTS +. Phenolic group turned out to be very important position and
substitution Ortho to the cluster functions like a cluster of methoxy group and/or the methyl
group could increase its activity (Venkatesan et al.,2003)
Pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) is Curcumin analogues where the cluster-diketones from
Curcumin disiklisasi in the form of siklopentanon No substitution of a methyl group on its
ring aromaticnya. Based on the research results with measurement that is not specific and
sitoksisitasnya against myeloma cells, PGV-0 has an activity biology as an antioxidant by
means of impeding siklooksigenase (COX) enzyme. As for its activities almost the same and
even better than Curcumin as a compound checklist some test activities (Da'i et al., 2004).
The research results are reported Orbayinah et al., (2003), indicating a difference in ability
Curcumin analogues i.e. Pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0), Pentagamavunon-1 (PGV-1) and
Heksagamavunon-1 (HGV-1) in his inhibiting enzyme activity siklooksigenase. Compound,
PGV-0 has the power of enzyme inhibitory siklooksigenase smaller than in PGV-1 and HGV1 having a methyl group on its ring aromatiknya. This may be caused because the methyl
group has a steric hindrance of the hydroxy group the phenolic hydroxyl are smaller than p
so the PGV-1 and HGV-1 easier to bind with a side of active enzyme siklooksigenase. PGV-0
antiproliferatif traits thought to be almost same with the antiproliferatif mechanism of
Curcumin against cell myeloma, that of antiestrogen that inhibits transcription factors, spur
apoptosis or through G1 arest with road Suppression of cyclin D1 which is a regulator
on the cell cycle. antiproliferasi mechanism for PGV-0 associated also with the ability to
inhibit the nuclear factor (NF-) and I kinase on cell myeloma (Da'i et al., 2004).
PGV-0 and Curcumin is also suspected of Gunning apoptosis through inhibition of cytokine
interleukin-like 6. on the mechanism of myeloma cell antiapoptosis occurs via the excess
expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL are one of them is induced by interleukin-6. Process
antiapoptosis cell myeloma does not rely on Bcl-2 expression of endogenous but tend to be
associated with upregulasi proteins Bcl-XL are antiapoptosis by interleukin-6. Of research
results Da'i et al., (2004), PGV-0 are antiproliferatif against myeloma cells through inhibitory
mechanism doubling of cells (doubling time) and the possibility of spur the occurrence of
apoptosis. From some of the research results presented above, it can be formulated a
mechanism of anticancer activity the compound Curcumin on the level of molecules.
Expression of oncogene Bcl-2 is caused by the presence of abnormalities of activity a variety
of growth factors and their receptors in cells, where the Bcl-2 expression may inhibit
cytochrome c from mitochondria to retain activity normal cells and stimulates the process of
apoptosis. Curcumin inhibits the expression of NF- and I that induces the expression
of Bcl-2 and enable the enzyme caspase, caspase-3 and caspase-7-9 stimulate the process of

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