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Preparing for the coming social infrastructure phase change

Network Society Book Proposal

A new technology based vision for the next phase of
economic and social organization
v2, December 2014

Publication Details
David Orban
Working Title
Network Society
The Coming Phase Change In The World Around, You And How To Thrive Though It
Contact Information
Phone: +1-917-657-1928, +39-348-261-4304
Skype: davidorban
Business, Economy, and Society
Hardcover with dust jacket
Word Count: 65,000
Page Count: 261
Nine months after a signed contract
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Table of Contents
Publication Details
Target Market
Unique Angles
Reader Benefits
Potential Endorsers
Competing Books And Media
About The Author
Chapter-by-Chapter Summaries
Contact Information
Change log
Copyright notice




There are events that happen only once every few hundred years. The fundamental
reorganization of society is one of these events, and after five hundred years a new one is
approaching. Whether you are the leader of a corporation, a policymaker, or simply want to
understand the forces that are shaping your life and the opportunities around you, Network
Society - The Coming Phase Change In the World Around You is the first book to serve as
fundamental guide deciphering previously difficult subjects, and allowing you to take action in
a future-proof manner.
The book is divided in four parts.
Part 1: analyzes the Nation State, how it became the dominant form of social organization
covering the entire planet, and its evident limits and inefficiencies.
Part 2: outlines the fundamental thesis of the book: that social change can only happen if the
technologies enabling it are ready. It illustrates the power of exponential change, and the
disruptive forces at play all around the economy, and our social classes.
Part 3: gets into detail around the eight pillars of decentralization, showing concrete
examples to the reader why they matter and how to take action.
Part 4: highlights the complexities and the dangers along the road to the new social balance
and how the downsides of the unavoidable upheavals can be minimized. It finally depicts the

Network Society Book Proposal


promise of a more just and equal society, forming the basis of the expansion of humanitys
opportunity and reach for the next several hundred years.

Target Market
The book will appeal to a wide segment of the market interested in understanding the forces
shaping our society and economy today. It will become required reading in companies
wanting to adapt to their challenges, business schools aiming to attract the best students,
and for policymakers and their aides shaping the regulations promoting or hindering the
adoption of fundamental technologies.
Also, the book will appeal to anybody interested in future-oriented subjects: readers or
moviegoers of science documentaries or science fiction, parents worried about the society
their children will live in, graduates and young professionals asking themselves how to build
sustainable carriers in their respective fields of specialization.

Unique Angles
While there are business books that are devoted to technological change, they typically
address the subject from an economic angle alone. Uniting the economic angle with a social
and sociological one, Network Society allows the reader to gain a better understanding of
the underpinnings of change, the triggers that allow change to happen and to take hold.

Reader Benefits
The readers in the target market will be able to gain actionable knowledge from reading the
book. The examples described are an avenue of concrete exploration and experimentation,
with little or no barriers to entry.
A complementary consulting practice1, adopted by assessor companies, allows Enterprises
and Governments to evaluate the alignment of their strategies with the unstoppable changes
described in the book.

Network Society is a true platform of actionable analysis and advice. The promotional
components of the book are already in place in all possible social media platforms:
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+. The author has spoken at conferences about the
subject of the book, and is scheduled to travel around the world talking about topics

Network Society Readiness Index

Network Society Book Proposal


pertinent to it. There are already meetups in three continents talking about the books subject
and analyzing how the eight pillars of decentralization can help those who recognize and
leverage it.
Comfortable both in print as well as radio2 or television, the author is ready to promote the
book extensively.

Potential Endorsers
Salim Ismail, Author Exponential Organizations, Founding Executive Director, Singularity
Ray Kurzweil, Author The Singularity Is Near, Director of Engineering, Google
Bret King, Author Breaking Banks, CEO, Moven

Competing Books And Media

Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail, Yuri Van Geest
The book concentrates on how organizations can be disrupted by uncontrollable
technologies. It does not cover social implications, and does not foresee the phase shift
analyzed by the Network Society.
Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy by Vasilis Kostakis,
Michel Bauwens
This is a high priced academy book for an academic audience.
There are books about some or all of the technologies underlying the unstoppable forces of
decentralization described, but none are comprehensive, and with the explanatory power of
Network Society.

About The Author

Teacher And Entrepreneur
David Orban is a member of the Faculty and Advisor to theSingularity University,an
interdisciplinary university whose mission is to assemble, educate and inspire leaders who
strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies in
order to address humanitys grand challenges.

Interview on Radio24, starting at min 25, in Italian

Network Society Book Proposal


David is the CEO of Dotsub, the leading technology and services provider powering video
viewing via captions and translations as subtitles in any language to increase access,
engagement and global reach,based in New York City.
He was also a Founder of WideTag, a high technology start-up company providing the
infrastructure for an open Internet of Things. David shaped the strategic vision of its
technologies by developing the policies and communication steps necessary to enable
constructive progress.
David is Co-Founder of Startupbusiness, a social network aimed at enabling the Italian
startup ecosystem. Startupbusiness is a spin-off of Questar, an Italian software publishing
and distribution company, which David also founded.
Non Profit Activity And Education
David founded the London based global charity Network Society Research3 which develops
tools and platforms for coping with the unstoppable change towards decentralized and
distributed systems.
He is a Mentor at the Thiel Foundation. The Thiel Fellowship brings together some of the
worlds most creative and motivated young people, and helps them bring their most
ambitious projects to life. Thiel Fellows are given a grant of $100,000 to focus on their work,
their research, and their self-education while outside of university.
David was Chairman of the Board and is an Advisor ofHumanity+ an organization dedicated
to promoting understanding, interest, and participation in fields of emerging innovation.H+
represents a growing movement of people willing to work proactively to benefit the human
condition through a commitment to scientific advancement.
He is further a Scientific Advisory Board Member for the Lifeboat Foundation, a nonprofit
organization dedicated to encouraging scientific advancements while helping humanity
survive existential risks. The Foundation creates mechanisms to discourage the misuse of
increasingly powerful technologies such as nanotechnology and artificial intelligence.
David was a Founder of the Open Government Data working group. The group promotes a
more robust understanding of why open government data is essential to democracy. The
group utilizes increased civil discourse in order to make Government more effective,
transparent, and relevant to our lives.
His educational background includes studies in Physics at both the University of Milan and
the University of Padua.

Network Society Research

Network Society Book Proposal


David cuts across the limits of deep specialization to contribute to the new renaissance. He
explains, My vision is at the crossroads of technology and society as defined by their coevolution. David Orbans personal motto is, What is the question I should be asking? This
concept is his vehicle to accelerating cycles of invention and innovation in order to build the
new world ahead.
Consultant And Advisor
He is a sought after consultant, whose powerful insights and actionable analysis have
generated repeat business in industries as diverse as finance, technology, healthcare. David
is also an advisor to numerous technology startups that rely on his experience to shape their
technology and business strategies.
Speaking And Publishing
Keynote speaker at international conferences, during 2014 he spoke around the world in
Beijing, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Rome, Milan, London, San Francisco, New York
and more, and his talks at TEDx conferences garner high praise. Many videos of his talks are
available online4. David also contributes frequently with articles5 to publications on topics of
exponential technologies, cryptocurrencies, social and economic transformations, and more.
Platform And Followers
David has an extensive online presence and highly interactive followership, on the various
social media platforms. These will be used to promote the book both during the creation
process as well as during and after its launch.
The worldwide meetings and Ambassador group of Network Society Researchwith 14
events in 2014, and 22 Ambassadors6 in 17 countries as of December 2014represent a
powerful group to analyze, discuss, and promote the book.

YouTube channel

Select publications

Network Society Ambassadors

Network Society Book Proposal


List of chapters and sections

Number ot pages


Quotes related to technological and social change




Part 1 - The Nation State, Its Triumph, And Its Limits

Chapter 1 - Centralized Organizations


Chapter 2 - The Triumph Of the Nation State


Chapter 3 - The Limits Of Hierarchies


Part 2 - The Technological Basis Of Social Evolution

Chapter 4 - Exponential Change


Chapter 5 - Why Society Changes?


Chapter 6 - The Decentralization Of The Functions of The State


Part 3 - The Eight Pillars Of Change

Chapter 7 - Energy


Chapter 8 - Manufacturing


Chapter 9 - Food


Chapter 10 - Health


Chapter 11 - Culture And Learning


Chapter 12 - Finance


Chapter 13 - Trust & Security


Chapter 14 - Governance And Policy


Part 4 - Pitfalls, Dangers, Promise And Opportunity

Chapter 15 - Immune Reactions Against The Shift


Chapter 16 - Disruption At A Planetary Scale


Chapter 17 - Tolerance And Resilience


Chapter 18 - Technology Based Unbounded Future


Chapter 19 - Epilogue

Network Society Book Proposal


List of chapters and sections

Number ot pages

List of Charts


About the Author

Recommended Resources



Appendix A - Questionnaire: Are You Ready For The Shift?

Appendix B - Assessors Of The Network Society Readiness Index

Appendix C - Products And Services Towards The Network Society


Total pages


Chapter-by-Chapter Summaries
Part 1 - The Nation State, Its Triumph, And Its Limits
Analyzes the Nation State, how it became the dominant form of social organization covering
the entire planet, and its evident limits and inefficiencies.
Chapter 1 - Centralized Organizations
The progressive aggregation of specialized social and economic players brought the
emergence of centralized organizations that have been able to exercise progressively
increasing levels of control over territories. Their competitive advantage against alternative
modes of organization culminated in the creation of the Nation State.
Chapter 2 - The Triumph Of the Nation State
Todays world is characterized by the Nation State as the supreme actor of the social,
political, and economical scenes. Except Antarctica, there is no place on Earth not subject to
the legislation of one, and individuals can only expect to effectively exist if they submit to
Chapter 3 - The Limits Of Hierarchies
In times of rapid change, the self-preserving structures of hierarchical and centralized
organizations are unable to adapt at sufficient speed. Their objective of promoting the
organization itself conflicts with diverging requirements of evolutionary fitness.

Network Society Book Proposal


Part 2 - The Technological Basis Of Social Evolution

Outlines the fundamental thesis of the book: that social change can only happen if the
technologies enabling it are ready. It illustrates the power of exponential change, and the
disruptive forces at play all around the economy, and our social classes.
Chapter 4 - Exponential Change
Best illustrated by Mores Law in computers and networks, but powerfully present in
numerous other fields as well, exponentially increasing technologies are now shaping the
world. Their power subjects enterprises and the society at large to unprecedented levels of
pressure to change and adapt.
Chapter 5 - Why Society Changes?
The emergent phenomenon of human societies is an expression of optimal organization in a
given moment in time. The nature of society changes as the conditions defining its
foundations shift.
Chapter 6 - The Decentralization Of The Functions of The State
The technologies that are converging are the basis of a fundamental shift in the organization
of the functions of the Nation State. From the previous generations that required central and
hierarchical organization, the next series of solutions are going to distribute and decentralize
Part 3 - The Eight Pillars Of Change
Gets into detail around the eight pillars of decentralization, showing concrete examples to the
reader why they matter and how to take action.
Chapter 7 - Energy
Emerging renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaic solar energy, are distributed
in nature, and allow individuals and enterprises to actively manage their needs, becoming
self-sufficient after the initial financial investment.
Chapter 8 - Manufacturing
Decentralized manufacturing, chiefly represented by 3D printing technologies, allows superior
design and production, of highly personalized products. 3D printings capacity to execute
highly complex jobs at the same cost of simple ones fundamentally changes the previous
assumption of capital investments needing to be proportional to the value of outputs.
Chapter 9 - Food
Hydroponics, vertical gardening, urban gardening, advanced technologies as 3D printing of
meat, allow radical increases of production. Self-enclosed container based systems are not

Network Society Book Proposal


only naturally organic, not needing pesticides in their controlled environments, but transform
agriculture from an activity proportional to the area occupied to that of the volume available.
Chapter 10 - Health
Personalized health is enabled by our sensor laden smartphones, delivering on the promise of
preventative medicine. Empowering individuals to take charge of their state of health,
maintaining it rather than intervening too late at the onset of illness.
Chapter 11 - Culture And Learning
Social media has famously transformed the relationship between creation and consumption
of culture. This transformation is far from being complete, and new segments of the content
industry get impacted by it on a constant basis. The tools of learning are available to
anybody, and through online and offline methods, make sure that those driven by passion
and their desire to keep developing marketable skills get access to content, mentorship, and
Chapter 12 - Finance
Seldom recognized as an evolving technology platform itself, finance and banking are seeing
a revolution brewing as billions of people get connected globally, and their needs for reliable
transactions, and diversified financial services need to be met. Whether on mobile phones in
Africa, or based on cryptocurrencies in the Philippines, the rapidly changing world of finance
is taken by storm by new technologies.
Chapter 13 - Trust & Security
New trust platforms, bolstered by our familiarity with the values of a transparent society, allow
the sharing economy to disintermediate the use of means of transportation, lodging, and
other industries. The reputation systems underlying these outcompete the presumed
advantages of gaming them, and represent a foundation for new models of collaboration and
Chapter 14 - Governance And Policy
Representative democracy itself is under pressure to innovate, and to usefully incorporate
novel means to design, discuss, implement, and, crucially, update legislation and policies at
an increasingly rapid rate. In a globally connected world, with value creating technomadic
workforces whose lifestyles are unconstrained by geographical limitations, governments have
to compete to attract and retain talent.
Part 4 - Pitfalls, Dangers, Promise And Opportunity
Highlights the complexities and the dangers along the road to the new social balance and
how the downsides of the unavoidable upheavals can be minimized. It finally depicts the

Network Society Book Proposal


promise of a more just and equal society, forming the basis of the expansion of humanitys
opportunity and reach for the next several hundred years.
Chapter 15 - Immune Reactions Against The Shift
Established interests, incumbent industries, and bureaucracies resist the changes that
endanger their positions of power. Similarly to the immune system of living organisms, they
recognize low level stimulation as early warnings of unwelcome change, and kick into
overdrive, implementing policies that defend their positions, while potentially damaging the
interests of individuals, and the long term health of society.
Chapter 16 - Disruption At A Planetary Scale
The challenges of our global society are not going to be solved without a dialog that faces the
disruptions that we have created already, and the new ones that are being brought on by the
new technologies that we create. In order to maintain the power of the self-fulfilling
prophecies of our ten thousand year stretch we have to embrace the experimentation and
can-do attitude that we cherished along the way.
Chapter 17 - Tolerance And Resilience
Society has changed in the past too, and has changed more in the past hundred years than
in the previous thousand. The achievements that allow behaviors that are farther from a
central norm than ever before were made possible by growing tolerance and are the basis of
a resilient society. Illegal before they became accepted, changes are only possible if the
conspirators wanting to make them happen are not stopped by excessive and oppressive
policies. A society that cant evolve is unstable and brittle.
Chapter 18 - Technology Based Unbounded Future
Humans embraced technology a long time ago, and it has been shaped by it. The
transformations in our species, societies, and planet are going to continue, and be based on
the power of our ideas embodied by technology. We dont have any guarantee that well be
able to always solve our challenges, but the tools and methods weve built are the best
chance we have to go ahead on the path.
Chapter 19 - Epilogue
How it is to live in the Network Society? Can we overcome the false dichotomy between
financially unsustainable non profits, and socially irresponsible for profits and create a society
that builds inclusive communities that offer people dignity and responsibility to build their

Contact Information

Network Society Book Proposal










Change log
Chapter summaries added

Copyright notice
This document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
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The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
Attribution You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if
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Network Society Book Proposal


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