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Websphere Interview question:

What is the importamt config file located in ihs http server and where it is located ?
Important file is: httpd.conf
What is difference between JDBC providers and data source in websphere ?
Steps for connecting to the database using JDBC:#1 Using Driver Manager:a.Load the driver class using class.forName(driverclass) and class.forName() loads the driver
class and passes the control to DriverManager class
b.DriverManager.getConnection() creates the connection to the databse
#2 Using DataSource:DataSource is used instead of DriverManager in Distributed Environment with the help of
a) Use JNDI to lookup the DataSource from Naming service server .
b) DataSource.getConnection method will return Connection object to the database
How many JVMs will there for each server ?
It depends on the environment. There can be any number no limit. Generally in Producation a
JVM is put in two servers clustered horizontally to avoid single point of failure (SPOF)
What is session failover ?
error connection to the Data base session fail over occures.
Session timeout is >30 sec
Maximum in-memory session count is less
What are the per-requisites of was installation ?
A machine with Linux or Windows os with at least 1GB ram, 50GB disk space and
supportingsoftware putty and xming.
Memory exception
What is the reason for out of memory exception ?
Less heap memory
Less connection pool size
Less Thread pool size
Long living objects
We don't have sufficient heap size in this case we need to increase the heap size or we need to
restart the JVM
What is meant by middleware product?
Middleware products support enterprise software and integrate applications. An example of
this would be an installation of DB2 as the RDMS, WebSphere as the business engine and
Domino as the front end. These three different applications are integrated for a complete
workflow solution.
What is the default location of a thread dump and what is the format ?
format javacore15_02_14_19_45_01.tar.gz
default session timeout value in websphere 7
30 min

What is meant by shared library in was 8.0?

Shared library is a place where you have to keep library files like(.properties, jars ) which you
want to pass into your application through application server
Tell me the mechanism of class loader ?
The class loader is a component of jvm and it loads the jar files into the java virtual machine
what is generic server ?
A generic server is a server that is managed in the WebSphere administrative domain,
although it is not a server that is supplied by WebSphere Application Server. The WebSphere
Application Server generic servers function enables you to define a generic server as an
application server instance within the WebSphere Application Server administration, and
associate it with a non-WebSphere server or process.
What is dmgr in websphere application server?
DMGR is the single administrative of WEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER
The DMGR is a single administration in websphere application server , whenever we create a
dmgr by default we will get one node, cell and adminconsole, here we don't have server to run
and deploy applications, it is mainly used to do the administrative activities.
What are the different types of log levels you have ?
we have 12 different types of log levels. those are
12. All
What is heap memory ?
Memory allocated for a JVM Process where the application
of the application into the memory.
Size depends on the objects of the application.

is deployed in order to load objects

How to generate a heap dump and what is the default location of heap dump and what is
the format ?
Get the pid of the JVM (either from logs directory) or do a ps-ef |grep
then by using the pid
kill -3
Heap dumps location generally in the logs folder.
or you can change the location by getting into the admin console.
What is the use of shared libraries ? How to configure them ?
Shared libraries are files used by multiple applications . Each shared library consists of a
symbolic name, a Java class path, and a native path for loading Java Native Interface (JNI)
libraries. You can use shared libraries to reduce the number of duplicate library files on your

how does SSL works ?

SSL uses both symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms. Symmetric algorithms use
the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. They are faster than asymmetric algorithms but
can be insecure. Asymmetric algorithms use a pair of keys. Data encrypted using one key can
only be decrypted using the other. Typically, one of the keys is kept private while the other is
made public. Because one key is always kept private, asymmetric algorithms are generally
secure; however, they are much slower than symmetric algorithms. To reap the benefits of both
algorithms, SSL encapsulates a symmetric key that is randomly selected each time inside a
message that is encrypted with an asymmetric algorithm. After both the client and server
possess the symmetric key, the symmetric key is used instead of the asymmetric ones.
When server authentication is requested, SSL uses the following process:
1) To request a secure page, the client uses HTTPS.
2) The server sends the client its public key and certificate .
3) The client checks that the certificate was issued by a trusted party (usually a trusted
Certificate Authority) that the certificate is still valid, and that the certificate is related to the
contacted site.
4) The client uses the public key to encrypt a random symmetric encryption key and sends it to
the server, along with the encrypted URL required and other encrypted HTTP data .
5) The server decrypts the symmetric encryption key using its private key and uses the
symmetric key to decrypt the URL and HTTP data.
6) The server sends back the requested HTML document and HTTP data that are encrypted
with the symmetric key.
7) The client decrypts the HTTP data and HTML document using the symmetric key
and displays the information.
What are the different types of logging and troubleshooting utilities ?
WebSphere Application Server Troubleshooting Tools
Use these tools to help you troubleshoot problems that are specific to WebSphere Application
Server. For example, you can use these tools to analyze HTTP request/response times, JDBC
connections, and web services configurations.
Database Connection Pool Analyzer for IBM WebSphere Application Server
IBM Trace and Request Analyzer for WebSphere Application Server
IBM Web Server Plug-in Analyzer for WebSphere Application Server
IBM Web Services Validation Tool for WSDL and SOAP
WebSphere Application Server extensions for Dump Analyzer
What is the use of collector tool?
Collector tools gather the Information of Application Server installation and logs and
configuration Files in Single Jar file . and it will send to IBM Customer Support to determining
and analyzing your problem.
What are the different types of log files ?
We have different types of logs in WAS
JVM logs: SystemOut.log , SystemErr.log
process or Native logs : native_stdout.log, native_stderr.log
IBM service log : activity.log
Diagnostic log : trace.log

If we give heap size value min=max at that time what are the advantages and
disadvantages ?
heap size depends on following parameters
number of connection to the server
its ram size and
for 32 bit operating system it is 2 gb
for 64 bit operating system it is 4 gb
if Max heap = min heap then it takes a time for garbage collection .

What is ESB?
An enterprise service bus (ESB) is software architecture for middleware that

provides fundamental services for more complex architectures. For example, an ESB
incorporates the features required to implement a service-oriented architecture (SOA). In a
general sense, an ESB can be thought of as a mechanism that manages access to applications
and services (especially legacy versions) to present a single, simple, and consistent interface to
end-users via Web- or forms-based client-side front ends.

What are all the Primitives used in Mediation?

We have different types of primitives in mediation.


Message Filter


Type Filter


Endpoint Lookup


Service Invoke








BO Map


Message Element Setter

10. DB lookup
11. Data Handler
12. Custom Mediation
13. Header Setters
14. Message Logger
15. Even Emitter
16. Stop
17. Fail
18. Sub Flow

Difference between BO Map and XSLT?

Both are used for manipulate and transfer the message.
Use XSLT when

Use BO Maps when

You have an existing stylesheet

You have an existing BO Map or submap.

or want to use custom XSLT in

the map.





You want to use the relationship service

expressions inside the map.

(particularly dynamic relationships).

You want to use Java snippets

You want to use Java snippets that use the

that use the DOM API to access

BO API (SDO API) to access or update data.

or update data.
You want to use built-in XPath

You want to order the completion sequence

or EXSLT functions to access or

for the transforms.

modify data.
You want to combine contents

BO Maps can be faster when used with


WebSphere Adapters, because the BO Maps





(repeating element).

work directly with the SDO API.

Performance with XSLT or BO Maps depends on a number of factors including:

An XSLT map is fastest when processing web services messages and the incoming data

is unmodified between the entrance to the mediation flow and the XSLT primitive.

A BO map can be faster when the message content has already been accessed in the

mediation flow.

What is SMO? And wt it contains?

The SMO model is a pattern for using SDO Data Objects to represent messages. The SMO
contains a representation of the following groups of data:

The business payload of the message. The payload is the application data exchanged

between service endpoints.

Header information associated with the message. For example, Java Message Service

(JMS) headers if a message have been conveyed using the JMS API.

Context information (data other than the message payload).


What are Shared, Transient and Correlation Context?

Shared Context: Context is a temporary area which is created along with

Message Object (SMO) in the Mediation Flows. Shared Context is a
present in the SMO. Shared Context is mainly used
where we need to Iterate the BO for
data between


type of context which is

when we are using Aggregation process

Certain times. Shared Context maintains Aggregation

Aggregation (FanOut and FanIn) primitives. The Content (data) which is

present in the shared context BO does not persist across Request and

Response flows i.e

The Data in the Shared Context which is used in Request

flow can not be used again in

Response flow.
Transient Context: Used for passing values between Mediation primitives
current flow either the request flow or the responses flow. The
link requests and responses and hence cannot be

within the

transient context cannot

used across.

Used when you want to save an input message before a service invokes call
request or response flow). After the services invoke call, the next
another message by combining the service invoke

(within a

primitive can create

response and the original message stored

in the transient context.

Correlation Context: Used when Mediation primitives want to pass values

from the

request flow to the response flow.

Used to pass values from the request message onto the response.

Difference between Callout and Service Invoke?

Service Invoke: The Service Invoke primitive is used to make a service

either a request or response mediation flow. The service may be
Way. Multiple instances of the Service Invoke

request in

Request/Response or One-

primitive are permitted in a flow, allowing

a series of service invocations to be performed.

Callout: The Callout receives the message and calls the requested
operation. There is a Callout node for each connected



target operation in the mediation flow.

If the call is successful, the Callout Response node in the response flow receives the
response message.

If the call is unsuccessful, the Callout can be set to retry service invocations depending on
the type of fault received.

How can you implement loop in mediation?

By using Fan-in and Fan-out primitive.


What is the functionality of Fan-in and Fan-out?

Fan-out:We can use the Fan Out primitive to fire the output terminal once
the input message) or to fire the output terminal multiple times. You


can use Fan Out in

isolation or as part of a Fan Out and Fan In combination.

Fan-In: Fan In is always partnered with a Fan Out in the same flow and acts
decision point for when to continue flow execution. It receives a number
a decision point is reached, at which point the last message
to the output terminal. The Fan In primitive may

of messages until

to be received is propagated

only be used in combination with Fan


as a

How can you change the runtime changes using mediation primitive?

We have future called Promotable properties in ESB. We can configure this

development. Then we can make it changed at runtime without


future while
the server it

can be published.










Data Source need to be created and need to configure with DB. If we have

security, then

need to created security authentication.


Different between SDO and SMO?

SDO: Service Data Object is the representation of the variable or Object.

SMO: The SMO model is a pattern for using SDO Data Objects to represent


Difference between Stop and fail?

Stop: Stops a particular path in the flow, without generating an exception.

Fail: Generates a failure in the flow.
WPS WESB Interview questions
1. how do we develop and use Java components in BPEL.
2. How to invoke a Human Tasks from BPEL.
3. Explain a business scenario where you need a bpel vs a mediation flow.
4. What is fan in fan out primitive in flow
5. what is shared context and where do you use it.
6. what are the invocation styles in mediation flow
7. How do you assign a human task to a specific user and what are the task goes through after
being claimed.
WebSphere ESB interview questions
What kind of questions might be asked when you go for in WebSphere ESB (or) other ESB'
developer interviews?
ESBs really play crucial role in the SOA world today and jobs in this area have grown rapidly in
the last few years. So, when you plan to appear for an ESB developer or consultant positions,
you might worry what kind of questions the interviewer might ask for.
In this blog, here I have come up with the list of topics or questions where interviewers
(including myself) mostly touch upon for testing the candidates capability. This is my initial
draft. I would add further questions as and when I remember
Any suggestions or feedback to improve the content is appreciated.

Questions on Architecture, Foundations and/or Pre-requisites:


Explain or tell about SOA architecture.

How do you differentiate between WebServices and SOA?
Compare and contrast different approaches of implementing WebServices; JAX-RPC, JAXWS, REST (JAX-RS).
What is the need of an ESB in SOA architecture? What role does it play?
List out the capabilities of ESB
Explain SCA architecture. How does it vary from SOA architecture?
What is service messaging object? How is it different from data object?
Briefly explain the service message object structure.

Questions on Development, Tooling Features:

What kind of projects can you create in WID that run on WebSphere ESB runtime?
What is an Integration Solution? Can you deploy it on server runtime?
What is mediation module?
What is an assembly diagram? What all does an assembly diagram will have?
List out the different bindings available in WID
Which is the default binding?
Which binding will you use when you want to communicate between mediation modules?
What are different categories of primitives available?
Difference between XSLT and BO Transforms? If you want the transformation in specific order,
which one would you use?
Difference between Service Invoke and Callout
If you want to invoke another service within a mediation module and retrieve the response
within the same flow, which primitive would you use?
Difference between Fail and Stop primitives? When do you use each?
Which primitives have this attribute? Use dynamic endpoint set in message header
How do you dynamically change the web service endpoint address?
What is the correlation context? How is it different from transient context?
What is the purpose of shared context? When do you use it?
When do you think you go for custom primitive? How many input and output terminals can
custom primitive have? How do you fire the output through output terminals?
When do you use a data handler? Name the data handlers that you would have used. How to
create your own data handler.
How do you perform serialization and de-serialization of SMO objects to/from native objects?
When do you use FanIn & Fanout primitives?
What are shared libraries? How do you implement them? What are advantages.

EAI patterns:
What are the service mediator patterns you worked with?
Explain service gateway pattern, selector pattern, aggregation pattern etc



Questions on WebServices:
What is purpose of WSDL in WebServices?
Explain WSDL structure
What are different WSDL binding styles? When do you use each? How does SOAP message
structure change in each of scenario? Which is commonly used?
Document literal
Document literal wrapped
Document encoding
Rpc literal
Rpc encoding
Can you refer another WSDL inside a WSDL? If so, are there any challenges.
Explain SOAP message structure.
How does a SOAP message with attachments look like?
Have you worked with XOP or MTOM? Please explain.
When do you use SOAP handlers? What are methods to be implemented if you were
implementing it?
What are different development approaches in WebServices? Top-down vs bottom-up.
Compare JAX-RPC vs JAX-WS vs REST. Which one do you normally use?
What are advantages of JAX-WS over JAX-RPC?
List the files which get generated at client side and/or server side when you work using
JAX-RPC approach
JAX-WS approach
Questions on JMS/MQ:

What are different types of queues?

Tell about different messaging styles in JMS. When do you use each?
o Point-to-point
o Publish-subscribe
Differences between Topics and Queues
Tell me the difference between local and remote queues
What is an ActivationSpec? When do you use it?
How do you invoke an MDB using JMS?
How do you configure your local or remote queues in Websphere?
How do you implement a basic authentication in WebServices Import/Export?
Have you worked with SSL security i.e. digital certificates?
Explain the usage of WS-Security Policy Sets. What are advantages of using Policy Sets
Explain the different steps you perform when implementing any one of the above security
mechanisms in WebSphere ESB server?
Other Questions:

What are differences between WID 6.2 and WID 7.0 or IID? How are mediation modules
deployed in v6.2 vs v7.0 etc
Have you faced any difficulties during your development & how did you overcome them.
Module Vs Mediation Module
The philosophy is that there are two sets of functions. ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) and
Process Choreography (BPEL and Human Tasks). The ESB functions are also known as
The Mediation Module can be used to hold ESB functions while the (Process) Module can hold
Process Choreography functions. When WPS first came out, there was no ESB function so they
grabbed the term "Module" to refer to an SCA solution. What you build with the assembly
diagram editor in WID becomes the "Module". When WESB came along, a second type of
Module was created so they called that a "Mediation Module". My guess is that if we could roll
back time IBM would have called the "Module" the "Process Module" and not just "Module" for
The similarity between the two is that both are SCA assemblies. The difference between the two
is the types of SCA components that can be added to each.
In a Mediation Module, you can have Imports, Exports, Java Components and Mediation Flow
In a (Process) Module, you can have Imports, Exports, Java Components, BPEL components,
Human Task components, Selector Components, Interface Map components, State machine
components, Selector components.

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