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icy plains
Tipetele lor astupau tunetele
Lucrurile astea au fost deja scrise
The wind it blows cold
Howling my name
I am the king
The king of this waste
I willl not return....
Iar pamanturile sterpe inc-odata vor fi maturate de puhoiul de sange
Nu va temeti, samanta voastra isi va continua existenta, e inca inocenta, dar vo
i capetenia
cea care pana mai inainte refuza a-si pleca capul, acum il veti pleca de de tot,
veti muri aici si acum de mainile mele, iar cel mai mare blestem al vostru va f
acela ca rodul vostru nu va va cunoaste gloria si avutia, ve-ti fi trait degeaba
, iar rodul vostru va fi binecuvantat cu curatirea de pacate in fata mea.
nu am sa las copii vostri sa vi se inece in sangele murdar ce-l purtati in vene
( un capitan venind catre coruptie)
blestemul iadului si raiului au fost aduse asupra ta
Imparatia terorii
Viziunile vin, viziunile trec dar ura ramane adanc in mine
Suflet batran
vantul imi e mesager, muntii imi sunt zidurile cetatii, bolta cereasca e acoperi
sul meu
Perdeaua noptii cade peste ceruri ( adica vine noaptea)
stralucirea noptii
Alaturani-te in calatoria far de sfarsit
Cand noaptea vine, Cand luna e plina.
I am the formless one
As I grow the pain sustains
Deep inside my soul
Visions come and visions go
But hate will never leave me
Recall, the look in their eyes
Join us in our never ending journey
Into the burning lake of fire
Let us fill your helpless soul
Fill it with sweet desire

noaptea straluceste din zare
Iar masca-i usor se desface de pe fata si ii cade, atingand pamantul se facu tan
Campiile astrale
Lightnin break across the sky ( lumini ce crapa cerul)
Storming demons travel trough the night
Wrapped in steel
Desert moon
ride forth in pride
sands of time
Samanta urii
we paint the sky with blood tonight
Setting free the damned to fight
The Hot winds of hell breathe your name

Veti vedea lucurile ce eu le vad
Infernal Wisdom
Intelepciunea infernului

Intunericul inghite pamantul sacru, casa a diavolului, convoaca-i, sa arda trada
torii, hotii si mincinosii
dar intai murdareste pamantul cu sangele lor, macelareste/masacru/carnaj miei, l
eapada-le trupurile in flacarile eterne
un ochi de gheata si un altul de foc
a prabusit raiul (l-a adus pe pamant)
Luptati cu plodul intunericului, trageti raiul in jos pe pamant, spargeti portil
Mania Raiului
Arzi cu furie
Yesterday is gone forever
No turning back the clock
In the end, all is sinful
No need to bear the pain
The end, is coming soon
You can't hold out forever
Repent your sins to me
Before you pass this world
In this time I am law
I know you've been betrayed
From man's word, I'm given life
Through loss, I only gain
For you, I feel no sympathy
No sorrow, no remorse
Confess your sins to me
They'll be taken by force
It doesn't matter what you've done
In my words you are a sinner
For every word you say to me
In every way, you are a sinner
Question me not
I am the one that binds this world
You follow without sight
I grow stronger every day
Take the souls I have damned
Burn them in my name
These are the burning times
The years of pain

Binecuvantarea Focului
Botezat in flacari
-Ce-ti doresti tu ?
-Fa-o...fa tristetea sa plece
Negru precum pacatul
Eu imi traiesc viata printre cei blestemati. Le sunt frate, alaturi de ei merg p
e cararea vietii
I am my own savior
Eu imi sunt propriul mantuitor...izbavitor. Sunt cununa regilor, luna noptii, fl
acara iubirii
. Eu sunt calea, sunt sursurul izvoarelor si iarba campului. Sunt roua diminetii
, lumina zilei,
Eu sunt propria distrugere... decadere. Sunt sabia regilor, stelele noptii, raco
area vrajmasiei,
Eu sunt labirintul, sunt tunetul cerurilor si dunele desertului. Sunt rosul apus
ului, intunericul
Ma asteapta in flacarile mistuitoare... El ma asteapta
There is a place far from her home
She strayed her path too long
Into that wood, she found the stone
Lost souls should never look upon
At first glance, a lone monolith
Lifeless, cold and grey
She looked in deep, this timeless relic
The lost fall easy prey
Come into my world, my child
And I will take you home
I'm your Reaping Stone
Come into my world, my child
And I will take you home
I'm your Reaping Stone
Think not of ones you've lost
Nor of ones you leave
I shall give you strength to pass
I will set you free
Come into my world, my child
And I will take you home
I'm your Reaping Stone
Ten thousand years from now, a child will be born
I've seen the vision, the writing on the wall
He'll walk the Earth, two thousand years or more
Paving the way, for mankind's fall

So there is hope you see, but we must act with great speed
Assemble the chosen, the ones to lead,
And morph them in the likeness of man
Daylight breaks hard on sacred ground
For centuries we've questioned them of His birth
But in this hour, on this day, The Elder knew
Years of madness must now subdue
Order must be enforced to hide the truth
Cause on this day, in this hour it's coming true
Child of the wicked and ancient man
Baptized in black magic, their master plan
Born of the Watch, his prophecy, by their command
concieved of the beast and the stars above
well shape and guide him with undying love
born of the watch the sands of time by their command
So, behold the birth, the wicked child
Born of the Beast, in eastern sands
He will arise, He will divide
He has the power to bring the end
It's up to us now to seal his fate
Marked with the proper math the child's none to late
Blessed by the Beast, our Chosen One was born this day
He'll rise from the ashes of our dying race
Manipulate history, time and space
The Elder, Men of the Watch, professed this day
So, behold the birth, the wicked child
Born of the Beast, in eastern sands
He will arise, He will divide
He has the power to bring the end
Behold the birth, the wicked child
Born of the Beast, in eastern sands
He will arise, He will divide
He has the power to bring the end
Iara Naggenir domnea intru tinuturile de dincolo de Styx, in nisipurile estului
s-avea imparatia,
colo unde stele stralucesc si pe timp de zi, niciodata nu s-au stinge, mereu i-o
r lumina
clipele-i ce-or veni. Ele ii vegheaza si lumineaza calea iara Naggenir, imparatu
l stelelor, le
asculta porunca in schimb s-asa ele afla ce vine, precum ele poruncesc. (adica e
le ii dicteaza
ce sa faca, nu ca ele stiu ce urmeaza sa se intample). Si Naggenir era intr-a 20
-a primavara
a vietii sale, mai tanar ca el nedomnind nimenia, din vremurile uitate si pana a
mu'. Iara-i
ambitia si corectitudinea ii erau sabia, caci domnea imparatia-si cu inversunare
si mare grija in
fapte, mereu cu privirea inspre stele si niciodata in jos.
For many years, I've walked among you
Through the folds of time and space

Kingdoms fall, leaders die, as I see fit

Multi ani am umblat in mare taina printre voi...Am despletit firele subtiri ale
timpului s-ale
spatiului. Iata acum , de mana mea, or cadea regate , s-or muri regii lor
When the Jews return to Zion
And a comet fills the sky
The Holy Roman Empire rises
And you and I must die
From the eternal sea he rises
Creating armies on either shore
Turning man against his brother
Till man exists no more
Milenii la rand mi-au spalat ploile ranile de sange si el va fi din nou acolo, a
steptand urma
toarea ploaie. Iar pe fata ei milenii la rand s-or scurge lacrimi.
Am venit sa smulg viata din tine!
Si m-oi plimba prin grau, cel pan la brau pe campurile unde fost despart
ita de viata, scumpo.
Si m-oi plimba prin grau
Auriu ca paru-ti neted
Ce mi-a ajunge pan la brau
Ca graul, acum vested
Caci m-oi duce la rau
Cel al nostru, far de moarte
Si oi incerca a tine-n frau
Amintirile cu tine, toate
Iar timpul e firul subtire ce tese viata muritori si o tine de a nu se desface
Iara orisicine ar fi cela de s-a duce colo-n zare peste un munte si peste o mare
s-o intoarce cu
buzele petleciuite slabi in trup iar cu parul, carunt.
Ma Hranesc din viata muritorilor
Vino, vino in barlogul bestiei! Prin cavernele si labirintele lumii de sub paman
t oi trece doar sa-ti
fiu langa tine, al meu rege, E asa de imbietor intunericu-ti! Scalda-ma in frica

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