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5.1 Function of hardware and peripheral

If the computer revolution do not exist, what happen today.


The education of the process of acquiring knowledge will be slow, because in the
traditional model, people learn from other people such as parents, teachers, and
employer. Today, educator also are turning to computer ta assist with education
such as in some schools, student using the computers on their desks during
classroom lectures.


The information technology era will not exist.


The worker productivity will decrease because the people have energy and not
have ability like computer.


The production of factory become slower and take the long time.


The cost to produce the product will increase because the factory must spend
their money to the workers salary.

In the during process of completing our assignment ,we had done an interview with
an experienced person in construction site,about the did hardware and peripheral are used
and help him to done work. He said using the technology never to make difficult and cause
because that hardware and peripheral are help in construction.
The important thing of hardware and peripheral nowadays such as:

The printer ,this output him to print data outcomes such as document tender, plan
site and cost estimation.


The display devices or computer screen really help in the construction .That no
deny it important to computer users .If without display device no matter what
windows that we use such as auto-CAD ,Microsoft word, Photoshop , Excel Word
or Project Word.This output peripheral helps us to show our work or task progress
and work done.


Keyboard also help for doing his work in construction .The peripheral helps him
on type a lot of thing .He every use the keyboard when he search the something
important in the internet. He also typed the documents ,letter ,note and memo by
using the keyboard.

At the end of the interview ,he affirming that the computer really helps people no matter in
what employment and industry they are. If the computer is not created and we still using our
hand or typewriter to type our work , for sure a lot of trouble we will be facing example when
the accidentally type the wrong word when we want to save the data or documents. He
believed in the future generation , other than water,food and shelter, the computer also will
be one of basic needs for human.
In addition, as young generation we should be grateful with existence the computer.
Computer may helps us a lot of thing and information useful in our daily life, but without our
own trouble and crime cases are not important thing and impossible could be done by other.
We should use this computer wisely and avoid use it in the wrong way. As the young
generation who will lead this world and future, this responsibility will be divided in same ratio
to each of our shoulder.

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