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In a business environment a lot of things that should exist in it to get the business / corporate world is run

can produce maximum results and in accordance with what has been planned. In an effort to business
success, a conflict must dimanage / tingkatb regulated in accordance with a conflict is ongoing. Conflict is
a beginning and end of conflict, as for the conflict that has no beginning and end of a conflict. In business
success must also be something other than conflict dimanage, in order to support the business, namely
as management. Management here is very important role because management is required by all types
of activities within an organization. Organization is the people who systematically work together to
achieve a goal. In addition there is also a management decision-making must dimanage. Where decision
making is used to choose a course of action in the solution for a problem that has faced, problem-solving
is the discovery of an act in the direction of improving the situation is less satisfactory, while the invention
is a process of problem recognition in decision making.
Planning also plays an important role in the business of business success, in the planning haruis has a
target to be achieved. Planning function focuses on the future, in other words how can we think to be able
to run the business and what the future is to be achieved. The conflict between the objectives related to
the values of managers, the community needs, and goals of the organization. A good organizational
structure is very supportive of business success because if someone is chosen according to the
capabilities he has in accordance with the requirements needed by businesses so businesses can more
easily to handle. Denagn the organizational structure it is easier to mengkoordionasi an efficient
organization, but if the level of specialization greater degree the more difficult it is for managers to
mengkoordinasasikan activities of different units. The range of management where the number of people
who report to managers in a management. Range management and coordination are related, that the
greater the number of subordinates (employees) who reports to a manager, it is also more difficult to
coordinate activities effectively.
Conflicts that arise in business success depends on each individual involved in business. Therefore,
conflict is necessary dimanage well and the maximum for business success menunjangnya consistent
with the objectives to be achieved, as well as in business sebagaiinti one with the other businesses so
there is a comparison. In essence, business success is not only focused on the conflict should be
dimanage but have good management, the organization supported by the organizational structure, the
beginning of an effort perencanaaqn, range management and how to coordinate is very important to
business success. These cover a part in achieving a successful business.

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