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To classify different types of neurons based on the structure.

To be able to distinguish the microscopic structure of a neuron and also central
nervous system (CNS).

The nervous system of human is responsible in maintaining the homeostasis and also for
our perceptions, behaviour, memories and most importantly all our voluntary movements.
Even though the nervous system is a very complicated system, it is made of only two types
of cells. They are neurons and neuroglia. Neurons are sensitive to various stimuli. In
contrast, neuroglia do not have generate or propagate action potentials, and they can
multiply and divide in the mature nervous system.

H & E mounted slides, microscope, colour pencils and drawing materials.

1) With the aid of a microscope, the slides were observed under 40X magnification.
2) Then the slide was observed under the magnification of 100X .immersion oil was
used to get a clear resolution.
3) The observation was drawn under either one of the observation on a paper and


Neurons are highly specialized for the processing and transmission of cellular signals. There
are two type ways to classify neuron. They are the polarity and also functional classification.
When the neurons are being differentiated under polarity, they can be divided into three
Unipolar: dendrite and axon emerging from same process.
Bipolar: axon and single dendrite on opposite ends of the soma.
Multipolar: more than two dendrites
When being differentiated under functions, they are categorized into three also.

Afferent neurons convey information from tissues and organs into the central nervous
system and are sometimes also called sensory neurons.

Efferent neurons transmit signals from the central nervous system to the effectors
cells and are sometimes called motor neurons.

Interneuron connect neurons within specific regions of the central nervous system.

There are significant differences between the observed slides. The most obvious difference
that can be observed is the amount of and density of the nucleus present.
1. Is an action potential transmitted faster between cells connected by electrical
or chemical synapses? Why?
Electrical synapses allow for faster transmission because they do not require the
slow diffusion of neurotransmitters across the synaptic cleft .The events that occur at
a chemical synapse take some time and impose a slight delay in communication.
2. Explain why the dorsal root ganglions are larger in diameter than the dorsal
Dorsal root is only made of sensory axons. Dorsal root ganglion contains the cell
bodies of sensory neurons. This explains the larger diameter of the dorsal ganglion
root compared to dorsal root.
3. Describe the protective structures and the gross anatomical features of the
spinal cord.
The spinal cord is protected by meninges and also pia meter. The meninges can be
differentiated into three parts. They are the Dura mater, the arachnoid mater, and the

pia mater. Other than this three, the cerebrospinal fluid also plays an important role in
protection of spinal cord.
4. Where the spinal meninges are located/ where are epidural, subdural and
subarachnoid spaces located?
Spinal meninges surround the spinal. The epidural spaces is located between the
Dura matter and the wall of the vertebral canal. The subdural spaces are located
between the Dura matter and the arachnoid matter. The subarachnoid spaces are
located between the arachnoid matter and the pia matter.

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