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Intestine Cleanse

The intestine (or bowel) is the segment of the alimentary canal extending from the
mouth via stomach to the anus and consists of two segments, the small intestine and
the large intestine. In humans, the small intestine is further subdivided into the
duodenum, jejunum and ileum while the large intestine is subdivided into the cecum
and colon.
The small intestine in an adult
human measure, on average,
about 5 metres (16 feet), with
a normal range of 3-7 metres.
It is approximately 2.5-3 cm in
diameter. The surface of the
small intestine is increased by
its special structure. Its length
is over 7 metres or 22 feet. If
you were to spread it out, it
would cover over 250 square
metres or almost 2700 square
Functions of the Small Intestine
Food from the stomach is allowed into the duodenum by a muscle called the pylorus
or pyloric sphincter and is then pushed through the small intestine by a process of
muscular-wavelike contractions called peristalsis. The major functions of the small
intestine are as follows:
a) Digestion
The small intestine is where most chemical digestion takes place. Most of the
digestive enzymes that act in the small intestine are secreted by the pancreas
and enter the small intestine via the pancreatic duct.
The three major classes of nutrients that undergo digestion are proteins, lipids
(fats) and carbohydrates: Proteins and peptides are degraded into amino acids.

Lipids (fats) are degraded into fatty acids and glycerol.

Some carbohydrates are degraded into simple sugars or monosaccharides

(e.g. glucose). Pancreatic amylase breaks down some carbohydrates (notably
starch) into oligosaccharides. Other carbohydrates pass undigested into the
large intestine and further handling by intestinal bacteria. Some
carbohydrates, such as cellulose, are not digested at all, despite being made
of multiple glucose units.

b) Absorption
The small intestine is the site where most of the nutrients from ingested food are
absorbed. The food that remains undigested and unabsorbed passes into the
large intestine.
Absorption of the majority of nutrients takes place in the jejunum, with the
following notable exceptions:

Iron is absorbed in the duodenum.

Vitamin B12 and bile salts are absorbed in the terminal ileum.
Water and lipids are absorbed by passive diffusion throughout the small
Sodium is absorbed by active transport and glucose and amino acid cotransport.
Fructose is absorbed by facilitated diffusion.

Intestinal problems
Problems with the small intestine can include:

Celiac disease
Crohn's disease
Intestinal cancer
Intestinal obstruction
Irritable bowel syndrome
Constipation etc.
However, the most common of these problems is constipation and Irritable Bowel
Syndrome. Brief information about them is as follows:
a) Constipation
Chronic constipation and irregularity have become a major problem in present
times. Our diets often consist of highly processed, nutrient and fibre deficient
foods. Many of these foods are not conducive to a healthy digestive system.
Constipation means different things to different people. For many people, it
simply means infrequent stools. For others, however, constipation means hard
stools, difficulty passing stools (straining) or a sense of incomplete emptying after
a bowel movement.
The number of bowel movements generally decreases with age. The most
common pattern is one bowel movement a day but this pattern is seen in less
than 50% of people. Moreover, most people are irregular and do not have bowel
movements every day or the same number of bowel movements each day.

It is important to distinguish acute (recent onset) constipation from chronic (long

duration) constipation. Acute constipation requires urgent assessment because a
serious medical illness may be the underlying cause (for example, tumours of the
colon). Constipation also requires an immediate assessment if it is accompanied
by worrisome symptoms such as rectal, abdominal pain and cramps, nausea and
vomiting and involuntary loss of weight. In contrast, the evaluation of chronic
constipation may not be urgent, particularly if simple measures bring relief.

b) Inflammatory Bowel Disease

People with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, the two most common
inflammatory bowel diseases, complaint of abdominal pain and diarrhoea and
sometimes experience anaemia, rectal bleeding, weight loss or other symptoms.
No definitive test exists for either disease and patients endure two initial
misdiagnoses on average. With Crohn's, appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome,
an ulcer or an infection is often wrongly suspected.
Crohn's involves ulcers that may burrow deep into the tissue lining at any portion
of the GI tract, leading to infection and thickening of the intestinal wall and
blockages that need surgery. Ulcerative colitis, by contrast, afflicts only the colon
and rectum, where it also causes ulcers; colitis is characterized by bleeding and
Intestine Cleanse
Everybody is not lucky enough to have regular defecation in the morning. Often,
people may have difficult and infrequent passage of small hard stools. A low fibre
diet is a risk factor in this case.
Imagine that stools have accumulated inside the intestines. They may be in the form
of a thin film as well, sticking to the walls of the colon. They hamper physical
efficiency, causing a lot of discomfort, irritability, lethargy, bloating, flatulence and
even headaches etc. Cleansing the intestines solves all these problems and greatly
promotes well-being. Some of the techniques used for intestine cleansing are as

Enema One option is to take enema, in which liquid is passed through a tube
into the rectum to stimulate bowel movements. Constipation linked to a painful
anal disorder may be relieved with a soothing ointment. Enema can be taken by
the patient himself from the comfort of his/her home, preferably without any
external help.


Colon cleanse Doctors observed that enemas do not have sufficient effect and
faecal matter inside the colon and large intestine is hardly cleaned. A colon
cleanse machine costing Rs. 50 lacs was invented. Many colonics were trained.
We now have about 100 such machines in India. They charge Rs. 2500/- for one
colon cleanse session. Most of the patients have found it beneficial.

Colon Cleanse Machine

Colon Cleanse Machine

(The head is kept on the left side and legs are spread on the right on either side)

Process: The patient sits down on a special chair designed for the purpose at a 45
inclination. His legs are spread at a 30 angle. A single use nozzle of about 1 cm
diameter and 10 inches in length is inserted into the anus with some lubricant.
Water is flowed into the large intestine through this nozzle. The colonic uses a
massager on abdomen to loosen hard faecal matter there. This water is thoroughly
purified by ultraviolet radiation and supplied at body temperature.
A total of about 40 litres of water is pumped inside in 45 minutes. The residue faecal
matter comes out of the anus along the sides of the pipe. All patients feel fresh after
colon cleanse. This process does not clean the small intestine because there is a
valve between the two intestines which prevents matter from going back into the
small intestine from the large intestine.
It is recommended that one does not eat heavy foods two hours prior to the session.

FAQs on Colon Cleanse


What is the Colon Cleanse experience like?


A typical session lasts approximately an hour. In the process, after the patient
has comfortably positioned herself/himself on the specially designed Colon
Couch, a gel-lubricated, disposable single-use nozzle is inserted into the
rectum. Carbon filtered and UVray disinfected water is gently infused into the
large bowel to soften and loosen the waste in the colon.


Is Colon Cleanse safe?


Yes, it is absolutely safe and there are no side effects.


How many times or how often does one need this cleanse?


The number of sessions will depend on individual needs of each patient.

Most people on a standard Indian diet may require a series of six sessions
initially, for a thorough cleansing of the colon. After that an individualised
monthly programme is recommended to keep the colon cleaned and toned.


How does the colon cleanse treatment compare to an enema?


Colon Cleanse is a much more comfortable experience where the patients

dignity and privacy is maintained at all times. Unlike an enema, in colon
cleanse the entire length of the colon is cleansed. A single session is said to
be equivalent to 30 enemas.

Colon Cleanse at home (I recommended it because it is Cure Yourself)

I found colon cleanse to be a good cleanse but it has two practical difficulties:

The patient has to leave home and go to a colonic.

The colon cleanse administration fee of Rs. 2500/- per session is rather high.

To overcome this problem I did the following experiment.

I hold a pipe having running water near my anus. The pipe is not inserted inside the
anus but the pressure of the water is sufficient for it to enter the large intestine. Soon
it builds up pressure inside and most of the faecal matter, including old accumulated
junk that has been lying inside the intestine for ages is thrown out. The resultant
freshness is unbelievable.
As regards the frequency of this procedure, I suggest that you do it once.
Subsequently, decide for yourself about the best frequency for you. It is safe once a
week. Doing it daily may remove some of the beneficial bacteria, which help in the
digestion of food, from the intestine.
I discussed this with a doctor who practices colon cleanse in Mumbai, after
undergoing his therapy. I asked him about the ramifications of my experiment. He
had the following observations to make about using a regular jet spray to do this at
home (after each of his observations, I have mentioned my response):

The water being sprayed inside is not at the same body temperature.
I confirmed that this is hardly inconvenient in view of the large benefits involved.


He suggested that using regular tap water may transmit some infection, which
may damage the walls of the intestine.
I told him that we use tap water for rinsing our mouths after brushing teeth. We
also eat fresh or stale salads containing raw vegetables washed in regular
water, without suffering any ill effects.

iii. He asked me whether I have experimented with it on myself.

I confirmed that I had, whereupon he admitted that doing this type of colon
cleanse at home is very good for everyone because it takes only 5 minutes,
involves no cost and is very convenient and safe. However, he asked me not to
publicize it.

Colon cleanse through diet

Fruits that are rich in fibre easily bulk up and create
extra volume or that act as a natural lubricant are
good choices for colon health.
Mango has long been used as a folk remedy to
relieve constipation, as it possesses laxative
properties.It may be eaten fresh or dried but the
fresh fruit is preferred for the higher mineral and
vitamin content. An unripe mango is especially

helpful for those with constipation but it may be a bit too tart on the tongue. The fruit
may be cut in strips or planks and can be eaten by itself as a sweet treat or dessert.
Organic apples, grapes, pineapples, papaya and kiwi are good for the entire
digestive system. These fruits not only contain fibre but some also contain valuable
enzymes that help maintain regularity.
Another excellent food which helps restore regularity and
helps the bowel movement is natural, probiotic yogurt. It
is important to choose a yogurt that is minimally
processed, as processed and multi-ingredient yogurts
typically do not give the same benefit.
The majority of common mass marketed probiotic
yogurts are pasteurized and contain many stabilizers
and sweetening agents. The abundance of sugars
completely defeat the purpose, since probiotics help reduce the unfriendly effects of
sugar. The healthy floras are many times not able to live through the pasteurization
Fiber rich foods:
Plant-based diets containing generous amounts of vegetables, fruits, beans, seeds,
nuts and whole grains are high in fiber, which is the essential, non-digestible
component of food. A high-fiber diet supports a healthy digestive tract by sweeping
debris from the colon, much like a broom. Fiber also holds moisture in the colon,
softening the stool. We need both soluble and insoluble fiber for colon cleansing
every day. Soluble fiber dissolves in water whereas insoluble does not. Insoluble
fiber is especially good for improving elimination and preventing constipation.
Soluble fiber increases beneficial bacteria, which produce natural antibiotics that
eliminate potentially harmful bacteria. Consistent levels of healthy intestinal flora can
also help prevent colon cancer. Soluble fiber is also important for binding cholesterol
Flax seed and oats top the list of foods highest in both soluble and insoluble fiber.
One tablespoon of ground flax seed contains four to six grams of fiber. Other foods
high in soluble fiber include beans, peas, rice, barley, citrus, strawberry and apples.
Foods high in insoluble fiber include whole wheat, rye, brown rice, barley, cabbage,
beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower and apple (with skin).
Fiber recommendations are between 20 to 35 grams a day, but the modern affluent
diet provides only about 10 g. (High amounts of fiber, however, should be avoided
during inflammatory bowel conditions.) To meet the fiber requirement, consume daily
five or more servings of vegetables and fruits, and six or more of whole grains. A half
cup of fruit or vegetables or one cup of leafy, raw greens makes one serving.

Green Foods
The high chlorophyll content of green foods (such as alfalfa, wheatgrass, barley
grass, spirulina) makes them ideal for colon cleansing. In addition to cleansing,
chlorophyll soothes and heals damaged tissue in the digestive tract. It helps the body
to obtain more oxygen and draws out toxins. For this reason, chlorophyll is called the
internal deodorant.
Most people need to drink more water. Water is
the universal solvent and an insufficient amount
of it causes constipation and toxicity in the bowel
and kidneys. Physical activity, fever, hot or dry
climates and consumption of meat and salty
foods all increase the need for water. The
optimal amount varies widely, usually from six to
10 glasses a day. One useful formula is to drink
half your weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds (55 kilograms),
drink 60 ounces (eight glasses/two liters) of water per day. This can include pure
water, herb tea or diluted fruit juices. Caffeinated beverages do not count because
they are dehydrating. The best time to drink a glass of water is between meals or 20
minutes or more before eating; sip only small amounts with a meal.
An important rule is: When thirsty, drink waternot pop or other beverages.

Benefits of the colon cleanse

1) Colon cleanse is beneficial in helping to restore good health by:

Clearing the colon of old hardened waste material and harmful toxins.
Reducing absorption of toxins via healthy mucosa.
Strengthening peristaltic (natural muscular contraction) activity in the colon.
Promoting return of normal, regular bowel movements.
Providing a favourable environment for bacteria and micro flora for digestion.

2) Some of the toxins that are present in the colon make the body unable to
metabolise food and fat, increasing food cravings, abdominal gas and chronic
fatigue resulting in obesity. Colon cleanse along with appropriate exercise and
diet program helps us to fight obesity and reduce weight. Colonics expel waste
resulting in:

Reduced fat deposition in the body due to good hydration.

Improved tissue metabolism due to hydration leading to better lipid
Overall fitness enhanced energy level and toned muscles.

3) Colon cleanse rejuvenates our entire system by enhancing anti-oxidant activity in

the body thereby slowing the aging process considerably. It is therefore
recommended to go in for regular sessions of Colon Cleanse and maintain a
nutritious diet in order to eliminate all waste and toxins and have a healthy
glowing skin as the secret to beautiful skin is a healthy colon.
Cleansing and nourishing are two equally important factors in the health equation.
Keeping your colon clean in turn keeps your tissues clean and allows your cells to
rebuild. Ultimately, a colon-cleansing diet both nourishes the body and clears the
way to good health.

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