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Meteoriti in Romania

Kakova, jud. Caras-Severin, L6, 1858

Iancu, O. G. : "Petrological considerations concerning the Kakowa meteorite", An. St. Univ. "Al. I.
Cuza" Iasi, XLVIII, p. 53-60, 2002.

Mez-Madaras, jud. Harghita, L 3.7, 1852

HOINKES G. et al. (1974) Chemismus von Spinellen aus dem Mez-Madaras Chondrit (in
Analyses of Extraterrestrial Materials, eds. W. Kiesl et al., pp. 265-288, Springer, Berlin).
DODD R.T. et al. (1966) Significance of iron-rich silicates in the Mez-Madaras chondrite
(Amer.Mineral. 51, 1177-1191). VAN SCHMUS W.R. (1967) Polymict structure of the
Mez-Madaras chondrite (GCA 31, 2027-2042). BINNS R.A. (1968) Cognate xenoliths in
chondritic meteorites: Examples in Mez-Madaras and Ghubara (GCA 32, 299-317).
MICHEL-LEVY M.C. (1987) Microchondrules in the Mez-Madaras and Krymka
unequilibrated chondrites (abs. Meteoritics 22-4, 1987, 355-356). MICHEL-LEVY M.C.
(1988) A new component of the Mez-Madaras breccia: A micro chondrule- and carbonbearing L-related chondrite (Meteoritics 23-1,1988, 45-48). NEHRU C.E. et al. (1991) Matrix
lumps in Dhajala and Mez-Madaras: Implications for chondrule-matrix relationships in
ordinary chondrites (abs. Meteoritics 26-4, 1991, 377). TPEL-SCHADT J. et al. (1985) The
submicroscopic structure of the unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, Chainpur, MezMadaras, and Tieschitz: A (TEM) transmission electron microscopic study (Earth Plan.Sci.
Lett. 74, 1-12). WOOD J.A. (1991) Alkali fractionation among chondrules of the MezMadaras chondrite (Meteoritics 26-4, 1991, 410). SUGIURA N. et al. (1997) Isotopic
compositions of carbon and nitrogen in Mez-Madaras measured with a secondary ion mass
spectrometer (Meteoritics 32,-4, 1997, A126)

Mocs, jud. Cluj, 1882, L 5-6

Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Exposure and Fall of the Mocs (L6) Chondrite: A Study of Strewn
Field Samples." Meteoritics and Planetary Science., 35, 1215-1227, 2000 - Ferko, Thomas E.,
and M.E. Lipschutz. "Cosmogenic-Radionuclide Profile of the Mocs Meteorite Strewnfield;
initial results" 27th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 1996 - Ferko, Thomas
E., and M.E. Lipschutz. "Cosmogenic-Radionuclide Profile of the Mocs Meteorite
Strewnfield - a research update" 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass
Spectrometry, May 1996 - Iancu, O. G., Miura, Y., Iancu, G. : "Shock Effects in Olivine
from Mocs Chondrite", Meteoritics, 30, 3: 524, 1995 - Miura, Y., Iancu, O. G., Iancu, G.,
Yanai, K., Haramura, H. : "Reexamination of Mocs and Tauti Chondritic Meteorites;
Classification with Shock Degree", Proc. NIPR Symp. Antarct. Meteorites, 8, Tokyo: 153166, 1995

Ohaba, jud. Alba, 1857, H5

Iancu, O. G. : "Petrological and geochemical considerations on the Ohaba chondrite", An.
Inst. Geol. al Rom. Bucuresti, 73, p. 18-19, 2003

Plescoi, jud. Buzau, 2008, H 5-6

4516'30"N, 2642'35"E
Plecoi Village, Berca Commune, Buzu Co, Romania
Fell: 12 June 2008, 21:45 h local time EEST (UT+3)
Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L5/6)
History: On 12 June, 2008, a bolide was observed by eyewitnesses from 6
counties in south Romania (along about 325 km distance); locally it was
accompanied by sonic booms. The fireball was white green, very brilliant and it
crossed the skies along a W-E trajectory, at an angular height of 35-40 above
the horizon (eyewitnesses reports on "Urbi et Orbi", author Valentin
Physical characteristics: One mass (6.913 kg) of basic conical shape (20 19
11 cm) with a flat side was discovered by Mihail Popescu in his garden. The
stone remained where it had landed for approximately 3 weeks. The specimen
showed a dull, black, fusion crust (1 mm thick) with a thin network of cracks;
only a a very small (about 2 1.5 cm) area of the light-gray breccia with
metallic grains (<1 mm) was revealed. The flat surface exhibits some lightercolored strips and parallel thread lines marked by molten drops.
Petrography: (Dana Pop, BBU; Gretchen Benedix, NHM): Chondrule outlines
are obscure under the optical microscope, but more discernable in BSE images.
Recognizable chondrule types include barred olivine and radiating pyroxene.
The fusion crust is relatively thick. The matrix is fully recrystallized;
brecciation is not obvious. Metal and troilite grains are relatively fresh,
sometimes with thin weathering rims. Olivine exhibits undulatory extinction.
Geochemistry: Olivine (Fa25.50.3; n = 56), low-Ca pyroxene (Fs21.40.1; Wo1.30.2;
n = 34). Chromite (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.85; Fe/Fe + Mg = 0.86).
Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L5/6); S2, W1
Specimens: A 20 g sample, two thin sections and two thick sections are on
deposit at BBU. One 49.95 g piece and one thin section are deposited at NHM.
The main mass is with the finder of the stone (M. Popescu).

Sopot, jud. Dolj, 1927, OC

Tuzla, jud. Constanta, 1920, L6

Tauti, jud. Cluj, 1937, L6

Iancu, O. G., Iancu, G., Miura, Y., Iancu, S. G. : "Chemical Composition and the Degree of
Shock Metamorphism of the Tauti Romanian Meteorite", Ann. Sci. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi,
XLII-XLIII: 15-25, 1997 - Miura, Y., Iancu, O. G., Iancu, G., Yanai, K., Haramura, H. :
"Reexamination of Mocs and Tauti Chondritic Meteorites; Classification with Shock
Degree", Proc. NIPR Symp. Antarct. Meteorites, 8, Tokyo: 153-166, 1995 - Hadnagy A.,
Miura Y., Iancu, O. G. : "Field Survey of Spherules and Other Microminerals From the
Tauti Meteorite Fall Area (Arad County, Romania)", Abstracts of the International
Symposium On Planetary Impact Events And Their Consequences On Earth PIECE99,
Japan, p. 34, 1999 - Iancu, O. G., Miura, Y. : "Shock Features and Composition of Tauti
Meteorite", Abstracts of the International Meeting: Spherules and Global Events, Budapest,
1995 - Meteoritical Bulletin 56 - Meteoritics 14


Place of fall: Tauti, Oradea, Romania
4643'N., 2330'E.
Date of fall: July or August, 1937.
Class and type: Stone. Olivine-hypersthene chondrite (L6).
Number of individual
specimens: 3
Total weight: 21 kg
Circumstances of fall: After three explosions and a bright bolide, a 20 kg
stone fell at Tauti and two other stones of about 0.5 kg each fell at Gura
Suvelului, about 6 km south of Tauti.
Source: H. Savu, 1959. Meteoritul pietros de la Tauti (1937). Studii si
cercetari de Geologie 2, 273-280.


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