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International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences, 2(12) December 2013, Pages: 1013-1017

TI Journals

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences


Study of Some Social Factors Affecting Attitude towards Natural

Tourist Attractions in Dezful City, Iran
Mohammad Bagher Koopaei 1, Mohamad Hasan Jafari Sayadi *2

Faculty Member, Department Of Social Sciences, Payam Nour University, Iran.

Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Payam Nour University, Iran.




Due to rapid urbanization and change in lifestyle foundations of the modern world, in the present
century, tourism has been increased more than before, for this reason how to respond to Extensive
leisure needs reveals necessity for further research in this area. this paper examines the attitudes of
over 18-years old citizens in Dezful city of Iran towards natural attractions of tourism and social
factors affecting it. In this study, in terms of implementation and the research objectives, Survey
methods, interviews and observations were chosen to obtain the desired information. The
population of this study was all citizens over 18 years living in the city of Dezful. By using the Lin
table, a sample size of 384 was calculated. Sampling for access to samples, according to a
heterogeneous population of Dezful city, was stratified random sampling. The data collection tool
was a researcher made questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed and shown to professors
and professionals whose opinions were used to correct the questionnaire. To test the hypotheses,
statistical tests (Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t-test and multiple regression
analysis), were conducted by using Spss software. The results showed that there was significant
relationship between gender, income, job dependency on the tourism, and awareness of the benefits
of tourism industry with attitude towards natural attractions of tourism.

Tourist attractions
Social factors
Dezful city

2013 Int. j. econ. manag. soc. sci. All rights reserved for TI Journals.



Short-term travels with massive scale that is common today, is a relatively new phenomenon. With the arrival of the age of reason and
logic, people added cultural travel to their travels and gradually emerged a new travel destinations and thus today, tourism has become one
of the world's largest economic sectors [7]. One of the most important destinations that has influenced trends in world tourism in the past
decades, are urban centers. Growths of short-term travels to these destinations become them as one of the main touristic destinations and
this phenomenon in these destinations has shown a significant decline in the world [18]. Urban tourism can be useful when it is in
conjunction with other urban functions. Since the concept of sustainability itself involves the interaction of three factors, environmental,
social - economic cultural, and physical [13]; Therefore, the planning, in relation to the civil sustainable tourism, also includes three
levels of market, urban growth, and local communities; Meanwhile, rural tourism can also include various fields of recreational activities,
such as visits to settlements, events, festivals, sports and different recreation in rural areas[14]. Today, tourists and tourism development
have created frequency economics, socio cultural and environmental impacts on Tourist reception areas. Effects of socio - cultural
tourism are the most important tourism development concerns in each region. Tourism development has positive social and cultural impacts
which are: 1) providing familiarity with how people live in other nations, b) Increasing well-being and quality of life of people, c) Creating
and expanding the breadth of the field of people vision, d) enrichment of cultural experiences of people, e) Providing transmission of
cultural values to the world, f) Protection of historical and cultural heritage, h) Revival of national traditions, i) The possibility of using
recreational and cultural facilities for the community, j) Increase in public spaces and places, and k) Mutual respect between people of
diverse cultures [20].
In addition, tourism also has a large economic impact such as: Creating jobs and achieving sustainable revenue, increased employment and
diversification of economic activities, reducing unemployment and creating jobs for people on low incomes, raising living standards, and
improving infrastructure and facilities [21]. Today, importance of tourism in terms of economic and employment is to the extent that It can
be the driving force of the economy of each country because Employment in this industry do not require high skills and training and local
people with few skills can be employed in service occupations. Tourism makes up 11 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) of the world
and supports the work of more than 200 million jobs worldwide and includes 8% of total employment [19]. Tourism also has a negative
impact on the environment, including air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, traffic congestion problem, splurge waste, damage to
historical buildings, destruction of natural vegetation, destruction of wildlife, and is even more [22]. Many factors affect the service
industry including two categories of increasing and decreasing factors. Population growth, increasing urbanization, changing age
distribution, reducing working hours and increasing holidays, educational and cultural factors, level of Education and culture, social
relations, the use of private vehicles, and promotional activities of tourism industry are factors increase the tourism industry and Political
instability, internal and external conflicts, riots and assassinations, revolutions and hijacking are considered as effective factors on reducing
* Corresponding author.
Email address:


Mohammad Bagher Koopaei and Mohamad Hasan Jafari Sayadi

Internat ional Journal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Science s , 2(12) Dece mber 2013

tourists [6]. According to the World Tourism Organization, total world tourism in 1950 was almost 25 million people and in 2000 it was
700 million, In 2006, it reached 842 million and in 2007 to 905 million; In this respect, Europe has accounted for 51%, Asia Pacific 22%,
America 20%, Africa 3% , and the Middle East 4 percent of the tourists. According to the report of World Tourism Organization in 2008,
growing attention of foreign tourists to Middle East and visiting the tourist attractions of the region has caused that this area become the
fourth world tourism hub and Finally in 2008, according to latest estimates, about 2 million people have traveled to Iran. [16]
Given that economic structure of Iran, after exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources, heavily depends on oil exports and its
foreign exchange earnings, and efforts which are made to get out of this situation and adoption of non-oil economic policies have had no
significant results. Now, to create an integrated and sustainable development and alternative income sources instead of petroleum resources
in the country, it requires the use of all the features and capabilities while Iran is one of the most scenic countries and as one of the first ten
countries in the world in terms of Tourist attractions (cultural and civilizational ), among the five countries in the world in terms of
biodiversity (natural environment), and Among the first three countries in the world in terms of a variety of handicrafts [5]. Iran Also, in
South Asia, accounts for the second largest tourist attraction and revenue from tourism after India (WTO). Although, According to
UNESCO, Iran is among the top 10 archaeological, historical and cultural countries in the world, but, Due to poor planning, the
contribution of this activity is less than 0.1% (about 0.08%) and still has not managed to attract a lot of tourists considering its potential [8].
Today, in many countries, the tourism benefits of urban tourism has become an important issue and shape flow of work and the social and
spatial changes dramatically, especially in developing countries. Accordingly, attention to this section in the cities has become inevitable.
Urban planning, which improve various aspects of human life in the city as its basic performance, pay particular attention to it. Urban
planners have concluded that in making any decision contrary to the desires, interests, experiences and values of the citizens, the result
would be undesirable. Urban Tourism planning, also as a branch of urban planning, obeys this rule. What has attracted the attention of
planners more than ever, is adoption of some strategies that has attractions for tourism projects. So far, tourism has been looked at from a
different perspective. Behaviorists recently, with the effects of the various sciences, have led researchers mind in the field of development
of Tourism, more than ever, towards understanding the properties of individual citizens [9]. In the evaluating tourism in Local
Communities During work process, by special emphasis on three key factors, participation in direct observation, interviews with managers
and relevant staff, indigenous people and preparing the questionnaire, The outcome will be closer to reality [17]; Therefore, communication
with citizens and understanding their behavioral pattern in the use of tourism space are one of the three dimensions of tourism studies.
Dezful city with beautiful nature and mountain plains and foothills at all times of the year to accommodate a large gathering of local and
foreign tourists. This paper examines the attitudes of citizens over 18 years old of Dezful city towards natural tourist attractions in this city
and social factors affecting them.


Previous research

Kazemi (2008) in his research about Tourism Development of Chabahar city in Iran, showed that majority of citizens of Zahedan city
(located in Iran) in traveling to Chabahar, consider cultural and shopping while factors such as willingness to physical activity, relaxation,
naturalism and luxuries are less common and involve certain groups. The reasons for this can be cited to limited understanding of Zahedani
citizens about Chabahar and its tourist attractions, especially in the field of recreational activities and nature guides.
Farajirad and Seyyed Nasiri (2010) conducted an investigation about Analytical approaches to the sustainable development of urban
tourism. They found that providing conditions for sustainable tourism requires that these concepts become part of the subconscious mind
and requires great efforts of all segments of a society. In this regard, issues such as the issue of growth, size, population, economy, culture
and social issues, which are essentially based on the environment, Cant continue without a trace on the environment; Therefore, the action
of urban tourism planning requires the formulation of principles that sustainable tourism development is established on the basis of them,
these principles are: a) principles which sustainable development policies are put on the basis of them, b) Important areas of sustainable
development, which is used in the tourism industry, c) How to divide responsibility for sustainable tourism development, and d) the
formulation of agenda for sustainable development in the tourism sector. Spatial structure of the city is made up of three basic elements,
Natural space, artificial space, and social space. Each of the elements can have an important role in urban tourism So as to have the
desirable quantity and quality to introduce to tourists as an attraction.
Seyfoddini et al (2010) in their study about quality and capacity of urban tourism in Isfahan city, concluded that, due to the volume of
incoming tourists which is more than physical admission capacity of this tourism destination, the host community felt negative and
undesired effect of tourism on socioeconomic aspects of the physical environment. On the other hand, the quality of the tourism experience
in the city was declining and only existence of important attractions in the city caused attraction of tourists to this destination and facilities
for tourism could not play the proper role in this regard. Waresi et al (2011) in their investigation about Tourism Space of mountain park of
Soffeh in Iran, stated that in tourism planning and related equipment and services, we should pay attention to the needs and desires of
various segments of society, because Any decision making about tourism that are inconsistent with desires, interests, experiences, and
values of tourists, often is not welcomed by them. Sports and Recreation services are superior features for selecting this location.
Cooper (1981) studied spatial behavior of tourists on the island of Chanel. He evaluated Differences in spatial patterns of Tourists based on
two variables of Life Cycle and socio-economic status and found that low-income tourists only tend to visit the major tourist attractions of
the city while high-income tourists visit the attractions that have been rarely visited. Mckercher (1993) in a research proposed the principles
of sustainable tourism as follows: Sustainable use of resources, reducing energy consumption and preventing its waste, conserve
biodiversity, tourism industry and planning, supporting local economy system, community participation, consultation with stakeholders and
the public, staff training, marketing of tourism and continued researches on tourism development. Kim et al (2006) tested excellent
relationship between tourism development and economic growth in Taiwan. The results showed that there is a long-run equilibrium
relationship between tourism and economic growth in Taiwan and the relationship between these two variables is also a two-way causal
relationship. In other words, in Taiwan, tourism and economic growth reinforce each other.

Study of Some Social Factors Affecting Attitude towards Natural Tourist Attractions in Dezful City, Iran


Internat ional Jour nal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Sciences , 2(12) December 2013

Vauzelles (1991) conducted a research and found that Sustainable tourism entrepreneurship is one of the main reasons for economic
development that lead to the growth and development of services that takes us to change and innovation. Tourism is one of the economic
sectors that greatly need entrepreneurial sectors diversity in products and tourism services should cope with high demands and all kinds of
tourists needs.


Research theoretical framework

By combination of multiple theories, factors affecting tourism can be explained. Natural approach to tourism, more than anything, can be
related to beliefs of residents. Residents' beliefs are the result of cognitive learning. These beliefs represent knowledge and inference that a
respondent have about the phenomenon, the features and benefits of them. Here, phenomena are natural resources, people and things that
public have comments, beliefs and attitudes towards them; Properties, properties or characteristics of a phenomenon, and finally, benefits
and positive consequences that the phenomena bring for residents [10]. So perhaps we can take advantages from social and psychological
theories more than anything to explain the residents' attitudes. One such theory is the theory of Rational Action. Based on this theory, the
best predictors of voluntary behaviors of people are their behavioral intentions determining by two factors:

Attitudes towards behavior: are based on two types of behavioral beliefs, Beliefs about the possible consequences of behaviors, and
evaluation of these consequences [25], which means the residents attitude towards the kind of tourism.
Personal norms about behavior: are based on two types of normative beliefs, Beliefs about others' opinions about the behavior, and
Motivation to fulfill these viewpoints.

In this paper, according to Fishbein and Ajzens theory, two variables were presented, Awareness of benefits and disadvantages of tourism
industry. The other theories that can be used in this regard are Gregorys knowledge-based model and Chalmers' theory of consciousness.
According to Gregory model, knowledge (eg, outcomes, understanding and opportunities), it directly affects the attitudes and behavior [26].
Knowledge and understanding of the positive and negative effects of tourism can directly influence the attitude and behavior of inhabitants.
According to Chalmers, obtaining any information about tourism, its benefits and disadvantages, and etc., can impact on residents' attitudes.
The hypothesis of relationship between job dependency of residents on tourism industry and attitudes of them towards natural attractions of
tourism is derived based on experimental results and exploratory interviews with residents of the target area. In addition to the
aforementioned variables, background variables (gender and income) were also analyzed.


Research Hypotheses


There is a relationship between job dependency on tourism and attitudes towards natural tourist attractions.
There is a relationship between awareness of benefits of tourism and attitudes towards natural tourist attractions.
There is a relationship between awareness of disadvantages of tourism and attitudes towards natural tourist attractions.
There is a relationship between background variables (gender and income) and attitudes towards natural tourist attractions.


Research Method

This research, in terms of purpose, is applied development research and in terms of implementation and the research objectives, Survey
methods, interviews and observations were chosen to obtain the desired information. Applying the three methods together helped researcher
to get closer to the research objectives. The population of this study was all citizens over 18 years living in the city of Dezful. Sample size
was calculated 384 by using the Lin table with an error level of 5% and a confidence level of 95%. Considering that the minimum obtained
sample size is applied in a homogenous population and failure to achieve some specific examples can undermine sample size, The sample
size was increased to 400. Sampling for access to samples, according to a heterogeneous population of Dezful city, was stratified random
sampling. Based on the population of each region, the sample size in each region was determined. Also In each neighborhood, Odd or Even
streets were selected, randomly and in every street, randomly, some houses were selected based on the number plate. The data collection
tool was a researcher made questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed and shown to professors and professionals whose opinions
were used to correct the questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha value for each variable was over 0.7; thus, reliability of the questionnaire was
approved. To test the hypotheses, statistical tests (Pearson correlation coefficient, Independent Samples T-Test and multiple regression
analysis), at a significance level of less than 0.01 were conducted by using SPSS software.
5.1. Testing hypotheses
5.1.1. Testing H1
To test correlation between variables, Pearson correlation test was carried.

Table 1.Pearson correlation test of H1

Independent variable
Job dependency on tourism

Pearson correlation coefficient (R)



As seen in table 1, p0.01 and r=0.81 which indicate that the correlation between job dependency on tourism and attitudes was direct and
very strong. This means that the more job dependency on tourism is, the much more positive attitude to the natural attractions is.
5.1.2. Testing H2

Mohammad Bagher Koopaei and Mohamad Hasan Jafari Sayadi


Internat ional Journal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Science s , 2(12) Dece mber 2013

Table 2. Pearson correlation test of H2

Independent variable
Awareness of benefits of tourism

Pearson correlation coefficient (R)



According to table 2, p0.01 and r=0.69 which shows that the correlation between awareness of benefits of tourism and attitudes was direct
and very strong. This indicates that if we be more aware of the benefits of the tourism industry, we will have more positive attitude to the
natural attractions.
5.1.3. Testing H3
Table 3.Pearson correlation test of H3

Independent variable
Awareness of disadvantages of tourism

Pearson correlation coefficient (R)



Since p0.01, there is no relationship between awareness of disadvantages of tourism and attitudes towards natural tourist attractions.
5.1.4. Testing H4
To evaluate the relationship between gender and attitudes towards the natural attractions of tourism, Independent Samples T-Test was
Table 4.Independent Samples T-Test of H4 (1)





Standard error of the mean





According to table 4, p0.01, and t results (t=2.75 and sig=0.01). Standard error of the mean for the two groups of men (32.76) and women
(59.12) showed a significant difference.
Also, to test the relationship between income level of residents and their attitudes towards natural attractions of tourism, Pearson correlation
test was carried.
Table 5. Pearson correlation test of H4 (2)

Independent variable
Income level of residents

Pearson correlation coefficient (R)



As seen in table 5, p0.01 and r=0.52, which shows that the relationship is direct and moderate. This means the higher the income, the more
positive attitude towards the natural attractions of tourism is in the medium level.
5.2. Other tests
To study the simultaneous effect of independent variables on the dependent variable, Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used. The
results showed that among independent variables, three variables of job dependency, awareness of benefits and income level were entered
in the equation.
Table 6.Stepwise multiple regression analysis of factors affecting attitude towards the natural attractions of tourism

Predictor variables




Job dependency







Awareness of benefits







Income level







Step 1: according to table 6, the first predictor variable of attitudes towards the natural attractions of tourism that was entered into the
regression equation was job dependency on tourism. This variable explained 4.2% of the variance of attitudes to the natural attractions of
tourism. Standardized regression coefficient for this variable is 0.42 (=0.42) that shows relative contribution of independent variables in
predicting changes in the dependent variable. In other words, for every one-unit change in job dependency on the tourism industry, the
attitude towards the natural attractions is explained by 4%.

Study of Some Social Factors Affecting Attitude towards Natural Tourist Attractions in Dezful City, Iran


Internat ional Jour nal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Sciences , 2(12) December 2013

Step 2: in this step, variable of Awareness of tourism benefits was entered into the regression equation and explained 10.7% of the variance
of attitudes to the natural attractions of tourism. By entering this variable, 6.5 % of the predictive power of the model is added.
Standardized regression coefficient for this variable is 0.52 (=0.52) that shows relative contribution of independent variables in predicting
changes in the dependent variable. For every one-unit change in Awareness of tourism benefits, the attitude towards the natural attractions
is explained by 5%.
Step 3: in this step, variable of income level of residents was entered into the regression equation. It explained 16.9% of the variance of
attitudes to the natural attractions of tourism. By entering this variable, 6.2 % of the predictive power of the model is added. Standardized
regression coefficient for this variable is 0.612 (=0.612) that shows relative contribution of independent variables in predicting changes in
the dependent variable. For every one-unit change in income level, the attitude towards the natural attractions is explained by 6%.



In this paper we studied contextual and social factors influencing attitudes of over 18-years-old citizens in Dezful city of Iran. The results
showed that there were significant relationships between three independent variables of job dependency, awareness of benefits of tourism,
and background variables and dependent variable of attitudes of respondents towards natural tourist attractions (R=0.81, 0.69, 0.52,
respectively). Standard error of the mean for the two groups of men (32.76) and women (59.12) showed a significant difference. According
to table 4, p0.01, t=2.75 and sig=0.001. These indicate that tourism attitude, According to Sex, is different in Dezful. There was no
significant relationship between variable of awareness of disadvantages of tourism and variable of attitudes towards natural tourist
attractions in Dezful city (R=0.0318). To study the simultaneous effect of independent variables on the dependent variable, stepwise
multiple regression analysis was used. The results showed that among independent variables, three variables of job dependency, awareness
of benefits and income level were entered in the equation. Totally, these three variables explained 16.9% of the dependent variable
(Adj.R2 =0.169).


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