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Int. j. econ. manag. soc. sci., Vol(3), No (7), July, 2014. pp.


TI Journals

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences


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The study of effect scoffs accompaniment in making decision in the

organs on the citizens behaviors, the assigning role of organ as the
mediating variable
(The case study: the staff of water and waste water company in Kermanshah)
Mozhgan Ahmadi *
M.A. in the Management, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.
*Corresponding author:



staffs accompaniment
the citizens behavior in the organ
the pessimistic organ

This study is to examine the effect of staffs accompaniment in making decision in the organs on the
citizens behaviors as well as the assigning role of the mediating variable among the staffs accompaniment
by using Edward Lowers model, three aspects of penetrating, controlling, accessing the information, in
order to enrich the measuring organs. Besides, there are some citizen behaviors including, friendship, duty,
fair, politeness, kindness and propriety. The pessimistic organ is a negative approach due to that the
approved hypotheses are highly correlative with staffs accompaniment and citizens behavior, besides, the
role of pessimistic organ has been taken as the mediating variable.

Nowadays the accompaniment in the social, political, economical issues have been considered very much, on the other hand, our today society
needs the economical, political, social, and cultural development that would be provided by peoples accompaniment. If the staff of government
belong to the people, they will be considered as the staff government, or the people who communicate people, therefore, the staff would be
considered as the main cause of development in every aspect, it is clear that the staff of every organ are the most valuable investment of it,
because the motivated person can change everything due to his power, and his experiences, therefore, one of the most important ways to produce
motivation in the staff is the accompaniment [1].
Nowadays, the organs try to apply the staff that concerns their duties in order to compete, to adjust the changing identity of staff, and to provide
the customers needs, because they believe that such behaviors are more than evaluating the reflective application, hence the staffs
accompaniment influences on the programs. It can be taken as the important cause which relates to the job application the increase to staffs of
business cause to change the staff of a source into the organ citizen. It is staffs behavior in the recent decades, besides those who analyze
behavior, the psychologists and sociologists have considered the citizenship behavior, which exists in an organ among those who scarify
themselves in order to provide the staffs welfare. The competitive environments need today staffs applications to be a good citizen, therefore
the staff tend to develop the sense of help among the employee and employers [2].
Despite increasing the staffs accompaniment in making decisions in the organs, this process leads to the staffs citizenship. There is a little
knowledge about the causes to influence on these relations and the string organs. Whereas there were many scientists who have searched it, but
there is a little study on affective cases such as the pessimism in the organ, the relation between the staffs accompaniment and making decisions
in the organs, and the citizens behavior. This study tries to answer two questions: First, how is the relation between the staffs accompaniment
in making decision and the staffs citizenship behavior? Second, whether the pessimism in an organ decreases the relation between the staffs
accompaniment in making decision in the organ and the staffs citizenship behavior?
The theoretical meaning of study has been taken from Bawel and Lower in the section of staffs accompaniment in making decision in the
organs, it includes the degree of staffs accompaniment in making decision in the organs. The degree of involvement includes the degree of
penetration to control the staffs decision in the organs.

Involvement in making decision

The participative management develops by scientists such as Arjis (1995), Likeyt (1961), Herzberg (1968), Lower (1986) as the different titles
such as, the management based on goal, the organ of suggestions, the groups to improve the quality of self reflective groups.
The participative management means to create the meaning of organ by managing all of staff, customers, and contractors of an organ in
decisions, solutions, management and accompaniment [3].
What is the meaning of employee involvement? It is a kind of involvement process in which the goal is to motivate the employees, the members
of organ to do the duties and involvement more? It leads to the organ success. Such thought is based on the employees decisions that influence
on their destiny; they are freer to make decisions and to control their deeds [4].
The reflex ability of todays organs is in the response to the increasing, technological development in the world, they consider the employees
involvement in making decision as the way to gin the knowledge more than human source. Coel claimed that the employees involvement
influences on increasing the employees duties to be content [5].


The study of effect scoffs accompaniment in making decision in the organs on the citizens behaviors, the assigning role of organ as the mediating...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (7), July, 2014.

The increase employees involvement is used to decrease the expenses, the size and the layers of organs. The previous researchers justify the
term of involvement in making decision as the accelerating cause of theirs decision as the accelerating cause of others decision, in order to
achieve the organ goals. It also has the different operational definitions.
There are the different approaches to examine, to apply the involvement in making decision.
Duchld and Wilert have defined three aspects of involving in making decisions:
It includes the formal against the informal penetration, the direct against the indirect penetration.
The degree of involvement can be taken as a collection of key elements to consider the involvement according to the quality of presence of
judged elements, the elements of involvement include:
The influence and control: the elements of involvement is the degree of penetration and control among the people in the process of making
decision, hence their rights come to be true. The degree of employees influence in making decisions can be limited to a suggestion for consult or
the right to rotting where as the degree of employees involvement is not equal in the different involvement, all of them have been taken as the
influence or the control on the employees decisions formal.
The accessibility to the information: the organs should provide the peoples information to provide the employees involvement. The employee
needs the information especially in the involvement fields, until they can access the suitable level of applicable involvement as the same as the
Bowel and Lower suggested. The accessibility to the information lets the employees bigger pictures be associated on the strategically goals, and
the environmental changes.
Enrichment: if the employee were not so much motivated in the involvement, the features of involvement would be fragile; hence it is necessary
to predict the suitable, enriching means such as reward, to support the higher managers, to hold the involvement fair, to connect other offices [6].

Organizational citizenship Behavior

The concept of citizenship Behavior has been first introduced by Benman and Organ in the first decades of 19890. The first researches have been
done on the organizational citizenship behavior, to recognize the duties and the behaviors of employees, but they did not consider. Whereas such
behaviors would be take incomplete in the traditional evaluation, but they improve the organ effects. Such behaviors have been defined as a
collection of voluntary and non voluntary behaviors that were not a classified as the section of individuals formal duties, but they have done
by him to improve the duties and the roles of organs.
It is individual and voluntary behaviors that are not directly designed by the formal systems of reword, bur it increase the organ effects such
definition is based on the main features of citizenship behavior: first, it is voluntary behavior, meaning a pre-designed duty instead of an
individual, formal dusty, second, the advantages, it broadcasts the organ behavior. The third, it is not directly considered in the formal organ of
reward. According to the principles, the aspects of organizational, citizenship behavior include:
1. The humanity sense, it relates to support the specific people in the job environment.
2. The duty sense: it includes the behaviors which let the people do their duties more than expectations.
3. To be fair: the employees approaches to tolerate the non ideal conditions minus any complaining about the failures. It relates to the
groups so much that the managers spend the less time on justification of members; they can devote a great deal of time on designing.
The programs to solve the problems.
4. Politeness and kindness: it includes the behaviors to avoid the problems, such as avoid the problem manning employees, or to consult
before taking action.
5. The civic propriety: it is behavior that shows an employees sensitivity to involve in the duties. The civic propriety includes the
suggestions about how a group work can develop the self application. This issue based on the identity of suggestion on the sources or
the more applicable employees, or the active involvement [7].
After examining these aspects, the organ concerns five aspects of citizenship behavior, for example; the people whom we think to concern their
duties may not be devoted, these aspects humanity sense may be a pressure of managers in the organs, it means the employees try to influence on
taking decisions to develop the reward dedication. Here, the employees of organ change into the good artists in the organs.
Croham believes that the citizenship behavior in the organs includes three kinds:
1. The organ information: it defines the behaviors which are necessary in the logical structures. The factors of information include: to
respect the organ principles, to do the duties absolutely in the organ sources.
2. To be devoted to the organ: such devotion in different from other people, sections and organs, in order to support the organ
advantages, to defend the organ.
3. The organ involvement: it relates to the organ, such as attending in the meetings, to share ideas, to know about the present issues [8].

The organ pessimism

The researches have defined it in the different ways; such definitions include the pessimistic thoughts about the future and the disappointment
about others.
The organ pessimism has defined in three ways:
1- The belief in this feat that organ has not honesty.
2- The negative feeling to the organ.
3- The mocking, aggressive behavior [9].
As whole, the organ pessimism is a approach includes the feelings, the behavior approaches, therefore the organ pessimism is a multi
dimensional concept: the people are pessimistic to their organ due to their specific beliefs, the dishonesty in the organ.
The power of pessimistic approaches as a function as power, or the seriousness every aspect. The studies show that these three aspects relate to
each other [10].

Mozhgan Ahmadi *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (7), July, 2014.

The research hypotheses

The research hypotheses include the following cases:
1- The positive picture of employees involvement in making decision increases the citizenship in the organs.
2- For the pessimistic aspects in the organs, the positive effect of employees involvement in making decisions is less in the citizenship
The research it is a survey study based on the correlative method, therefore, it can be classified in to the operational researches, the statistical
society includes all of employees in the water and waste water organ in Kermanshah by statistical methods, there were 80 persons randomly
chosen as an example. The questionnaire was used to gather data and to analyze it. Regarding the variables measurement of employees
involvement and the citizenship behavior, there was used persons gash that correlation as well as that of jersey of examines the role of
decreasing variables. The measurement tools were used to recognize the fluency; the standard questionnaires were also used to examine it by
teachers in the universities. The questionnaire of Alfa Kronbakh was used to examine the resistance which includes the questionnaire of
citizenship about 0/88 and the questionnaire of citizenship behavior, 0/86 the questionnaire of pessimism in the resistance was acceptable.

The test of hypotheses

The first hypotheses
Persons gestalt, cohesive correlation was measured between the variables of employees involvement in making decision and the citizenship
behavior in the organs. If the meaningful level was more than 0/05, we concluded that there is no meaningful statistical relation between
variables. As it was shown in the table 1, the cohesive correlation of variables was 0/830 and the meaningful level was 0/000 which is less than
0/05 and the cohesive correlation was positive, therefore the hypothesis was approved.
Table 1: the results of persons gestalt, cohesive correlation between the variables of
employees involvement in making decision and the citizenship behavior in the organ.
The citizenship behavior in the organ.

Cohesive correlation The employees involvement in making decision
Meaningful number

Second hypothesis
It was used Pearsons cohesive correlation. If the meaningful number is higher than 0/05, we concluded that there is no statistical meaningful
level. Regarding the results of software, it was considered that the cohesive correlation was 0/325 and the meaningful level was 0/000 which
was less than involvement 0/05 and the cohesive correlation is negative. Therefore, we concluded that the pessimism in an organ influences on
two variables, this effect appears in decreasing the cohesive correlation.


The findings of study show that the increase of employees decisions increases the citizenship behavior in the organ.
The results show that the pessimism in on organ decreases the relation between the individuals perception of employees involvement
in making decisions and the citizenship behavior, therefore the manageress of organ should recognize the affective causes of
citizenship behavior, in order to achieve the goals, to avoid the possible damages. The optimistic environment of organ is one of
managers duties, because it is in such condition that the affective factors in the organ. The increase of citizenship behavior would be
provided by encouragement. One of the affective fields to provide the politics to organ. The organ managers should try to flourish the
suitable ways. Environment as well as the optimistic condition helps the managers, hence they should consider the employees
involvement in the organs and the kind environment.


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