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Int. j. econ. manag. soc. sci., Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015. pp.


TI Journals

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences


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Study the Relationship between Social Capital of Organization and

Empowering Staff of Universities: A Case Study of Applied Science
Centers of Kermanshah
Mehdi Sadeghi *
Department of business management, Eslamabad-e-Gharb Branch, Islamic Azad University, Eslamabad-e-Gharb, Iran.

Manijeh Bahamiriyan
Department of business management, Eslamabad-e-Gharb Branch, Islamic Azad University, Eslamabad-e-Gharb, Iran.
*Corresponding author:



organizational social capital

empowering staff
structural dimension
cognition dimension
relational dimension of social capital

A social capital concept is known as a device to understand social relationships which are infrastructures of
effective social systems, and foundations of organizational advantages. The purpose of present study is to
determine the relationships of social capital of organization and empowering staff of Applied Science in
Kermanshah province. The study is a descriptive- correlation survey. The statistics population was all staff of
Applied Science centers in Kermanshah which was 152. The instrument for collecting data was a closeanswer questionnaire regarding to the topic and nature of the research. The questionnaire was a combination
of standardized questionnaires including the empowering psychological questionnaire (Spearitzer and Vatan&
Cameron) and the organizational social capital questionnaire based on Nahapiet and Goshal. Its reliability and
validity have been estimated through Cronbach Alpha, content, and face validity. The index reliability of the
total scale was 0.82. Data analysis of the study has been done by applying Spss software, Pearson correlation
of inferential statistics, and the Freedman test. Results showed the correlation coefficient has been significant
between structural aspect of organizational social capital and empowering staff (at 0.05 level, p=0), the
correlation coefficient has been significant between relational aspect of organizational social capital and
empowering staff at 0.05 level (p=0), totally the results demonstrated the correlation between organizational
social capital and empoweringstaff (r= 0.451) have been positive and significant (at 0.05 level). Clearly, if the
organizational social capital increases, empowering staff also raises. The organizational social capital was less
than average and empowering staff of the mentioned organization was more than the average.

Social capital is a concept has been increasingly applied in researches, academic papers especially in sociology, economics, politics and
management gradually since 1990s by Coleman, Bourdieu, Putnam, and Fukuyama (Esfahani and NikooMaram, 2008).
In organization and management area, experts attention to social needs and issues has been provided desired areas to expand social capital
debates. Flourishing and surviving of organizations depend on people readiness to help forces to collaborate (Baker, 2003).
Success and effectiveness of organizations link to creation and development of social capital so that optimum application of financial, physical
and human capitals in the organization is not possible without social capital, i.e. without a network of mutual relationship which associates with
trust, passionate and friendship that maintain organizational values and norms (Faghihi and Feyzi, 2006). Organizational social capital provides
feeling of doing task through trustworthy and collaboration (Cohen and Prusak, 2001).
An idea of empowering staff in todays organizations is very important because of increasing volume of responsibilities of their staff.
Empowering trainsstaff that is motivated and enabled which allows managers to react more appropriately and quickly toward dynamics of a
competitive environment (Koberg, 1997).
This matter is significantly important in universities especially in Applied Science University which is known as an entrepreneurship due to its
scientific and practical approach. Therefore providing appropriate areas to promote the social capital in the organization, and also empowering
staff can be effective to empower the university as well as promote accountability and finally improve overall performance of the university. So
in order to study the relationship between organizational social capital and empowering staff, the present study has been conducted in Applied
Science centers of Kermanshah province.

Review of literature
Social capital
The term of social capital is mentioned in an article of Hainfan from west Virginia university in 1916. However it was applied in a classic work
of Jacobs death and life of large American cities for the first time in 1961. In 1970s Light, a sociologist, and Loury, an economist, applied
social capital to describe a problem of economic development within urban. In 1980s the term was welcomed by Cleman in a broad sense and
social capital has been shaped in interdisciplinary framework. Because of that some practitioners and vanguards in social capital make
distinction between economic,social, and cultural capitals in order to make definition of social capital concept more obvious. They describe
social capital as a set of accumulated potential resources which more or less institutionalize in social networks (Bourdieu, 1986; Faster, 1987).
There are three theories about social capital which is briefly mentioned.
Granotters weak ties theory (1985)
The theory states weak ties which connect people with acquaintances in most cases have more values than strong ties that connect people to
relativesand close friends, that is, building a bridge between groups to have relationship with each other is possible through weak ties (Alvani,

Mehdi Sadeghi *, Manijeh Bahamiriyan


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

Berts structural hole theory

The theory is assumed markets, organizations, and people associate with each other. If the relationship is not organized, defined and systematic,
people as a social capital can benefit from the relationship; if the relationship is more organized, the capital will be reduced more since laws and
regulations are dominant in rigid and dull relationships and there is no opportunity for groups to have any creativity and apply normative
advantages such as trustworthy. In another word, the theory prefers informal relationships to formal ones. In this approach adhocracy is better
than bureaucracy (Alvani and Naghavi, 2003). Generally, formality and legalization are in contradiction with social capital (Nasr Esfahani,
Social resource theory (1982)
The theory is stemmed on Leans studies in 1981 , he knows existing connections in a network is not efficient without its inner sources.
According to the theory just existing sources within network can be regarded as a capital. On the other hand, both weak tie theory and structural
hole theory stress on networks structure while social resource theory considers network content (Alvani, 2006).
Generally, researchers show social capital as a valuable resource since people know and understand each other, they trust and get identity from
each other, so they cooperate more efficiently and effectively (Bolino, 2002).
Lesser argues today there are at least two primary motivations in a business environment which force people, organizations and governments to
consider influence of social capital and its effect on economic development and organizational success.

Importance of organization based on knowledge

Netization of economic growth
As Davenport and prusack (1997) argue organizations recognize themselvesaccording to what they know about themselves. Knowledge
management is a strategy which organizations ought to utilize it to foster social capital (vilanova&Josa, 2003).
Nahapiet and Ghoshal classify different dimensions of social capital in 3 categories (structural, cognitive, and relational) by organizational
Structural dimension of social capital
A structural element of social capital refers to an overall pattern of relationships between people, that is to whom and how you connect (Burt,
1992). The dimension includes: network relationships between people, network configuration, and appropriate organization. The dimension
considers an area which people link together in the organization, the patterns of relationships between staff, description and profits of such
relationships are considered.
Cognitive dimension of social capital
A cognitive element of social capital refers to sources which provide symbols, interpretations, common meaning systems between groups
(sycorl, 1973). According to Nahapiet and Goushal (1998) main aspects of the dimension are language, common codes, common stories.
Language and shared histories lead to increase level of understanding between organization members and increase staff capabilities to predict
other initiatives. The dimension like relationship dimension considers interpersonal connections between people in an organization and
including, language, common codes, and shared stories.
Relationship dimension of social capital
Relationship dimension of social capital describes a personal relationship which people make due to their previous interactions. On the other
hand, while the structural dimension focuses on whether staff in the organization has relationship with each other or not, relational dimension
focuses on nature and quality of the relationships. In fact, the dimension considers the effective relationships between colleagues who like each
other; there is trust and identity between them. Main aspects of the dimension of social capital are: trustworthy; norms; obligations and
expectations; and identity (Nahapiet and Goshal)
Staff empowerment
Organizations achieve a great belief to maintain and develop their success. It may be acknowledged a human is rediscovered in organizations. In
a way that staff of professional organizations becomes main actors of tasks and stakeholders of the organizations, therefore not only managers
should have leadership skills, also staff should learn the methods which lead them to self- direction (Roy & Sheena, 2005). Staff empowerment
dominates totally a different form of power relationship between managers and staff. In such an environment staff mistakes should be tolerated
thoughtfully. Fear is a major murderer of ideas, innovations and creativities. Fear demolishes innovations so in order to success it is vital to have
the opportunity to make mistakes, fail, and also delegate authority of decision making. Another essential factor is speed. A strict hierarchy and a
policy of making decision should be done by principals and managers make organization slow and lead it to fail and defeat, staff should
sometimes be allowed to overlook the hierarchy, and without supervision of their direct superior confidently and independently make some
decisions. All these will be possible to be done successfully and in benefit of the organization if the staff is empowered and we empower them
more (Ghafari, 2011).
Effective factors of empowering staff can be mentioned as follows:
1. Having clear goals, responsibilities and authorities in the organization;
2. Enriching jobs and promoting staff jobs: the organization should take steps to update technical and professional information of staff and
increase content of their job. In addition, to meet the principle of substitution the organization should apply turnover techniques (Ben
Zur&Yagill, 2005);
3. morale and organizational belongingness;
4. trustworthy, honesty and sincerity
5. recognition and appreciation (Kazemi,2001);
6. participation and group work;
7. communications: including make connection and easy access of staff to managers and supervisors, clarity and transparency of task
relationship of staff with their managers and supervisors, staff awareness from current issues of the organization which related to their own
area duty, and ..
8. work setting: is one of the effective factors which is put emphasis on it in the organization is a work setting. Considering safety and health
of the staff in the work setting important, providing appropriate situations to promote staff jobs, decreasing existing pressures and tensions
in the work environment are what related to the work setting;
9. optimizing process and work procedures: effective factors which meet optimization of working process and procedures are: being clear and
obvious turnover and information in the organization, documentation of job procedures and making easy the cases;


Study the Relationship between Social Capital of Organization and Empowering Staff of Universities: A Case Study of Applied Science Centers of Kermans...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

10. information, knowledge and job skills: to fulfill the factor it is useful to have facilities to develop job skills in the organization, provide
fields to train effectively and efficiently in the organization, and have technical and professional information regarding to job positions
(Omidvari&Sajadi, 2007);
Today the advantage which the organization gains to precede each other is not on applying new technologies, however, increasing self-confident
and commitment of the staff toward organizational goals. In order to pass different stages, organizations should adopt themselves with different
situations and learn new ways. As a result they should identify factors which enrich and empower the working environment. In new
organizations the staff feels responsibility not only to do their responsibility but also to improve function of the whole of the organization. They
actively collaborate with each other to continuously increase productivity (Sajadi&Omidvari, 2007).

The study is a correlation descriptive. Since the aim of the study to describe and analyze current conditions of social capital variables of the
organization and empowering staff of Applied Science centers of Kermanshah Province it is descriptive. And it is correlation since it is
considered the relationship between two variables. Data collection is a descriptive survey.
A conceptual model has been developed which shows the relationship between three elements of organizational social capital (including
structural, relational and cognitive) and empowering staff which involves effectiveness, self-authority, competency, being significant, and


Social capital

-Being effective
-Being significant


Graph 1. The model

Research questions
Is there a relationship between organizational social capital and empowering staff of Applied ScienceCenters in Kermanshah?
Is there a significant relationship between structural aspect of social capital and empowering staff of Applied Science centers in Kermanshah?
Is there a significant relationship between cognitive aspect of social capital and empowering staff of Applied Science centers in Kermanshah?
Is there a significant relationship between relational aspect of social capital and empowering staff of Science Applied centers in Kermanshah?

Statistical population
Statistical population of the study was N: 152 which included managers, experts and employing staff of Science Applied centers in Kermanshah
Sample and Samplings
In this study sample volume has been done through total census that 128 questionnaires were returned.
Data collection instrument
In the study two standardized questionnaires were applied including empowering staff questionnaire which based on Spritzer and Vattan and
Cammerons psychological model of empowerment and organizational social capital which based on Nahapiet and Goshal model. To ensure
validity of the study, regarding to the topic items were chosen from standard questionnaires then they were reviewed and revised according to
practitioners. Cronbach was estimated 0.82 in this study. In order to analyze statistical data it has been used SPSS software. Pearsons
correlation test has been applied to determine type and degree of the relationship between one quantitative variable with the other one, and
Freedmans test has also applied to consider strength and weakness of the mentioned organization.

Findings analysis
1-1 Hypothesis- There is a significant relationship between structural dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff of
Science Applied centers in Kermanshah.
Table 1. Pearson Correlation Coefficient to test relationship between structural
dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff
Correlation coefficient ( r )

significant level ( p )


Mehdi Sadeghi *, Manijeh Bahamiriyan


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

2-1 Hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between cognitive dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff of Applied
Science centers in Kermanshah.
Table 2. Pearson Correlation Coefficient to test relationship between cognitive
dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff
Correlation coefficient ( r )

significant level ( p )


Results of Table 2 show there is a significant relationship between cognitive dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff at
0.05 level (p=0). Therefore there is a significant relationship between cognitive dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff
of Applied Science centers in Kermanshah.
3-1 hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between relational dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff of Applied
Science centers in Kermanshah.
Table 3. Pearson Correlation Coefficient to test relationship between relational aspect of organizational social capital and empowering staff
Correlation coefficient ( r )

significant level ( p )


Results of Table 3 show there is a significant relationship between relational dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff at
0.05 level (p=0). Therefore there is a significant relationship between relational dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff
of Applied Science centers in Kermanshah.
Hypothesis 1: there is a significant relationship between organizational social capital and empowering staff of Applied Science centers in
Table 4. Pearson Correlation Coefficient to test relationship between organizational social capital and empowering staff
Correlation coefficient ( r )

significant level ( p )


Results of Table 4 show there is a significant relationship between organizational social capital and empowering staff at 0.05 level (p=0).
Therefore there is a significant relationship between organizational social capital and empowering staff of Applied Science centers in
Freedman Test
To study strength and weakness of Applied Science centers in Kermanshah province in areas of factors related to organizational social capital
and empowering staff, Freedman test has been used.
Ranking organizational social capital variables of statistical sample of the study
Testing hypothesis: there is a significant difference between social capital aspects.
Table 5. Freedman test to determine a significant difference between social capital dimensdions

chi. Square


significant level ( p )

Results of table of 5 show regarding to the obtained significant level there is a significant difference between social capital dimensions.
Table 6. Ranking social capital dimensions through Freedman Test
Social capital components
Structural dimension
Relational dimension
Cognitive dimension

average of rank


Ranking empowering variables of statistical sample of the study

Testing hypothesis.

Table 7. Freedman Test to determine a significant difference between empowering aspects


chi. Square


significant level ( p )

Results of table 7 show regarding to obtained significant level there is a significant difference between empowering aspects.
The following table shows ranking from most to least.


Study the Relationship between Social Capital of Organization and Empowering Staff of Universities: A Case Study of Applied Science Centers of Kermans...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

Table 8. Ranking empowering aspects through Freedman Test

Empowering staff components
Being effective
Being significant

rank average


Correlation test (of organizational social capital and empowering staff)

Testing hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between social capital dimensions.
Table 9. Pearson Test to determine significant relationship between social capital diemnsions


Correlation coefficient
Significant level
Correlation coefficient
Significant level
Correlation coefficient
Significant level





Regarding to the significant level which is less than 0/05 for every aspects, then there is a significant relationship between social capital
Testing hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between empowering aspects
Table 10. Pearson Teat to determine the significant relationship between empowering aspects

being significant

Correlation coefficient
Significant level
Correlation coefficient
Significant level
Correlation coefficient
Significant level
Correlation coefficient
Significant level
Correlation coefficient
Significant level




being significant


Regarding to the significant level which is less than 0/05 for every aspects, then there is a significant relationship between empowering aspects.

Discussion and Conclusion

Reviewing hypothesis indicated that there is a significant relationship between structural dimension of organizational social capital and
empowering staff. The dimension, that is structural refers to the communication between people, in another word you access to whom and how.
According to the literature of the research and theoretical framework, it was assumed that decision making is done by group in structures and
horizontal and vertical relationships which cause to build task groups, authority delegation, flexibility, clarity, participation, and eventually
empowering staff.
The hypothesis has been demonstrated since the correlation coefficient is positive (direct) and the significant level is over %95. Therefore it can
be concluded if the organization has the proper and adequate structural dimension of social capital (informationtransferring channels)
empowering of staff will be done more and better.
Findings of the hypothesis align with findings of Taslimi, Monavariyan and Ashna (2008) and Mosavi (2011) study. The results indicate healthy
and humanistic relationship in work place can effect on exchanging information and transferring explicit and implicit knowledge which increase
skills and empowerment of staff and finally lead to prosper new ideas.
Results indicated there is a significant relationship between cognitive dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff. The
hypothesis has been demonstrated with %95 confidence. The dimension refers to phenomena such as norms, values, attitudes and shared beliefs.
Therefore, it is a subjective and intangible concept. Also it prepares people to do mutual and useful act collectively.
Findings of the hypothesis align with some part of Taslimi, Monavariyan and Ashena (2008) study and Samarin&Moghimi (2009). Results of
the study indicate in organizations which there is a shared cognitive dimension such as shared language, myths, stories and metaphors are in high
level. People spend less time to know each other and transfer information. Shared codes and language can provide a common device to assess
possible benefits of transferring and mixing information, also emerging of shared stories within the organization leads to create and transfer new
interpretations of events and increases mixing capabilities of information, this increases general (known) area in the organization which in turn
leads to be empowering staff more.
Reviewing results indicated that there is a significant relationship between relational dimension of organizational social capital and empowering
staff. The hypothesis has been supported with %95 confidence. So it can be mentioned there is a significant relationship between relational
dimension of organizational social capital and empowering staff in statistical sample of the study. The aspect refers to phenomena such as
trustworthy, norms, obligations, and expectations and making existing similarity in the organization. The relational of social capital describes a
kind of particular personal relationship which people make it due to their interactional experience (Granother, 1992). The concept focuses on
special relations people have with each other like respect, friendship, which effect on their behavior.

Mehdi Sadeghi *, Manijeh Bahamiriyan


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

Findings of the hypothesis align with some part of Samarin and Mohimi (2009) and Barjeste (2009) study. Results indicate relationship based on
trust cause people tend to have more social contacts and collaborative interaction. That is, there is a mutual relationship between trust and
collaboration: trust cause to collaborate and collaboration cause to trust. In long term the mutual relationship leads to establish public norms of
cooperation which can be a strong foundation of increasing individual skills level and in turn empowering staff.
Results indicate there is a significant relationship between organizational social capital and staff empowering (regarding to that there is a
significant relationship between three dimensions of organizational social capital: structural, cognitive, and relational.
As it has been considered the hypothesis has been supported with % 95 confidences. Direct relationship means if qualitative amount of social
capital increases or decreases, staff empowerment also increases or decreases.
Hoffmann et al. (2005); Ghilich lee (2008); Taslimi, M onavariyan and Ashena (2008); and Faghihi&Feyzi (2008) study showed people who
have higher social capital, due to their better flexibility with the organizational environment, perform better and more effective. Bolinou (2002)
studies showed social capital is a valuable sourcesince when people know and understand each other they trust on each other and get identity
from one another and then cooperate more effectively and efficiently. In fact if people behave appropriately and adopt easily with organizational
atmosphere, also observe laws and regulations of the organization, they do more attempt to achieve organizational goals. In MirAghayee (2009),
Harouni (2008) and Ghafaris studies have been shown that staff empowering is a process which causes to increase staff capability and enable
them to identify environmental factors and control them. So according to studies of Hoffmann et al. (2009), Ghilich lee (2008) Taslimi,
Monavariyan, and Ashena (2008), Faghihi&Feyzi (2008), Bolinou (2002); Mir Aghayee(2009), Harouni (2008); and Ghafari (2011) it can be
concluded that social capital and staff empowerment lead to high adoptability of people in the organization and effective performance which
align with the findings of present study. Thus empowering human resources on the basis of social capital is a new way to manage talented
organizations in more competitive and complicated future. Organizations which invest on their social capital through improving human
resources plans, they cannot overlook on importance of social capital. Well trained staff needs an environment to develop, the environment is
provided by investing on social capital. Therefore, it is required managers consider social capital and staff empowerment as a culture and
recognize dimensions of social capital and try to improve them regarding to the organization capability and increase social capital as an
organizational variable so staff empowering is also achieved as an individual variable.
Specially in universities which are kind of organizations that its healthy, survive and dynamics as well as prosperity play an important role to
achieve goals, plans and development of other social systems, and increase of social capital and non-erosion of it is critical. If there is lack and
scarce of social capital in the organization there will be numerous problems in the organization including: communication is usually from top to
down, regulations and procedures are constantly change, there are numerous investigation and supervision institutions, spreading rumors, terror
and destruction of characteristics, official violation, staff neglect to the organization, failure of task groups and teams in the organization, lack of
staff tendency to learning update knowledge and sharing knowledge and information, lack of competition morale within the organization and
with the rivals, increase of organization charges, and increase of absentee and leave of absence, etc.
Therefore it is required managers try to handle organizational social capital in the system not only prevent erosion of social capital also leads to
sharing knowledge well, and then make relationship which based on trust and team working morale among staff.
In order to study strength and weakness of Applied Science centers in Kermanshah about organizational social capital, Freedman test has been
applied. Regarding to the obtained results there is a significant difference between factors related to organizational social capital and
empowering staff. The results align with some part of Taslimi, Monavariyan, Ashena (2008) and Ghilich Lee &Moshabaki (2008) study.
According to the findings, organizational social capital has been ranked by value and importance respectively: structural, relational, and
cognitive. The ranking of factors manifested that among factors related to social capital the cognitive factor is weaker than others and it should
be fostered. On the other hand, afterwards relational and structural factors should be fostered.
According to the findings, there is a significant difference in empowering staff aspects, and staff empowerment components have been ranked as
competency, self- authority, being-effective, being significant and trustworthy respectively.
The ranking manifested that among factors related to empowering staff of Applied Science centers in Kermanshah, trustworthy and being
significant are weaker factors than the rest and they should be promoted. On the other hand, self-authority and competency should be promoted
at next stage.
Results showed organizational social capital generally has a positive and significant relationship with empowering staff, as well as each of its
elements (i.e. structural, relational, and cognitive). It means if it is invested on organizational social capital dimensions, it can be expected to
increase staff empowerment.

-Being effective
-Being significant

Social capital




Graph 2. The model of relationship between social capital components and staff empowerment

Suggestions based on research findings

If organizations as social units can provide social capital, they can be able to work better and more. More store of social capital in the
organization, lees need to formulate rules and regulations and establish administrator or supervisory institutions. As a result that leads to transfer


Study the Relationship between Social Capital of Organization and Empowering Staff of Universities: A Case Study of Applied Science Centers of Kermans...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(4), No (2), February, 2015.

power in the organization, subordinates participate on leadership and cause to improve effectiveness through increase of power and eventually
increase motivation of doing task. Social capital indicators should also be regarded in evaluation systems of performance and rewarding.
However human resource policies and effective compensation service should act based on developing an extended relationship network which is
based on trustworthy. Thus the following suggestions are offered to increase social capital:
1. Regarding to the positive relationship between organizational social capital and empowering staff, it is possible to increase
empowering staff through promoting organizational social capital. So the organization can achieve the purpose by considering social
capital components and adopting appropriate ways to improve the components.
2. According to the main hypothesis approve, it is suggested to apply social capital indicators in evaluation and rewarding systems.
3. Regarding to the relationship between structural aspect of social capital and empowering staff, promoting to establish and foster social
institutions is one of the solutions to increase social capital. People in social institutions gain shared identity and group collaboration
will also be promoted. Establishing the institutions at organizational level is also possible, making the groups by volunteer
participation of practitioners and experts can cause to increase social capital.
Removing strict rules and regulations, and unnecessary procedures as well as complicated hierarchy is useful to decrease bureaucratic
level in the organization.
4. In order to promote information transferring channel, applying hiring procedures which not only recognized expertise of people but
also identify sociable people who tend to communicate with others and like to do group work. For this purpose there are some special
psychological tests.
5. Regarding to the relationship between cognitive dimension of social capital and empowering staff, it is offered some entertainment and
tourism plans are provided to increase face to face relationship. Since face to face relationship affect positively on making better
relation which based on trust and cause to know people better.
6. Regarding to the results of research, in order to increase relational dimension of social capital and empowering staff it is suggested to
put emphasis on professional aspect of people, and also highlight features and status of the organization among other organizations
specially in the society, and adopt methods to involve people with name and emblem of the organization in their daily life in and
outside the organization. In another word, people of the organization assure that the organizational management is responsible to them
and accountable to the society. Thus staff has positive belongingness to the organization, and in such atmosphere trust and confidence
will be increase.
7. Since the cognitive dimension of social capital is least ranking, it is suggested to improve theexisting condition through conducting
ceremonies and public sessions with staff. Managers and principals also obey ethics in their organizational decisions and performance
thus the relationship is made based on trust. Stressing on shared values in discussion and debates specially by authorities leads to foster
and promote the values.
8. Results showed organizational social capital level is less than average level. Therefore it is offered in order to improve the current
condition and increase organizational social capital it is important to manage social capital in cases like qualified mastering,
participation management, no policy manipulation, creating competitive spirit, decreasing strict rules and regulations, and generally
being clear and obvious in policies and alternatives.
Therefore it is offered to those mangers who like to create organizational social capital to do the following techniques:
1. Planning to enrich organizational culture: managing organizational culture regarding to leadership role and cultural symbols can
promote cultural components such as sense of group and shared organizational identity, belongingness to shared future,
participation, interpersonal and group trust and so on. Regarding to that managers of organizations can enrich organizational
culture by providing participation systems, conducting ceremonies and public meetings, supporting staff psychologically and
playing proper role of leadership. Another main step is managers and the leader of the organization try to make trust between
group members and organizational unites as well as different parts.
2. Extend trust boarder in the organization so staff, stakeholders ( including customers and stakeholders, suppliers, government, and
) can trust.
3. Creating cooperation spirit rather than extending controlling roles
4. Accessing easily to the organization information by stakeholders.
Providing an atmosphere which increase self- openness and self-declaration since these two cause to have better relationship with

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