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- AQUANANO An extremely useful product for the nervous sistem. Tonic, refreshing, improves the memory and rises the intelligent quotient.
Useful, aswell, even for your articulations. The arthritis may become a memory.
Even if it looks incredible, rare are the persons that dont feel the global effects of this product, the impact on many plans. The
tests that were made on old persons shown that they presented the most intense progress of performance, being useful for the
physical dynamism and a better co-ordination of the locomotor (including the elimination of the imflamation pain tipical for the
age), and for the psychic and mental tonus.
With all this, the gold gives (in this form) to everyone, indifferently the age, something from its richness that symbolizes, not
casualy being associated with the Sun in almoust al the spiritual traditions of the world.
The rosy color is specific to some dimensions very low of the particles, this being a distinctive sign of the presence of the gold,
comparing to other products that are completely transparent, which are justifying the aspect by the reduced dimension of the
particles, when, in fact, the perfect transparency is explained by the natural colour of the water.
At the physical level, the gold acts mainly this way:

stimulates the hematopoiesis

adjusts the cardiac rhythm

has a role in the neuronal activity

stabilizes the collagen structure

stimulates the sexual function (associated with zinc and copper)

stimulates the cells activity

increases the immunity and stimulates the phagocytosis




anticancer (associated with zinc and copper)




Alimentary overdosis is not possible, but it can be produced by medicinal way in case of the use of some compunds of gold
which determines a nephrotoxicity (affection of the nephron) or neurotoxicity.
Colloidal metals: generalityes
The colloidal metals are extremly fine suspensions of some metal particles, with very low dimension, typical 1-200 nm, in
different liquids, like water. At this dimensions, their physical and chemical behaviour and interactions with the living materia,
gains specifications that are not met in the raw metal nor the compunds of the metals. For this reason, they are intensly studied
in the present, even if they are known for over a century their domains of application.
So, of these propertyes we can specify:

the interaction with the electromagnetic radiation (inclusively in the visible spectrum) and which, in case of the gold and
silver, generates the fascinating color palette, and makes them applyable to many domains like antitumoral therapyes;

catalytic effects in chemical and biochemical important reactions;

peculiar biochemical behaviour, manifested in selective interactions with complex molecules, being, this way, used as
studying tools and medical, microbiology or genetic action.

As aspect, the colloidal metalic suspensions present themselves, generaly, as transparent liquids (in transmited light, looking
through them) which can have different colors. The respective colous, for each metal, are determined, first of all, by the size of
the particles, and second, by the concentration.
Regarding the size of the particle, this is obtained by the adjustment of the fabrication process for the necessity, usual sizes
between 2 and 200 nm. Usualy, because of to this dimensions the metal particles have the spontaneous tendency to
agglomerate themselves, some polymeric substances are being used as covering substances, which are introduces during the
process and prevent the further agglomeration for a time. In the case of reduced concentrations there is the possibility to
maintain untained this suspensions several months without adding the polymers. Anyway, it must be mentioned that under 2 nm
the particles cannot be stoped to agglomerate without polymeric susbtances, so, the specifications like the most tinyest
particles, 0,2 nm are just false declarations with publicity objective. In some cases this declarations reflect a certain truth,
because there are some producers that sell metal salts dizolved in water, case in which the particle size is arround 0,2 nm,
which are ions of the metal. This kind of imitations can be realy dangerous and it can be discovered by microscopic electronical
The use of the metalic nanoparticles is only at its beginning. The biomedical applications are based inclusively on the fact that,
comparing with the metal salts, especialy gold, silver, platinum and copper cases, are less reactive, being less aggressive with
the biochemistry of the organism. Their surplus is being easily eliminated, another part penetrates the inter and intracelular
medium and the other remaines in the blood flow, keeping its nanoparticle shape on the relatively long therm, realeasing ions of
the metal gently and acting more kindly but more systematic, without generating the negative secundary effects like the
compounds of the same metals.
Outstanding examples for this way of action can be observed in the case of the solloidal suspensions of gold and silver (these
ones have been intensively sudied in the last decades).
So, some gold compounds are currently used for the artritis treatment. The results of these are also limitated by two factors: the
severe negative secundary effects over the kidneys for example and the apparition of the tolerance to these compounds.
Surprizingly, the use of the gold nanoparticles are having similar but more powerful effects without being accompanied by the
connected secundary effects. In fact, the only difference was eliminating, this way, the radicals rezulted by the gold compounds
tranformation into gold metal in the organism.
Onother example is the antiviral effect of the silver in nanoparticle form. This effect is not met in the case of the silver
compounds, evenb if a part of them present significant antibacterial effects, because the silver ions dont succeed to inhibit the
fastening of the virus on the specific cell membrane receptors, while the silver nanoparticles, in a dimensional gama, presents
these kind of effects.

Un produs extrem de util pentru sistemul nervos. Tonic, revigorator, imbunatateste memoria si creste coeficientul de
inteligenta. Util totodata si pentru articulatiile dumneavoastra. Artrita poate deveni o amintire.
Desi poate parea incredibil, sunt rare persoanele care nu resimt efectele globale ale acestui produs, impactul sau fiind in general
imediat si foarte puternic, pe numeroase planuri. Testele efectuate pe persoanele de varste inaintate au aratat ca acestea au
prezentat cel mai intens spor de performanta, fiind util atat pentru dinamismul fizic si o mai buna coordonare motorie (incluzand
eliminarea durerilor de tip inflamator specifice varstei), cat si in ceea ce priveste tonusul psihic si mental.
Cu toate acestea, aurul daruieste (sub aceasta forma) tuturor, indiferent de varsta, cate ceva din bogatia pe care o simbolizeaza,
nu intamplator fiind asociat cu Soarele in aproape toate traditiile spirituale ale planetei.
Culoarea roz este specifica unor dimensiuni foarte scazute ale particulelor, acesta fiind un semn distinctiv al prezentei aurului,
spre deosebire de produsele perfect transparente, care isi justifica aspectul prin dimensiunea redusa a particulelor, cand in fapt,
in cazul acestora, transparenta perfecta este explicata prin... culoarea naturala a apei pure.

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