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1. Your friend Lesley is coming to a party at your house tomorrow.

You want Lesley

to bring something to de the party.
Write an email to Lesley. In your e-mail you should tell Lesley what bring what to
bring, explain why you need it and say what time Lesley should come.
Hi Lesley!
Please, I need your help for the my party! I will cook many meals dishes, but I will not
have time for to cook some desserts (nota 1). Can Could you bring some custard and a
some strawberry jelly at the party, please? The party is a at 9 p.m. Thank you!
Nota 1: Si quieres decir algunos postres, sera some of the desserts, aunque some
desserts no me suena mal del todo; pero si lo que quieres decir es que no tendrs
tiempo de preparar ningn postre, sera any dessert.
2. Letter. Im studying really hard and dont have much time to relax. My friends
want me to go swimming with them in my free time but I prefer playing computer
games. What do you think I should do?
Now type a letter answering your penfriends question.
Hi Mark!
Thank you for your letter. I think that you should do go (Nota 1) swimming because is a
very complete sport and you will exercise all your your whole body. In my opinion do
doing sports is very important when we are studying students (Nota 2) because is it is a
good way to relax. Also, I am sure that you will enjoy in the swimming-pool whit with
your friends!
On another the other hand (Nota 3), I think that you should playing play computer
games when you have passed your exams and your you have more free time. As well
as being a bored hobby, its it is also a solitary game.
Please, write to me again soon.
Your friend,
Nota 1: Segn lo que quieras decir, ira do o go. Si quieres decir deberas practicar
natacin, como consejo para su vida en general, sera go. Pero si lo que quieres

decir es que, de las dos opciones que te plantea, t elegiras ir a la piscina, entonces
sera go.
Nota 2: Yo veo que when we are students pega mejor, sera como decir mientras
estamos en nuestra etapa de estudiantes; when we are studying podra dar a
entender algo tan cmico como estudiar mientras ests haciendo deporte, por
ejemplo, correr con los apuntes en la mano y cosas as xD
Nota 3: Para decir por otro lado, la expresin sera on the other hand; on another
hand suena raro. Si hubieras puesto on the other hand, no sera un fallo, pero en las
redacciones tpicas de Escuelas de Idiomas, instituto y tal, casi siempre que un prrafo
se encabeza con un On the other hand, el anterior, o parte del anterior, contiene la
expresin On one hand, cosa que no pasa en esta redaccin. Pero yo no te lo pondra
como fallo porque no lo es, es slo un consejo para mejorar la redaccin.
3. Card (35-45 words). You spent yesterday evening in the house of your English
friend, Chris.
Write a card to Chris. In your card, you should: thank Chris, say why you particularly
enjoyed about the evening and invite to Chris to do something with you.
Hi Chris!
Thank you for invited inviting me yesterday. Your house is amazing! Yesterday, I really
enjoyed when we watched the film Love Story and we (Nota 1) ate popcorns! If you
want, we can see other watch another film in my house next Sunday.
Nota 1: Como el we ya est puesto, junto a watched the film, no es necesario
repetir el sujeto. Porque aunque en ingls siempre se pone el sujeto del verbo,
cuando el sujeto ya est mencionado anteriormente en la misma frase no hay que
ponerlo. Por ejemplo, en la carta 4, pones you sing and play the guitar very well, sin
necesidad de repetir el you antes de play. As se hace, colega.
4. Letter. Now type to tell your penfriend about the music you like.
Hi Micky!
Thank you for your letter. Im (Nota 1) sure that you sing and play the guitar very well!
Can you send me a video with some of your songs? I never have have never seen a
concert of your rock band.

I like all types of music and Im always listening to music, especially in my car or in my
house. I usually listen to dance music when Im driving, but I listen to r&b or pop music
when I stay in home. Although, when I go out I prefer to listen to listening to (Nota 1)
commercial music how like / such as Juan Magan, Pitbull, Inna because I like dance
dancing / to dance this music.
On the other hand (Nota 2), I dont like rock music because is its / it is very /really / so
noisy! I expect that (Nota 3) your rock band wasnt isnt as noisy as others.
Please, write to me again soon.
Nota 1: Si en esta carta lo recomendable es usar contracciones (no s qu os habrn
recomendado los profesores), estara bien. Si no, en lugar de Im, Youre, iran los
correspondientes I am, You are, etc.
Nota 2: Ahora s has escrito bien el conector. Mismo comentario que en la otra
redaccin: se ve mejor con un on the one hand en un prrafo anterior, pero no es
incorrecta desde mi punto de vista.
Nota 3: I expect that your rock band no est mal puesto, pero el that es
prescindible; si hubieras escrito I expect your rock band isnt as noisy quedara ms
ingls, ms real.
Nota 4: Very noisy est bien puesto, aunque por variar y demostrar que puedes
expresarlo de varias formas, podras poner really o so.
Nota X: En las correcciones en verde que van separadas por una barra (/) iran bien
cualquiera de las dos opciones que te planteo.
5. E-mail. You have started studying a new subject. Write an e-mail, you should: tell
Robin what youre studying, describe the teacher and say how you feel about the
Hi Robin!
How are you? Im taking dancing classes (Nota 1) so Im really happy. My teacher is as
young as me is my age / and I are the same age (Nota 2) and shes very cheerful and
confident. I enjoy with (Nota 3) this classes because my teacher train teaches me (Nota
4) many types of dance.

Nota 0: Con las contracciones, lo mismo que en la redaccin anterior: si las profesoras
os lo piden as, est bien. Si no, habra que cambiarlo.
Nota 1: Tcnicamente no estara mal expresado, pero lessons se utiliza ms que
classes y dance, ms que dancing, por lo que dance lessons sonara mejor.
Nota 2: Si quieres decir que tiene tu edad, en verde estn las opciones correctas. Si
quieres decir que es ms joven que t, sera she is younger than me.
Nota 3: I enjoy with this classes no est mal dicho, pero es ms frecuente y me suena
mejor I enjoy this classes, es decir, yo prescindira del with en esa frase.
Nota 4: Como el verbo se refiere a una tercera persona (la profesora), llevara S, sera
trains. Pero sera ms correcto el verbo to teach, aunque suene un poco
redundante junto a teacher. Podras poner because Im learning many types of
dance, o because Im being taught many types of dance, aunque sera ms formal y
no pegara mucho con el resto de esa carta. Adems, en lugar de types, podras usar
kinds y en lugar de dance, dancing, aunque tcnicamente types of dance no es
6. Letter. Type a letter to these friends about weddings in your country.
Hi Pep!
Thank you for your letter. Yes, I have been to a wedding recently because my uncles
my aunt and uncle were got married. I think that the wedding was very good well
organized and it was very nice. Apart from that Besides, the dinner was delicious and
we danced on the a dance floor went dancing to a dance floor nearby. The wedding
was perfect!
In my opinion, weddings in my country are beautiful. At first, the couple is married in a
church or a court. When the ceremony is finished, all guests throw rice at the
newlyweds. After that, people guests eat in a restaurant or a hotel and they dance and
they have drinks.
Please, write to me again soon.
7. Write an e-mail to Kim. In your e-mail, you should: invite Kim for the weekend, say
what you will do during the weekend and tell Kim what clothes to take.
Hi Kim! Can you come at my familys house this weekend? I have invited Katy and
Mary too. During the weekend (Nota 1), we will go to the river and we will visit a

farmer. Please, you shouldnt dont forget a your swimsuit, trainers and a cup cap
(Nota 3) for the sun!
Nota 0: Son 48 palabras es suficiente? Si no, habra que alargar la redaccin.
Nota 1: Como ya has dicho weekend, mejor evitar repetirse. Yo podra Those days
(esos das).
Nota 2: Como ya ests suavizando la frase con un please, puedes usar el imperativo:
Please, dont forget xxx!. Please you shouldnt, suena raro.
Nota 3: Cup es taza. Taza para el sol! Es una taza que solo puede usarse los das que
hace sol, seguro.
8. Now type a letter to tell your penfriend about someone you are proud of.
Hi Kim! Im I think that (nota 1) you your brother is very intelligent because work
working in a hospital laboratory must be difficult. What thinks realize you brother en
his work? (nota 2)
Im proud of a teacher called Martin. This man works in the same school that me. Im
proud of Martin / him because hes the first gipsy teacher that I now. He told me that
is its / it is too difficult study if / when (nota 4) you are gipsy because some people
reject you. But he received a lot of support of from his family and finally (nota 5) he
achieved his dream of became in a teacher finally.
Please, write to me again soon.
Nota 1: Como coment en alguna redaccin anterior, el that no es incorrecto, pero
es prescindible para darle ms fluidez al texto.
Nota 2: Esa frase est mal construida, cuidado, pues vendra a decir algo como Qu
piensa dar cuenta tu hermano in su trabajo No s si queras poner Qu hace tu
hermano en su trabajo? En ese caso sera What does your brother do at his job?
Nota 3: Para evitar repetir Martin, utiliza sinnimos. En este caso, Im proud of him
ira muy bien.
Nota 4: Mejor cuando eres gitano (when) que si eres gitano (if), aunque dira que
el if tambin es correcto, pero se utilizara ms el when en ese caso.
Nota 4: Las preposiciones de ese estilo (finally) me suenan mejor antes del verbo.

9. Write the postcard to your English friend, Chris. In the postcard, you should: say
what the picture on the postcards shows, explain why youre visiting the city and tell
Chris what you like best about the city.
Hi Chris!
How are you? I have sent you this postcard because Im visiting Roma. In the picture
on the postcard shows is shown (Nota 1) the Coliseo. Im visiting the principal town
capital / main town of this country because my boyfriend and I love Greek (nota 2)
sculptures so we decided to visit Roma come / go on a trip / etc. Here (nota 3).
Nota 1: En la foto de la postal muestra el Coliseo, sera la traduccin de la frase que
habas utilizado. Para que concuerde, habra que transformar el shows en la voz
pasiva is shown, que podra traducirse como se muestra / sale el Coliseo.
Si al principio de la frase prescindieras del in, y dijeses The picture on the postcard,
s podras utilizar la forma shows, pues se entendera que la foto de la postal
muestra (shows) el Coliseo.
Nota 2: Me suena raro decir que el novio y ella queran ir a Roma para ver esculturas
griegas, en vez de esculturas romanas, pero como supongo que en Roma tambin
habr de esas, no s si es un error o no. Algunas sugerencias: Roman sculpture (la
escultura romana); Greek sculptures (las esculturas griegas, si en lugar de querer
decir la escultura griega, quisieras decir las esculturas griegas, etc.)
Nota 3: Para evitar repetir Roma tantas veces, est bien que hayas intentado utilizar
sinnimos (principal town), aunque la forma correcta sera main town o capital.
Como en la ltima parte de la ltima frase seguimos queriendo evitar repetirnos, yo
propongo sustituir el we decided to visit Roma por we decided to come here, we
decided to go on a trip here.
10. Do you use computers or mobile phones a lot? Now type a letter answering your
penfriends questions.
Hi Mary!
Im surprised whit with your letter (Nota 1) because I didnt know that you love loved
new technology so much new technology. How do you get your the money for to buy
your mobile phones?
I think that computers are very important if you study some a degree. So when I was
eighteen, my mother bought me one a computer to do (Nota 2) my homework. But

really, a I really hate computers because I dont have patience when there is some
trouble whit with them.
On another hand I always use my mobile phone, especially for to talk whit to my
friends. Also, I like playing games how like / such as Angry Birds (Nota 3) in my
mobile phone so I prefer mobile phones than to computers. (Nota 4)
Please, write to me again soon.
Nota 1: Cmo sera: estoy sorprendida por lo que me has contado? Sera Im / I am
surprised at what youve / you have told me. Tambin podras decir Im surprised to
read your letter, que quiz sonara mejor.
Nota 2: Est bien dicho. Tambin podras poner so I could do my homework (para
que pudiese hacer los deberes), y sonara mejor.
Nota 3: Este fallo lo he visto en alguna otra redaccin tambin: los ttulos hay que
ponerlos siempre con mayscula en su primera palabra, y tambin en el resto de
palabras largas (sustantivos, adjetivos, verbos). Por ejemplo, Lo que el viento se
llev, en ingls se llama, y se escribe Gone with the Wind.
Nota 4: Preferir X a Y sera to prefer x TO y, por tanto la preposicin sera To.
Tambin podras utilizar la expresin rather than (algo as como antes que), y
diciendo I prefer mobile phones rather than computers, estara bien.

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