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Dr.Ir.Dwi Hastuti, MSc. (

Departemen Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen
Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Menyampaikan sesuatu untuk diyakini dan
dijadikan pedoman atau arah
Menyampaikan secara massal untuk diyakini
dan dijadikan pedoman atau arah
Menyampaikan sesuatu untuk diyakini, dijadikan
pedoman dan perbuatan sehingga menjadi
suatu kebiasaan
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Moral education menfokuskan pada metode belajar,
yang mengubah "bag of virtues approach" menjadi
cognitive-developmental approach.
Moral judgment dan moral discussion diminati lebih
daripada moral inculcation.
Ethics : A set of principles of right conduct; A theory or a
system of moral values
"Ethics" = a specific stress on the development of mature
ethical judgment & the formation of autonomous moral
Right life = Morals = Ethics = moral shaping, appropriate
moral habits and etiquette, comprehension of moral
norms, the development of moral decision-making.
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Lickona (1991b) defines character as

"stable dispositions to respond to
situations in moral ways--manifested in
observable patterns (character traits) of
kindness, honesty, responsibility, and a
generalized respect for others"

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

It assumes that education that fosters the

development of moral character, values,
reason, etc., will consequently lead to
more responsible behavior.
Virtues life and inner joy

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Nilai-nilai karakter yang disampaikan

(Kasus Jepang):
Isi pendidikan moral di Jepang mencapai 4
area dan terdiri 76 item yaitu :
Regarding Self = Perhatian thd diri sendiri
Relation to Others = hubungan dg orang
Relation to Nature & the Sublime =
hubungan dg alam dan penciptaNya
Relation to Group & Society = hubungan
dg grup dan masyarakat
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

1. Regarding Self

1) Moderation
Mengerjakan mandiri dan melakukan moderate life.
2) Diligence
Bekerja keras secara mandiri.
3) Courage
Mengerjakan sesuatu dg benar dengan keberanian
4) Sincerity
Bekerja dengan sincerity & cheer.
(5) Freedom & Order
Nilai kebebasan dan bekerja disiplin
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

6) Self-improvement
Memahami diri sendiri dan merubah apa
yang seharusnya diubah, dan
memperbaiki diri sendiri
7) Love for Truth
Mencintai dan mencari kebenaran,
mencari dasar kehidupan dan bertujuan
mencapai standar ideal
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

2. Relation to Others
1) Courtesy
Memahami tata sopan santun, berbicara dan bertingkah laku
tergantung pada situasi dan kondisi
2) Consideration and Kindness
Memperhatikan kepentingan orang lain, baik hati, empati
3) Friendship
Memahami, percaya dan menolong kepada orang lain
4) Thanks & Respect
Bertemu mereka yang mendukung kehidupan kita, warga senior
yang telah berjasa, memberik ucapan terima kasih dan
5) Modesty
Menghargai orang lain yang berbeda ide dan status dengan
wawasan atau pandangan luas

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Mengajarkan Hubungan Antar Individu dan group

Pemahaman menjadi tekun, rajin,

memperhatikan jasa sosial
kemasyarakatan, tanggungjawab sosial
menghargai public property.

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

3. Relation to Nature & the Sublime

1) Respect for Nature

Mengenal alam dan cinta kepada hewan dan tanaman
2) Respect for Life
Menghargai kehidupan dan makhluk hidup
3) Aesthetic Sensitivity
Memiliki sensitivitas aesthetic dan perasaan a feeling of
awe toward power over human beings.
4) Nobility
Mempercayai kekuatan dan keunggulan manusia untuk
mengatasi kelemahan diri, dan menemukan
kebahagiaan sebagai manusia
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Sifat hubungan vertical order di Jepang

didasarkan pada etika Confucian, dengan
dasar hubungan kekeluargaan, mengikat
seluruh anggota yang berbeda usia
dengan kasih sayang (bukan dengan
power atau ability).

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

4. Hubungan dengan Grup & Masyarakat

1) Public Duty
Menjaga janji dan menjalankan kewajiban dalam masyarakat, serta
merasa kewajiban publik.
2) Justice
Jujur dan tak berpihak tanpa diskriminasi, prejudice, dan keadilan
3) Group Participation & Responsibility
Keinginan untuk berpartisasi sbg grup, menyadari perannya,
melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban dg bekerjasama
4) Industry
Memahami makna bekerja keras, dan keinginan untuk bekerja
5) Respect for Family Members
Mencintai dan menghormati orangtua dan kakek/nenek dan
bersedia membantu pekerjaan mereka
6) Respect for Teachers & People at School
Mencintai dan menghormati guru dan orang di sekolah/kampus,
menciptakan tradisi sekolah yang lebih baik (kerjasama)

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

7) Contribution to Society
Menyadari kedudukannya dalam masyarakat
setempat, hormat dan cinta thd mereka yang
berkontribusi dlm masyarakat (senior citizens)
8) Respect for Tradition and Love of Nation
Tertarik kepada budaya dan tradisi bangsa,
mencintai bangsa
9) Respect for Other Culture
Menghargai budaya asing dan manusianya, dg
menyadari kesadaran sbg bangsa, dan menjalin
persahabatan internasional

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Nilai-nilai Karakter yang disampaikan di

Korea (Chung, Chu, Cha, Kim, & Lee, 1994).
"Ethics" memiliki beberapa tujuan yaitu :

Mengembangkan perasaan terhadap nilai etik

dan ideologi
Membentuk autonomous moral character traits"
Membentuk nilai sistem budaya yang diinginkan

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Terdiri atas :
Human beings and ethics: Human life and ethics,
self- realization and character building, and
characteristics of Adolescence.
Society and ethics: Ethical situations in modern
society, modern society and life ethics, and current
social problems and ethics.
Nation and ethics: National ideology and
development, nationalism and democracy, and
global ethics.
Ethical thoughts: Oriental ethical thoughts,
Western ethical thoughts, and Korean ethical

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

On the premise that there is no universally

applicable methodology in moral education,
the teaching methods of the moral education
consider students' levels of cognitive and
moral development in order to enhance the
effectiveness of learning in moral education
(Chung, 1984).

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Kelas yang bermakna dan menyenangkan, diperoleh melalui

metode pembelajaran pendidikan karakter yang ramah otak Brain
Based Learning

Tidak ditakuti, tidak diancam atau merasa

terancam, tertekan, tidak aman
Menekankan pada keseimbangan otak kiri dan
otak kanan

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc



Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

The inquiry mode, dilemma discussion, and

student-centered instruction sangat dianjurkan
dalam pendidikan moral untuk menghindari
kesan indoktrinasi pada siswa
Namun demikian teacher-oriented instruction,
dan metode klasikal melalui penjelasan,
cerita/kisah-kisah, modeling, dan diskusi
kelompok kecil masih tetap digunakan di Korea
(Chu & Park, 1996).

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Metode yang umum digunakan

dalam pendidikan moral di Korea :

Explanations designed to inculcate moral virtues

Presenting good moral behaviors through literature and history
Reading a textbook and finding moral lessons from it
Presenting a moral dilemma followed by a small group discussion
Moral dialogue by questions and answers
Case studies
Role playing and simulation games
Use of audiovisual materials
Making students write moral essay
Making students write value-oriented journals, and
Small group activities & projects.

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

The formal curriculum can support moral
education in a variety of ways.
First, it can systematically incorporate lessons
about morality;
through the historical study of notable moral
events and decisions
through the literary study of moral heroes or
villains or great moral dilemmas,
through the theatrical depiction of great moral
narratives or conflicts, etc.
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Mata pelajaran yang khusus terkait moral dapat

ditambahkan dalam kurikulum sekolah.
Pendidikan moral formal disampaikan melalui beberapa
bidang : philosophy, religion, and democratic
Metode belajar melalui bentuk pelayanan (Service
learning and other forms of institutionalised moral
action) dapat dilaksanakan dalam bentuk kurikulum
yang eksplisit di sekolah.
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Kurikulum informal terkait karakter boleh jadi merupakan
hal yang penting dalam pembentukan karakter seseorang.
Meaningful service learning and/or community service
should be a significant part of this curriculum.
Untuk pembentukan karakter maka paling penting adalah
memberikan kesempatan untuk beraksi atau berbuat.
Pesan moral dapat kuat dan jelas jika guru berdedikasi
kepada tugasnya mengajar, dan sebaliknya tidak dapat
berhasil jika guru menyerah.

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Teaching is itself a part of the moral message
transmitted by a teacher to a child...
Guru sebagai moral exemplar
Guru/dosen harus menjadi teladan moral bagi siswa.
Bahkan seluruh sistem sekolah berperilaku mengikuti
standar moral dan suasana demokratis yang ditetapkan
Guru/dosen di Korea dianjurkan menggunakan
kombinasi beberapa metode pengajaran dalam
pendidikan karakter, guna menciptakan kelas yang
bermakna, efektif, dan menyenangkan bagi
murid/mahasiswa sekaligus memberikan stimulasi
terhadap kemampuan berpikir siswa
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc


School ideology should be clearly developed,

articulated, and disseminated.
a clear statement of its purpose and values;
what it is trying to achieve, why those are its
goals, and how it intends to go about reaching
its stated goals.
Such a statement should be developed by the
entire school community and the broader
community of which it is a part.
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Finally, peer norms are also at the heart of the informal
It has long been acknowledged that what peers value
and hold to be right has a great impact on how they
develop and influence each other.
Kohlberg has explicitly focused on the norms of the
students in his Just Community schools (Power et al.,
1989a), norms such as caring and participation.
Peer norms both affect the moral atmosphere of the
school and are affected by it.
Even more significant, from a sociological perspective,
the norms shift from being individually held norms to
being collective norms shared by members of the school.
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Beyond well defined conceptual content, however, this
new curriculum must be supported with an adequate
supply of instructional materials.
applied ethics concentrates on problems and dilemmas
.engaged with the problem of what kind of person to
be, and how to become that kind of person, the problems
of ethics become concrete and practical
(Berkowitz, 1998)

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc



Teaching Values in the Schools

Richard A. Baer, Jr.1982
Teenage PregnancyLaurie L. Lachance1985
The New Moral Education
Kevin Ryan1986
A Myriad of Values: A Brief History
R. Lewis Hodge1989
Teenage Pregnancy and Drug Abuse: Sources of
Problem Behaviors
Janine Bempechat et al.1989
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood

Sandra Danziger and Naomi Farber1990
Adolescents and AIDS
Liane Summerfield1990
Premature Sexual Activity As an Indicator of
Psychosocial Risk Donald P. Orr, et al1991
School Crime
United States Department of Justice1991
A Comprehensive Model for Values Education
and Moral Education
Howard Kirschenbaum1992
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Dan Quayle Was Right

Barbara. D. Whitehead1993
The Return of Character Education
Thomas Lickona1993
Values Education in American Secondary Schools
Dale N. Titus1994

The Failure of Sex Education

Barbara D. Whitehead1994
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance --- United States, 1993
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1995
The Real Root Causes Of Violent Crime: The
Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community
Patrick F. Fagan1995

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Character in the Basic School - Making a Commitment to

Ernest L. Boyer1995
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance --- United States, 1995
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1996
Why Religion Matters: The Impact Of Religious Practice
On Social Stability
Patrick F. Fagan1996
Youth & HIV/AIDS: An American Agenda
Office of National AIDS Policy1996
The Hidden Epidemic: Confronting Sexually Transmitted
Thomas R. Eng & William T. Butler1996
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

The Child Abuse Crisis: The Disintegration Of Marriage,

Family, And The American Community
Patrick F. Fagan, Dorothy B. Hanks1997
Facts About Teenagers and Drug Abuse
National Institute on Drug Abuse1997

Global Study of Family Values

The Gallup Organization1997
Sexual Norms: Where Does America Stand Today?
Frank Newport1997
Television Violence: Content, Context, and
Amy Aidman1997
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Japanese moral education is designed to
achieve the goals through all educational
activities in schools
to clean their classrooms and public spaces,
such as, rest rooms, entrances, gymnasiums,
outside buildings, and so forth. This is for the
purpose of not only creating good learning
environment and atmosphere by themselves,
but also for students appreciating the value of
work and public mind.
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Activities with living things. Through the activities, pupils

get familiar with nature around and have affection toward
living things, and consequently they learn to respect life.
Club activities after school in junior and high schools are
regarded as significant to acquire interpersonal skills and
rules in a group.
These club activities involve many items shown in the
goals of moral education, such as, cooperation,
courtesy, responsibility, diligence, self-improvement,
friendship and so on. Students learn them through
pursuing common goals of their groups.
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Syarat lain yang dianjurkan dalam pendidikan moral

di Korea adalah mengubah suasana highly
competitive school atmosphere menjadi suasana
a moral, democratic community based
berdasarkan kerjasama, kasih sayang, dan
keadilan, dengan tetap menjunjung tinggi disiplin
Explicit instruction on civic morality

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

The school, like the government, is an

institution with a basic function of
maintaining and transmitting...the
consensual values of society. The most
fundamental are termed moral values.
(Kohlberg, 1967, p. 165).

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Dukungan Keluarga
Kontribusi keluarga dalam
mensosialisasikan nilai karakter amat
penting, mengingat keluarga adalah
institusi pertama dan utama dalam
pembentukan anak
Japanese moral education in schools is an
extension of the family

Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Pupils Personal Development
The school provides an excellent range of opportunities
through which its pupils can develop
a system of spiritual beliefs, based on secure knowledge
and understanding of faiths and philosophies, and a
strong moral code derived from the schools
expectations of trust, fairness, honesty and respect for
others in relationships.
The boarding experience, the emphasis on responsibility
and extensive exposure to the arts enable pupils to
develop socially and culturally in ways that are
appropriate to them as individuals
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

Compliance with the Regulations for Registration

Department for Education and Skills Standard
1. Quality of education:
1(2) Curriculum
1(3)-(5) Teaching
2. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
3. Welfare, health and safety of pupils
4. Suitability of proprietors and staff
5. Premises and accommodation
6. Provision of information
7. Manner in which complaints are to be handled
Dr.Dwi Hastuti,MSc

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