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Brabeck- Letmathe emphasizes the need for incremental approach to change.

Do you
agree that this what he has done? Discuss the differences and similarities betw
een his view and your view of what has occurred at Nestle, both historically and
in recent times.
Yes, I believe Brabeck has incremental change because he believes that change sh
ould happen slow and steady. If you make all changes happen at once instead of ove
r a period of time then there will be no incremental change. He expanded Nestle
with different products, which I think helped them to increase in production. He
tried to implement their strengths and make them better. I believe that he coul
d have done this better financially because having too many investors can put a
financial burden on the organization. With Brabeck-Letmathe using this approach,
it gave the organization a chance to keep the core values and sustain strength
rather than changing it entirely
am in complete agreement with the fact that Brabeck-Lemanthe has instituted a c
ontinual and purposeful incremental policy in regards to change. He has realized
and that that resistance to change is always high and too many first-order chan
ges always creates chaos and confusion. Change causes continual anxiety and in a
n attempt to alleviate major disruptions and concerns for job security he has hi
storically cultivated a style that includes accountability and a nurturing appro
ach. He moves slowly and every move carefully calculated with precision to achie
ve direct goal.
ctually I agree with Brabeck-Letmathe s incremental approach to change by restruct
ure. I also agree that change should happen slow and steady. If the all changes ha
ppen at once instead of over a period of time then there will be no incremental
change. He expanded Nestle with different products, which I think helped them to
increase in production. He
The way Brabeck-Letmathe is depicted in the story can stimulate discussions
on how managers use change and the multiple interpretations of incremental vs
transformational change.
One possible analysis of Brabeck-Letmathe s actions and his

view could be that

despite the complete overhaul of the executive board, which can be an effective
important symbol of commitment to change, Brabeck-Letmathe does realize his aim
to use an incremental approach to change. Historically there have been a number
radical changes

such as moving the company s executive offices

but recently the

focus has been on maintaining the capacity of the organization is its current ma
With respect to Nestl s history, the majority of changes that Brabeck-Letmathe has
initiated focus on incrementally restructuring the organization.
Letmathe emphasizes the need for incremental approach to change. Do you agree th
at this what he has done?

I believe Brabeck has incremental change because he believes that change should
happen slow and steady. If you make all changes happen at once instead of over a p
eriod of time then there will be no incremental change.
Historically there have been a number of
radical changes

such as moving the company s executive offices and industry divsi

but recenlty Brabeck foucsed on maintaining the capacity of the organization is

its current markets
also He tried to improve their strengths and make them better so braback main fo
ucs was on incrementally restructuring the organization increasing the

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