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Rush Limbaugh Echo

Opening: We have to understand Jihadists?

Seg#1: Obama democrats have a profound misunderstanding of Evil!
Twelve people are dead in France, across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower, in a full-fledge military attack.
It was a terrorist attack! said the president of France. Obama had not had his daily briefing.
Does anyone know why Alyson Camerota left Fox and Friends to go to CNN? The WH press secretary
was on the air talking more like a president than Obama. Maybe Obama was still celebrating the
continuing leadership of Boehner. It is an act of violence, and if it is deemed to be Terrorism, we will
take appropriate action. They are cowering in fear?
There is no question that the civilized world is in defensive posture.
We are literally handcuffed and cant deal with this head-on. We have created a grievance industry in
Americaeverybody has a grievance against mean-spirited and mythical rich-and-Republican.
We mistreated the world? Hillary Clinton spreads that view. Democrats are rooted in the view that
America and its allies are the problem, not the solution, in the world today. Dont doubt me.
Higher education looks at America this way, leading to so many of the problems we face in America
today. They dont even call it terrorism and wait around for someone else to use that word first.
We are closing Gitmo because it was said to be a recruiting tool. OK, so lets show the world we
forgive and forget. ChiComs violated civil rights and someone in the State Dpt stood up and said, We
understand, because we have our own Immigration problem. We recognize Cuba and not hold them
to deals they made. They say they will remain Communists.
NYC De Blazio hates cops. How did he get to be mayor? Other people feel the same way. We embrace
dictatorships throughout the world, to show it is a New Day (which Obama promised in 2008.)
In the American Democrat Party, they think the Tea Party, not ISIS. Did you ever hear Hillary or Obama
say we need to empathize with Tea Party people. ((Clip of Obama at the UN in 2012, Sept 25th: The
future must not belong to the people that slander the prophet of Islam.)) Thats the president of the
United States.
>>> We are going to show dictators we are not GWBush.
>>>>> Such a deep and profound misunderstanding of Evil !
The French magazine satires all religionsit is like Mad Magazine.
Seg#2: Liberals wont admit that the religion of peace, isnt
May 2010 Dept. of State Posner told China we have our own human rights violations since AZ wanted to
enforce the border.

When talking about the attack on the newspaper in France, it is not about grievance other than the fact
that we exist. It is the ideology of Islam. Their religion is to conquer nations and their people and make
the Muslim.
>>> Choose (1) convert; (2) submit; or (3) die, you infidel!
Segment#3: The WH cant even call Jihad for what it is
Dec 3 ((Clip-Hillary: This is what we call smart power, showing respect to empathize with an enemy. This
is what we believe will bring peace.)) The navet is breathtaking. It is incompetence on proud display.
They think they are the smartest and brightest, sitting around in academia. They lead the parade of
ISIS/ISIL/al-Qaida has no grievance against us, except that we exist. It is an ideology. They claim we
have no right to exist, unless we recognize their ideology. It is a Jihad against the western world.
The point is that Hillary and Obama want to make is that it is grievance drivenso if we make
adjustments, then we will be accepted. Hence, close Gitmo. Our American Leftists are so arrogant that
they think everybody will see it their way. You listened to Ahmadinejad and he sounded just like a
campaigning Democrat.
When it comes to militant Islam, our Liberal-Democrats are missing [truth]. Needless name-calling? So
after a military Jihad attack in Paris, the WH cant even call it for what it is.
UK publication Economist is like USA Time magazine. They had an article that USA parents are raising
their children in fear. A generation is taught to fear and it permeates everything, including speech.
A conservative website features Federalist Papers, with young conservatives in college. It has more
actual reporting than DbM journalists. ((Reading from :: The video had nothing to
do with the Jihad attack. The WH even wrote talking points to say there were riots in Egypt. If we just
apologize, maybe they wont protest.)) You know the story. Susan Rice had five Sunday morning show
appearances to blame the video.
Obama went to the UN to blame the video. More than the grievance approach, the State Dpt had ads to
blame the video, running in Pakistan.
>>> We absolutely reject the content of the video nobody had seen.
Seg#4: The civilized world cowers in fear, not dealing with Islam
Obamas pastor Jeremiah Wright said Americas chickens have come home to roost speaking of 9/11.
Does he now say this about France?
In Obamas response today, there is not one mention of Jihad or Terrorism. This countrys leadership
has fed the beast, trumpeting weakness. It is the same with most of the western world.

>>> The future must not belong to those who slander

>>>>>> the prophet of Islam Obama told the UN.
Seg#5: Weve said more in this hour than you will hear all week in DbM.
> > > But youve got to hear JFKerry speaking about this in French.
Patriot Radio news: The Jihadists, shouting Islamic slogans, got away.
Seg#6: We need greater vigilance, notes former Navy SEAL
(Theme Music) Wheres that Economist piece? Home of the Unbrave.
You would be shocked with certain parts of this country who think the French magazine had it coming to
them. It would never occur to me to blame the 12 people that got killed. Would you blame, to some
extent, Obama?
In academia, it is a widely held view that our military is the problem. They use transference to believe
everyone believes the same. Play the Hillary clip again ((Clip: this is what we call smart power using
every tool that we have, leaving no one on the sidelines, empathize with their point of view. That will
change the prospects for peace.)) Im sorry, but if you believe any of that, then you believe we have
some blame. What is it about us they dont like? We are claiming Defeat every way that we can.
The grievance is not that we were in Iraq/Afghanistan/Iran, the grievance is that we exist and are not
Former SEAL, Jonathan Gilliam was on FoxNews ((Clip: I see [Jihadists] moving back to their cars. They
attack across nations. I just drove through NYC Time Square in a cab and it terrifies me.)) Instead, the
cops are blamed.
The Paris attack was practiced and staged. It is not just about France. It is about western civilization.
Back to ((Reading: Hillary Clinton said we reject the content of the video.)) In the Obama
speech at the UN, he blamed a video made by an American. Remember, he is speaking to the Star Wars
bar scene. ((Reading on: Why didnt we shut him down? Because we have laws. I cant deal with it the
way you would.))
The US government has no right and no business to weigh in on what people think and say, be it Muslim,
Mormon, Catholic, Protestant.
Remember how only the L.A.Times ran a story of Bill and Hillary dancing in bathing suits to no music,
and DbM picked up, Do you reject invasion of privacy? People around the world hear the words of
Obama dumping on one of his citizens on a video nobody saw.
Obama proudly proclaims victory as he accepts defeat, a new day in America.
>>> JFKerry thinks he is qualified because he speaks beginning French.

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Turning Back"
After a couple of weeks of avoiding reporters questions, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio staged a
carefully orchestrated press conference. He finally addressed the issue of thousands of cops turning
their backs on him during the funerals for two slain officers. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Blasted Police Who
Turned Their Backs at Cops' Funerals
De Blasio claimed that the protests were hurtful to the families of the ambushed officers, and offensive
to the city. He said: Those individuals who took certain actions the last two weeks, they were
disrespectful to the families involved. Thats the bottom line. I cant understand why anyone would do
such a thing in the context like that. He also expressed disappointment, that even after he requested
that officers refrain from protesting at the second funeral, they protested anyway.
The mayor, activists like Al Sharpton, Attorney General Holder, and our Chief Community Organizer,
Barack Obama, whipped up anti-police sentiment in the wake of Ferguson, and the death of Eric
Gardner. When the two New York City policemen were ambushed, they attempted to rein it in. But it
was too late.
De Blasio campaigned against police policies when he ran for office. He hired a press agent whose
convicted boyfriend and son spewed anti-police rhetoric on social media. He publicly warned his own
son to be wary of police, even though they protect his safety.
To many officers, the funerals for two officers were the perfect place to quietly, peacefully, protest the
lack of support they feel from the mayors office. That de Blasio doesnt understand why, is part of the
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"Here we've just given the House Republicans the biggest majority in both houses they've ever seen, and
they're out actively attempting to impugn, destroy, mock, make fun of the people that gave it to them,
their own voters. It's a stunning thing to behold."
"Can anybody name a time when the party's own leadership turned on its base the way the GOP
leadership has turned on the Republican base? Can you think of a time when the Democrats have
turned on their base like this? And that base deserves to be turned on. If there's ever a base that
deserves to be ignored and apologized for, it's the Democrat base."
"Eric Cantor said, 'We gotta stop relitigating the last six years.' By the way, did the left ever stop
relitigating gay marriage? Did the left ever stop litigating amnesty? Did the left ever stop litigating
Obamacare? No. The left never stopped litigating their agenda. Why do we always have to be the ones
that do that?"
"We've always grown up thinking that the people that lead us are better than we are. I don't mean it in
a DNA sense. You know what I mean. We look up to them. We're inspired by them. It's not the case
anymore. It's becoming increasingly clear we know more than they do. Maybe not about the intricacies

of their business, but we know more about the real world. We know more about living in it, because
they don't and we do. And it's becoming almost breathtaking to behold this."
"Everybody Inside the Beltway, I don't care where they work or what they do, it is becoming increasingly
difficult for people there to have anything in common with people like us who are not there."
"When you think about it, the Republican leadership's attitude toward its own base is pretty much
unprecedented. The Democrat Party never, at least publicly, rejects its base or impugns its base or
makes fun of its base or wishes its base didn't exist. They never do anything to humiliate them, and the
Republican Party thrives on it."
"When you think about it, the Republican leadership's attitude toward its own base is pretty much
unprecedented. The Democrat Party never, at least publicly, rejects its base or impugns its base or
makes fun of its base or wishes its base didn't exist. They never do anything to humiliate them, and the
Republican Party thrives on it."
"The Republican Party is doing everything it can to dismantle its own base, as identified by the Tea Party.
It's doing everything it can to impugn them, to join the Democrats in mocking and making fun and to
render their base, their own base impotent."
"We need to stop this agenda of Obama's. We need to stop the destruction of this country and its
transformation. If that means nothing continues to get done in Washington, then that's what it means."
"The Tea Party is the backbone of this country. The Tea Party is the people who make this country work.
The Tea Party is the natural Republican base."
"When you compare the Republican base and the Democrat base and you think it's the Tea Party that's
off the edge of sanity, what in the world else must you think?"
"I kind of like this Alice in Limbaughland. They obviously think of me when they think of the Tea Party,
and frankly, other than supporting it, I've got nothing to do with the Tea Party, and neither does
anybody else, really."
"The only thing the Republicans could do, it seems to me, is take action to stop this agenda. It's what
they were elected to do; it's what this election in November was all about."
"As far as Republican voters are concerned, from amnesty, to Obamacare, to spending, to the budget,
there is no uncertainty; they want Obama stopped."
"The Tea Party came into existence out of thin air, essentially. What I mean by that is, the Tea Party
doesn't have a leader. The Tea Party just came into existence because of the shock and awe at what was
happening to America by Obama."
"The Republican base trusts in God, trusts in families, free markets, Constitution. And they're sick of the
BS. Sick of being told what to eat; sick of being told what to drive; sick of being told how to keep warm;
sick of being told it's cold in Chicago in December, January, when it's supposed to be, they already know
it's cold. And they're sick of being told how to stay warm when it gets cold. They're sick of being

"I study Hillary. It isn't any fun, but it's part of the job. You know, Hillary, her hair and the outfits, she's
becoming more and more like Angela Merkel in appearance. I don't know if it's by design or if it's just
something I'm noticing."
"I guarantee you that every single thing that will come out of Hillary Clinton's mouth will be Google
Analytics polled, that she will not utter a single thing ever that the majority does not agree with."
"I don't think anybody knows who the real Hillary is, other than us. We do. But she does a great job, and
the Democrats do a great job of hiding it and having it all focus group polled or some such thing."
"You have to respect those that manned up for that vote against Boehner. That took a lot of guts to vote
against Boehner, because they know there's going to be a price to pay. Remember that courage is never
"You can't just walk into an NFL locker room. In fact, it's easier to jump the fence at the White House,
apparently, than it is to get into an NFL locker room."
"The bottom line is, folks, there will never, ever be a dull moment when you are here for the whole
three hours."
"If she's moaning, she's digging it. We have it on official record as of today."
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Quick Hits Page

The GOP Leadership's Attitude Toward Its Own Base Is Unprecedented

Defeated Senator Robert Bennett: GOP Can't Let the Tea Party Take Them to Alice in Limbaughl

The Skinny on Christie and Jones

Somebody Is Going After the Clintons

Many Republicans Think Only Mittens Can Beat Google-Analytics Hillary

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