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Personal Pronouns

Representan o reemplazan personas o cosas especficas. These are words that represent or replace specific people or thing.
Se escriben antes del verbo principal de la oracin. Personal pronouns are put before the main verb of the sentence.
Subject Pronouns:
I 1ra persona singular
You 2da persona singular
He She It 3ra persona singular
We 1ra persona plural
You 2da persona plural They 3ra persona plural
Simple Present
Se utiliza fundamentalmente: (Uses)
Para hablar de acciones habituales o rutinas: (Repeated actions)
She gets up at eight oclock. We study maths every day. I never drink milk
Para hablar de situaciones permanentes: (Permanent situations)
We live in Buenos Aires.
Para expresar hechos reales, afirmaciones cientficas: (General truths, thing in general)
Wood floats on water. La madera flota en el agua. Heat melts ice. The sun rises in the East.
En horarios, programas, instrucciones: (Fixed arrangements, scheduled events)
The bus leaves at 7.00h. El autobs sale a las 7.00h. The plane flies to London every Monday.
Para dar instrucciones: (instructions)
Open your books at page 34.
Forms of the Simple Present
Affirmative Sentences - Forma afirmativa
We use the infinitive of the verb for all persons, except for the third person singular, which takes -s or -es in the
affirmative. Laura opens the door. We go to school every day.
Es la misma para todas las personas gramaticales, excepto para la 3 persona del singular que aade una s.
Most verbs take -s in the third person singular. I work, he works
La mayora de los verbos simplemente agregan una -s al final: work works travel
Verbs ending in a vowel + y take -s. I play, he plays
Si el verbo acaba en vocal + y, se aade s. Play - Plays
Verbs ending in a consonant + y drop -y and take -ies. I fly He flies
Pero si acaba en consonante + y se aade -ies. fly - flies.
Verbs ending in o, ss, sh, ch o x take -es.
Si el verbo acaba en o, ss, sh, ch o x: -es.
go goes
watch watches
wash washes pass passes
Negative Sentences - Forma negativa
We use subject + don't + main verb in all persons in the negative, except the 3 rd person singular. We use subject + doesn't
+ main verb in this person.
Se usa do not (= dont) despus del sujeto y delante del verbo principal.
Pero, para la 3 persona del singular, se usa does not (= doesnt).
They do not work / They dont work. He does not work / He doesnt work
Questions - Forma interrogativa
We use do + subject + verb in all persons except for the third person singular. We use does + subject + verb in this person.
Se utiliza el auxiliar do + sujeto + verbo, en ese orden para todas las personas; excepto para la tercera persona singular, en
cuyo caso usamos does + sujeto + verbo.
Do they play? Does she play?
No se pone la s en la tercera persona del singular play- porque la s est puesta en does.
Sujeto - Subject
Forma del Presente Simple Forms of the Simple Present




(sujeto) + work

(sujeto) + do not/don't +

Do + (sujeto) + work?


(sujeto) + works

(sujeto) + does
not/doesn't + work

Does + (sujeto) + work?

Time Expressions used with Present Simple

every day, every week, every month, every summer, every year, etc., every morning, every evening, every afternoon,
every night, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, every Monday, on Monday, on Tuesday, etc. usually,
always, often, sometimes, never, twice a week, once a month, etc.
Time expressions made up of one word are placed: - between the subject and the verb in positive sentences and questions,
- and between the auxiliary verb and main verb in negative sentences.
1. I always study hard for exams.
Do you usually speak to him like that?
Time expressions made up of two or more words are placed either at the beginning or the end of a sentence, and usually
at the end of questions.
1.Ben goes to football practice every Tuesday. 2.In general, I believe that all people can live in peace. 3.Do you go to the
supermarket every week?
Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Present in the statements. Eg: I swim in the lake
1. Sally (drive) her kids to football practice.
2. I (work) as a secretary
3. I hate living in London because it (rain)
4. This delicious chocolate (be) made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.
Match the phrases to form meaningful sentences
usually like computers
like tennis
sometimes eat in school
Young people
plays football
sings very well
usually like shopping
Write correct sentences in present simple
1- David / hate / alcohol
2- Never / I /read / a book
3- My sister / parties / enjoy
4- I / drink / coffee / sometimes
5 We / on Saturday / go / to the disco
6 My brother / play / basketball
Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Present in the statements.
Alejandro's week
On Saturday, Alejandro (play) hockey in the morning. In the evening, he (go) to the cinema and (go) to bed at half past
one. On Sunday morning he (do) his homework and in the evening he (watch) tv.
Carlos' week
Every afternoon, I (go) to the gym, I also (play) with the computer and (watch) tv. On Saturdays and Sundays I (play)
Everyday, he (do) his homework and at nine o'clok he (have) a shower and (have) dinner. Then, he (go) to his bedroom
and (listen) to music.

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