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(Misconception - understanding wrongly or state of being mistaken in ones



1. Introducing

Correct Concept

2. Cell as basic unit

of life

3. Matter

4. The variety of
resources on

Incorrect Concept

A hypothesis can only be

accepted as possible after
going through experiment.
1 kg of a material is the
mass of that material.
The unit for mass is
kilogram whereas the unit
for weight is newton.
Electric current is measured
in the unit of ampere (A)
whereas electric energy is
measured in the unit of volt

Low level animals such as

Paramecium and Amoeba
have vacuoles.
Animal cells store food in
the form of glycogen.

All animal cells do not have


Animal cells store food in

the form of starch.

Air has mass.

Solid particles vibrate and
rotate at their place.
1 kg of steel has a higher
density than 1 kg of cotton.

Air does not have mass.

Solid particles do not have
1 kg of steel has the same
density as 1 kg of cotton.

An oxygen molecule is an
element because it is made
up of two same kind of

Non-metal materials can

conduct heat but at a slower
rate. Non-metal materials
are poor heat conductors.


A hypothesis can be
proven true through
1 kg of a material is the
weight of that material.
Weight and mass have the
same unit which is
Electric current and electric
energy are measured with
the same unit .

An oxygen molecule is not

an element because it is
made up of two oxygen
Non-metal materials could
not be able to conduct


Correct Concept

5. The air around us.

6. Sources of

7. Heat

Incorrect Concept

The composition of air

constituents change in the
air according to place and
nature of things.
The inactiveness of nitrogen
allows it to balance the
activity of oxygen in the air.

Microorganisms can be
found in the air.

The composition of air

constituents is always
The inert (inactive)
nitrogen gas in the air does
not have any use.
Microorganisms can only
be found on surfaces of
solids or liquids.
All living things need
oxygen and release carbon
Gas is not released by the
decay of living things by
Combustion releases
carbon dioxide only.

Green plants needs carbon

dioxide and release oxygen
in the presence of light.
The decay of living things
by microorganisms release
carbon dioxide.
Combustion usually
releases both carbon
dioxide and water vapour.
Carbon dioxide gas
released during combustion
and pollute the environment
that causes the greenhouse
effect (global warming).

Carbon dioxide gas

released during
combustion does not
pollute the environment.

Heat energy from the Sun

dries wet clothes.
A dynamo changes kinetic
energy into electrical
Garbage can be burned to
produce energy.

Light energy from the Sun

dries wet clothes.
A dynamo changes
electrical energy into
kinetic energy.
Garbage has no use from
the point of view of
generating energy.

The heat content of an

object depends on factors of
mass and volume of the
Heat can move through air

by radiation.
Different gases expand at

the same rate.


The heat content of an

object with high
temperature must be high.
Heat cannot move through
the air.
Different gases expand at
different rates.

8. The World
Through Our

9. Nutrition

Correct Concept
Different parts of the tongue
are sensitive to different
types of taste.
The ear also plays an
important role in balancing
the body.
The blind spot is not
sensitive to light stimulus
because it does not have
any receptors sensitive to
A person with an eye defect
can see either distance
objects clearly or near
objects clearly.
Eating excess carbohydrate
besides fats causes obesity
because excess
carbohydrates in the body
are changed into fats to be
stored in the body.
Roughage needs to be
added to the diet because it
helps in the movement of
food through the intestine.
The height of the person
does not influence the
nutrition requirements of the
The teeth and the salivary
glands are parts of the
digestive system because
the teeth help to break up
food while salivary glands
produce enzymes for
digestion of foods.
Only the simple digested
food substances like
glucose and amino acids
diffuse through the small
intestine walls into the
Apart from roughage, water
is also consumed in large
amount to prevent


Incorrect Concept
All parts of the tongue are
sensitive to various types
of taste.
The ear plays an important
function for hearing only.

All parts of the retina are

sensitive to light.

A person with a sight

defect cannot see both
distance and near objects

Eating excess fats only

cause obesity.

Roughage need not to be

taken in big amount
because roughage cannot
be digested in the body.
The taller the person
grows, the more food is

The teeth and the salivary

glands are not parts of the
digestive system.

All food substances diffuse

through the small intestine
walls into the bloodstream.

Only roughage needs to be

consumed in large amount
to prevent constipation.


10. Biodiversity

Correct Concept

11. Interdependence
among Living
Organisms and
the Environment.

Incorrect Concept

Whales and dolphins are

mammals that breathe
through their lungs, are
warm-blooded and give
birth to their young.
The balsam plant is
classified as a dicotyledon
because the leaf veins form
a network, and it has a tap
root system and the seeds
have two cotyledons.
Some invertebrates like the
crab and the beetle have a
hard external skeleton.

Whales and dolphins are

classified as fish because
they live in the water.

The balsam plant is

classified as a
monocotyledon because it
has a non-woody stem.

All invertebrates have soft


Parasitism is also used to

destroy pests in biological
Human beings are also
primary consumers because
humans eat plants.
A pitcher plant is also a
producer that makes food
through the process of
Green plants also obtain
carbon dioxide from the
process of respiration that
takes place inside their

Only prey-predator
interaction is applied in
biological control.
Human beings are only
secondary and tertiary
A pitcher plant obtains all
its food by trapping the
insects that fall into it.


Green plants obtain carbon

dioxide only from the
environment for


12. Water and


Correct Concept

13. Air Pressure

14. Dynamics

The freezing point of water

and the melting point of ice
is the same, that is 0C.
Water cannot dissolve
organic substances like
paint and grease.
There are various types of
acids that are edible, such
as citric acid in citrus fruits
and tartaric acid in grapes.
All acids and alkalis are
Some dangerous
microorganisms cannot be
killed by chlorine. Therefore,
water needs to be boiled to
kill all microorganisms
before drinking.

Incorrect Concept

The freezing point of water

and the melting point of ice
is different.
Water can dissolve all
substances in this world.

Apart from vinegar, all

acids are inedible.

Acids are corrosive but

alkalis are not.
The chlorine added to
water can kill all types of

Cooking gas is stored as a

liquid in a gas cylinder.

Air pressure is lower in high
places because there are
less air particles.

Cooking gas is stored as a

gas in a gas cylinder.
Air pressure is greater in
high places.

Functional force helps us

carry out daily activities

such as walking and holding
The surface of roads is

made rough to increase

friction between tyres of
vehicles and the road to
prevent vehicles from
The layer of air between a

hovercraft and the water on

which it travels reduces
friction between the hull and
the water so that the
hovercraft can move easily
and quickly.

Frictional force is a


The surface of roads is

made rough to reduce

Air cannot reduce friction in

moving objects.


15. Support and


Correct Concept

16. Stability

Incorrect Concept

Aquatic vertebrates such as

the whale are supported by
the buoyancy of water.

Rose plants also use their

thorns to hook or cling onto
stem of other plants for

All vertebrates are

supported by endoskeleton.
The thorns on the rose
plant are meant to protect
the plant.

Adults achieve greater

stability through their large
The centre of gravity of
certain objects such as
rings and tables can be
situated outside the body of
the objects themselves.

Children with a lower centre

of gravity are more stable
compared to adults.
The centre of gravity is
normally located inside the
body of an object.

17. Simple Machines

Third class levers are used

to ease work done and not
to lift heavy objects.

All levers are used for

carrying or lifting heavy

18. Respiration

Breathing is part of
respiration. Apart from
breathing, respiration also
involves food oxidation in
the body cells.
The nasal cavity is a
respiratory organ which
allows respiratory gases to
go through it.
Oxygen has to dissolve in
the moisture on the surface
of the alveolus wall before
diffusing into the blood

The breathing process is

the same as the respiratory

The nasal cavity is not a

respiratory organ.

Oxygen diffuses directly

through the alveolus wall
into the blood capillaries.



Correct Concept

19. Blood Circulation

and Transport.

20. Excretion

The pulmonary artery

carries deoxygenated blood
while the pulmonary vein
carries oxygenated blood.
Deoxygenated blood has to
be oxygenated in the lungs.
Therefore, the lungs are
also involved in the human
blood circulation system.
There are several types of
white blood cell. Some of
the white bloods cells
swallow bacteria and
some produce antibodies.
People with blood group A
can receive blood from
people with blood group A
or O. If blood from group B
is received, the patients
blood will coagulate.
The xylem is situated at the
inner part of the stem of a
dicotyledon plant.

Besides functioning as a
respiratory organ, the lungs
also play an important role
as an excretory organ.
We have a pair of ureter
but only one urethra.
Oxygen is a plants
excretory product produced
during the photosynthesis


Incorrect Concept

All arteries carry

oxygenated blood while all
veins carry deoxygenated
The lungs are not involved
in the human blood
circulatory system.

There is only one type of

white blood cells in our

People with blood group A

can receive blood from
people with blood group B.

The xylem is situated at the

outer part of the stem of a

Lungs are the only

respiratory organ.

We have a pair of ureter

and a pair of urethra.
Oxygen is not a plants
excretory product.

21. Reproduction

Incorrect Concept
Only animals carry out
sexual reproduction.

The urethra functions as a

reproductive organ only.

Several sperms fuse with

one ovum during the
process of fertilisation.
Fertilisation can take place
in any part of the female
reproductive system.
All plants have a male
organ and a female organ
in the same flower or in the
same tree.
Germination of a seed
cannot occur in the
darkness because there is
no light.

Physical growth in humans

stop during adulthood.

The rate of growth in males

is slower than that in
females during

Humans experience
physical growth throughout
their lives.
The rate of growth in males
is faster than that in
females during

Some minerals like talcum

are soft and easily made
into powder form.
Different metals have
different reactivity with
Both slaked lime and lime
water are basically the
same chemical substance.
Slaked lime exists in solid
form while lime water exists
as a solution.
Natural gas is found on the
upper layer of petroleum.
Hence, petroleum is
obtained together with
natural gas.

All minerals found in the

Earths crust are hard.

All metals react with

oxygen with the same
Slaked lime and lime water
are different chemical

23. Land and Its


Some plants, like the

papaya tree has a male
organ and a female organ in
different trees.
Light is not required during
germination of a seed. The
cotyledon supplies food
during germination.

22. Growth

Correct Concept
Flowering plants also
carryout sexual
The urethra functions as a
reproductive and excretory
One sperm fuses with one
ovum during the process of
Fertilisation only takes place
in the Fallopian tube.


Petroleum and natural gas

are mined in different


24. Electricity

Correct Concept

Electrostatic charges are

only produced by friction
between two different
Voltage is electrical energy
that is needed to enable
electric charges to flow
through a conductor.
Electric charges that move
produce electric current.
The circuits installed in our
homes are mostly parallel
An electromagnet can only
function when electric
current flows through it.

An electric generator is
used to produce
electrostatic charges.

Electric current and voltage

are basically the same.

The circuits installed in our

homes are mostly series
An electromagnet can
function at any time and in
any condition just like an
ordinary magnet.

A transformer can only

change the voltage value of
an alternating current.

The neutral wire carries

current from the house back
to the substation branches.

The electric meter

measures the quantity of
electrical energy used in the
Some electrical plugs do not
have earth pins.

25. Generation of

Incorrect Concept


A transformer can change

the voltage value of direct
current and alternating
The neutral wire does not
carry any current.
The electric meter
measures the quantity of
current used in the house.
All electric plugs have
earth pins.


26. Stars and


Correct Concept

The temperature differs in

different parts of the Sun.

Apart from stars, galaxies

and planets (that reflect the
Suns light) that are seen as
stars can also be seen in
the sky at night.
The universe, galaxies,
stars and the solar system
will not last forever.

The universe. galaxies,

stars and the solar system
will last forever.

The space probe is a

spaceship that does not
carry astronauts.
Man-made satellites revolve
around the Earth or other
Some spaceships,
man-made satellites and
space probes are launched
by space shuttles.

All spaceships carry


Man-made satellites stay

stationary in space.

All spaceships, man-made

satellites and space probes
are launched by rockets.

27. Space

Incorrect Concept


The temperature on all

parts of the Sun is the
Only stars can be seen in
the sky at night.

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