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Nursing Leadership

Johnasse Sebastian C. Naval, RN


A. Definition of Leadership
Leadership is commonly defined as a process of influence whereby the leader influences others
toward goal achievement. Some researchers people endowed with authority are leaders. It is a
force that creates a capacity among a group of people to do something that is different or better.
What leaders do; the process of influencing a group to achieve goals. The process of influencing
people to accomplish goals. Leaders innovate, focus on people, inspire thru personal
trustworthiness & self-confidence, and communicate a vision that turns self-interest into
commitment to the job.

Leaders use a wide variety of interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific
goal. Have the capacity to earn and hold trust. Must be personally authentic and accountable. Must
possess enthusiasm, energy, and commitment.

B. Types of leadership
Formal leadership is based on occupying a position in an organization, called assigned

Informal leadership occurs when an individual demonstrates leadership outside the scope of a
formal leadership role or as a member of a group, rather than as the head or leader of the group.
The informal leader can be considered to emerge as a leader when accepted by others and
perceived to have influence.

C. Leadership theories
Great Man Theory- Earliest approach. Identify great person from masses. Certain traits success/effectiveness. Aristotelian philosophy some people are born to be leaders while others to
be led.

Trait Theories- Assume some people have certain characteristics or traits that make them better
leaders than others. Studied great leaders throughout history. Power and situations were ignored.
Contemporary theories said that leadership is a skill and can be developed. Not inborn.
Pattern of actions used by different individuals determines leadership potential. McGregor et al
moved away from studying the traits of leadership situation. Lewin, White and Lippit isolated common
leadership styles; namely Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire.
Characteristics of authoritarian are strong control over work group, others are motivated by
coercion, others are directed with commands, communication flows downward, decision making does
not involve others, emphasis is on difference in status and criticism is punitive. Results of authoritarian
are in well-defined group actions, predictable = reduce frustration in work group, productivity is usually
high, creativity, self-motivation and autonomy are low, useful in crisis situation, and common in large
bureaucratic system.
Characteristic of democratic are less control is maintained, economic and ego awards are used
to motivate, others are directed through suggestions and guidance, communication flows up and down,
decision making involves others, emphasis is on we rather than I and you, and criticism is
constructive. Advantages of democratic are appropriate for groups that work together for extended
periods, promotes autonomy and growth of individual, effective when cooperation and coordination are
necessary, takes time because of consultative process, frustrating for those who want decisions made
rapidly, and less efficient quantitatively.
Characteristics laissez-faire is permissiveness, with little or no control, motivation by support
when requested by group, provision of little or no direction, communication upward and downward
flow among members, decision making dispersed throughout the group, emphasis on the group and
criticism withheld.
Situational and Contingency Theories
Situational Leadership Theory- Leader traits and/or leader behaviors are important aspects but
must be taken in context. That is, the situation matters. No single best way to lead. Focus on maturity or

readiness of followers. Ability and willingness. Adjust emphasis on task and relationship behaviors
according to the readiness of followers to perform their tasks. Social system of contingencies: Telling:
low readiness, untrained and inexperienced employees. Selling: low/moderate readiness, trained but
inexperienced employees. Participating: moderate/high readiness, able but unwilling, employees
skeptical. Delegating: high readiness, employees ready and willing to take responsibility.
According to Hersey and Blanchard, effectiveness of leader is based on level of maturity of
followers. As followers mature = less task focus for leader. Five (5) management styles are identified:
Impoverished Management low concern for both people and tasks, Country Club Management high
concern for people and low concern for tasks, Organizational Man Management adequate
performance is accomplished by balancing staff morale and getting work done, Authority Obedience
high concern for tasks and low concern for people, Team Management high concern for both people
and accomplishment of tacks.
According to Tannenbaum and Schmidt, managers need a mixture of autocratic and democraric
leadership behaviors or styles. Style depends on nature of situation, skill of manager and abilities of
Fiedlers Leadership Contingency Theory
Reinforced contingency approach- Group effectiveness depends on appropriate match bet.
Leaders style and the demands of the situation. Least preferred coworker. Leader/member relations,
task structure, position power. Suggests that no one leadership style is the best for every situation.
There are three (3) dimensions that influence leadership style: Leader-staff relations, Task structure and
Position power.
Path-goal Theory
Rooted in Expectancy Theory. Leader behaviors: Directive, Supportive, Achievement-oriented,
and Participative. Characteristics of subordinates have focus of control, experience, and perceived
ability. Characteristics of environment has task structure, formal authority system and work group.


Transformational Leadership
According to Burns (1978), both leader and followers have the ability to raise each other to
higher levels of motivation and morality. Traditional manager concerned with day-to-day operations
termed as transactional leader. Manager who is committed, has a vision, and empowers others with
vision is termed as transformational leader. It is inspirational, idea-oriented, visionary; Dramatic,
arouses intense feelings; Communicates high expectations and a need for a change; Unpredictable;
Relies on referent or charismatic power; Raises level of awareness and commitment; Gets followers to
transcend their self-interests; Requires trust and belief in the vision presented.
Transactional Leadership
Exchanges rewards for services. Management by exception it watches for deviations. Keeps the
system operating smoothly. Uses reward and coercive power bases. Recognizes what workers want and
tries to deliver it. Rewards according to worker effort. Responsive to worker self-interests. Focuses on
management tasks
Interactional leadership theories
Interactional theory
Leadership behavior is determined by the relationship between the leaders personality and the
specific situation. Human as complex beings whose working environment was an open system to which
they responded. System objects, with relationships between the objects and its attributes. According
to Brandt (1994), Leaders develop work environment that fosters autonomy and creativity through
valuing and empowering others, affirms uniqueness of individuals, contribute unique talents to a
common goal. According to Kanter (1989), Title and position authority were no longer sufficient to mold
a workforce, subordinates are encouraged to think for themselves and instead managers must learn to
work synergistically with others.

Characteristics of LEADERS



Communication Motivation









balance and

Oral fluency


cooperativeness Alertness
Able to enlist Interpersonal

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