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4 Ways to Grow Hydrangea from Cuttings - wikiHow

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How to Grow Hydrangea from Cuttings

Four Methods:

Selecting Hydrangea Cuttings

Rooting Hydrangea Cuttings from the Bush

Growing Hydrangea Cuttings in Pots

Rooting Hydrangea Cuttings in Water

Hydrangeas are flowering deciduous plants that can range in size from small
bushes to larger tree-like varieties. If you want to grow your own hydrangea
plants, you can produce new specimens by growing hydrangeas from cuttings.
Multiple propagation methods exist depending on whether you own the mother
plant and how many cuttings you want to root.

Method 1 of 4: Selecting Hydrangea Cuttings

Brush away mulch and soil from the base of the back or side of a mature

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4 Ways to Grow Hydrangea from Cuttings - wikiHow

hydrangea plant.

Look for a non-flowering shoot with 2 to 3 pairs of leaves. It is important to

look for a cutting near the base of the plant, as woodier cuttings will generally

produce more roots.

Make sure the proposed cutting is at least 5 to 6 inches (12.7 to 15.2 cm) in

Select your hydrangea cutting in the morning. Avoid taking cuttings at any time


when the plant's leaves are wilted.

Method 2 of 4: Growing Hydrangea Cuttings in Pots

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Prepare pots for your hydrangea cutting or cuttings.

Use a soil mix that is 1 part potting mix or peat moss to 1 part sand or

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4 Ways to Grow Hydrangea from Cuttings - wikiHow

Add soil to the pots you want to use and dampen thoroughly. Check to make
sure there are no dry areas in the soil.

Remove the hydrangea cutting you selected with sharp scissors or pruning
Cut at least 2 inches (5.1 cm) below a leaf node.

Remove excess leaves. Cut off leaves below the top leaf pair, being careful to cut
above the leaf nodes. Removing these leaves causes the plant to produce more


Trim top leaves. Although optional, if you trim the largest leaves to about half of

Dip the bottom of the hydrangea cutting in rooting hormone. You can use

their current size, it can help increase root production.

either a liquid or powder form of rooting hormone. Hydrangea cuttings will

propagate without rooting hormone, but roots will grow more quickly if you use it.

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Stick the cutting into the prepared pot. Push down gently until the cutting is 2

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4 Ways to Grow Hydrangea from Cuttings - wikiHow

inches (5.1 cm) into the soil.

Allow the hydrangea cuttings to root. It will usually take 2 to 3 weeks for cuttings
to root, but it may happen more quickly depending on temperature and humidity.
Place your potted cuttings outdoors if your outside temperature ranges from 60
to 80 degrees F (15.5 to 26.7 degrees C) and you have an area available
protected from wind with partial shade.
Keep potted cuttings indoors if you are experiencing hotter or colder
temperatures. Make sure the rooting hydrangea cuttings receive partial or
filtered sunlight.
Keep soil moist, but do not over water. Soil shouldn't become soggy as over
watering can lead to rot.

Pull gently on 1 of your hydrangea cuttings after 2 to 3 weeks. If you feel

resistance, the cutting has rooted. You can transplant now or allow the cutting to

further develop its root system.

Method 3 of 4: Rooting Hydrangea Cuttings from the Bush

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Bend a low branch on a hydrangea bush so that it touches the soil.

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4 Ways to Grow Hydrangea from Cuttings - wikiHow

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Keep the branch in place. Weigh it down with a brick, stone, or other heavy

Continue to water the plant as normal. Keep the soil moist.

Remove the brick or stone and check the branch for roots.

Replace the brick or stone if roots aren't present, or if they haven't reached

Cut branch from the mother plant.

Dig up the rooted section from the ground. Be careful not to cut the roots of the

Transplant to the location where you want the hydrangea to grow. Make sure


the soil. Check again in another week for roots.

cutting or the mother plant with your spade.

the plant will have partial shade.

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4 Ways to Grow Hydrangea from Cuttings - wikiHow

Method 4 of 4: Rooting Hydrangea Cuttings in Water

Prepare your hydrangea cutting by removing excess leaves from the stem.
Cut a stem at least 4-5 inches long that doesn't have any flowers or buds on it.

Trim off the base leaves. Trim half of the top leaf off.

Set cutting in a vase or glass filled with water. A clear, glass container is best,

Wait for roots to appear.

Change the water in the vase frequently to prevent molding.

Plant the cutting once roots appear.

as it allows you to see the roots once they start to form.


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Most gardeners have more success rooting hydrangea cuttings in soil
than in water.
You can store hydrangea cuttings in the refrigerator overnight if you are
not able to pot them right away.
Hydrangea propagation is most successful in early summer as this
gives your new plants time to mature before fall sets in.

Keep cuttings far enough apart so that the leaves don't touch the

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leaves from other cuttings. This can cause rotting.

If you take your cutting from a flowering shoot, you will not have blooms
on your new hydrangea plant. Blooms appear on branches that
flowered the year previously-the current non-flowering branches.

Things You'll Need

Hydrangea cutting
Potting mix or peat moss
Sand or vermiculite
Pot or pots
Sharp scissors or pruning shears
Rooting hormone

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4 Ways to Grow Hydrangea from Cuttings - wikiHow

Brick or large stone

Garden spade

Sources and Citations

Article Info

Categories: Planting and Growing

In other languages:
Espaol: Cmo crecer hortensia de esquejes, Italiano: Come Propagare l'Ortensia
Tramite Talee, : , Deutsch: Hortensien aus
Stecklingen ziehen

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 209,826 times.

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