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Boiled Method :

Each area has its own characteristic in doing the making fish soy. This difference lies in the
containers, the type of fish and the way of processing. However, the pemindangan process is
not generally a lot different which is a combination between penggaraman and boiling. In
Indonesia known some kind of soy fish, among others:
a. Pindang Bawean
The type of fish used as raw fish is usually kites and milkfish. the container
used is made from the ground.The base of the pedestal were woven bamboo or banana
leaf/bamboo dry. The process of boiling is done in two stages: the first stage do
boiling for 2 6 hours and the second stage during 0,5 1 hour. The second stage is
done after boiling the water first stew discarded and done the addition of a little salt
solutions. Once the process is finished, the boiling vessel (kendil) wrapped with
leaves of teak or cement to paper containers are not easily broken. If stored at a
temperature of environment, fish boiled this can last up to 3 months.
b. Pindang Muncar
There is little difference with pindang bawean. Fish prepared on the loho
(bamboo tray/nyiru), later incorporated into loho containers (pots). In each of the pots
there can be 5-15 loho, loho is within every 1 2 layers of fish. The type of fish used
usually the fish lemuru. Fish cleaned and soaked in the solution salt for 1 2 hours.
The fish are then organized into While drained. The fish are then organized into loho
sambi drained. Once dry assemble the loho in pots that already contains some water.
The basic pots mounted above the strainer (a buffer) that loho is not inundated. The
process of steaming lasts for 1 3 hours. Once the fish is cooked, turn off the heat and

let the containers (pots) remain above the furnace for cooling stage for one night.
Good boiled fish shiny, yellowish-colored, dense, not too salty and savory taste
c. new style Boiled
soy new style creation process is used as a container where besek compose the
fish. The bottom and side of besek was given a pedestal with a straw or dried banana
leaves. Fish processed milkfish fish usually. Are neatly arranged on besek fish and
every fish ditarburi salt crystal layers. Leave it on for 1 3 hours, then poached fish in
the caldron of boiling salt solutions containing the for 1 2 hours. After that remove
the sod from besek drain and let cool. The resulting product is more densely
populated, clean and more durable when compared with other ways.

Packaging and storage

Traditional soy products are usually allowed to remain in the container pemindangan
closed the meeting. At the time marketed, the fish remain in the caldron (badeng). Any way
or steps taken in the process of fish soy product storage will have an effect on power durable
boiled fish itself. Therefore the way we used to be really precise and efficient. Because in fish
products pindang already suffered damage/decay then these fish already will not be able to
consume more. The fish is packed with plastic vacum air power has the most durable high
compared with other packing way.
So we boiled fish production last a long time, then the storage areas must meet several
requirements are as follows:
1) storage space must be clean, dry and cool (not hot and not moist) or can also be stored
in the refrigerator

2) air circulation smoothly, thereby eliminating odors-unpleasant odors

3) other items can become pollutants such as pesticides, petroleum and so on, is not
stored by the soy fish
4) container, cover tightly so that the fish are not contaminated outside air

The Quality Of Boiled Fish

Good boiled fish must meet certain criteria. The easiest way to assess the quality of
boiled fish is to assess the quality of sensorisnya. There is indeed a way other more objective
testing, i.e. testing chemically and microbiologically, but required techniques, equipment, and
special power so it is not easy and not cheap made. Furthermore, these two ways of testing is
intended to complement the sensory quality. At least four ways sensory parameters that need
to be assessed, namely the appearance and color, smell, taste, and texture (Anthony 1996).
According to Saleh (2002), good quality boiled fish has the following criteria:
Appearance and colour: Intact, clean, there are no foreign objects, it doesn't look fatty
deposits or other. The specific type of product colour, brilliant, not berkapang and slimy.
Odour: specific types of products, the smell of boiled fish products, savoury and fresh smell.
Taste: Savoury specific product, there is no excessive saltiness and keasinan showers.
Texture: a compact, solid, specific product types, tender, moist and not dry enough

According to Indonesia's National Standards (Fisheries Directorate, 1994/1995), boiled fish

quality standards are listed in table 2. This standard in accordance with Presidential Decree
No. No. 20 in 1984 and Presidential Decree No. No.7 in 1989

Table 2. Standard Quality Boiled Fish

Types Of Test

Quality Requirements

Water Boiled Salt

Boiled Salt

- minimum point

- mold



1 x 105

1 x 105



a. Organoleptik

b. Microbiology
- TPC per gr, max.






- Salmonella *)



- Vibrio cholera *)



- Staphyloccocus aureus *)

1 x 103

1 x 103





c. Chemistry
- Water,% weight/weight, Max
- - Salt,% weight/weight, Max

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