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Tourism is important in st Vincent and the Grenadines; Success of the economy hinges upon

seasonal variations in agriculture, tourism, and construction activity as well as remittance

inflows. Much of the workforce is employed in banana production and tourism In 2013; the
islands had more than 200,000 tourist arrivals, mostly to the Grenadines. Tourism has grown to
become a very important part of the economy. In 1993, tourism supplanted banana exports as the
chief source of foreign exchange. The Grenadines have become a favourite of the up-market
yachting crowd. The trend toward increasing tourism revenues will likely continue.
In 1996, new cruise ship and ferry berths came on-line, sharply increasing the number of
passenger arrivals. In 1998, total visitor arrivals stood at 202,109 with United States visitors
constituting 2.7%, as most of the nation's tourists are from other countries in the Caribbean and
the United Kingdom.The government of st Vincent and the Grenadines has invested millions of
dollars to build a international airport in the country called Argyle International Airport, it is an
international airport that is under construction in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The
groundbreaking took place in 2008, and the facility is expected to be completed by mid 2015.
The airport will cost around $240 million, and will replace the existing E.T. Joshua Airport. It
will have passenger capacity nearly four times that of the older facility. Tourist, visitors and
Vincentians often have to get connecting flights to E.T. Joshua Airport through different islands,
mainly Barbados), St. Lucia and Grenada.
The five tourism sectors that the ministry of tourism is hoping to place special attention if they
entertainment,transportation and travel service in order to attract the country specific tourist
type ,Rebranding is a marketing strategy in which a new name,term,symbol,or design, or
combination thereof is created for a established brand with the intention of developing a new,
differentiated identity in the minds of consumers, investors, and the competitors.
If st vincent wished to attract a different kind of torist they need to improve their tourism product
which is Service product, comprising a mixture of basic elements of the tourism industry, much
of which in turn are arranged in the form of services.In tourism, the good companies that create
not a good material, but usually consists of the provision of services, with the exception perhaps
of memories or "souvenir" that is the only good that could catalog of tourist .A product is
anything that can be offered to satisfy a need or a want.One resource that can perform one or
more activities because a proposal is formulated accessibility thereto by the public. When
resources are structured for tourist use and enjoyment, become products
Accommodation is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors in the tourism industry in our
country,Types of accommodation in st Vincent is hotel , resorts hotels .guesthouses and
apartments An apart-hotel is one who has the experience to the customer to consume food inside
the room (eg, by having oven and refrigerator) structure. The motels are hotels that have parking
at the room which has a separate entrance (ie, it is not necessary to go through before entering
the reception).

It is known as transient hotel to hotel accommodation or renting their rooms by the hour to
provide privacy to couples who want to have sex hostel. These hotels do not require registration
but passenger service based on discretion like tropic breeze hotel,young island,paradise beach
hotel and spa.
transportation and travel service
transportation in its simple meaning is to carry passengers from one point to anotherthe people
have been using transportation inorder to travel from one place to another since ancient time,the
different transportation modes in st Vincent are by area, water and land.{sunset tours moke and
jeep rentals}
Una agencia de viajes es una empresa turstica dedicada a la intermediacin , organizacin y
realizacin de proyectos, planes e itinerarios, elaboracin y venta de productos tursticos entre
sus clientes y determinados proveedores de viajes , como por ejemplo: transportistas
(aerolneas, cruceros), servicio de alojamiento (hoteles), con el objetivo de poner los bienes y
servicios tursticos a disposicin de quienes deseen y puedan utilizarlos.{Going Places}
Agencias de viajes Mayoristas:
Son aquellas que proyectan, elaboran y ofrecen toda clase de servicios y viajes combinados para
su afianzamiento. No pudiendo vender ni ofrecer su producto al usuario. Cada mayorista trabaja
directamente con los hoteles y lneas areas especficas para elaborar paquetes que puedan
venderse al pblico.
Estos paquetes son de diferente naturaleza: algunos estn diseados para grupos y otros para
individuos o parejas; otros exigen permanecer en dos o ms hoteles; otros ms cuentan con
especialidades como paquetes para recin casados, paquetes para jugadores de golf o para
A travs de su relacin con los hoteles el mayorista obtiene asignacin de cierto nmero de
habitaciones que puede vender sin verificar con el hotel (Allomet).Adems, al mayorista que ha
establecido una lnea de crdito con el hotel no se le pide hacer un depsito por anticipado. El
mayorista expide un cupn a la agencia de viajes (minorista) y sta a su vez, la entrega al cliente.
El husped presenta el cupn al momento del check in y ste lo usa posteriormente para facturar
le factura al
Agencias de viajes Minorista:
Comercializan el producto de los agencias de viajes mayoristas vendiendo directamente al
usuario turstico o proyectan, elaboran, organizan o venden toda clase de servicios y viajes
combinados al turista, no pudiendo ofrecen ni comercializar sus productos a travs de otros
servicios. Esta agencia de viajes, es aquella que vende al pblico. Adems de, detrs del negocio
de viajes, estn diversas agencias que trabajan al mayoreo, con las que las agencias minoristas
hacen sus reservaciones en lugar de hacerlas directamente con el hotel.
En la mayora de los casos, sera muy costoso para las agencias minoristas comunicarse
directamente con el hotel cada vez que tuvieran una reservacin.

Adems, los negocios reservados directamente por el minorista exigen el envo de un depsito al
hotel y en muchos casos, particularmente durante los perodos de gran actividad, la agencia
minorista no puede saber de inmediato si el hotel podr brindarle el alojamiento solicitado.
Finalmente en aos recientes los clientes han pedido paquetes que combinan el alojamiento en el
hotel, el viaje areo, los traslados en grupos y las excursiones.
Food and beverage services
This sector encompasses all types of establecimient that supply food and beverages for
consumption,from fine dining enterprises,ethnic restaurants and institutional food outlets to
catering firms,and lounges.
The recreation means any kind of distractions in and out of work for any age and is opposed to
the idea of working on the following: In the recreation or leisure one does what it likes,
while working one though does not like without invading the definition of Recreation within the
work when it is pleasurable. The reason that leads to a person to develop an activity, is what we
can determine whether it is for pleasure (recreational), liability (work), or looking like a
necessity (pleasant work). The rapid pace of modern life, finding that the man in each of its
stages set to achieve a personality human, full of dignity , of a full life adjustment leads to
determine the importance of developing constructive recreational activities in the child, not only
with direct application of the game as the game but enjoyable activities to stop progress
knowledge for future broader in that recreation is an art in the social betterment of mankind.
La recreacin designa toda clase de distracciones dentro y fuera del trabajo para cualquier edad y
se contrapone a la idea de trabajo en lo siguiente: En la recreacin o recreo uno hace aquello que
le gusta, mientras que el trabajo lo hace uno aunque no le guste, sin invadir la definicin de
Recreacin dentro del trabajo cuando ste es placentero. La razn que lleva a una persona a
desarrollar una actividad, es lo que nos puede determinar si es por gusto (recreativo), por
obligacin (trabajo), o por gusto en busca de una necesidad (trabajo placentero).El ritmo
acelerado de la vida moderna, la bsqueda que el hombre en cada una de sus etapas establece
para lograr una personalidad humana, llena de dignidad, de una ntegra adaptacin a la vida nos
conduce a determinar que es importante desarrollar actividades recreativas constructivas en el
nio; no slo con la aplicacin directa deljuego como juego sino por la realizacin de actividades
agradables que dejen conocimientos de progreso para un futuro ms amplio, en el que la
recreacin sea un arte en el mejoramiento social del ser humano.

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