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ABN: 20 820 431 905

1. Name
2. Aims and objectives
3. Statement of Faith
4. Membership
5. Duties of Members
6. Governance
7. Disciplinary Board
8. Meetings
9. Christian ceremonies
10. Income and property
11. Bank signatories
12. Auditors
13. Special clauses
14. Common Seal
15. Inspection of records by members
16. Amendments
17. Winding up

In this constitution, unless otherwise indicated:
The Ministry shall refer to Christ Embassy Perth
The Pastor shall refer to the spiritual head and founder of the Ministry, Pastor (Dr.) Francis
Kwasi Kessie, divinely called of God as a gift to the body of Christ or any such Minister that he
shall appoint to act in the position of a spiritual head.
The Committee shall mean management committee


This not for profit organisation shall be known and called Christ Embassy Perth.



1. This Ministry is an unincorporated association formed for the propagation of the Gospel
of our Lord Jesus Christ to all creatures (Mark 16:15). To achieve its goal, the Ministry
a) Organise meetings, seminars, discussions and other programmes at any approved
place and any adequate period.
b) Publish or cause to be published, Christian literatures, including magazines,
periodicals, circulars, books and stickers or make such other publications or publicity
and expression as may be necessary to achieve the aims and objectives herein
c) Make broadcasts, announcements, advertisements or otherwise, to make its
programme known on any media including radio, television, wireless media, in
connection with Christian teachings, witnessing, doctrine and Bible knowledge for the
purpose of evangelism and promotion of the Gospel.
d) Hold crusades, conventions, fellowship meetings, conferences and any other
meetings by whatever name called pursuant to achieving the sole objective.
e) Baptise people in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
f) Give dignity and value to the human race.
g) Encourage the study, understanding and practical application of the Bible truth in
everyday life.
h) Promote mutual understanding, love, peace and unity among all men.

Co-operate with any body or bodies whose aims and objectives are identical or
complimentary to the association.


Acquire, own, possess or otherwise hold interest in any properties, including land
and have rights, title license and interest in any properties whatsoever for the
effective propagation of the Gospel.

k) Shine as light among the darkness of this world and encourage the Christians to
relentlessly fulfil the law of Christ and to live up to Gods expectations.

To distribute Bibles, books and other materials everywhere in order to make Jesus
Christ known to the world.

m) To establish and maintain Churches and Missions in Australia and other countries

n) To train and ordain Pastors for the propagation of the Gospel.

o) To do any other thing ancillary or conducive to the promotion of the aforementioned
aims and objectives.
p) Appoint, employ, remove, or suspend such secretaries, workmen and other persons
as may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Ministry.
q) Remunerate any person, association or body corporate for services rendered, or to
be rendered.



1. We believe that the Bible contains the inspired and infallible word of God and are
therefore subject to all its teachings.
2. We believe that there is only one God eternally existent in three persons: God the
Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
3. We believe in the Deity of Christ.
4. We believe in the rapture of the Church and the second coming of Christ.
5. We believe that the only means of been cleansed from sin is repentance and faith in the
precious blood of Jesus for there is no other name by which man might be saved except
by the Name of Jesus.
6. We believe the regeneration by the power by the Holy Ghost through the word of God is
essential for personal salvation.
7. We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides divine healing for
the body and salvation for the soul of everyone that believes.
8. We believe that when an individual receives the Holy Ghost, he receives divine
enablement for Christian service and witness.
9. We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit.
10. We believe in the final resurrection of the saved and the lost, the former to eternal life
and the latter to eternal judgement.



1. No membership fees shall be required from any individual when joining the Ministry.
2. Any person professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, giving evidence of regeneration
and accepting the statement of faith and covenant held by The Ministry may apply in
writing and be received into membership.
3. Where it is deemed expedient, candidates shall appear before the management
committee for advice and instructions before their names are presented for membership.
4. Details of members shall be recorded as detailed in article 4 clause (6 - 8).
5. Subject to clause b and c of this article, membership from other Christian Ministries of
the same faith and others may be received into the membership of this Ministry, if there
is clear evidence to the fact that they are saved and baptised and are willing to accept
the statement of faith and doctrines of the Ministry, according to the Scriptures.
6. The Secretary, on behalf of the Ministry shall keep and maintain in an up to date
condition a register of the members of the Ministry and their postal or residential
addresses and, upon the request of a member of the Ministry, shall make the register
available for the inspection of the member.
7. The register shall be so kept and maintained at the Secretarys place of residence or at
such other place as the Pastor may appoint.
8. A member may resign from the Ministry by submitting a notice of resignation to the
Pastor or any member of the committee. The membership of such an individual ceases
upon the delivery of such a notice.
9. The Secretary shall cause the name of a person who dies or who ceases to be a
member to be deleted from the register of members referred to in clause 6 of this article.



1. All members are to bring themselves to the realisation that we are a part of the body of our
Lord Jesus Christ; that we are of the household of faith and that in Gods sight we are
brothers and sisters. It is, therefore, our duty:
a. To love each other as Christ loved the Church.
b. To pray for the Ministry and to strive to honour our Lord in all we do, say or act,
bearing in mind that we are epistles of Christ known and read by men.



The affairs of the Ministry will be managed by a Management Committee consisting ofa) the Pastor;
b) a Secretary;
c) a Treasurer; and
d) not less than 3 other persons, all of whom must be members of the Ministry.
Any Committee member however ceases to hold office if he
a) Resigns his office,
b) Ceases to become a member of the Ministry,
c) Become incapable of performing his duties either by reason of illness or any other
medical reason.
2. In consultation with the Committee, the Pastor shall appoint new Committee members,
should the position of a member become vacant.

a) There shall be the office of the Pastor who shall be the spiritual head of the Ministry.
b) The office of the first Pastor whom God used in founding the Ministry shall not be
c) While the Ministry recognises and acknowledges the supreme headship of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, the Pastor who will be the Chief Representative of Jesus Christ,
shall head the leadership of the Ministry.
d) He shall ensure that the Ministry function and run hitch-free according to the Holy Bible
teachings and injunctions.

e) He shall effect implementation of all decisions reached at meetings in the overall interest
of the Ministry.
f) He shall have power to delegate any of his functions as he may deem fit.
g) He shall have power to do other such things to promote the aims and objectives of the
Ministry as provided by this Constitution.
h) As the founder of the Ministry, his post shall become vacant only upon death or severe
incapacity to perform his functions or upon voluntary retirement.

Upon a vacancy occurring in the post of the founding Pastor, the successor shall be
elected at a joint meeting of the management committee.

The Secretary shalla) Co-ordinate the correspondence of the Ministry.
b) Keep full and correct minutes of the proceedings of the Committee and of the Ministry.
c) Keep and maintain a register of members of the Ministry, as per article 4.
d) Keep and maintain in an up to date condition the Constitution of the Ministry and, upon
the request of a member of the Ministry, shall make available those rules for the
inspection of the member and the member may make a copy of or take an extract from
the rules but will have no right to remove the rules for that purpose.
e) Maintain a record of the names and residential or postal addresses of the persons who
hold the offices of the Ministry provided for by these rules, including all offices held by
the persons who constitute the Committee and persons who are authorised to use the
common seal of the Church.
f) Maintain the names and residential or postal addresses of any persons who are
appointed or act as trustees on behalf of the Ministry and the Secretary must, upon the
request of a member of the Ministry, make available the record for the inspection of the
member and the member may make a copy of or take an extract from the record but will
have no right to remove the record for that purpose.
g) Unless the Management Committee decide otherwise, the Secretary shall have custody
of all books, documents, records and registers of the Ministry, except those required by
article 6 clause 3 (e) which shall be kept and maintained by, or in the custody of, the

h) Perform such other duties as are imposed by these rules on the Secretary.
The Treasurer shall a) Be responsible for the receipt of all moneys paid to or received by, or by him or her on
behalf of, the Ministry and must issue receipts for those moneys in the name of the
b) Pay all moneys referred to in sub-section (a) into such account or accounts of the
c) Make payments from the funds of the Ministry with the authority of the Committee and in
so doing ensure that all cheques are signed by himself or herself and the Church Pastor
or at least one other authorised Committee member.
d) Keep such accounting records as correctly recorded and explain the financial
transactions and financial position of the Ministry.
e) Keep its accounting records in such manner as will enable true and fair accounts of the
Ministry to be prepared from time to time.
f) Keep its accounting records in such manner as will enable true and fair accounts of the
Ministry to be conveniently and properly audited.
g) Submit to members at each annual general meeting the accounts of the Ministry
showing the financial position of the Ministry at the end of the immediately preceding
financial year.
h) Whenever directed to do so by the Committee, submit to the Committee a report,
balance sheet or financial statement in accordance with that direction.

Unless the Management Committee resolve otherwise, have custody of all securities,
books and documents of a financial nature and accounting records of the Ministry.


Perform such other duties as are imposed by these rules on the Treasurer.



1. There shall be established a board charged with enforcing disciplinary actions.

2. The board shall include all members of the Management Committee.
3. The Boards shall exercise any disciplinary actions over any Member of the Ministry
accused of the following offences.
a) Deviation from biblical Christian moral standards.
b) Theft
c) Insubordination
d) Teaching and encouraging doctrines contrary to the standards of the Ministry
e) False declaration
f) Fighting
g) Wilful spoilage of Ministry property

4. If any Member is found guilty of any of the afore mentioned or other related offences,
action of these forms may be taken against such a person depending on the nature of
the offence:
a) Warning/rebuke
b) Suspension
c) Advice
d) Ex-communication
e) Dismissal



1. Proceedings of Committee
a) The Committee shall meet together for the dispatch of business not less than 5 times
in each year.
b) At a Committee meeting, two-third of the members shall constitute a quorum.
c) The Pastor shall preside over every meeting and in his absence, he shall designate
someone else to preside.
d) The decision of the Pastor at all and any meeting shall be final.
e) Subject to these rules, the procedure and order of business to be followed at a
Committee meeting shall be determined by the Committee members present at the
Committee meeting.
2. General meetings
The Committeea) May at any time convene a special general meeting to address matters concerning
the Ministry or to address request or complaints raised by members.
b) Shall convene annual general meetings in every calendar year within 4 months after
the end of the Ministrys financial year.
c) The Secretary shall give to all members not less than 14 days notice of a special
general meeting and that notice shall specify when and where the general meeting
concerned is to be held and particulars of the business to be transacted at the
general meeting concerned and of the order in which that business is to be
d) The Secretary shall give to all members not less than 21 days notice of an annual
general meeting and that notice shall specify when and where the annual general
meeting is to be held, the particulars and order in which business is to be transacted.
e) A special resolution may be moved either at a special general meeting or at an
annual general meeting; however, the Secretary must give to all members not less
than 21 days notice of the meeting at which a special resolution is to be proposed.
f) The Secretary shall give all members such notices at the regular Sunday Worship
3. Quorum and proceedings at general meetings
a) At a general meeting two thirds of members present in person constitute a quorum.
b) The Pastor shall preside as the Chairperson over all meetings.

c) At a general meeting, an ordinary resolution put to the vote will be decided by a

majority of votes cast on a show of hands. If there is no majority then the person
presiding at the meeting will have a casting vote in addition to his or her deliberative
d) A declaration by the Chairperson of a general meeting that a resolution has been
passed as an ordinary resolution at the meeting will be evidence of that fact unless,
during the general meeting at which the resolution is submitted, a poll is demanded
in accordance with sub-section (3e).
e) At a general meeting, a poll may be demanded by the Chairperson or by three or
more Committee members, if so demanded, must be taken in such manner as the
Chairperson directs.
f) If a poll is demanded and taken under sub-section (3e) in respect of an ordinary
resolution, a declaration by the Chairperson of the result of the poll is evidence of the
matter so declared.
g) A poll demanded under sub-section (3e) shall be taken immediately on that demand
being made.
4. Minutes of meetings of the Ministry
a) The Secretary shall cause proper minutes of all proceedings of all general meetings
and Committee meetings to be taken and then to be entered within 30 days after the
holding of each general meeting or Committee meeting, as the case requires, in a
minute book kept for that purpose.
b) The Chairperson must ensure that the minutes taken of a general meeting or
Committee meeting under sub-section (4a) are checked and signed as correct by the
Chairperson of the general meeting or Committee meeting to which those minutes
relate or by the Chairperson of the next succeeding general meeting or Committee
meeting, as the case requires.



1. Child Naming/ Dedication

a) Any new-born baby shall be named and dedicated according to the Christian doctrine.
Parents wishing to dedicate their child/ children shall inform the Pastor beforehand
according to the number of days allowed for such ceremonies. The parent or either of
them must be a member but all should be present at the dedication except in
unavoidable cases.
b) At the dedication time the parents shall be called out and the officiating minister gives
few words of exhortations and then takes the baby from the parents. He charges them to
bring up the child in the fear of God and thereafter prays for the new baby.

2. Prayer and Fasting

a) The New Testament often links prayers with fasting. Abstinence from food encourages
concentration and puts the flesh under so that the spirit can take over.
3. Water Baptism
a) This shall be by immersion in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy
Ghost, as Jesus commanded in Mathew 28:19.
4. The Lords Super
a) We hold that the Lords super is essential and instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ that we
might show the Lords death till he comes. Luke 22: 19 -20

5. Burial
a) At the death of a member of the Ministry, the Pastor shall participate in the burial
b) The Ministry abhors all heathen rites with burial of the dead, therefore it is important to
get information about the deceased whether he was saved and baptized in water. Active
practicing Christians are the ones who merit the above benefits mentioned in burial.
There is no second burial and member shall not participate in such burial ceremony.

6. Marriages
a) The ministry shall join together believers in holy wedlock in accordance with the
scriptures. The two people seeking to be joined in holy matrimony shall inform the
Pastor, and shall have undergone series of counselling as required.



1. The income and properties of the Ministry, in whatsoever manner derived, shall be
applied solely towards the promotion of the object of the Ministry as set forth in the
constitution and no part thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way
of dividends, bonuses or otherwise by the way of profit to any member.
2. Services rendered by any person, association or body corporate that the ministry shall
contract in pursuing its goals shall be renumerated according to the respective service


1. There shall be bank accounts opened for the Ministry with the Pastor and the Treasurer or
Secretary been signatories to the accounts.
1. The Ministry shall appoint an Auditor to audit the account of the Ministry and make annual
reports of such to the Committee.


1. The Ministry shall keep a register of all movable and immovable property including but not
limited to lands, buildings, equipment, furniture and vehicles.
2. For no reason shall anybody use his/her personal name to buy property that belongs to the
Ministry. The name of the Ministry shall be used in all such cases.


1. The Ministry shall have a common seal on which its name appears in legible characters.
2. The common seal of the Ministry must not be used without the express authority of the
3. The affixing of the common seal of the ministry must be witnessed by the Pastor and either
the Secretary or the Treasurer.
4. The common seal of the Ministry must be kept in the custody of the Secretary or of such
other person as the Committee from time to time may decide.


1. A member may at any reasonable time inspect without charge the books, documents, records
and securities of the Ministry.



3. The Ministry may alter or rescind these rules, or make rules additional to these rules when
conditions demands.
4. Any proposal for amendments to any part thereof shall be forwarded to the Committee and
received by same 30 days to the date they shall sit to consider such proposal.
5. Such proposal shall be approved if it is supported by not less than two-thirds of all members
of the Committee.
6. All such proposals for amendments must be in writing and signed by the person proposing.


1. If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Ministry, there remains after the satisfaction of all
debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among
the members of the Ministry, but shall be given or transferred to some other institutions having
objectives similar to that of the Ministry and which shall prohibit the distribution of its or their
income and property amongst its or other members to an extent at least as great as is imposed
on this Ministry or by virtue of the special clause thereof.
2. Such institution or institutions are to be determined by the Committee before the time of
dissolution and if and so far as effect cannot be given to the aforesaid, then to some charitable

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