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| ENGL 101 Syllabus

ENGL 101 K
First Year Composition
Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 10:50
(Krumm 24)

Instructor: Dr. Brittany Cottrill

Office: 101 Jensen
Office Phone: 263-2906
Office Hours: M/W 10-12; T 1-2; and
by appointment.
Writing Center: Rasmussen Room 205
Writing Center Phone: 263-2855

Course Description and Prerequisites

First Year Composition emphasizes the process model of academic writing. The course focuses on organization of ideas,
clarity of statement, smoothness of expression and correct use of Standard American English and its conventions. Students
compose expository and persuasive essays including the writing of an original research paper. Students also critique models
of writing, gather information from an academic library and appropriate Internet sources, and practice formal styles of
documentation. Students demonstrate proficiency through a portfolio of work. Core outcomes met: CI, IL, W. Prerequisites:
Satisfactory score on the English Placement Test or ENGL 100 with a C or better.
This semester our course will focus on writing, but more specifically, how technology is changing the way we write and
communicate. The first unit will focus on analyzing the message we send online, the second unit on a specific aspect of
technology as it relates to your life or future, and the third unit on an issue with/solved by technology. We will look at
the current conversations in research about the theme of the course, critique arguments being made, and create original
arguments. You will encounter a wide variety of activities in this class: among them, you will be introduced to various
invention strategies which have been designed to generate and deepen your ideas; you will be provided with ample
feedback on your drafts by your classmates and me; you will be helped to critically evaluate your own writing in order to
revise effectively; you will gain experience with analyzing the reading audience and purpose of your papers in order to write
your papers persuasively; and you will be given assistance with presenting your ideas clearly and supporting them with
academically credible sources.

You will.

Activities demonstrating learning

Rhetorical Knowledge: In ENGL 101, you will focus on purpose, respond to the needs of
different audiences and rhetorical situations, and use appropriate conventions and structure
(including voice, tone, formality) for the rhetorical situations.
Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing: In ENGL 101, you will use reading for inquiry,
learning, thinking, and communicating; understand writing as a series of tasks, including
finding, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing appropriate primary and secondary sources;
integrate your own ideas with those of others; and understand the relationship among
language, knowledge, and power
Process: In ENGL 101, you will be aware that it usually takes multiple drafts to create and
complete a successful text; develop flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and
proof-reading; understand writing as an open process that permits writers to use later
invention and re-thinking to revise their work; understand the collaborative and social nature
of writing; and learn to critique their own and others works

Essays 1, 2, 3, and reflection

Informal writings
Course discussions and homework
Essays 1, 2, 3, and reflection
Homework assignments
Course discussions and homework

Essays 1, 2, 3, and reflection

Peer review
Mandatory rough drafts
Required conferences and Writing
Center visits

* Subject to revision. All revisions will be announced in class and on Blackboard. Students are responsible for all changes.


| ENGL 101 Syllabus

How the course will be taught

This course will largely be a workshop. That means each of you will be expected to
come prepared to participate every single day. We will discuss readings, critique
sample essays, and work on our own writing. In addition, each of you will be
required to submit rough drafts of all of your essays to me for feedback. I will
provide suggestions for revision, which you will consider before turning in your
essay for the final grade. We will also conduct peer reviews in class, where you will
provide and receive feedback and suggestions for additional revision.

What you will learn

Activities demonstrating learning

Critical Inquiry
You will apply disciplinary approaches and evidentiary standards for the purpose
of investigating, researching, assessing and generating knowledge.
Information Literacy
You will analyze questions, theses, or problems and collect and evaluate related
information for the purpose of producing evidence-based responses.

Written Communication
You will develop effective written communication skills through the process of
forming ideas and presenting them to a specified audience (e.g. the instructor,
classmates, community members, discipline specific peers, etc.).

Resources Necessary for Learning



Graff, Gerald, and Cathy

Birkenstein. They Say I Say: The
Moves That Matter in Academic
Writing 3rd Edition. New York:
W.W. Norton & Company, 2014.
Print. ISBN: 978-0393935844
Additional readings provided in
class or posted on Blackboard.

Figure 1: From

3 essays including research essay

Documenting the writing process
Library visits
Evaluation of academic sources and
appropriate internet resources
Essays 2, 3, and reflection
Original research essay
At least 3 unique academic essays that go
through at least two drafts and are written
for a variety of audiences and purposes.
Practicing the writing process (pre-writing,
composing, and revising) for every essay.
20-22 pages of polished writing
Ungraded and informal writing assignments
(blogs, homework, in-class writings, etc.)

A data storage device (e.g., flash

drive, Dropbox account, Google
Docs account, etc.) to back up
files. Please dont just rely on
your hard drive computers fail.
Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say I
Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing
3rd Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company,
2014. Print. ISBN: 978-0393935844

Technology Necessary

Access to a computer with

Microsoft Word, Internet access,
a GV email account, and a GV
Blackboard account.

* Subject to revision. All revisions will be announced in class and on Blackboard. Students are responsible for all changes.


| ENGL 101 Syllabus

Course Requirements
Homework (75) Using the Blogs link on Blackboard, you will
Throughout this course we will cover four units. Each unit will
focus on a different type of writing (analytic, informative,
persuasive, reflective) and each will build on the other. You
will be expected to compose multiple drafts, receive feedback
from peers and your instructor, and revise. It is important that
you keep all drafts, feedback, invention activities, etc. Below is
a breakdown and brief introduction to the assignments you
will be expected to complete this semester.

Essay 1: Generation Like Analysis (100) You will complete a

rhetorical analysis based on issues raised in Generation Like
which we will view in class. Additional instructions will be
provided in class.

submit various small assignments throughout the semester,

including in-class writing, prewriting, and reading responses.
Late homework will not receive credit and cannot be made up.
Homework grades will be updated during weeks 5, 10, and 15.
You may always meet with me to discuss your homework

Earning Your Grade

All assignment sheets will include specific criteria that projects will be
graded on. Generally, all essays will be graded for audience, purpose,
organization, development, process, research (if applicable), and

** Note** You must earn a C or better to pass this class (some majors
require students to earn higher grades). If you do not meet the grade
Essay 2: Issues Analysis (150) You will write a research-based requirement, you will be required to retake this course.

essay that aims to inform a specific audience and analyze a

situation. Additional instructions will be provided in class.

Essay 3: Research Paper (200) You will write an original,

source-based research essay. This means you will pick an
arguable topic, take a position, and then work to add
something new and insightful to the current conversation.
Additional instructions will be provided in class.

Final Course Reflection (150) This course reflection will be a

digital project that reflects on your growth as a writer
throughout the semester. You will point to specific examples
from your work throughout the semester to support this
persuasive piece of writing. Additional instructions will be
provided in class.

Conferences (100) The best way to give you immediate

feedback on your writing is through one-on-one conferencing.
All students are required to have at least two conferences with
me during the semester so we can monitor your progress in
the course and help you map out your future in the class. One
conference must be made before the end of week 9, the other
before the end of the semester. An appointment is
recommended any time you wish to see me during office

Writing Center Visit (75) You will be required to meet with a

writing tutor at least once in the semester to work on a
revision. I encourage you to visit early and often! Additional
information will be provided in class.

Participation (150) Your participation grade will be

Grading Standards
A (outstanding): A paper that receives an A (90-100%) meets and
exceeds the criteria of the assignment, maintains a sophisticated focus
throughout the work, and demonstrates mastery of major rhetorical
principles and approaches the subject in a unique way so the reader
enjoys and learns from the essay.
B (above average): A paper that receives a B (80-89%) clearly meets all
criteria of the assignment. The essay has a focused purpose throughout
and demonstrates solid command of major rhetorical principles. The
subject matter is presented in an original and interesting way, though it
is not as sophisticated as the A paper.
C (average): A paper that receives a C (70-79%) meets all the criteria of
the assignment and maintains a controlling purpose, though at times the
essays focus my drift. The essay demonstrates adequate control of
major rhetorical principles and adequate command of the subject
matter. The argument/perspective may not be original and/or as
completing as the A or B level work. The essay may contain sentencelevel errors, but not sever enough to interfere with communications.
**Note: many students are surprised to receive a C when they have
done everything listed on the assignment sheet. Simply meeting the
minimum requirements constitutes a basic passing grade; to get a B
or an A, you must exceed those minimum requirements through more
sophisticated execution.
D (below average): A paper that receives a D (60-69%) meets some of
the criteria but not others. The purpose may be weak or unclear.
Perspectives presented may not be original or truly argumentative.
Connections between ideas may be rough or confusing. The essay may
contain patterns of sentence-level errors that are severe enough to
interfere with communication.
F (not acceptable): A paper that receives an F (0-59%) fails to meet more
criteria of the assignment than it meets.

determined by your attendance, classroom participation, inclass activities, etc.

* Subject to revision. All revisions will be announced in class and on Blackboard. Students are responsible for all changes.


| LIBA 110 Syllabus

Course Policies
Participation and Attendance in this class are mandatory. Your
preparation, participation, and performance are critical to your
success in this class. Absenteeism and tardiness compromises
your ability to succeed because you will miss opportunities to
participate in class writing assignments that contribute to your
development as a writer. I realize, however, that sickness or
emergencies can occur; should you need to miss class, please be
sure to contact me, preferably beforehand, to discuss what might
be done to assist you with getting on track. Similarly, if you must
miss class for a University-sponsored event, it is your
responsibility to inform me beforehand. Missing class (or being
absent by being unprepared to participate) will result in a loss
of 5 points from your participation score, regardless of reason. If
you miss more than three days of class, then I may contact your
advisor. Missing more than four classes may result in failing the
Writing Center Visit All students in ENGL 101 must visit the Grand
View Writing Center at least one time during the semester.
Students may visit the Center at any stage of the writing process
(prewriting, writing, revising) and for any ENGL 101 project.
Please note that you can get help from the Writing Center tutors
for writing done in any class, but it is required you attend for
ENGL 101 at least once. Students should make an appointment
online at or through MyView
by going to MyView > Campus Life > Writing Center.

Late Work All assignments are due at the start of class unless
otherwise stated. If you know you will be missing a class when an
assignment or paper is due you must turn the assignment in
early. Work submitted after the due date/time will be penalized
10% for each additional day. If you feel that you need extra time
for an assignment please come to me before the day it is due. If
you do not talk to me until the due date I will not be able to
discuss a possible extension. Extensions will be considered on a
case-by-case basis considering effort towards meeting the
deadline and are not guaranteed.
Lost Essay Policy You are responsible for maintaining a copy of
each draft of your essays (including invention activities, audience
activities, rough drafts, peer reviews, instructor feedback, final
drafts, revisions, etc). Since occasionally essays (or backpacks,
laptops, and flashdrives) are stolen, lost, or destroyed, you should
keep a back-up file of each essay in a safe place. You might
consider saving your documents to or to ensure their safety.
Academic Honesty In addition to following University sanctioned
policy, academic dishonesty in this course will not be tolerated
and will lead to a failing grade on the assignment and may lead to
failing the course.

Courtesy and Integrity Courtesy and integrity must be shown to

everyone in the class. Please be respectful of others thoughts,
opinions, and views. If you bring your cell phone to class make
sure it is turned off. Please do not answer your cell phone in class
or text message. Food and drink are acceptable in class as long as
they are not distracting and you do not leave a mess. Laptops are
Rough Drafts Getting feedback on essays is important. Because of also fine to bring to class as long as all sound options are turned
this, we will have class peer review sessions where you will
off and you stay on task.
receive and provide feedback to your peers to help improve your
writing. Participation in peer review will count toward your final Resources
I am committed to the principle of universal learning. This means
grade for each essay.
that our classroom, virtual spaces, practices, and interactions will
In addition, you will be required to submit completed rough
be as inclusive as possible. Mutual respect, civility, and the ability
drafts to me. Rough drafts should be submitted as per the
to listen and observe others carefully are crucial to universal
assignment sheet instructions. I will provide feedback with
suggestions for revision before your final essay is due. This
feedback will give you suggestions on how to improve your
If you are a student with a documented disability and would like
essays before your essay receives a grade. Rough drafts that are to discuss special accommodations, you must contact me during
incomplete or submitted late will not receive feedback and it will office hours or by email at the beginning of the semester. If you
be your responsibility to come to my office for feedback.
think you might have a learning disability, it is your responsibility
Revision Policy Because writing is a process, and most writers find
that a work must go through multiple revisions, you may choose
to revise your graded essays. Your revised essay may earn up to a
full letter grade from the original graded draft (for example, if
your essay earned a 75% then you may revise the essay to no
higher than an 85%). It is not possible to get a worse grade on a
revision; however, the extent to which the grade increases
depends entirely on the success of the revision. If you choose to
revise, you must first schedule an appointment with me to
discuss your revision strategy within one week of the original
paper being returned. Revisions will not be accepted from
students who have not met with me.

to contact the Director of Academic Enrichment and Disability

Coordinator and apply for any requested accommodation. The
director is Ms. Joy Brandt and she can be reached at 263-2971.
Additional support can be found at the Career Center at 2632955, and at the Counseling Center at 263-2986. Academic
support can be found at the Tutoring Center (for all concerns
outside of writing and math), the Math Lab, and the Writing
Center. The Tutoring Center is located on the second floor of the
library. The Math Lab is located in Elings, and the Writing Center
is located at 205 Rasmussen.

* Subject to revision. All revisions will be announced in class and on Blackboard. Students are responsible for all changes.


| ENGL 101 Syllabus

Contacting Me Online Email is a wonderful communications tool

and I welcome the chance of using it to help you with questions
about your writing or about assignments. Please note, however,
that email can be unreliable. As a result, I cannot be responsible
for any email messages that are lost or addressed incorrectly (and
this is not an excuse for late work). I typically respond to emails

within 24 hours during the week. However, if you dont receive a

reply, this may mean I did not receive your message and that you
should discuss the content of your email with me personally.
Similarly, if you email me right before class, I will not be able to
read your message until after class. *Note: No emails will be
replied to between 4:00 pm on Friday and 9:00 am on Monday.

A final word . . . I hope that you will find our class to be a place where you can receive help with developing your academic
writing skills. Though many students are uncomfortable with academic writing (which is a new kind of writing for many),
understanding how to go through the writing process will help you achieve your writing goals. To make this course as
successful as possible for yourself, I encourage you to take advantage of the resources around you and to keep in touch
with me as we go through the semester. If you have any questions about the classroom policies or other class matters,
please feel free to talk to me. I look forward to working with you and helping you develop your academic writing skills.

Institutional Undergraduate Syllabus Statement

Revised: 7/10/2014
University E-Mail Account
It is essential that all students check their Grand View University e-mail
account or set their account to forward to a preferred e-mail address.
Students may set-up an e-mail auto forward from the myView web site
(myView > Campus Life > Technology Resources > myView Mail > myView
Mail Forwarding).
IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction
Grand View University is interested in knowing how learners experience
the classroom environment. To that end, all students will be asked to
participate in the IDEA survey of student ratings of instruction system at
the end of each fall and spring term. IDEA is also administered in some
summer classes. Students are asked to provide honest and thoughtful
feedback to their instructor through the IDEA process. All student
responses are confidential and are not provided to the instructor until
after grades are submitted.
Academic Responsibility/Academic Honesty
In accordance with its mission statement, Grand View University is
dedicated to the development of the whole person, and committed to
truth, excellence, and ethical values. The University strives to promote
appreciation of the dignity and worth of each individual and open
interaction among students, faculty and staff. Personal integrity and
academic honesty are essential to building a campus of trust. Thus,
honesty in all aspects of the college experience is the responsibility of each
student, faculty, and staff member. This is reflected in the Grand View
University Code of Integrity which states: As a member of the Grand View
University community, and in accordance with the mission of the
university and its Lutheran identity, I agree to appreciate and respect the
dignity and worth of each individual. I will honor and promote a
community of open interaction, personal integrity, active and intellectual
engagement, and academic honesty with students, faculty and staff.
The following list describes various ways in which the principles of
academic honesty/integrity can be violated. This list is not exhaustive; see
the Student Handbook for a complete list.

Plagiarism: The use of anothers ideas, words, or results and

presenting them as ones own. To avoid plagiarism, students are
expected to use proper methods of documentation and

acknowledgement according to the accepted format for the particular

discipline or as required by the faculty in a course.
Cheating: The use or attempted use of unauthorized materials,
information, notes, study aids, or other devices in any academic
exercise. Cheating also includes submitting papers, research results
and reports, analyses, etc. as ones own work when they were, in fact,
prepared by others.
Fabrication and Falsification: The invention or falsification of sources,
citations, data, or results, and recording or reporting them in any
academic exercise.
Facilitation of Dishonesty: Facilitation of dishonesty is knowingly or
negligently allowing ones work to be used by another student
without prior approval of the instructor or otherwise aiding another
in committing violations of academic integrity. A student who
facilitates a violation of academic honesty/integrity can be considered
as responsible as the student who receives the impermissible
assistance, even if the facilitator does not benefit personally from the
Academic Interference: Academic interference is deliberately
impeding the academic progress of another student.

Procedure for an Incident of Academic Dishonesty

Any incident of academic dishonesty requires action by both the student
and the instructor directly involved, and the submission of an Academic
Dishonesty Report to the Office of the College Deans. If the instructor is
unsure how to proceed, she/he may consult with the Student Academic
Life Committee at any point in the process.

The faculty member must also provide the student with a copy of the
Academic Dishonesty Report. The report form should identify the
following series of consequences:

If it is the students first incident of academic dishonesty:

o The instructor can impose a range of sanctions from the
following, depending upon the nature of and degree of
seriousness of the incident:

A warning with opportunity to rectify the violation

A failing grade for the academic exercise with no

opportunity to rectify the violation

A failing grade for the course

o The student will receive a letter from the Provost and Vice
President for Academic Affairs about the incident, the
Universitys expectations regarding academic
honesty/integrity, and future possible consequences should
the student commit another act of academic dishonesty
during their enrollment at Grand View. Copies of the letter

* Subject to revision. All revisions will be announced in class and on Blackboard. Students are responsible for all changes.


| ENGL 101 Syllabus

will be sent to the students academic advisor, the

instructor, and the registrar.

Following a second incident of academic dishonesty, the student

minimally will fail the course and be placed on academic dishonesty
probation. Upon receiving notification from the instructor of a
violation, and determining that it is a second violation, the Provost
and Vice President for Academic Affairs must notify the student about
the incident. This letter will inform the student of her/his failing grade
and placement on probation. Copies of the letter will be sent to the
students academic advisor, the instructor, and the registrar.

When a student is reported for a third incident of academic

dishonesty, the student will fail the course and will be suspended
from the University, and the suspension for academic dishonesty will
be noted on the students transcript. Upon receiving notification from
the instructor of a violation, and determining that it is a third
violation, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs must
notify the student about the incident. This letter will inform the
student of her/his failing grade and suspension. Copies of the letter
will be sent to the students academic advisor, the instructor, and the
registrar. Should the student appeal the decision, he/she will be
allowed to complete the term during which the appeal is heard; if
upheld, the suspension will occur during the regular term following
the appeal.

Students suspended for Academic Dishonesty must follow the same

procedures for readmission as those listed for students who have
been academically suspendedwith the exception that they will not
be required to enroll elsewhere during their suspension.

When a student has returned to Grand View after being suspended

for a third violation and is subsequently reported for a fourth incident
of academic dishonesty, the student will fail the course and will be
suspended immediately from the University, and the suspension for
academic dishonesty will be noted on the students transcript. The
suspension will remain in force during the appeal process; if the
suspension is upheld, the student will be expelled from the
Netiquette (from Internet etiquette)
"Netiquette" refers to the standards for appropriate interaction in an
online environment. Students are expected to display proper netiquette in
their communications with their teacher and with other students. This
includes using proper written English, being polite, by disagreeing
agreeably when necessary, including your name and other necessary
identifiers on any communication. If an email or discussion post ever
concerns you, please notify the instructor right away in a private manner.

attend classes. Students, who are identified by the instructor as not

attending classes, will be reported. Students who fail to return to classes
may lose all or a portion of their financial aid.
Classroom Conduct
Students should conduct themselves as responsible members of the
University community respecting the rights of others. Any student
behavior interfering with the professors ability to teach and/or the
students ability to learn constitutes a violation of the Code of Student
Conduct found in the Grand View Catalog. The professor may ask the
student to leave the classroom and that student will be subject to
disciplinary sanctions.
Appeal of Final Course Grade or Faculty Members Final Academic
Disciplinary Action
Students who wish to appeal a final course grade or other academic
disciplinary action of an instructor must complete at least section I.A. of
the Academic Appeal Form on-line within fourteen calendar days after the
published due date for the final grade submission of the academic term in
which the issue of disagreement occurred. Visit site below to complete
first part of the form.
https://secure/ This form must be
submitted electronically to the Office of the Provost. Nursing Students
appealing a grade in a nursing course must follow the Nursing Division
Use of Blackboard and MyGrades
The MyGrades tool of Blackboard is intended to be a communication tool
and to facilitate information sharing between instructors and
students. The grades and feedback posted on MyGrades are not to be
interpreted as the final grade submitted by the instructor. Discrepancies
and mistakes can be made in using and interpreting the technology by
both student and instructor. Refer to the grade policy in the syllabus for a
full understanding of how your grade is calculated. Students will find their
final grade on myView > myTools > Academic Profile > Grades by Term.
Assignment of Credit Hours
With successful completion of this course, Grand View University will
award you a specified number of credit hours on your transcript. Our
accrediting body, the Higher Learning Commission, as well as the US
Department of Education have standards in the definition of what counts
as a credit hour (see GV Catalog for a full definition) so that students
receive the full educational experience we claim. This course will involve
face-to-face class time and outside learning activities to fulfill credits

Grand View University prohibits unlawful discrimination and encourages
full participation by all students within the university community. When a
student requires any instructional or other accommodation to optimize
participation and/or performance in this course, it is the
The Unicorn Code
responsibility of the student to contact both the instructor and
1. Unicorns never cheat.
the Associate Director of Student Success: Academic Support and
2. Unicorns always lend a helping hand.
Disability Services and apply for any requested accommodation.
3. Unicorns dont talk to strangers.
The associate director is Ms. Joy Brandt and she can be reached
4. Unicorns respect the Earth.
at 515/263-2971.
5. Unicorns are never late.
6. Unicorns arent conceited.
Class Attendance
7. Unicorns dont judge people.
Students are responsible for adhering to the attendance policies
8. Unicorns always give 100%.
as expressed by the instructor/department. Furthermore, the
9. Unicorns graze on peace and love.
Federal Government requires that students receiving financial aid
10. Unicorns dont do drugs.


* Subject to revision. All revisions will be announced in class and on Blackboard. Students are responsible for all changes.


| ENGL 101 Syllabus

Course Calendar
* Subject to revision

Unit 1: Rhetorical Analysis

Tues 8/26

Thurs 8/28

Tues 9/2

Thurs 9/4

Tues 9/9

Thurs 9/11

Tues 9/16

Thurs 9/18

Tues 9/23

Thurs 9/25

Week 1
Homework Due for Next Class:
Buy your supplies for the course if you havent so far.
Read the complete syllabus and write down what you believe to be the 5 most important points
Read What is Rhetoric? and What is Academic Writing? on Blackboard under readings
Introduction to Rhetoric and What is Academic Writing
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read TSIS Introduction: Entering the Conversation (p. 1-14)
Read Social Networking Sites and Our Lives on Blackboard under readings
Week 2
Generation Like
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read TSIS What is Motivating This Writer Reading for the Conversation (p. 173-183)
Read Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Rhetorical Analysis on Blackboard under readings
Rhetorical Analysis and Introduction to Audience and Purpose
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read TSIS They Say: Starting with What Others are Saying (p. 19-28)
Read TSIS Her Point Is: The Art of Summarizing (p. 30-40)
Week 3
Writing Workshop: Writing a Rhetorical Analysis
Homework Due for Next Class:
Bunn How to Read Like a Writer on Blackboard under readings
Writing Workshop: Writing a Rhetorical Analysis
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read Peer Review on Blackboard under readings
Have the strongest version of your essay for the following class and be sure to submit your rough
draft on Blackboard before the start of class.
Week 4
Rough Draft Due; Peer Review
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read TSIS As He Himself Puts It: The Art of Quoting (p. 42-50)
Read Academic Honesty on Blackboard under readings
Read Using research responsibly reading on Blackboard under readings
Academic Honesty
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read Revising Using Your Instructors Feedback and Strategies for Rewriting on Blackboard
under readings
Week 5
Revision Strategies and Revision Workshop
Homework Due for Next Class:
Complete the strongest version of Essay #1 for the following class and post it to Blackboard.
Essay #1 Due on Blackboard by the Start of Class ; Introduction to Essay #2
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read McClures Googlepedia: Turning Information Behaviors Into Research Skills on Blackboard
under readings
* Subject to revision. All revisions will be announced in class and on Blackboard. Students are responsible for all changes.


| ENGL 101 Syllabus

Unit 2: Issues Analysis

Week 6
Finding a Topic; Introduction to Research process (Googlepedia)
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read Stedmans Annoying Ways People Use Sources on Blackboard under readings
Read TSIS And Yet: Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say (p. 68-75)
Annoying Ways People Use Sources
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read TSIS So What? Who Cares? Saying Why it Matters (p. 92-100)
Week 7
Drafting Workshop
Homework Due for Next Class:
Have the strongest version of your essay for the following class and be sure to submit your rough
draft on Blackboard.
Rough Draft Essay 2 Due
Peer Review
Homework Due for Next Class:
Read TSIS He Says Contends: Using Templates to Revise (p. 139-159)
Week 8
Using Templates to Revise
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Revision Day and Mini Conferences
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Complete the strongest version of Essay #2 for the following class and post it to Blackboard.
Week 9
Essay #2 Due on Blackboard by the Start of Class
Introduction to Essay #3
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Reread TSIS Entering the Conversation (p. 1-14)
Read TSIS Yes / No / Okay, But: Three Ways to Respond (p. 55-67)

Tues 9/30

Thurs 10/2

Tues 10/7

Thurs 10/9

Tues 10/14

Thurs 10/16

Tues 10/21

Unit 3: Research Essay

Tues 10/21

Thurs. 10/23

Tues 10/28

Thurs 10/30

Week 9
Essay #2 Due on Blackboard by the Start of Class
Introduction to Essay #3
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Reread TSIS Entering the Conversation (p. 1-14)
Read TSIS Yes / No / Okay, But: Three Ways to Respond (p. 55-67)
Finding the Gaps
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Week 10
Proposal Due: Organization workshop
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Read TSIS Skeptics May Object: Planting a Naysayer in Your Text (p. 78-90)
Complete your first draft of your introduction for the following class
Introduction Due; Identifying the Naysayers
Homework Due for the Next Class:

* Subject to revision. All revisions will be announced in class and on Blackboard. Students are responsible for all changes.


| ENGL 101 Syllabus

Tues 11/4

Thurs 11/6

Tues 11/11

Thurs 11/13

Tues 11/18

Thurs 11/20

Tues 11/25

Thurs 11/27
Tues 12/2

Thurs 12/4

Complete your first mini-draft for the following class (at least 2 pages plus introduction)
Week 11 *consider making an appointment at the Writing Center this week*
Mini-draft due; Early Peer Review
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Read the Evaluating Sources and Integrating Sources on Blackboard under readings
Research Day
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Complete your works cited page for the following class.
Review the Index of Templates (beginning on p. 293 in TSIS). Identify 7 different templates youd
like to incorporate into your essay
Week 12 *consider making an appointment at the Writing Center this week*
Signal Phrase Workshop
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Read Giles Reflective Writing and the Revision Process: What Were You Thinking? on Blackboard
under readings
Introduction to Final Reflection
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Complete your strongest and most complete draft possible for the next class.
Week 13
Complete Rough Drafts Due; Peer Review
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Complete your storyboard activity
Have sketch of topics you will discuss
Revision Workshop
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Continue to revise your final essay. Remember that you may turn your essay in early.
Week 14
Revision Workshop; Mini-Conferences; Final Reflection Workshop
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Continue working on your final reflection and any revisions you may need to submit
Using everything you have learned this semester, complete the strongest version of Essay #3 and be
prepared to submit it on Blackboard before the start of the next class.
No Class Happy Thanksgiving! - Thanksgiving Break 11/26 11/30
Week 15
Essay 3 Due; Workshop
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Continue Working on your final course reflection and your revision of your research essay if you
choose to revise it
Homework Due for the Next Class:
Continue Working on your final course reflection and your revision of your research essay if you
choose to revise it

* Subject to revision. All revisions will be announced in class and on Blackboard. Students are responsible for all changes.

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