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Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS

CLMS release version 10

Cambridge LMS 2013

Table of Contents
How to Manage your Classes
Getting started
Creating a new Group
Editing a Group
Creating a new class
Uploading users to a single class
Adding a single user to a single class
Moving students between classes
Moving classes between groups
Managing Users in the Directory
Updating a users account details
Changing a users e-mail address
Resetting a user's password
Searching for a user
Searching for users by Group
Viewing a users active products
Multiple user actions in the Directory
Changing multiple users passwords
Enrolling multiple users in a single class
Blocking one or more users
To block one or more users from a Class
Unblocking one or more users
To unblock one or more users from a Class
Exporting multiple users data to CSV
Organization status report
Downloading a count of users by class
Teacher-related reports
Viewing student progress
Exporting student progress
Viewing student access information
Administrative reports
Viewing student progress at campus level
Viewing user access information at campus level
Exporting user access information
Further student administration
Validating students
Activating students
Frequently Asked Questions

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Client Administration Manual

This manual is for Cambridge LMS Administrators and contains information on the various
functions and administration tasks available to you. It will be updated with each new
release in order to highlight new features.
Before you begin, please ensure the Cambridge LMS Team has sent you an email to
confirm you are now a Client Administrator.

How to Manage your Classes

The following steps will show you how to create Groups and create and manage your

Getting started
Log into the LMS
User homepage:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013

Expand My Tools
Open Manage Classes
Select the organization you would like to administer. You may only have one link available here,
but in cases where you are an administrator for a number of organizations, institutions or
campuses, you may have several options. In this case we will choose Client Administration:
Manage Classes page:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013

Creating a new Group

We recommend that you first use the Group feature in order to create semesters or terms.
This will allow you to group all the classes you will create in the next step, by semester or
term, in order to access classes more quickly.

Select * New Group tab in the right-hand navigation bar

Group Creation page:

In the Title field, enter a Title that refers to a semester or term: i.e. UVM San_Angel 08-11_Term

Leave the Org Code empty

Choose a relevant Group language.

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013

Editing a Group
In order to edit an existing Group, select the Edit Group icon in the top navigation bar
Group editing page:

Creating a new class

Select Create single class
Leave the Class Code blank, as this will auto-generate an appropriate code
Select required Product from the drop-down list
Enter start and end dates
Enter Class Name
Click Submit

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013

Class creation screen:

Class list screen:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013

Uploading users to a single class

Enter the class by clicking on the Name/URL of the class.
Class homepage:

Select the Manage students tab

Click on Bulk Enrolment

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013

Bulk enrolment screen:

Leave Delimiter as a comma

Open the Sample template
Enter student and/or teacher data into the template
Ensure that the role (student/teacher) is all written in lower case (i.e. teacher, not Teacher)
Bulk enrolment sample template:

Save the resulting file to your computer, click Browse and select the file
Choose when you would like the Welcome email sent

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013

Welcome email sending options screen:

Import user data and check results

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Bulk enrolment results screen:

Adding a single user to a single class

Click on the Name/URL for a class
Select the Manage students tab
Click on Single Enrolment
Select the users Role from the drop-down menu
Enter student and/or teacher data
Choose when you would like the Welcome email sent

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Single user enrolment screen:

Submit user data and check results

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Single user enrolment results screen:

Moving students between classes

Click on the Name/URL for a class
Select the Manage students tab
Click on Administer Enrolment if necessary
Select a student and place a in the tick-box

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Administer Enrolment page:

Choose the class the student is to be moved to, from the drop-down menu and Execute
Move student to class screen:

Confirm your action

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Resulting administer enrolment screen:

NB: The above steps can also be carried out for Teachers, in the Manage teachers tab

Moving classes between groups

Expand My Tools
Open Manage Classes
Select organization
Select a class and place a in the tick-box
Click Move Selected Classes

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Move Classes page:

Choose the group the class is to be moved to from the drop-down menu
Confirm your action

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Managing Users in the Directory

Client Administrators can also manage users from within a Directory. The following
explains the different options available for managing users.

Updating a users account details

Expand My Tools
Open Directory
User Directory page:

Ensure the Users tab is selected

Locate a user and click on their Username link to view or edit the user's account details
Select the Directory Information button
Change the users First name, Last name, Display name or other details and then click Save

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


User Directory Information page:

Changing a users e-mail address

Expand My Tools
Open Directory
Ensure the Users tab is selected
Locate a user and click on their Username link
Ensure the Account button is selected
Enter the new E-mail address, then click Save

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


User Account edit page: changing the e-mail address:

Resetting a user's password

Expand My Tools
Open Directory
Ensure the Users tab is selected
Locate a user and click on their Username link
Ensure the Account button is selected
Enter the new password in both Password and Confirm password fields, and then click Save.
Please note that passwords may only contain Latin-based characters and numbers.

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


User Account edit page: changing the password:

Searching for a user

Expand My Tools
Open Directory
Ensure the Users tab is selected
If desired, increase the number of Users per page

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Increasing the number of user search results:

Enter either a users e-mail address, full name or part of a name and click Apply.
User search by e-mail address:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


User search by partial name:

User search by partial first/surname:

Searching for users by Group

Expand My Tools
Open Directory
Using the Organization Structure drop-down menu, select an organisation, institution or campus
In the new drop-down menu that then appears select a Group and click Apply

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Organization structure and Group page:

Viewing a users active products

Locate a user (see Searching for a user) and click on the Active Products link
Activated products page:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Multiple user actions in the Directory

In addition to the above, there are enhanced features that allow a Client Administrator to
manage multiple users at once.

Changing multiple users passwords

Search for /display multiple users using one of the methods above
Ensure the Users tab is selected
Select multiple students and place a in the tick-boxes
From the Bulk operations drop-down, select Change password and click Execute. Please note
that passwords may only contain Latin-based characters and numbers.

Changing multiple users passwords page:

Enter the new password and click Next. Please note that passwords may only contain Latin-based
characters and numbers.
Confirm your action

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Updating multiple users passwords:

Enrolling multiple users in a single class

Select multiple students using one of the methods above and place a in the tick-boxes next to
the relevant students names.
From the Bulk operations drop-down, select Enrol user and click Execute

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Setting parameters for bulk enrolment page:

Select the class you wish to enrol the students in and click Next
Confirm your action and check results
Bulk enrolment confirmation screen:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Blocking one or more users

It is possible to block one or more users from the entire LMS or from an individual class. Blocking a
user from the entire LMS stops them accessing any products or classes within the LMS; blocking a
user from an individual class only blocks access to that particular class.
In either case, any data about the user or generated by the user is retained. If the user is
unblocked at a later date (see Unblocking one or more users) all the data is restored.

Blocking one or more users from the LMS

To block one or more users from the LMS, select the relevant user(s) using one of the methods
above and place a in the tick-boxes next to the relevant users names
From the Bulk operations drop-down, select Block selected users and click Execute
Blocking multiple users page:

Confirm your action and check results.

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Multiple user blocking results page:

To block one or more users from a Class

Open My Tools
Click Manage Classes
Click on the relevant Organization link
Click on the Name/URL for a class
Select the Manage students tab
Select the relevant user(s) using one of the methods above and place a in the tick-boxes next to
the relevant users names
From the Bulk operations drop-down, select Block / Unblock class access and click Execute

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Block users from Class screen:

From the Signup Status drop-down, select Blocked

Click Submit and Confirm your action
Change Signup Status screen:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Unblocking one or more users

Unblocking one or more users from the LMS
To unblock one or more users from the LMS, select the relevant user(s) using one of the methods
above and place a in the tick-boxes next to the relevant users names
From the Bulk operations drop-down, select Unblock selected users and click Execute
Unblocking multiple users page:

Confirm your action and check results

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Multiple user unblocking results page:

To unblock one or more users from a Class

Open My Tools
Click Manage Classes
Click on the relevant Organization link
Click on the Name/URL for a class
Select the Manage students tab
Select the relevant user(s) using one of the methods above and place a in the tick-boxes next to
the relevant users names
From the Bulk operations drop-down, select Block / Unblock class access and click Execute

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Unblock users from Class screen:

From the Signup Status drop-down, select Pending or Enrolled

Pending should only be used, when you know the user has not used an activation code for this
course. Enrolled should only be used if you know the user has used an activation code for this
Click Submit and Confirm your action
Change Signup Status screen:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Exporting multiple users data to CSV

Select multiple students using one of the methods above and place a in the tick-boxes next to
the relevant students names
From the Bulk operations drop-down, select Export to CSV and click Execute
Bulk exporting of users data page:

Confirm your action and check results

Bulk exporting spreadsheet page:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Organization status report

With an Organization Status Report, a Client Administrator can obtain valuable information
about the number of students and teachers enrolled in classes. It is important to point out
that users are counted on a per class basis. If they are enrolled in more than one class,
even for the same product, they will be included in the count for each class in which they
are enrolled. Students who are listed as Pending in a class, will not be counted in this

Downloading a count of users by class

Open My Tools
Click on Manage Classes
Place a in the tick-box next to the relevant Organization, Institution or Campus (do not click the
link to the Organization)
Selecting an Organization for which to download a Status Report:

Click Download Organization Status Report (csv)

Downloading a Status Report:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Select option to Open with or Save file and view CSV file results
Status Report csv file:

Click Go Back and return to the Manage Classes page if desired.

Teacher-related reports
The following reports will provide a range of information for Teachers including student
progress and student statistics. To use this feature correctly please ensure you are
enrolled as a Teacher.

Viewing student progress

Open My Tools
Click on Teacher Reports
Teacher Reports page:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Click on Student Progress

Search for a user with Filter by name, or sort by Class and Users per page
Student Progress page:

Click on the students name

Click on Units, Lessons, and Activities to expand or collapse them
Expanded student Progress Report screen:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Exporting student progress

Open My Tools
Click on Teacher Reports
Click on Student Progress
Search for a Class
Click on Export
Exporting Student Progress:

Select option to Open with or Save file and view CSV file results

Viewing student access information

Open My Tools
Click on Teacher Reports
Click on LMS Access Report
Search for a user with Filter by name, or sort by Class and Users per page
Order column headings by Total Logins and Total Time

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


LMS Usage page:

Click on the View Profile link to the right of a students name for information about that students
Student profile information:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Administrative reports
The Administrative reports are similar in functionality to the Teacher reports. These tools
allow the Client Administrator to access the information of students in their organizations,
institutions or campuses. The LMS Access Report also provides usage statistics for all
users, including Teacher and other Administrators.

Viewing student progress at campus level

Open My Tools
Click on Administrative Reports
Administrative Reports page:

Click on Student Progress

In addition to the filter options in Teacher reports, now you can sort by Organization Structure

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Student progress view:

Click on the students name

Click on Units, Lessons, and Activities to expand or collapse them

Viewing user access information at campus level

Open My Tools
Click on Administrative Reports
Click on LMS Access Report
In addition to the filter options in Teacher reports, now you can sort by Organization Structure
Teachers and other Administrators will be visible here.
LMS Usage page:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


You can order column headings by Total Logins and Total Time by clicking on the relevant
Click on the View Profile link for profile information on a particular user

Exporting user access information

Open My Tools
Click on Administrative Reports
Click on LMS Access Report
Search for a Class
Click on Export
Exporting user access information:

Select option to Open with or Save file and view CSV file results

Further student administration

The following explains how a Client Administrator can validate a students account, or activate a
product, on the students behalf. Validation enables the student to e.g. take part in classes.
Validating students
Locate class in My Teaching on the user homepage
Click on the Validate Students link next to the relevant Class

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Home page for student validation:

Select a student by placing a in the tick-box next to the students name

Enter a Password for the user. Please note that passwords may only contain Latin-based
characters and numbers.

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Selecting students for validation page

Click Validate Account button.

Activating students
Open My Tools
Click on Manage Students
Select an Organization
Select a Class
Click on the Manage students tab
Locate a student with Signup Status as Pending
Click on the Activate link

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Student Activation page:

Enter the students Activation Code and click Submit.

Entering activation code screen:

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Activation: This process allows the user to activate a product in the Cambridge LMS using the
activation code supplied either with their book or in the spreadsheet supplied to the Administrator.
In order for a user to access a teacher lead class, they must either be enrolled by an administrator,
or use a Class Code.
Administrative Reports: This area of the LMS allows Administrators to open student progress,
student progress export, and LMS access report.
Class A class holds learning content (such as Touchstone Online) and blogs and forums etc.
When students are added to a class, they have access to the content. When teachers are added to
a class, they have access to the content and access to the grades of the students in that class.
Group: You can organise your classes into groups so that you can find them easily. We
recommend that you organise your classes in semesters or terms.
Manage Classes: This area of the LMS allows you to create, edit and manage classes, groups,
and users.
Self-Register: Users can create their own account on the Cambridge LMS. This is called selfregistration. Users are required to enter their first name, last name, and an email address. Users
are then sent a validation email, which contains a single-use URL. Following the link in the e-mail
allows them to set their own password. Please note that passwords may only contain Latin-based
characters and numbers. Once registered, students will need to use an activation code supplied
either with their book or on the spreadsheet supplied to the Administrator.
Student: A student has student permissions in a class. Student permissions allow the user to view
content, access the tools and view their own scores and grades.
Teacher: A teacher has instructor permissions in a class. Teacher permissions allow the user to
view the scores and content generated by all the students in the class.
Teacher Reports: This area of the LMS allows Teachers to open student progress, student
progress export, and LMS access reports.
User: A user has an account in the LMS. Users can log onto the system and have access to
classes as teachers or students. It is possible for the same user to be a teacher in one class and a
student in another.
Validation: Users must validate their account. If they do not validate their account they cannot
access the site, or use an activation code.

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What to do when a student loses their activation code
We can provide a small number of extra codes to replace lost or missing codes (up to 3% of the
total number of codes ordered by your institution). To order these, please contact, who will send you a replacement code request form, which you
will need to complete and return.
2. What to do when an activation code appears to be invalid
If students receive a message saying the code is invalid when they attempt to activate their course,
please contact quoting the invalid code and associated product
name/ISBN. Our support team will then investigate the issue and, if necessary, provide a
replacement code.
4. What to do if a student forgets their username or password
Client administrators can manually edit a student's username and password - for more information
see Updating a users account details.
3. What to do when students need to repeat the course
Each licence is valid for 12 months, so if a student needs to repeat the course within the 12 month
period, they can continue to use the course. However, it is not possible to delete their course
history and start afresh. If you wish to allow students to start afresh, you can order a small number
of additional codes for this purpose (see Q1 for details).
5. What to do if a student says their score/progress is not updating
If a student says that their score/progress is not updating, ask them to clear their browser cache
and history of everything, and close the browser before trying again. If the user can work on a
different browser/computer, this suggests a local problem with the users browser/computer.
Clearing the cache and browser history can help to fix this problem. Otherwise please send
information as detailed in the call logging template to:
6. What to do with old stock of books without activation codes
If you purchased your books after July 2011 and received books without activation codes, please
contact, attaching your order, and we will provide a set of activation
codes to accompany these books. If you are intending to re-use books from a previous year,
please contact your sales representative who can advise what arrangements can be made in these
7. What to do if a student reports that the product code is already in use
First, check that they can see their self-study course. Make sure they haven't registered using a
different email address.
The student now needs to join the class either by bulk enrolment or by entering a class code
provided by the teacher.
Finally, if the student still cannot see the class, the client administrator will need to check his or her
class access is unblocked.
Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


8. What to do if you have a technical problem

For a full list of FAQs for Client Administrators, visit
If you are experiencing technical problems, follow the checklist below to ensure that all local
connection issues have been ruled out.

Check that your

plug ins are up to
Check that your
version of flash is
up to date
Out of date plug ins can cause content to display incorrectly

Clear your cache

and restart your

Does the issue still occur after you have cleared your cached
and restarted the browser?

JavaScript errors

It could be that your JavaScript has not fully downloaded onto

the page. Please clear your cache, log out and log back in

Does your
network meet the
Have you loaded
the content
already in order to
cache it locally?

Minimum internet speed: 5Mbps download and upload

speed per user
Data ports: Port 1935 should be open for communication
with the Touchstone Online Course media server (voice
recording/playback features)
Firewall: Must allow delivery of content from multiple IP
The live site uses a caching server. By accessing the content
locally, you are storing the content on the closest server
which should make it faster for others accessing this course
for the first time.

If you still cannot solve the issue, email with the following information:

Date of issue
Time of issue
Username of user
having problems
Description of the

Pathway to page
Your browser
details and

We need this information to check log files.

We need this information to check log files.

Which part of the application you were in when the issue

occurred? What were you doing? What other
applications/web pages were open at the time?
Please provide as much information as you can.
E.g: Touchstone International Level 1, Unit 5, Lesson B,
Activity 1, Page 5.

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


Can the issue be
replicated on
another machine?
Can the issue be
replicated from
another location?
Steps taken in
order to replicate
this issue
provided? Y/N
results provided?

This is necessary so that we can see and hopefully diagnose

the issue that you are seeing.
We need to ensure that the problems that you are
experiencing are not connection speed related.

Client Administration in the Cambridge LMS 2013


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