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Word from IITB Engineering Physics Alum:

Ashish Goel, B.Tech in Engineering Physics IIT Bombay, 2009, is currently doing his Masters
Students in Aerospace Engineering at Stanford University "Hi. I am currently a first year Masters
Students in Aerospace Engineering at Stanford University and I completed my B.Tech in
Engineering Physics at IIT Bombay in 2009. A lot of things have changed since I joined IIT
Bombay, especially with the introduction of the concept of Major/Minor/Honors. So my experience
might not be a true representation of the current situation, but I can tell you for sure that I
thoroughly enjoyed pursuing Engineering Physics at IIT Bombay. It certainly is one of the most
challenging streams offered at the IITs. Part of the challenge comes from the fact that you have to
be good at understanding the core physics and math behind everything you learn and at the same
time balance this knowledge with the various applications in the fields of electronics, bio-physics,
materials science etc. I think the best part of the curriculum is the flexibility it gives you to choose
your stream of specialization. The basic foundation built through core physics and math courses
allows you to pick up any area of specific interest and pursue it in greater depth. I guess the fact
that I am now pursuing Aerospace Engineering for my Masters stands as a perfect example of this
flexibility. I've had batch mates and seniors who have gone on to work in areas as diverse as
Computer Science, Applied Math, Astrophysics, Optics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy
Physics, Electrical Engineering and Robotics! Many question the prospects of getting a job after
you complete your B.Tech in Engineering Physics. Well certainly, its not as straight-forward as it is
for students in some other departments. But the key thing to realize is that in Engineering Physics,
you define the path you wish to choose. If you wish to work in the electronics industry, you
channelize your efforts in that direction by opting for elective courses from the Electrical
Engineering department, probably pursuing a minor over there as well. You then back it up with
projects, seminars and internships and you will find yourself on an equal footing when competing
for core jobs. The same holds for any other field you might be interested in. And for those
interested in higher studies (Masters, PhD etc.), Engineering Physics gives you a very good
platform to launch ahead. Every year, nearly half the passing out batch ends up pursuing higher
studies in some of the top universities around the world. Being a small department, there is also a
great sense of bonding among the students and the faculty. I'll simply conclude by reminding you
that it is a challenging program meant for those interested in physics and applied physics. It is
quite different from what is taught under the banner of Physics while you are preparing for the JEE
exam. If you are interested in electronics and are trying to use Engineering Physics as a proxy for
simply doing electronics, that is probably not a very good idea. Don't opt for Engineering Physics
just because someone else last year with a rank similar to yours opted for it. But if you are
strongly interested in Physics or if you are interested in Physics and are not ready to decide upon
which career stream to opt for, Engineering Physics is certainly one of the best options you have.
Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions." -Ashish Goel Email:

Anup Rao, B.Tech in Engineering Physics IIT Bombay 2009 is pursuing his PhD in mathematics at
Yale University Hello! I am a first year student pursuing PhD in mathematics at Yale University. I
completed my B. Tech in Engineering Physics in 2009. When describing my experience, I will try to
include as much new information (and not to repeat what others have written) as possible. My
experience with EP had been really good. The friendly atmosphere, freedom to learn what you

want to and encouragement provided by some of the faculty members perfectly worked for me.
Since physics has a really wide range of applications, touches a vast area of subjects and the
department too is very open minded, you are very likely find a field of your interest which you can
pursue further or 'specialize in'. I will say a bit about myself here because I am currently pursuing
a PhD in (pure) mathematics and also every year one or two students of the passing out batch join
PhD programs in mathematics. Since mathematics and physics are very closely related and
interdependent, this should not be unexpected. What I would like to point out here is that I
enjoyed a great freedom in choosing my projects and internships, even when at times I had work
under advisors from outside the physics department. The professors in the department too
encouraged me and nurtured my interests. All I had to do was be dedicated towards what I do!
The department has a very healthy social life. There is an active student body (of which I was part
of) which organizes various events like department sports matches, cultural day, Physics Olympiad
etc There is also a department magazine published every semester. These are fun events to be
part of (and to organize!) and a great way to know your seniors and professors. To summarize in a
few words, one can regard EP as a pure/applied science course, which touches upon a lot of areas
and gives you the much needed freedom to concentrate further on subjects of your interest. The
physics at the undergraduate level may not be exactly like the one you learnt during your JEE
days. But with some topics at least, it gets much more interesting. If you are a person who likes to
understand the concepts, one who did not just learn the tools required to solve the problems while
preparing for JEE but tried to grasp the theory, then, I would highly recommend EP. Otherwise I
would recommend against it. All the best! (You can reach me at

Tanuj Gigras and Vaibhav Devanathan are Graduates of the first(2010) batch of the EP Dual
Degree Program. 1) What and how is it 'more' than the B.Tech EP? Vaibhav: Dual Degree
Project(DDP) is the major part, one gets to interact with profs more, cutting edge nano labs,
better nano courses (5-6 as compared to 1). Any B.Tech can also take nanoscience courses.
Tanuj: Since EP DD emphasizes research, the most distinguishing feature is the Dual Degree
project and the nano-science lab. Since in our department, there is flexibility in taking courses 2)
Are there any additional courses, what does specialisation in nano here mean? Tanuj: Lots of
flexibility, allows one to do both, theoretical and/or experimental nanoscience. Personally during
my 5 years I have exposed myself to both these areas. Vaibhav: An introductory lab - 5 courses
(1 basic rest advanced) and DDP are the extra things in DDP from the B.Tech. 3) Labs and
facilities, quality and types of projects available in the department? Tanuj: The department has a
quite a lot of research facilities within. But also a lot a collaborative work goes on with electrical,
metallurgy, chemical and other departments. Nanotechnology is a focus area of research set by
the Govt. of India. Hence there is a lot of Govt. funding and recently CRNTS has begun operations.
In a nutshell during your undergrad research life you would never feel lack of facilities. Vaibhav:
Among the best possible in India. One can even do a crossover in electrical etc. 4) Prospects of
nano science as a whole and of the future after this degree, Jobs/App etc. Vaibhav: Prospects are
good for higher studies - as good as B.Tech. As far as jobs concerned, nano jobs in R&D sector are
there. So, one is open to more options than a B.Tech would be. Tanuj: Nanoscience is major focus
of research in US and elsewhere and there is a lot of funding and research topics available if one
decides to go for a PhD. But for a industry job in nanoscience, a PhD is often required. Most jobs
are available in the US or Europe. To increase his/her prospects of going to the tech industry the

student might take appropriate honors/minors courses. 5) Why did you choose a program with (1
yr extra + 1 additional degree)? Rank or choice? Tanuj: Well, I had two things in mind. Firstly, I
wanted to study Physics and this DD program offered more applied Physics than a M.Sc physics at
other IITs. Second reason was IITB itself. Being placed in a metropolitan has its own advantage
and if one doesnt wants to pursue his career in nanotech after graduating, then too he has a lot of
other opportunities. In my opinion the extra one year gives you a lot of exposure and you will
come to know whether you are really interested in research or not. Vaibhav: I took a branch
change from B.Tech to DD! 6) Switching from B.Tech to DD program a feasible option? Flexibility
issue!! Vaibhav: Very much feasible. I did it myself after 5 semesters. The department was very
helpful. 7) What are you doing in the future. How has DD program helped you? Vaibhav: No idea!
I was very happy with the flexibility the DD program gave me. Vaibhav has been selected in
Harvard Business School, and was the General Secretary for Academic affairs of IIT Bombay,
2009-10. Tanuj: I am joining Credit Suisse, a Swiss investment bank's mumbai office as an
analyst. The decision is completely based on personal choice rather than any negative experience
in IITB. During my stay I have exposed myself to a lot of research and after that only I have made
a final decision. The DD program has helped me gauge my likes and dislikes. This is true of any
dept in IIT and nothing specific only to EP DD. Tanuj: My sincere request to all of you, please do
not come with a preset mind. See, explore, learn and then only make some decision. These are
the most important years of your life which will determine how you succeed personally and
professionally. A lot of learning goes outside of the class and for an all round development one
should get engaged in it. Also do not pay attention to rumours. Its important to have a good
mentor in the initial years at IIT. Open your hearts & minds to him and do not hesitate to ask for
any help. Afterall its the question of your life. IIT life will teach you that money, fame etc are not
the measure of success. Feeling successful is a more important yardstick than anything else and
here at IIT you will have to raise your bar so high that if you feel you are successful than you
would be for anybody else too.

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