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How to Learn 5 Languages

Written by Dr Perry Barnes

How to suddenly enjoy English, learn
lots and find yourself speaking English
Translated into 5 Languages
Italians in London
Website and Newsletter
Recommends Barnes Method English

Copyright Perry Barnes 2008 All Rights Reserved in All Media

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

I remember my first time . . . being absorbed into a story about something that intrigued me enormously,
even though the actual topic is irrelevant at the moment because it started quite innocently as I first read
with deep curiosity and anticipation, even during the opening paragraphs of what I was reading, while I was
more and more consumed into what it was I hadn't yet known, and wanted to because the story wasn't just
about the story as much as it was about desire: wanting to draw me into an experience in my mind that was
as real as could be inside in such a way that whatever was on the outside didn't matter as much anymore and
perhaps even at all because my attention focused inside on the experience that was unfolding
Owen Fitzpatrick

Experiencing stories so vividly, like the ones told by great story tellers, the ones that spark every sensory
receptor triggering connections in each cortex, from clean bright images to crystal clear sounds, tingling
sensations from the surface of your skin to the deepest fiber of your bones, is what creates ideas so profound
that they blur the differences between what is reality and what is hallucination, and since it can be very
difficult to distinguish these difference means you can build realities around how well you can
conversationally and naturally weave the fabric that will be present inside your mind with any subject you
want and propagate that to others
John La Valle


He says:
I am a professor and I am looking for a method as I am decided that I will open a good English
school in the axis Goiânia-Anápolis-Brasilia (those are Brazilian cities in the middle of Brazil)
I got your contact through the internet and the indication of your phone many times linked to the
Method Barnes.
I would like to know the methodology and resources applied as well as the possibility of applying
the method to a conventional school.
I asked him at the answer to contact you. I said we did a partnership in translation that is why my
name is there and that you are the creator of the method

Good luck


Gilseane Stefani,

Sou professor universitário e procuro o método porque estou decido a abrir uma boa escola
de inglês no eixo Goiânia-Anápolis-Brasília.
Consegui o seu contato na internet, inclusive com a indicação de um número de
telefone (07951048218), várias vezes vinculado do Métdo Barnes.
Gostaria de conhecer a metodologia e os recursos empregados bem como a possibilidade
de aplicação do método numa escola convecional.

Se puder me ajudar, fico grato.

Jorge Bezerra - Goiânia / GO

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media


Languages such as Italian, Spanish and Portuguese are very similar to English and to each other. Yes, yes
your country is wonderful and your coffee is great, relax now.
With Portuguese you can change many of your words slightly (adjust them) and they become English
words. In fact you don't even have to change your pronunciation.

The meaning of communication is the response you get. If people understand you then you are correct. If
you want an English accent then get it later, maybe a day later if you want to.

The main point of this is many Portuguese words have an extra Syllable. For example Ter-mo
(Termo) in Portuguese is 2 syllables and Term in English is 1 syllable. Just by pronouncing 1 syllable
less, you have the English word. No translation required. Even with an accent English people will
still understand you, so learn it

Pronunciation Adjustments: U is pronounced as You in English,

U = You,

Here's a list, feel free to add to it (use the back of the paper):

Portuguese English Spanish Italian French

Termo Term Termine
Permitir Permit permitir Permisso
Progresso Progress progreso progresso
Estudar Study estudiar studio
Publico Public Publico pubblico
Parte Part Pieza (piece) parte
Uso/a Use Uso uso
Atividade Activity Actividad attivita
Garantia Guarantee garantia garanzia
Rapido Rapid Rapido rapido
Acordo Accord concordar accordo
Sucesso Success successo
Forma Form formar forma
Detalhe Detail detall dettaglio
Experiência Experience experiencia esperienza
Básico Basic basico basico
Dia Day dia giorno
Fotografia Photograph foto fotographia
Estudante Student estudiante studente
Minuto Minute minuto minuto
Perfeito Perfect perfetto
Reflexo Reflex riflesso

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

Here are some more words with an extra syllable.

Imediata/Immediate/Imediato, Falso/False/Fasullo, Informe/Inform/Informare, Edita/Edit,

Contate/Contact/Contatto , Produtos/Products/Prodotto,

Similar Words

There are many similar words in Portuguese and English. These words may have the same amount of
Syllables. For example Imagens in English is Images, both words contain 3 syllables and so a slight
adjustment is needed.

Imagens/Images/Immagine, Máximo/Maximum/Massimo, Erro/Error/Errore, Entre/Enter, Ou/Or,

Serviços/Services/Servizio, Uniformes/Uniform/Uniforme, Rolo/Roll, Par/Pair/Paio

all verbs in english which complete with ...ize are also in spanish,
french, italian, and portuguese and complete with
izar : iser : izare : izar

English Spanish French Italian Portuguese

legalize legalizar legaliser legalizzare legalizar

all verbs in english which complete with “ory” are also in spanish,
french, italian, and portuguese and complete with
orio : oire : orio : orio

English Spanish French Italian Portuguese

territory territorio territoire territorio territorio

write examples now!

English/Italian Similar Words

absorbent = assorbente
obsequious = ossequioso
absent = assente

absurd = assurdo
observatory = osservatorio
subsidy = sussidio
absolute = assoluto
absorb = assorbire
absolve = assolvere
observe = osservare

obsess = ossessionare
obscure = oscuro
obscene = osceno
abstain = astenersi
obstruct = ostacolare

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

abstract = astratto
substitute = sostituto
obstacle = ostacolo

Learn These and then you can read a book and guess the meanings of many words
now, you may recommend barnes method to only 1 friend
people are starting barnes method english groups with skype and msn in all countries

tà ty zione tion
qualità quality condizione condition
quantità quantity attenzione attention
città city nazione nation
università university inflazione inflation
abilità ability abbreviazione abbreviation
autorità authority promozione promotion

za ce oso ous
pazienza patience
apparenza appearance famoso famous
esistenza existence generoso generous
indifferenza indifference
conferenza conference delizioso delicious

Adjectives: in barnes method english you can always learn adjectives as opposites
example: learn delicious and disgusting at the same time, famous and unknown,
natural and unnatural, popular and unpopular

intelligente sensibile eccellente intellettuale

ottimista indifferente egoista popolare sentimentale
elegante interessante realista entusiasta materialista progressista
naturale responsabile idealista

when the verbs are used in this table they are usually the verb to be
examples: dancar = to dance, criar = to create

Cognate Patterns

English Portuguese Spanish French Italian

Nouns : Substantivos
hospital hospital hospital hôpital ospedale

animal animal animal animal animale

moral moral moral moral morale

2.ty 2.dade
capacity (potential) capacidade potenticial capacité capacità

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

flexibility flexibilidade flexibilidad flexibilité flessibilita
eternity eternidade eternidad l'éternité eternita
3.ism 3.isma, ismo
feminism feminismo feminismo féminisme femminismo
atheism ateismo ateísmo athéïste ateism
criticism criticismo criticismo criticisme critica, ista
dentist dentista dentista
tourist turista turista
humorist humorista humorista
English Portuguese Spanish French Italian
5.nce, ance 5.ência, ança
patience paciência paciência pazienza
existence existencia existencia esistenza
perseverance perseverança perseverança perseveranza
6.or 6.or
actor ator ator
favor favor favor
color cor cor
Adjectives : Adjetivos
real real real
virtual virtual virtual
sensual sensual sensual
8.ant, ent 8.ante, ente
excellent excelente excelente
patient paciente paciente
important importante importante
9.ary 9.ário, ária
adversary adversário adversario
contrary contrário contrario
arbitrary arbitrário arbitrario
10.ic 10.ico, ica
economic economico economico
pacific pacifico pacifico
metallic metalico metalico 11.ido, ida
lucid lucido lúcido
vivid vivido vívido

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

splendid (magnificent) esplendido ¡magnífico!
12.ile, óvel
automobile automóvel automóvil
projectile projétil proyectil
mobile móvel móvil
English Portuguese
13.ive 13.ivo, iva
adoptive adotivo adotivo
imaginative imaginativo imaginativo
descriptive descritivo descritivo
14.ible, able 14.ível, ável
accessible acessível accesible
convertible conversível convertible
admirable admirável admirable
15.ous 15.oso, osa
delicious delicioso delicioso delizioso
generous generoso generoso
famous famoso famoso famoso
Verbs : Verbos
celebrate celebrar festejar
donate doar donar
create criar crear
dance dancar danzar
imagine imaginar imaginar
complete completar
18.ult, ent, ort 18.ultar, entar, ortar
comment comentar comentar
export exportar exportar
consult consultar consultar
19.fy 19.ficar
amplify amplificar amplificar
simplify simplificar simplificar
qualify qualificar qualificar
Adverbs : Adverbios 20.mente
creatively criativamente
usually usualmente usualmente

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

separately separadamente separadamente
21.tion 21.cao
action ação actuación azione
promotion promoção promoción promozione
attention atenção atención attenzione
22.ize Izar
advise avisar

23. ory orio oire orio

Territory Territorio Territoire Territorio

note: 22 and 23 are listed before in the book

This table is from a Charles Nunes publication^ buy his books because he has a family to feed and he contributes alot
to people learning languages, he has a real love for teaching

Some content adapted from Charles Nunes website Learn Portuguese Now

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

Mais More

falsos cognatos : false cognates



Methods to Help You Learn the Similar Words

a good teacher once said to me how she learned computer programming

@always write the code manually instead of copying and pasting because then
you remember it better later@
i use this advice when i learned html for websites and it serves true for learning a
language too
i recommend to write 3 examples of each similar word pattern (cognate) you
learn, the diagram later is this book shows that you learn 70% or more when you
do things for real rather than thinking about the knowledge
occasionally you may find you need a reason + the practise
in this situation you can invent a reason from studying the patterns
(you find a similarity)
or find a grammar explanation or ask an english teacher
barnes method english @ examples method can help more with this

speak english for 1 aditional hour a day

and speak your 1st language for 1 hour less
decide to speak english with people from your country
make friends with more native english people
go to places and events where there are only english people

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

1. find english artist you like
2. find the lyrics for an album
3. sing to the songs
4. use dictionary for words you don't know
Bel says:
estou ouvindo
barnes says:
5. sing again when you know the words
6. listen the music the next day or later
eu entendi 90% de marisa monte musicas agora usando esta
metodo de barnes

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come
alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who
have come alive.” - Howard Thurman

Barnes says:
portuguese and ingles are so similar
i'm reading an english book from 1909
Debora says:
do you think?
Barnes says:
strategy is called stratagem in 1909
ground is called TERRAin
meu deus
there is a list of similar words ja
and also many others
aquire = adquirer
obtain = obter
procure = procura
could teach english to a portuguese in 7 days with a good

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

diagram from Why We Want You To Be Rich by robert kiosaki and donald trump copyright ©
buy their books for great financial success and they are going to help you learn english

the students i see do well with english...

a guy reading 3 native books at the same time
a girl who did ielts tests until she had 90% for all
if they work in a job speaking english usually have
if they have 3 classes a semana
if they sing in english it helps alot

barnes joia says:

how would u explain "though" to a brasilian
Gustavo says:
oh it's Beautiful Barnes!
I guess "though" means: embora, ainda que or contudo

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

bringing you the best english whilst
drinking the smoothest coffee in the


i'm reading a book in portuguese
i list the words i don't know (in the day)
research them (at night)
then read more of the book the next day
I have learned about 50 words this way in 2 days

the things you don't know in the language are the things you need to learn

Hello guys!
My name's Gustavo, aka "Guto", I'm 22 going on 23 and Brazilian.
To begin with, I think English is the most important language to learn at this
moment, especially in the context of globalization.
I wonder, what's the most important English skill? What skill must you have to
communicate well? I'd say it's fluency! What's fluency? Fluency is the ability to
speak and understand a language quickly and easily, without translation. Fluency
means you can talk easily with native speakers and that is our main goal here. I'm
beginner like most of you and I'm here to exchange some experiences.
Luis is an excellent teacher, he's brilliant! I really like his method and his books. So,
to have a good teacher like him is a good start. I'm so proud to be one of his
I think to be a fantastic English speaker, you must learn English with your ears, not
just with your eyes, it's an ideology of a North American teacher. In other words,
your ears are the key. The best listening must be understandable and repetitive,
both of those words are important. You must hear a new word and new grammar
many times before you'll understand them instantly.
Increase your learning time and also your listening time. Use iPod or MP3 player.
Listen to movies. Guys, that way you'll learn English faster!
Another great idea is to read a good English dictionary that brings some slangs and
most used expressions by natives and then your speech will sound like theirs. I do
that and it really works!
Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media
Read them, make phrases, practise more and more. Your English will come along
like mine.
You have tried the old ways, now it's time to try something new!
Good luck! I wish you success with your English learning!
'Til next time!


language is music

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media
find perry barnes music at

the words for the songs are here:

Copyright © Perry Barnes 08/30/07 All Rights Reserved in All Media

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