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How to massively improve SQLite Performance (using SqlWinRT)

Andy Wigley 21 Nov 2013 2:29 PM

Use ConfigureAwait(false) on calls to SqlWinRT async methods to improve INSERT performance up to 145 times, and
SELECT performance up to 80 times
Sample project:
I have been seeing a few comments by people complaining of poor performance when executing SELECT
statements against a SQLite database using the SQLWinRT wrapper, or when adding new records using multiple
consecutive INSERT statements.
With many relational databases, poor performance on INSERT can often be rectified just by wrapping all your
operations within a single transaction. If you dont explicitly declare a transaction when programming against
SQLite, the database engine creates an implicit transaction for each statement execution and that has an overhead
associated with it, so by wrapping all your INSERTs inside a single transaction, you would expect a performance
With SELECT operations, poor performance is often just down to not having the correct keys defined. If you have a
statement such as SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE NAME = CONTOSO and you execute it on a database
where you have not defined a key on the NAME column, the only way the database engine can find the required
record is to start at the first record and read sequentially down the table until it reaches the end in order to select
the rows to return (called a Table Scan). If you simply want to select all the records in a table (SELECT * FROM
CUSTOMER), then you cant avoid the Table Scan in fact thats what you want so you would expect that there
wasnt very much you could do to improve performance in that case.
Well thats the theory. I set about building a simple demo to demonstrate these points, but it didnt turn out
quite how I expected! It turns out that, important though the points already mentioned are, the most important
factor BY FAR is how you call the async methods of the SQLWinRT API! Read on

The Test Program

For my test program, I was inspired by this post on Stack Overflow: How do I improve the performance of SQLite.
That post is quite old and is talking about C++ dev, so not directly relevant to Windows Phone or Windows Store
app development using managed code, but I liked the test case, which was to take a large dataset from the City of
Torontos publically available transportation data. Unfortunately, the exact same dataset used in the original post
isnt available anymore, so I couldnt do a direct comparison, but they did have the Transportation Trips dataset,
containing 128982 records that we can first insert into a SQLite database, and then select them out again.

SQLite Bulk Insert

The dataset is in the form of a CSV text file, representing 128982 rows, each containing 8 columns. The code to
read the file and extract the values looks like this:
SQLiteWinRT.Database db;
private async void Button_Start_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
int Route_ID;
int Service_ID;
int Trip_ID;
string Trip_Headsign;
int Direction_ID;
int Block_ID;
int Shape_ID;
bool Wheelchair_Accessible;
Button_Start.IsEnabled = false;
/* Open the Database and create the Schema */
await LoadDatabase();
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
int n = 0;
// Prepare statement
using (var statement = await db.PrepareStatementAsync(
@"INSERT INTO TTC (id, Route_ID, Service_ID, Trip_ID,
Trip_Headsign, Direction_ID, Block_ID,
Shape_ID, Wheelchair_Accessible)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"))
// Start transaction
await db.ExecuteStatementAsync("BEGIN TRANSACTION");

/* Open input file and import into Database*/
var inputfile = await Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.
using (var inputStream = await inputfile.OpenSequentialReadAsync())
using (StreamReader rdr =
new StreamReader(inputStream.AsStreamForRead()))
while (true)
string inputline = await rdr.ReadLineAsync();
if (inputline == null)
// Discard line 0 - header line
if (n > 0)
string[] fields = inputline.Split(new char[] { ',' });
Route_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[0]); ;
Service_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[1]);
Trip_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[2]);
Trip_Headsign = fields[3];
Direction_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[4]);
Block_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[5]);
Shape_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[6]);
Wheelchair_Accessible = fields[7] == "1" ? true : false;
/* Bind parameter values and Insert */
statement.BindIntParameterAt(1, n);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(2, Route_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(3, Service_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(4, Trip_ID);
statement.BindTextParameterAt(5, Trip_Headsign);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(6, Direction_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(7, Block_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(8, Shape_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(9, Wheelchair_Accessible ? 1 : 0);
await statement.StepAsync();
if (n % 100 == 0)
progressBar.Value = n;
// Commit transaction
await db.ExecuteStatementAsync("COMMIT TRANSACTION");
db = null;
var report = String.Format(
"Inserted {0:d} records in {1:0.00} seconds",
n - 1,
(double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);
Button_Start.IsEnabled = true;
private async Task LoadDatabase()
db = new SQLiteWinRT.Database(
ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder, "sqliteperf.db");
await db.OpenAsync();

string sql = @"

Trip_Headsign TEXT,
Direction_ID INTEGER,
Wheelchair_Accessible BOOL)";
await db.ExecuteStatementAsync(sql);
Using this code, and by commenting out lines here and there as appropriate, we can test three scenarios:
Processing the input file but not inserting records in the database (this just gives us the time for the file
Uncomment the call to StepAsync() to Insert each record into the database individually
Uncomment the lines executing the BEGIN TRANSACTION, END TRANSACTION statements so all records
are inserted inside a single transaction

And the results? Well, not great, to be honest:


Total Time (seconds)

128982 records

Insert Time per

record (ms)

Process records no insert

Insert records individually



Insert records within a containing transaction

Although wrapping all the inserts into a single transaction halves the time it takes to insert the 128982 records
compared to separate operations (where the database engine will activate an implicit transaction for every insert),
we are still only getting 25ms per insert, or 40 operations per second. Thats not too impressive.

Trying ConfigureAwait(false)
Those performance figures are disappointing and make bulk insert operations in a Windows Phone or Windows
Store app impractical. However, look what happens when we make a subtle change to the main loop of code:
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
int n = 0;
// Prepare statement
using (var statement = await db.PrepareStatementAsync(
@"INSERT INTO TTC (id, Route_ID, Service_ID, Trip_ID, Trip_Headsign,
Direction_ID, Block_ID, Shape_ID, Wheelchair_Accessible)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"))
// Start transaction
await db.ExecuteStatementAsync("BEGIN TRANSACTION");
/* Open input file and import into Database*/

var inputfile = await Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.

using (var inputStream = await inputfile.OpenSequentialReadAsync())
using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(inputStream.AsStreamForRead()))
while (true)
string inputline = await rdr.ReadLineAsync();
if (inputline == null)
// Discard line 0 - header line
if (n > 0)
string[] fields = inputline.Split(new char[] { ',' });
Route_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[0]); ;
Service_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[1]);
Trip_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[2]);
Trip_Headsign = fields[3];
Direction_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[4]);
Block_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[5]);
Shape_ID = Int32.Parse(fields[6]);
Wheelchair_Accessible = fields[7] == "1" ? true : false;
/* Bind parameter values and Insert */
statement.BindIntParameterAt(1, n);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(2, Route_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(3, Service_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(4, Trip_ID);
statement.BindTextParameterAt(5, Trip_Headsign);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(6, Direction_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(7, Block_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(8, Shape_ID);
statement.BindIntParameterAt(9, Wheelchair_Accessible ? 1 : 0);
await statement.StepAsync().AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (n % 100 == 0)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(()=>progressBar.Value = n);
// Commit transaction
await db.ExecuteStatementAsync("COMMIT TRANSACTION");
db = null;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
var report = String.Format(
"Inserted {0:d} records in {1:0.00} seconds",
n - 1, (double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);
Button_Start.IsEnabled = true;
The main and significant change above is that the StepAsync() method is now called in a different way:
await statement.StepAsync().AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);
In addition, the code that touches the UI, such as the MessageBox.Show() call, and the code setting the
ProgressBar is now called using Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Action a). This is necessary because the change to how
StepAsync() is called has a knock-on effect of causing the code to end up executing on a background thread I
will explain more on this shortly.
What does this do to the timings?:


Total Time (seconds)

128982 records

Insert Time per

record (ms)

Process records no insert

Insert records individually



Insert records within a containing transaction



Insert individually with ConfigureAwait(false)



Insert within a transaction with ConfigureAwait(false)



WHOA! What happened there? If you insert records within a transaction and use ConfigureAwait(false), you
can achieve insert performance of one insert every 0.43 ms, or 2345 records per second. Now were talking! That
means the performance of inserting records individually without using ConfigureAwait(false)is more than 144
times slower than the best case.
Why such a dramatic improvement? Well, the Task.ConfigureAwait(bool continueOnCapturedContext)
method is used to configure the awaiter used to await the result of the asynchronous operation. An awaiter is an
object you dont see or program directly as a developer, but simply by using the await keyword when calling an
asynchronous method, the compiler will generate code that uses an awaiter to handle the suspension and
reactivation of your calling method while it waits for some asynchronous operation to complete. When the
asynchronous method has completed, the awaiter resumes execution of your code which by default happens on
the same context (think thread) you were on when you called the async method. But if you set
ConfigureAwait(false),it doesnt do that but instead continues on whatever context the async method
executed on. Theres a performance advantage to this, which is why the advice to authors of library code is that
you should always make async calls within your library code using ConfigureAwait(false) the caller of your
library method can then make the decision on whether to return to their original context by choosing whether or
not to use ConfigureAwait(false) on the call to your async library method.
Which is what we are doing here by setting ConfigureAwait(false) on our call to
SqlWinRT:Statement.StepAsync()we are saying dont bother continue on the originating context, stay on
whatever context you are executing on. And as you can see, the performance gain is spectacular! To be honest, I
was very surprised just how spectacular the performance improvement is. Normally, you would expect a modest
performance gain, but I guess that because this call is happening between managed code and a WinRT
component, the overhead of ConfigureAwait(true) - the default is particularly significant.
One consequence of using ConfigureAwait(false) is that our code after the await call resumes on a
background thread, so when we want to interact with the UI, such as to set the ProgressBar or to display the
message at the end, we have to use the Dispatcher to make sure the code that touches the UI executes back on
the UI thread:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
var report = String.Format("Inserted {0:d} records in {1:0.00} seconds",
n, (double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);
Button_Start.IsEnabled = true;
If we dont do that, you get an exception.

SELECT Performance

What about the performance of reading records out of the database? The warnings I gave in the introduction to
this piece about having appropriate keys configured if you are doing a SELECT with a filter on a column that is not
the primary key are still valid. But even if you are simply reading all the records out of a table, whether you use

ConfigureAwait(false) again has a huge impact.

Heres the code you would probably write to read all the rows in our table and to load them into in-memory
objects in an ObservableCollection<T> ready to display on the UI:
private async void Button_Select_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (db == null)
db = new SQLiteWinRT.Database(
ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder, "sqliteperf.db");
await db.OpenAsync();

Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
int n = 0;
Button_Select.IsEnabled = false;
string sql = @"
id ,
Route_ID ,
var stmt = await db.PrepareStatementAsync(sql);
ObservableCollection<TransportationTrip> tripCollection =
new ObservableCollection<TransportationTrip>();
while (await stmt.StepAsync())
var trip = new TransportationTrip()
ID = stmt.GetIntAt(0),
RouteID = stmt.GetIntAt(1),
ServiceID = stmt.GetIntAt(2),
TripID = stmt.GetIntAt(3),
TripHeadsign = stmt.GetTextAt(4),
DirectionID = stmt.GetIntAt(5),
BlockID = stmt.GetIntAt(6),
ShapeID = stmt.GetIntAt(7),
WheelchairAccessible =
stmt.GetIntAt(8) == 1 ? true : false,
var report = String.Format("Selected {0:d} records in {1:0.00} seconds",
n, (double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);
Button_Select.IsEnabled = true;
Running this gives the following result:

2838 seconds! That sucks big time.

Then do it again, but make these subtle changes:
while (await stmt.StepAsync().AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false))
var trip = new TransportationTrip()
ID = stmt.GetIntAt(0),
RouteID = stmt.GetIntAt(1),
ServiceID = stmt.GetIntAt(2),
TripID = stmt.GetIntAt(3),
TripHeadsign = stmt.GetTextAt(4),
DirectionID = stmt.GetIntAt(5),
BlockID = stmt.GetIntAt(6),
ShapeID = stmt.GetIntAt(7),
WheelchairAccessible = stmt.GetIntAt(8) == 1 ? true:false,
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
var report = String.Format("Selected {0:d} records in {1:0.00} seconds",
n, (double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);
Button_Select.IsEnabled = true;
Which gives this result:

Thats some improvement! Comparing the two:


Total Time (seconds) SELECT Time per

SELECT 128981 records record (ms)

Records per





SELECT with ConfigureAwait(false)

Thats a huge improvement!




[WARNING: The timings quoted here are for running on the emulator. You should expect times on a real device to
be very substantially slower.]

Some golden rules emerge from this:
1. Use ConfigureAwait(false) when calling SqlWinRT async methods, particularly within repetitive looping
such as INSERT or SELECT of a significant number of records. Remember that when you do so, your code
will not resume on the same context it started on, so take appropriate measures to handle this.
2. In addition to using ConfigureAwait(false), wrap large numbers of INSERTs in a single transaction to get the
best performance.
The last learning from this is not specific to SqlWinRT: if you call async methods on a WinRT component, there is a
significant overhead in switching back to the originating context. Try calling such a component using
ConfigureAwait(false) - it may yield significant performance benefits.
Lastly this was a test program. If you ever find yourself trying to read 128000 records into memory, I would
suggest you have another think about your app design and whether you really need all those objects in memory

Claus Nagler 22 Nov 2013 10:57 AM #

Two Points:
- This basically means that performance is horrendous by default. Didn't somebody test the wrapper?
- Compared to SQLite on iOS, SQL selects still take 10x more time.
Doesn't Microsoft have one of the best SQL Datebase on the planet? Is WP not important enough to
assign experts to make it a great platform?
(Long Time Microsoft Partner)

Andy Wigley 6 Dec 2013 8:49 AM #

Thanks for your comment, Claus.

If you use SQLite on Windows Phone programming in C++ directly against the SQLite 'C' API, I would
expect you would get performance comparable to SQLite on iOS.
The SqlWinRT wrapper exists to provide access to SQLite for managed code developers who want to
use SQL statements - an alternative wrapper, SQLite-NET, exists for those who prefer a LINQ-based API.
Both access the SQLite C API through a WinRT component wrapper, so there will be overheads
associated, but programmed carefully and with careful use of the async methods used by this wrapper
as I describe in this post, you can get good perf to allow you to build great apps backed by SQLite.

Jedidja Bourgeois 11 Dec 2013 3:50 PM #

Thanks for the post! I've just started delving into possibilities with SQLite (following Matteo Pagani's
posts at and am glad to see there's an alternative to the default EF+SQL
CE3.xx and even SQLlite-net.
It's nice to be back to the "good ol' days" of SQLite on Windows Phone. This is a great piece of
knowledge to keep in my back pocket; hopefully, as you point out, I don't have to worry about loading
20k items in to memory :)

Claus Nagler 20 Dec 2013 4:10 AM #

Thanks for answering Andy, I appreciate it.

We did do some benchmarks directly hitting the C API and you are right - the perf. is similar (slightly
slower than on iPhone 4S but could be just a hardware IO difference).

All of our database logic is now in C++ and we use C# only for the UI. This works for the meantime.
Would be great if there would be possible to create C++ only Apps because at the moment we need
mixed teams of C# and C++ developers and testing/bug fixing also takes much more time.
Missed in my original post:
Thanks for making this wrapper on your own time and helping developers that do not have the time /
resources for making their own.

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