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nae ESTERA ee ESTERA PHASE 1 balance formals erm o FRED PHASE TT [ee Y SUPPLEMENT AS SUPPLEMENT SE 50 SOFTGELS # 1 60 CAPSULES Sats Rt 96k Ba NE SPE TEA LOR AK Ith supplernents industry which speciteally formulated and ESTERA® line i the pioneer ofthe catered the needs of women in their eifferent phases of life, ESTERA® contains up to 64% soy his high ratio ingredient effectively regulates and supports optimal vel of estrogen sed by hormonal fuctustions, and ulionately relieves tatabolites, relieves health problems that c stressing symptoms that appear in althvee phases of fe Ba Table of Content P.2 SVEN (APR 3 Different Phases of Women Ps Bas Childbearing Years P4 Bee Perimenopause PS BEE Postmenopause P.6 ABRARBE Hormone Replacement Therapy Pz EM NRA AD Estrogen Metabolites which Threaten Women’s health PB REAATOE ESTERA® Phase | Balance Formula Po RLS ESTERA® Phase Il Transitions Formula P.10 LPNS ESTERA® Phase Ill Maintenance Formula Pal KERN ZAR Active Ingredients in ESTERA® P.12 ASSET Scientific Support BRASH lene neon LL ce eee Le Deere er Eee at Ue Deno rnt onset of menstruation. ft normally occur peers The childbearing yeas lst until oH Sess ee Perey) ae pee ae ree en ae epee eel et een ate src e Fee ae Cee es Tee Beene! ESTERA® LAI) for women for life SOPEAY = SER 3 Different Phases of Women 21 NWCAH ROMANE » THRO 80 oe TEAR 45 B55 Mh BARKER — SORTER | ATT RABEL SIAR SOE AE aS RAN ABNER SE» SLMS PATER CEA ATR ETONELAE Ei ARERR AS © SOLER 5 MARR» RENNIE DEA BENE AMEROKMH STARE RARAD Re AAS MOS— MALE LS MEA ROSS RAL MAGEE RNR + Women are ving longer in the 27st century: Women are ving wellint ther 80's and with the average of perimenapause begins bewicen the ages 45 and 55. means women are going te spend approximately one-third af theirlfe posimenopause However, mos ofthe worsen neglect the heath problems in Postmenopausal years, Now: let's race the health problems that we face in each phase and wel prepare forthe perimenopausal years te enjoy 3 healthy prosperous life anytime Women will experience 3 different phases during their adult Ife; the childbearing years, perimenopause and pestmenepause, Women in lfferent phases are affected by hormones fluctuation and its metabolites. Hormones affect every function in 3 woman's body. The way she thnks fal, looks as well the dallves ane heath becaute ofits Auctuations eae NES SN supiee Childbearing Years BRS AI ts RAE Hormonal Change in Childbearing Years SEA MIMNETI-RSBODHE + SENDA 3 EER Themenstvaleych canbe dstrcted int 3 dstine phases the fellecy phase ovulatory phase ardlel phase Aa Menvet ene Fe ne see ON bees cha Calero Gee se ts te, ES aie oe: 3 eee eee Tr) en magne Ree neon re aie ca Cen he ACB GE REE Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) are RNR: ARLE RI SAMGLA TRS DMR SMT ASRS AREA HARI 7-10 (ORM) FRA SARA MRM OFTSIL MRM OIRO TRE ERIE a E18 ABRRAR ELIS © KE 5 FURR «ARO FEM | Oo CASA | RR MMO « The constant 4vcuationin harmenes expecially exvrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cyte creates a condition now as Premenstal Syndrome (PMS).PMS usually 10 day before the menstusl peed (utes hss) du Incense inprogesterone eel There se op 150 symptoms esoited wth PMS which an be divided inte physical and emotional changes. For physical symptom which ude Fad retention breast tendetnes& pn, dyimenerthes and acne ete: For emotions symptoms whieh inci newouness. ably so cepresron 588 ee ue trees ee oe 29% Oxkson Fees End of ye Eairer etd cane SB EAR» AERO + OER DE Lean tors A 5 Bert cd AM aires) er ete Pua Da a et) Eley one tent TTS Per einen eee eeeerrtibeetesrenonieer Sette me ee eae eerees eee aes wits the sbedéng of eter ig, con fier = RMON: 2A 95% HE Sch ERAN UHI wate « Arash hows tht 95% Hong Kong women have experience sfered from Gyemenonhes nd PMS symtoms. ew, Past Perimenopause SSE RN Re Hormonal Change in Perimenopause RAEN PAM RMI MRA ARR AR SME RRS AMAR ‘stragen production ané regu menstrual cycle It als leads te numerous SMa BK Perimenopausal Symptoms APSA RORARS RISTO» REA TP RRO. O81 ACE RRR RTRUR The eymptoms occur in perimenepaure are acute and will nat continue in pratmenapane such ot fsnes vac dees seep dsturbane se maed sings B23 822 Vaginal Dryness ARBMAAORD AA HERAT SSSR me SIRE AUTOR > Heth Re LIBS Be teRATaR I Due to the decrease in estrogen secretion, breast, ovaries and uterus will diminish, Vagina will become les slassie and secretions also diminish ‘om vaginalinfemmation and fel painful during cay Wem RE ORTIER Hf 50% Sore SONAR MOREE RRR ET 26% BE xine + ‘Aceseareh conducted by The Obstetrical an ong Kong shows tht 50 ace syotene such mood seg and hot Pathe ve dirubedby here RIVAR = sIBAIEATI 2004 ESTERA® 2+ HA3) for women for life ee HABA Hot Flashes PALER ORRANAL SA HORS MARSS HOF ThA 182 AG DAT @ ea Jot Flashes mean the skins surface te appear fished and red, as wells ‘experiencing an inerease inthe heart rate and sweating Ielasts for 1-2 rrinutes, usually occurs at right ecologies! Society rtervienees hive suffered from perimenopause i reponed hathey esi. poss enat ale) 10s) SAW Rt Hormonal Change in Postmenopause SKC AR THRE Ser AURAL Sammie aE + During the pasimenepaute ovaries sap preducng estragen The estrogen level eclnes sharon the body. HERIAT Esvoges level SPAN Health Concerns of Postmenopause AWOKRRNERARAQEEAROME DE DDI guise wa meen aexseracee eee TARR AA RTMARGEAANEUNETOD oecmmanan ( SAENEG ff OHKUMARENE. Ras sitAne ~ eee RM LER RCH ORR» SRE eS ARK Pe FREAD BLS TA ERE? + ASL ESAS ME TALE A = Entragen ean inhibit the Low Density Lipepratein (LDL) preduetian, However, when women reach Most of the pestmenepausal women still experience postmenepaut, the wills the extrogen protection, As wel at meabolc rate decease fener ever which neomfartble symptoms such a bt fashes vaginal dynes, lesa 9 fst sceumulston. On top of here, ta ineests the LD level and nsw the bled veselwhich sleep éstubance and mood swings duet lack of estrogen in thor term Apr om these symptoms and heath changer ac eens thers of edovascuby compleatons resuk ofthe natu aan process women’s tse of edovaselr _Ssesses and osteoporosis re al ineressed ARBRE Osteoporosis ASCE EA REMERRURe Omen + RETIRE 80 RERRRGE SF BH FREAK ABA STM FR: ACES NEM NH RUN A SLA EEE SUCRRTER ARR Inmost women, bone ss acelerates dramatically during postrenause, Women bse spproxmately one-htd of har bone mses betweenperenapacre snd age BO Iie because bones mass i protected by estrogen. As estrogen level declines sharply ter permenapsut, protection on bane rise ao decreases Therefore perimenopausal women seis a hiher shat asceopoross RRB TRL IS 65 BD bith B « Hest deste and crdovatcdsrcemoestins ithe No 2 ler of HongKong woman who aged 65 or sbove mea: FANE SHARC RAMSEMSE TRA RRAAMORTST TOE SARL A BRERA F555 £50 RR OR ELAR AME! ‘Osteaporess is «common heltharablem fr elderly. According to the research conducted by HK ‘Oneopoross Foundation, the incidence rate of HK people the highestn Aaa, In average, there ate one-thed of womenviha aged sbove 50 ae stern rm oneoporesit RIVA: aRRAI mT 2004 BI I ESTERA® REASI for women for life fe PD SCH FORA Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) SEPMUARETSRSRRERS LOAN REIS SER OREN TRLASRATEARR ERR ERLE pe cuenpewnen ATT ALLA RTAL NH) FERRER ERR fee PLO RRDATRES + Ben + fs BS mcs iL When perimenopausal symptoms affect ou daly lives and cause chronic diseases, women will ry HRT to replenish estrogen and progesterone in order CHL DO TOA ‘cure thexe problems. Honever, National Intute of Heakh (NIH) chow that Currently iti still under debace whether we can use HRT for the treatment of postmenopause symptoms and health its disadvantages are much mare than ite benefits. For example: v yanenyineamsoasip eaepmnss mine BADRSRTERAABE. es 2 RRMA ROL ERE ACE + Galea L Prd 2 EG > EAR PRR ° Eres Peers [Although HRT can lower the LDL level wilinerease the nk of heat senses, vareuar occhson and ake, RUE SsrceJAA2002 Nona Hah ii Sy APOE Phytoestrogen ROR AA MURR TO + PRR SRR NE RES SEAGREGNGRROTERATH RITRARH TAMIR: LD Ac SL AI SSO SI eH HBA AR TE SEAT ARS = The function of phytoestrogens similar to estrogen in human body. Therefore, we can consume soy food which provide plenty of zoy saflavanes and supplement in our early life to replenish phytoestrogen. These can reduce the heath problems caused by hormone fluctuations in each phase ‘of women and alse ower the risk that bring along with Hermene Replacement. Therapy during possmenopaure $2 Me nae © Eros searing \” REMAND Undesiabl srogen Metabolite aearetD Neutal evogen Metabolite RAVE MARA trogen Metabolites which Threaten Women’s Health EARS ABLOS CN eS A EN NS A TIA « RELOARELGMAETRNCM AMMMTT SSS AHT ACPO | HATA ARRON CH IR ‘Women in each phase should comprehend the symptoms andthe relationship between osteoporosis cardiovascular diseases and hormone fluctuations However, they usually neglect the estrogen metaboltes produced in ur body are affecting our lng term heath risks BRRRMBE Estrogen Metabolism ARR RL MARR C-ONE) mee (i6e-OHE') OS ERM Bee AS SG + Fal 5 LIS AL RIRANSLUL « BIDS ae H/C (L60-OHE) ‘Thenarsalmetabolime af exrogen bythe lve can produce mo diferent metabolites, Dhyeronyestane Q-OMEN, aneutal metabelte of leerhycroxjesvone I6e-OHE). Srundesrable metabo A grnns body of evinces show that mame wth cancer of ceri bras, alos andlung have been shows 9 have sigh rato of undesvable erable (169-01), BDLESERAD Decrease Harmful Estrogen Metabolites Production SRAM AUROMTR AMA: BRAS RAR SERARR: BL BEM BLARING «eS AEDES + SFE DS MST ‘ABS ARM (l6a-OHE) « ‘Consume food contains plenty of Faxseedingrecents such as creas, corm and ‘cuctarovs vegetables, sucha bocel, eabege Beside, vo satingreleve sess and exes euler can reduce the production of urdestable meraboe (I6e-OHED) bye ERENEAAPADERRRBBS ANMEAB SMES bee WORM AR ZEMAN BURSARIES > cakes at CHRONIC DISEASES Efforts to metabolize estrogen in a healthy way in earlier years can lower the risk of hormone-related chronic diseases during perimenopause as well as provide long te:m health benefits 60 SOFTGELS = = RAMS (BM) att For Women in Chidbearing Years WI Sc RUE TRA + GMS ARAN HTL FARARIMNG « A9BL SEI TTIE « TRAE BAO TARE RAE TER ARIE T « Ive been on Phase Blce Formal fr several months andve otced a big derence especlly wth mood wings Haven't been asup anid down ss then Ihave menstston beer Beety Cox Prove. sh ME REARIR ( + Contains Gerster (ham 64% :0yisfavone) and Pores + BRTMTAD RATA (SHRTEN 3 EAI BCI ESTERA?® Phase | Balance Formula CLROILSN AIMEE (BEE) RETR: RAMESH BD ARTA gto the need of ‘blend of ngredents that can releve {A* Phase | Balance Formulas be hiebearing yeas conta ‘commen premenstual scorfor Baa Active Ingredients KEL 64% ATLA ) RAAT AN RATA ANGE ERENCE OURO + AR OS ERR EAS aus MMAR ROE xract which provide plenty of phytoestrogens By incarprsting these powerul phytoestrogens sta & woman's tom eal age can decease the srt change andheabh problems caused horenefucuson ters He FOS SRG MAEM CARTES O-OHED EA RLAR ARRAN RR rd Bocce Ponder (contains plenty of Indole 3 of Fhaceed Lins Carbined. They en induce enzyme act he metabolims af ‘etrogen towards an increase in 2 ralmetabeltes and provide protection mulesvogen meraboke oh CEMA «ARR ARTZ ins Borage Sead Oi, Evening Pairove Oiand Chastebery fut Brae which can eleve cormon pemerstualdscoron AA FB Directions 1 Adult Use RPA TSR MRR ERR TAD 1 8 LAT ARRAS ele dally Take soigel wth Bounces af water wih your merning snd evening meas ESTERA ASE Il en's transitigns formula S28 — RMT TARY SUPPLEMENT. SHE 30 CAPSULES #2 BeESA For Women in Perimenopausual Years 7 HLT ERASE» RTT SNAK-MEASEN CORSRH AMA 0k + 2ST TEs» BRERA TRO Im almost $5 now and the hot ashes you t's not fin at all as waken up 8-10 mesa night with pounding and sweating. Thanks heaven from Phase Transitions Formula and now lean get» good i 0 Storey, Prove, Us + Contains Genistein (rm 64% sy taflevore) and Pores “ER TRHADRES “Ma Re ESTERA® HAI) for women for life LL ARI ABC IT ESTERA® Phase ll Transitions Formula AAACN RAMANA HM SHER A ROUSE « ESTERA* Phase I Transtons Formula has been formubted according to the needs cf womenin their perimenopausal years. contain blend of ingredients that can releve dicomfors socated th secretory anges AM Aative Ingredients + MERE AKIOR (RRO 64% ADRAI) LER OMAARLINE Ae RO OER RRR ETSI NEL which provide plenty af phytestogens to improve the heath ateblers thot eausee by hormone Fuctston during the stage of secretory changes RI ( SWURBLACRS SF)» HORTA oie MRIS me YONA PENMAN O-OHED «(Rm RSA MITM RACER « A combinaton of Flaxseed Lignans and Brocco Powder contain pen me activity nthe le, shift the metabaims of Cabined, They can inde en sogen towards an ncreate in 2-CHE neutral metaboltes and provide protection from hamfulesvogenmetaboles OTRAS ROMA + Contin Black Cohosh which can releve symptoms eaused by the sharp declne in svopen production dung the stage of ecetory change. BLA FB Directions for Adult Use HME 10 LL 8 RA + Tae leaps wth mealand 8 ounce f water di ESTERA PHASE Ill n’s maintenance formule pees ie = Inty SUPPLEMENT $9025 60 CAPSULES i RSETMARH For Women in Postmenopausal Years RRS 70 RT MLBAT 8 RT © BERL DAME) SAMO SHAH RTIRT Ri SRMGSLRAT! Tm nesnly 70 years ol. versed kids ad can sll get up kink ‘every maming and go exer. Im having great He Ws because of Phase Il Maintenance Frmul | hink fm getting Ethan Higbee, Saatog Songs UT MARRAKECH 64% ABET) BALIN» MEE LAW RS AC ESTERA® Phase Ill Maintenance Formula CLALIT DAMS MRM LD EMR ARACHE CI HERBRRRAT “ce Om ARIE + C8 AU +R BAR BM EAE 9 MI ESTERA® Phase I Maintenance For needs of women inthe postmenopsutal yeas It contain blend of ingredients that ation in order to support Jn hasbeen formulated according to the ‘an improve health concerns eased by hormane ‘cardiovascular heath muscle, skin ssue, heathy bones and hesy Ip profes in petvenopauil women Baa Active Ingredients eH Hae RAB ONNER SRAM ome sROEA TARANTO 2 + Contains Genistein 649% roy ialavone) and Pomegranate Enact hich provide plenty af phytoestrogens to improve the heath problems caused bythe sharp dedi af ter the stage of secretory changes tals helps to support bone canovaser and hn best + BROMPAD RATA (AWRTEN TE) RAUNT Soe MAR He RES eee PLATA ARAN RT Q-OHED Seas +A combination ofFucee Lignans and Bocca Powder (contains plenty of hole 3 Carbined. They cn induce enzyme activity inthe ver shift the metabolize of almetaboltes and provide protection ‘ettogen towards an increase in 2-OHE mulesvogen mersboker GRD hi « TOPS TRARARU RAE TAD 8 ETE» Take 2 capsler dh Take expel wth 8 ounces of water wth yourmeming snd I ESTERA® HAI) for women for life EARN ZAREK Oo Active Ingredients in ESTERA® Mi rssett SLR) RMSE RRB UKNIMEA RMRIRIS RIES 100 HF + RORY RID SRN ae semen ANE Black Cohosh Extract Suwensaers ates place envacthatha been sed rhe veatnet of gyncabsel order TH states and Excope for mare than 100 years. Chica studs suggested thatit forthe reef comforts dng the sage of sear change A OER BIR ATAIMIRR « «sn efetve uesiment or uid retenan beset psn ardtendenes depress SUE R MOMS y- Genta MENEAME A Borage Seed Oi] isa ith:oue of Gamma Lnahic Ad (GLA) and italy assocated wh premenstaldsconfort, (80) ARC AONE 9 @.OHE), [An antoridant which eich in nal 3 Cabin induces erayme atin the Ir TB siitrg the metaboios af esvogen towards 24ydhnyesteane neutalmetboltes Fae Ae: Broccoli Powder Bw HSS RW « HG so REREAD + Chastebery URSRESRMLITA PERERA [Ey Stlieeetvera ne fonin cater More an cv ern casi pment conf The German Commision E monograph ts ae accepted applation of hateberry for menstual regulars, ARR) SSSR) Sew AUNT RERMA MATS RAR Evening Primrose Oil Centns Gane Lnolec Acd (GLA) whch eanreleve rest pe ad tenderness, ctasionl des and abdominal sin cawedby LEAR IMVOMNSO naUNMNBat. ERROR Borate (ueore) oor mm Ligne Shoe: TB recto ter poron offaxeed ydronyestoneneuttalmetabelies ad a deese s harmil 1a hydhoryestoremetabeltes Obseratanl studies suggest the people whe eat rare gran-cantning feed can promt breast colon pestate and earovascul heath, (eebtaCId feRRRbaw fea eatin AMAR EMRE + ACT OME) MUNN Fs BOR WIR, duces enzyne sty inthe hr sing he metbolemeati af erogen tnd a ineresce TAUETODISA NA + FrAeY AFR RAMEN — MOSEL « IS ANTEDRRICAB 10 9 RRULETRNIEMK « A potent ahytoestragen, being the most predomi Phytoesiogen avalble on market with dozens of sues perfomedin she past yeas. MSTA Sit rin the soybeans, Gerstein is the most walleserched sey) HOMMREMRRSmannMCmIDA sn: BERD ATER MIR SS AAA Centnepowstegn an chy nn ssh aha dig TEIN ME selene ccnmceehomeyledenipoe alton tectsclanre THR CRRA Pomegranate Extract SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT SERPIOTRRA CMS TRATRTSA » M METTLE RIC ASAE RERTES OR :A*. They proved hat Be zs REGARD " EER There aeumerousceiealstuies proved the benef fhe stv inereiens i FEOVHSOTERR Relief of Discomforts during the stage of secretory changes REHEAT RIL cox IE MRSC DONT TAMA» PBR 20x Se HIRAM » AVE ELS CM KM, AOTHOEMAKAT AAT « BEB 2004 &F Menopause RIFUAMMER «SEM 1 LA SRR A GRY EROMDI ICA » SER URAENAURRIRLE ARR 29x + PARMMEERASRN ARMAS ER AOEMK HUM enema Statistics show that wornen ding the stage of eretry changes in west ve approximately 80% incidence of hot Fates, wile orl 20% n Chins. strongly relied t9 waren in Chins eonsume slot of roy feads wnieh prove alety phytcstoen. [study publihed in jounal Menopause 2604 shows that dilly Flashes reavced sigtcnty bya eon upto 2% ater 2 mans af genstein wastment Res clan that tie beesue genistein rich pytoestgen which can eleve deomfor dling the tage of seeetory ange. 8 MESS RRR Supports Bone Health AWS RRM IZ ERERER MRR RAIMA RAR SEEMS « LR TTR EERE [A double-blind and plsceba-convalledclniesl study shows that genistein supplemeraton's as effective as Hormone Repcemen: Therapy (HRT) in preventing perimenopause elbedbone er Pea erieoeye eB EE eect AIR Sone BF AARTRHARERORA » ROAR = mm io SURPRISE ee EM tndWards Thm Sone ue enty 103 ad rpcily. The poceage reds RG Sore e MS SER Maintains Cardiovascular Health AGADAMOEREIM - BE OMAR MING Ky RAAT CALLAN MARE 25 VRSARWESM ” PALS RAAATOM ASTOAG TIRE NMRA EMA + SR ecm RI US. Food ad Drug Adnan sued an approved heath chim hat'25 grams per sy of oy protein, part of «dat low in stcatd ft an chelestral may reduce the rik of bes tase” ie because several tudes proved thts koFavones o/h postive effect onthe blod pressure and choleterel evel effectively inorder to lomer thei of eriovaselr diseases ome 5 neiimmmaReRsts WAS Iona hohe INN BME soc aw tain 200282 9602 ESTERA® REA for women for life ° FETE ABU SACS ASREBES AD Promotes Healthy Estrogen Metabolism Decrease Harmful Metabolites IRIE « WSR GRATES FPN | SHERPA “3 REE (EC) ORAL hE ACHE ND (Q-OWED M58 OIRAT 100% «AE RAFAELEINIY (I6e-OHED) BRP 26%» KSC MARANA» EMRE AM CREPE HI O-OHET) + eb BU (CINE (a-OHE!) + SCTTIRDF SLATES HN {A study shows that by taking indole 3-Carbinal 13C) which iri in ereferoue vegetables such as broccal and eabbace or ane ec, the utnry coneentation af 2-OHET inereatos by nearly 100% On the ather hang, harmnfl 16@-OHET ‘cecentraon decreases by 26%. proves that IBC cn induce nye sty inthe lverto chit he metababin of extragen toward sn iereasen 2-OHE metsblte nd s decrease inharmfulmetabolite 16a-OHEI, Therefor, can protect against hernonesrebted encer ahaa ra pies Enon aaa PE Sexe NUSKIN. ‘88 Hone (852)28577700, RB Eat Bho ep hkanaincom srnnatinerb NGARIEA + TSG AU Rite Reseed (4133077 man 2015,

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