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Looking For Beautiful Glowing Skin Without Using Oils, Creams, Or Soaps?

Try Thi
s Out
April 8, 2014 by Alanna Ketler. 40 Comments.
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I find it kind of funny how it seems like in many ways society is moving backwar
ds in time. In many aspects of our lives we are opting for simpler solutions tha
t were more common in the past in regards to our health, eating habits, and pers
onal care.
Nowadays, a lot people are adapting to and using the ways of the past. Like hang
ing their clothes on a clothes line outside to dry, growing their own food, cann
ing and preserving fruits and vegetables, utilizing homemade cleaning and person
al care products and much more. This is awesome to see because it means that we
are taking control of our own lives and taking matters into our own hands, putti
ng less reliance on the system for support. This is also excellent news for Moth
er Nature, as a lot of these older practices that we have been reverting back to
are helping the environment directly.
One of these practices from the past is called dry brushing, and this is what th
is article is about. Dry Brushing is an ancient practice that has been used for
centuries primarily by Scandinavians and Russians, and many ancient texts refer
to a method of using sticks, sand and rocks to massage the skin; this is essenti
ally what dry brushing is. It is a method that involves brushing the skin with a
brush made with natural fibres to remove the outer layer of skin that is re-gen
erated every 24 hours. Here are some of the potential benefits that dry brushing
can provide for you if done on a regular, daily basis
Benefits Of Dry Brushing
Removal of dead skin- dry brushing will help shed dead skin cells, which will im
prove skin texture and cell renewal as a new layer of skin is formed every 24 ho
Dry brushing can also help removes cellulite. Cellulite is actually caused by su
bcutaneous fat material and fibrous tissue that are not able to be eliminated th
rough the skin, they then cause this dimpling effect on the overlaying skin. Cel
lulite is most commonly found on the thighs, hips and bums of women, but some me
n have cellulite as well. Good news is, dry brushing can replace expensive and m
ostly toxic creams, liposuction and other laser treatments or plastic surgery. Y
ou ll have to try it and see for yourself!
Dry brushing can actually strengthen the immune system. It does so by stimulatin
g lymph vessels to drain toxic mucoid matter into organs of detoxification we ca
n detoxify and purify the entire system.
Dry brushing will tighten your skin. By increasing the blood flow, toxins are mo
ved and eliminated through the skin. Underneath that old layer of skin lies a ne
w layer with a healthy glow.
Tone your muscles. Dry brushing tones muscles by stimulating the nerve endings,
which causes the individual muscle fibres to move and activate. Also, it can mob
ilize fat and help to even out the distribution of fat deposits.
Did you know that your skin is one of five main elimination channels of the body
? Some refer to the skin as the third kidney because of its ability to rid the b
ody of toxic waste material. The skin eliminates about 2 pounds of toxic materia
l each day in the form of perspiration; this is one reason saunas can also be ve
ry beneficial to our health. Because of the regular use of oils, creams, soaps,
sunscreens make-up etc. the pores of the skin can become very clogged with toxic
chemicals, and hinder the process of elimination of even more toxins. It is imp
ortant to keep the skin healthy and fresh, and this is exactly where dry brushin
g comes in. Here is a step-by-step guide to dry brushing your skin.

The Method
First you will need a skin brush, it is important that the bristles of this brus
h are made with natural fibres.
Next, starting with dry skin shortly after waking and before bathing, begin at y
our feet.
Start to brush your foot; stroke the brush towards the ankle. Then moving up the
calf do long upward strokes towards the knee around the calf. Then do the thigh
in the same way as the calf except moving towards the hips. Repeat with other f
oot and leg.
It is important to always stroke the brush towards your heart because the lympha
tic fluid flows through the body in that direction- towards the heart.
Move on to the arms, and remember to do long upward strokes, you ll want to do cir
cular movements in each of your armpits.
Next, do circular upward movements on your stomach towards your chest. Once you
reach the chest, do softer strokes as this can be a sensitive area, around the b
reasts and especially the nipple area.
The one exception to stroking towards your heart is your back, once you get to y
our back, brush from your neck down to the lower back. A brush with a long handl
e will come in handy for this, or you can get a friend or family member to help
you out.
Never brush over open or inflamed skin, sun burnt skin or cancerous skin.
After you are done, hop in the shower right away to rinse away all of the dry sk
in that you have just loosened up and brushed off. You do not need to use soap b
ecause the new skin that is now revealed from underneath the old is clean! Besid
es why would you want to bother clogging up your pores all over again? You can u
se a bit of mild, preferably natural, cleanser for sensitive areas, and/or armpi
ts, private parts etc.
Before you get out of the shower, a great way to further invigorate the skin an
d stimulate blood circulation is to alternate water temperature from as hot as y
ou can handle to as cold as you can handle a few times.
Please note: The first few times you try dry brushing it will feel a bit uncomfo
rtable for some, almost like a rough scratchy feeling. Just be gentle and don t br
ush too hard! Eventually you will get used to the feeling and your brush will so
ften up a bit.
dry-skin-brushIt is important to wash your brush once every 1-2 weeks with a mil
d soap and warm water, leave it on a windowsill for it to dry thoroughly for the
next day.
This entire process should take no longer than 10 minutes, which means you won t h
ave to worry about adding another chore to your morning routine. Besides, it is a
great morning ritual to start your day and a wonderful opportunity to do somethi
ng solely for yourself and your health!
The advantages of adopting of this practice certainly outweigh any potential dis
advantages. You should see within a month how healthy, beautiful and soft your s
kin is. You will literally be glowing! You will also be saving money on expensiv
e soaps and body washes because you wont be using nearly as much soap, and in tu
rn eliminating the amount of plastic from the bottles, loofahs and other items t
hat are generally used on a daily basis. It s a win-win situation. What have you g
ot to lose? Give it a shot and see for yourself what this practice can do for yo
Much Love
Sources Used and Further Readings

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