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2 | Exhortation on Jan 8 | Our take on things

8 | Act of reparation


. , A monthly newsletter for Filipino Traditionalis

. .

Oremus pro Pontifice nostro O





. Oremus pro Pontice noro Francisco.
. Dominus conservet eum, et vivicet eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra, et non tradat in
animam inmicorum eius.
. Fiat manus tua super virum dextera tuae.
. Et super lium hominis quem conrmai tibi.
eus, omnium delium paor et rector, famulum tuum Franciscum quem paorem Ecclesiae
tuae praeesse voluii, propitius respice : da ei, quaesumus, verbo et exemplo, quibus praee
procere ; ut ad vitam, una cum grege sibi credito, perveniat sempiternam. Per Chrium.

J, Eternal Prie,
keep all Thy pries
within the shelter of Thy
Sacred Heart, where none
may harm them.
Keep unained their
anointed hands which daily
touch Thy Sacred Body. Keep
unsullied their lips purpled
with Thy Precious Blood.
Keep pure and unearthly
their hearts sealed with the
sublime marks of Thy glorious
Let Thy holy love surround them and shield them
from the worlds contagion.
Bless their labours with
abundant fruit, and may the
souls to whom they have miniered be here below their joy
and consolation and in Heaven their beautiful and everlaing crown. Amen.
O Mary, Queen of the
clergy, pray for us; obtain for
us a number of holy pries.




feo S. Pueri de Caebua, xv. kl. februarii A. D. MM. X. V.

rimero de todo [], una noticia trie: Ayer,

eaba por empezar la misa, se cay una de las
torres como sa, y al caer hiri una muchacha
que eaba trabajando, y muri. Su nombre es Krel
[]. Ella trabaj en la organizacin de esa misa. Tena
veintisiete aos. Era joven como Uds. Trabajaba por el,
para el, una asociacin que se llama Catholic Relief Service . Era una voluntaria. Yo quisiera que nosotros todos juntos, Uds. jvenes como ella, rezramos en silencio un minuto, y despus, invocramos nuera Madre
en el cielo. [Hic Angelica salutatio clara voce recitata e.]
Tambin hagamos una oracin por su pap y su mam. Era nica hija. Su mam e llegando de HongKong y su pap ha venido a Manila a esperar a su mam. [Hic Dominica oratio clara voce recitata e. Poea,
anglice prosequitur.]
Jun Chura, Leandro Santos II, y Rikki Maclor,
thank you very much. And a little, y la pequea representacin de las mujeres. Demasiado poco, eh? Las mujeres
tienen mucho que decirnos en la sociedad de hoy. A veces, somos demasiado machias, y no dejamos lugar a
las mujeres. Pero la mujer es capaz de ver las cosas con
ojos diintos que los hombres. La mujer es capaz de hacer preguntas que los hombres no terminamos de entender. Preen Uds. atencin. Ella [] hoy ha hecho la nica pregunta que no tiene respuea. Y no le alcanzaron
las palabras, necesit decirlas con lgrimas. As que
cuando venga el prximo Papa a Manila que haya ms

ir of all [], a sad news: Yeerday, Mass was

about to begin, one of the towers [of the
scaolding], such as that one, fell, and, upon falling, injured a young woman who was working, and who
died. Her name is Kriel []. She worked in the organisation of the Mass. She was twenty-seven years old. She
was young like you. She was working forerfor
erfor an association that is called Catholic Relief Service. She was a volunteer worker. I would like to have all
of us together, you young people like her, pray in silence
for a minute, and afterwards, invoke our Mother in
heaven. [Hic Angelica salutatio clara voce recitata e.]
Let us also say a prayer for her father and her mother. She was an only child. Her mother is arriving from
Hong Kong, and her father has come to Manila to await
her mother. [Hic Dominica oratio clara voce recitata e.
Poea, anglice prosequitur.]
Jun Chura, Leandro Santos II, and Rikki Macolor,
thank you very much. And a little, and the little representation of women. Somewhat too small, eh? Women have
much to tell us in todays society. Sometimes, we are
somewhat too machia, and we do not leave room for
women. But the woman is capable of asking queions
that we men cannot come to underand. Pay attention.
Today, she [] has made the one queion that has no
answer. And words did not help her; it was necessary to
utter them with tears. It should be in this manner when
the next Pope should come to Manila, that there be
more women.

[] Franciscus PP. hanc allocutionem anglice inchoavit sed partim eam sponte tradidit hispanico idiomate. Poulavit Sanctitas
Sua loqui hispanice ad melius demonranda quibus loqueretur. Hic proferimus omnia quibus Summus Pontifex locutus e extra
textum praecompositum. Parva verba e praecomposito solummodo vivae vocis oraculo evulgata sunt.
[] Cryalla Maia Padasas, vulgo Kriel Mae Padasas.
[] Glicella Iris Palomar, vulgo Glyzelle Iris Palomar.


I thank you, Jun [Ad Iunium], that you had so

bravely related your experience. As I ju said , the nucleus of your queion almo has no answer. Only when
we are capable of crying over these things that you lived
are we able to underand something and reply something. The great queion for all: Why do children
suer? Why do children suer? Only when the heart
manages to become the queion itself and to cry can we
underand something.
There exis a worldly compassion that is good for
nothing to us! You have something of this sort [Ad Iunium]. A compassion that, at the mo, prompts us to insert our hand into our pocket, and give a coin. If Chri
had had this compassion, he would have passed by,
healed three or four, and have he would have returned to
the Father. Only when Chri criedand He was capable of cryingdid He underand our sad experiences.
Dear boys and girls, crying is lacking in todays
world. The marginalised cry, those who are ca to one
side cry, the despised cry, but those of us who carry on in
life, more or less without necessities, we do not know
how to cry. Certain realities of life are only seen with
eyes cleansed with tears. I invite each of you to ask yourselves: Did I learn how to cry? Did I learn how to cry
when I see a child in hunger?, a child high with drugs on
the reet?, a child who has no home?, an abandoned
child?, an abused child?, a child used as a slave by society? Or is my weeping the capricious weeping of the person whining because he wanted to have something
more? This is the r thing that I would like to tell you.
Let us learn how to cry as she [Ad Glicellam.] taught us
today. Let us not forget this teimony. The great
queion on why children suer, she asked it crying. And
the great answer that all of us can make is, is to learn
how to cry [].
Jesus in the Gospel cried. He cried for His dead
friend []. He cried in His Heart for that family that

Yo te agradezco, Jun [Ad Iunium], que hayas expresado tan valientemente tu experiencia. Como dije recin,
el ncleo de tu pregunta casi no tiene respuea. Solamente cuando somos capaces de llorar sobre las cosas
que vos vivie podemos entender algo y responder algo.
La gran pregunta para todos: Por qu sufren los nios?
Por qu sufren los nios? Recin cuando el corazn
alcanza a hacerse la pregunta y a llorar, podemos entender algo.
Exie una compasin mundana que no nos sirve
para nada! Vos hablae algo eso [Ad Iunium]. Una
compasin que a lo ms nos lleva meter la mano en el
bolsillo y dar una moneda. Si Crio hubiera tenido esa
compasin, hubiera pasado, curado a tres o cuatro, y se
haber, se hubiera vuelto al Padre. Solamente cuando
Crio llory fue capaz de llorarentendi nueros
Queridos chicos y chicas, al mundo de hoy le falta
llorar. Lloran los marginados, lloran aquellos que son
dejados de lado, lloran los despreciados, pero aquellos
que llevamos una vida ms o menos sin necesidades, no
sabemos llorar. Solamente ciertas realidades de la vida se
ven con los ojos limpios por las lgrimas. Los invito a
que cada uno se pregunten: Yo aprend a llorar? Yo
aprend a llorar cuando veo un nio con hambre?, un
nio drogado en la calle?, un nio que no tiene casa?,
un nio abandonado?, un nio abusado?, un nio
usado! por una sociedad como esclavo? O mi llanto es
el llanto caprichoso de aquel que llora porque le guara
tener algo ms? Y eo es lo primero que yo quisiera decirles. Aprendamos a llorar como ella [Ad Glicellam.]
nos ense hoy. No olvidemos ee teimonio. La gran
pregunta por qu sufren los nios? la hizo llorando. Y la
gran respuea que podemos hacer todos nosotros es, es
aprender a llorar [].
Jess en el Evangelio llor. Llor por el amigo muerto []. Llor en su corazn por esa familia que haba

[] Pueri Iunius Chura, vulgo Jun Chura, ac Glicella Iris Palomar, olim mendici plateis itinerantes, hodie alumni domus Pontis
Iuvenum, vulgo dictae Tulay ng Kabataan , fuerunt inter primos iuvenes ad Ponticem accessisse. Ie vitam tuam apud plateas
Sanctitati Suae narravit, et ia quaeionem perdicilem poulavit.
Haec quaeio fuit : Ut quid Deus sinere dignatur hoc incidere in nobis ? Multi enim pueri parentibus suis relicti sunt. Tagalice : Bakit hinahayaan ng Dios na mangyari ito sa amin? Marami ang mga batang pinabayaan ng kanilang mga magulang.
[] Cfr. Ioann. , : Iesus ergo [] infremuit spiritu, et turbavit seipsum [] Et lacrimatus e Iesus.


perdido a su hija []. Llor en su corazn cuando vio a

esa pobre madre viuda que llevaba a enterar a su hijo
[]. Se conmovi y llor en su corazn cuando vio a la
multitud como ovejas sin paor []. Si vos no aprendis
a llorar no sois un buen criiano. Y ee es un desafo.
Jun Chura y su compaera nos han planteado ee desafo. Y cuando nos hagan la preguntapor qu sufren
los nios?, por qu sucede eo u eo otro u eo otro
de trgico en la vida?qu nuera respuea sea o el
silencio o la resp[] o la palabra que nace de las lgrimas. Sean valientes, no tengan miedo a llorar.
Y despus vino Leandro Santos II []. Tambin
hizo preguntas sobre el mundo de la informacin. Hoy
con tantos medios eamos informadohper informados!y eso es malo? No! Eso es bueno y ayuda, pero
corremos el peligro de vivir acumulando informacin. Y
tenemos mucha informacin, pero quizs no sabemos
qu hacer con ella. Corremos el riesgo de convertirnos
en jvenes museos, que tienen de todo pero no saben qu
hacer. No necesitamos jvenes museos sino jvenes sabios.
Me pueden preguntar: Padre, cmo se llega ser sabio? Y ee es otro desafo: el desafo del amor. Cul es
la materia ms importante que tienen que aprender en
la Universidad? Cul es la ms importante que hay que
aprender en la vida? Aprender a amar. Y ee es el desafo que la vida te pone a vos hoy. Aprender a amar! No
slo acumular informacin que un momento que no
sabis qu hacer con ella, es un museo, sino a travs del
amor qu esa informacin sea fecunda.
Para eo el Evangelio nos propone un camino sereno y tranquilo: Usar los tres lenguajes: el lenguaje de la
mente; el lenguaje del corazn; y el lenguaje de las manos. Y los tres lenguajes armoniosamente: lo que pensis
lo sents y lo realizis. Tu informacin baja al corazn, lo

lo its daughter []. He cried in His Heart when He

saw that poor widowed mother who brought his son to
be buried []. He was moved and He cried in His
Heart when He saw the multitude like sheep without a
shepherd []. If you do not learn how to cry, you are not
a good Chriian. And this is a challenge. Jun Chura and
his companion have planted this challenge in us. And
when we ask the queionWhy do children suer?
Why does this or that one or that other tragedy happen
in life?may our answer be either the silence, orer
the ans[], or the word that is born from tears. Be
brave, do not be afraid of crying.
And afterwards came Leandro Santos II []. He
also asked queions about the world of informatics. Today, with so many means, we are informedhyperinformedand, is that bad? No! That is good, and it
helps, but we risk the danger of living, accumulating information. And we have much information, but perhaps
we do not know what to do with it. We run the risk of
turning ourselves into museum-like young people, who
possess everything but do not know what to do. We do
not need museum-like young people but wise young people.
You can ask me: Father, how is being wise achieved?
And this is another challenge: the challenge of love.
What is the mo important subject that you have to
learn in the University? What the is the mo important
thing there is to learn in life? To learn to love. And this is
the challenge that life presents to us today. To learn to
love! Not only to accumulate information, which, one
moment wherein we do not know what to do with it,
becomes a museum, but through love may that information be productive.
For this, the Gospel proposes to us a path serene
and tranquil: To use the three languages: the language
of the mind; the language of the heart; and the language
of the hands. And these three languages harmoniously:
you feel and you accomplish what you imagine. Your

[] Cfr. Matth. , ; Luc. , .

[] Cfr. Luc. , : Quam cum vidisset Dominus, misericordia motus super eam, dixit illi : Noli ere.
[] Cfr. Marc. , : Et exiens vidit turbam multam Iesus : et misertus e super eos, quia erant sicut oves non habentes
paorem, et coepit docere multa. ; Ioann. , ; cfr. Num. , & II Para. , .
[] Leander de Sanctis II, gratiam assecuturus gradumque Iurum apud Fratres Dominicos Ponticiae et Regiae Universitatis S.
Thomae Manilensis.


information descends to your heart, moves it and accomplishes it. And this harmoniously: to imagine what
is felt and what is done; to feel what I imagine and what
I do; to do what I imagine and what I feel. The three language. Are you encouraged to repeat these three language? To imagine, to feel, and to do! [Repetitur lemma.] In a loud voice. [Repetitur lemma.] And all of these,
True love is to love and to allow myself to be loved.
Allowing oneself to be loved is more dicult than loving. It is, therefore, so dicult to reach Gods perfect
love, because we are able to love Him, but the more important thing is to allow ourselves to be loved by Him.
True love is opening oneself to that love which is primordial, and which brings about to us a surprise. Love is
always a surprise because it presupposes a dialogue between two persons, between the lover and the beloved.
And to God, we say that He is the God of surprises,
because He loved us r, and He waits for us with a
surprise. God surprises us. Let us allow ourselves to be
surprised by God, and let us not have the computers
psychology of fooling ourselves into knowing everything. How is that so? Wait a moment. Computer! Ah, all
the answers! There is no surprise. In the challenge of
love, God manifes Himself with surprises.
Let us ponder on Saint Matthew, a good merchant.
Moreover, he betrayed his country because he collected
tax from the Jews to pay to the Romans. He was lled
with money, and he collected tax. Jesus comes by, looks
at him, and tells him: Come, follow me []. He could
not believe it. If afterwards you have time, go see the
painting that Caravaggio painted about this scene. Jesus
calls him, beckons to him in that manner. Those who
were with Him say: This one?, who is a traitor, a scoundrel? And he takes hold of the money that he does not
wish to let go o. But the surprise of being loved overcomes him, and he followed Jesus.
That morning, when Matthew went to work, and
bid his wife goodbye, he never thought that he would be
returning without the money, and hurrying to tell his
wife to prepare a banquet [], the banquet for Him

conmueve y lo realiza. Y eo armoniosamente: pensar

lo que se siente y lo que se hace; sentir lo que pienso y lo
que hago; hacer lo que pienso y lo que siento. Los tres
lenguajes. Se animan a repetir los tres lenguajes?
Pensar, sentir, y hacer! [Repetitur lemma.] En voz alta.
[Repetitur lemma.] And all that, harmoniously.

El verdadero amor es amar y dejarme amar. Es ms

difcil dejarse amar que amar. Por eso, es tan difcil llegar
al amor perfecto de Dios, porque podemos amarlo, pero
lo importante es dejarnos amar por l. El verdadero
amor es abrirse a ese amor que e primero y que nos
provoca una sorpresa. Si vos tenis solo toda la informacin, es cerrado a las sorpresas. El amor te abre a las
sorpresas. El amor siempre es una sorpresa porque supone un dialogo entre dos, entre el que ama y el que es
amado. Y a Dios decimos que es el Dios de las sorpresas
porque l nos am primero y nos espera con una sorpresa. Dios nos sorprende. Dejmonos sorprender por
Dios, y no tengamos la psicologa del computer de creer
saberlo todo. Cmo es eo? Wait a moment. Computer!
Todas las respueas!, ninguna sorpresa. En el desafo
del amor, Dios se maniea con sorpresas.
Pensemos en San Mateo, un buen comerciante.
Adems traicionaba a su patria porque les cobraba los
impueos a los judos para pagrselos a los romanos.
Eaba lleno de plata y cobraba los impueos. Pasa Jess, lo mira y le dice: Venid, seguidme []. No lo poda
creer. Si despus tienen tiempo, vayan a ver el cuadro
que Caravaggio pint sobre ea escena. Jess lo llama, le
hace as. Los que eaban con l dicen: A ee?, que es
un traidor, un sinvergenza? Y l se agarra a la plata que
no la quiere dejar. Pero la sorpresa de ser amado lo vence
y sigui a Jess.
Esa maana cuando Mateo fue al trabajo y se despidi de su mujer, nunca pens que iba volver sin el dinero
y apurado para decirle a su mujer que preparara un banquete [], el banquete para aquel que lo haba amado

Cfr. Matth. , : Vidit hominem sedentem in telonio, Matthaeum nomine. Et ait illi : Sequere me.
Cfr. Ibid. .


primero, que lo haba sorprendido con algo muy importante, ms importante que toda la plata que tena.
Djate sorprender por Dios! No le tengas miedo, a las
sorpresas, que te mueven el piso, eh, nos ponen inseguros, pero nos meten en camino. El verdadero amor te
lleva a quemar la vida an a riesgo de quedarte con las
manos vacas.
Pensemos en San Francisco. Dej todo. Muri con
las manos vacas pero con el corazn lleno. De acuerdo?
No jvenes de museo sino jvenes sabios. Para ser sabios,
usar los tres lenguajes: pensar bien, sentir bien y hacer
bien. Y para ser sabios, dejarse sorprender por el amor
de Dios y andar y quemar la vida.
Gracias por tu aporte de hoy! [Ad Richardum.] Y el
que vino con un buen plan para ayudarnos a ver cmo
podemos andar en la vida fue Rikki []. Cont todas
las actividades, todo lo que hacen, todo lo que hacen los
jvenes, todo lo que pueden hacer. Gracias, Rikki, gracias por lo que hacis vos y tus compaeros. Pero yo te
voy a hacer una pregunta: Vos y tus amigos van a dar,
dan, dan, dan, ayudan, pero vos dejis que te den?
Contearte en el corazn! [Risus responsumque tempeive facti sunt.]
En el Evangelio que escuchamos recin hay una frase que para m es la ms importante de todas. Dice el
Evangelio que Jess a ese joven lo mirlook at them!
y lo am []. Cuando uno ve el grupo de compaeros
de Rikki, Rikki!, uno los quiere mucho porque hacen
cosas muy buenas. Pero la frase ms importante que dice Jess: Slo te falta una cosa []. Cada uno de nosotros escuchemos ea palabra de Jess en silencio: Slo
te falta una cosa. [Repetitur lemma.] Qu cosa me falta? Para todos los que Jess ama tanto porque dan tanto
a los dems, les pregunto: Vos dejis que otros te den de
esa otra riqueza que vos no tenis?
Los saduceos, los doctores de la ley de la poca de
Jess daban mucho al pueblo. Le daban la ley. Le ense-

Who had loved him r, Who had surprised Him with

something very important, more important that all the
money that he had. Allow yourself to be surprised by
God! Do not be afraid of Him, of the surprises, that
shake the ground, eh, make us insecure, but put us on
track. True love impels you to burn for life, even at the
risk of leaving yourself with empty hands.
Let us ponder on Saint Francis. He left everything.
He died with his hands empty but with his heart full.
Do you agree? So, no museum-like young people but wise
young people. In order to become wise, use the three languages: imagine good, feel good, and do good. And in
order to be wise, allow yourselves to be surprised by the
love of God, and to go forth, and to burn for life.
Thank you for your contribution today! [Ad Richardum.] And the person who came with a good plan to
help us see how we can go on in life was Rikki []. He
enumerated all the activities, everything that they do,
everything that young people do. Thank you, Rikki,
thank you for what you and your companions are doing.
But I will ask you a queion: You and your friends go
about giving, you give, you give, you give, you help, but
do you allow it that you be given? Answer yourself in
your heart! [Risus responsumque tempeive facti sunt.]
In the Gospel that we ju heard, there is a passage
that, for me, is the mo important of all. The Gospel
relates that Jesus looked to that childlook at them!
and loved him []. When one sees Rikki, Rikkis company of friends, one likes them very much because they
make very good things. But the mo important passage
that Jesus says is: You lack only one thing []. Let each
one of us hear this word of Jesus in silence: You lack only
one thing. What thing do I lack? For those whom Jesus
loves so much because they give so much to others, I ask
you: Do you allow it that others give you something
from that other wealth, which you do not possess?
The Sadducees, the teachers of the law in Chris
time, gave much to the people. They gave them the law.

[] Richardus Macolor, vulgo Rikki Macolor, vir ingeniarius alumnatus apud Fratres Dominicos Ponticiae et Regiae Universitatis S. Thomae Manilensis.
[] Cfr. Marc. , : Iesus autem intuitus eum, dilexit eum, et dixit ei : Unum tibi dee : vade, quaecumque habes vende,
et da pauperibus, et habebis thesaurum in coelo : et veni, sequere me.
[] Ibid.


They taught them. But they did not allow it that the
people might give them something. Jesus had to come in
order to make them allow themselves to be moved by
the people.
So many young people!I do not say that they are
among youbut so many young people like you, who
are here, know how to give but ill have not learned
how to receive! You lack only one thing. Become a beggar!
Become a beggar! This is what we lack: to learn to beg
from those to whom we give. This is not easy to underand: to learn to beg. To learn to receive from the humilities of those whom we help. To learn to be evangelised by the poor.
The people whom we help, the poor, the sick, the
orphans, have much to give us. Should I become a beggar and beg that too? Or am I content and I will only
give? You who live always giving, and who believe that
you are not in need of anything, do you realise that you
are a poor fellow? Do you realise that you have much
poverty and you need to be given? That you have to allow yourself to be evangelised by the poor, by the sick,
by those whom you help? This is what helps those who
are committed, ju like Rikki, become mature in the
work of giving to others: to learn to retch out the hand
from ones own misery.
There are some points that I have prepared: rly,
that which I already said, to learn to love and to learn to
allow oneself to be love. There is a challenge, moreover,
which is the challenge for integrity. [Anglice prosequitur.]
To love the poor. Our bishops wish that you should
look at the poor in a special way this year. Do you think
of the poor? Do you feel with the poor? Do you make
something for the poor? And you, do you beg the poor
that they give you that knowledge that they have? This
is what I would like to tell you today. Forgive me because
I read almo nothing from what I prepared for you. But
there is a passage that consoles me a little: Reality is
greater than an idea. Reality is greater than an idea. And
the reality that you planted, you reality, is greater than
all the ideas that I have prepared.
Thank you! Thank you very much.

aban. Pero nunca dejaron que el pueblo les diera algo.

Tuvo que venir Jess para dejarse conmover por el pueblo.
Cuntos jvenes!no lo digo de vospero
cuntos jvenes como vos que hay aqu saben dar pero
todava no aprendieron a recibir! Solo te falta una cosa.
Become a beggar! Become a beggar! Eo es lo que nos falta: aprender a mendigar de aquellos a quienes damos.
Eo no es fcil de entender: aprender a mendigar.
Aprender a recibir de la humildad de los que ayudamos.
Aprender a ser evangelizados por los pobres.
Las personas a quienes ayudamos, pobres, enfermos, hurfanos, tienen mucho que darnos. Me hago
mendigo y pido tambin eso?, o soy suciente y solamente voy a dar? Vos que vivs dando siempre y creis
que no tenis necesidad de nada sabis que sois un pobre tipo?, sabis que tenis mucha pobreza y necesitis
que te den?, te dejis evangelizar por los pobres, por los
enfermos, por aquellos que ayudis? Eo es lo que ayuda a madurar a todos aquellos comprometidos, como
Rikki, en el trabajo de dar a los dems: aprender a tender la mano desde la propia miseria.
Haba algunos puntos que yo haba preparado: primero que ya lo dije aprender a amar y a aprender a dejarse amar. Hay un desafo adems, que es el desafo por
la integridad. [Anglice prosequitur.]
Amar a los pobres. Nueros obispos quieren que
miren a los pobres de manera especial ee ao. Vos
pensis en los pobres? Vos sents con los pobres? Vos
hacis algo por los pobres? Y vos peds a los pobres que
te den esa sabidura que tienen? Eo es lo que hoy quisiera decirles Uds. Perdnenme porque no le casi nada
de lo que tena preparado. Pero hay una frase que me
consuela un poquito: La realidad es superior a la idea.
La realidad es superior a la idea. Y la realidad que ellos
plantearon, la realidad de Uds., es superior a todas las
ideas que yo haba preparado.
Gracias! Muchas gracias!



When those outside the magierium try to impress the Magierium, or those outside the Church
preach Her virtues to those inside
the Church, the whole business
looks sorry and contrived. We
heard our president ponticate before the Ponti,
and we heard some heretics inruct us to show
mercy and compassion to their heresy. For the
love of common sense, what were they thinking?
They were sincere, we are told, but if sincerity is
eeped in the usual vices of bragging and conceit,
of irreverence and deliberate uncouthness, that
sincerity almo always degenerates to vainglory.
There is a paradigm in our humdrum hiory called the church of
Dmaso. Anti-Catholics see it as a
controller of the State. We, however, know that it was controlled
by the State, to the point that
many parishes were disadvantaged because governors general appointed their favourites. But the
church of Dmaso is a baseless legend, born in the
same mind that faults the friars of lynching Buamante. It is a mind swimming in the darkness of a
badly written one-sided hiory. Rizal wrote about
such church of Dmaso, but he never wrote hiory.
He wrote ction! That idea is an urban legend.

Hope of the Church

Jesson G. Allerite

Thomasian* envisioned in the Filipino youth as a rong

healthy youth, clear-eyed, religiousyes!deeply religious with
faith simple but robu, in God and His Holy Church, free from
petty superitions and unafraid of the devil of human respect. The homo
gratia hominis mentality of todays society oftentimes reduces the endeavours of the youth into mere faddism. But that is not always tenable.
Many of our fellow youth today are
spiritually orphaned. The ckleness and
the transience of many values today create
a vacuum in the youths psyche. It is raw,
and gnawing, but only a few muer the
courage to actually nd what is missing in
that void. And that void gradually excludes the youth from the beauty of the
Apoolic Faith, and of the Lord.
We ruggle to anchor ourselves in
the perennial wisdom of the Church, a
solace in this world of shifting paradigms,
and this has led us to love the same Mass
that produced for us formidable saints
and defenders of the Faith.

We have been accused of merely using the Old Mass to project our frurations, that our love for ceremony is a fashion, and our yearning for the smells and the
bells a juvenile futility.
But we know otherwise. We know
that what we think, feel, and do with all
our heart, with respect to the Mass, is not
an incentive but rather a medication for
the desires of our esh, because we recognise the dangers of a world that scorns the
veil and glories the miniskirt.
A Catholic once said: I am a practicing
Catholic because I am not yet perfect. Let
us be comforted in the perfect Lord.



Sweet Jesus, Whose overowing charity for men is requited by so much forgetfulness, negligence and contempt, behold us prorate before Thine altar eager to
repair by a special act of homage the cruel indierence and injuries, to which Thy
loving Heart is everywhere subject.
Mindful alas! that we ourselves have had a share in such great indignities, which we
now deplore from the depths of our hearts, we humbly ask Thy pardon and declare our
readiness to atone by voluntary expiation not only for our own personal oences, but also
for the sins of those, who, raying far from the path of salvation, refuse in their obinate
indelity to follow Thee, their Shepherd and Leader, or, renouncing the vows of their
baptism, have ca o the sweet yoke of Thy law.
We are now resolved to expiate each and every deplorable outrage committed
again Thee; we are determined to make amends for the manifold oences again
Chriian modey in unbecoming dress and behaviour, for all the foul seductions laid to
ensnare the feet of the innocent, for the frequent violation of Sundays and holidays, and
for the shocking blasphemies uttered again Thee and Thy Saints.
We wish also to make amends for the insults to which Thy Vicar on earth and Thy
Pries are subjected; for the profanation, by conscious neglect or terrible acts of sacrilege of the very Sacrament of Thy divine love; and laly for the public crimes of nations who resi the rights and the teaching authority of the Church thou ha founded.

* Renato Guerrero of the UST, on December , delivered the speech for the young mens session of the I National Euchariic Congress.

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