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"Did Jesus Christ Have Sex?




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Did Jesus Christ Have

The Priestly text states "Be fruitful and multiply."[1]
Consequently, many religious individuals believe that
procreation is a God-sponsored sporting event, albeit not for
spectators. According to Protevangelion, the grandparents of
Jesus Christ felt shame because they could not have children,
[2] and worse, Jesus Christ's grandmother was ostracized
because her womb was barren.[3] But her shame was
alleviated by the miraculous birth of her daughter Mary.[4]
Although not in the Bible, Protevangelion probably contains
genuine facts not mentioned elsewhere. For example, the
early testimony of Justin Martyr agrees with Protevangelion
that Jesus was born in a cave, over and against Luke which
says he was born in a manger.[5]
Jesus did not agree with the mistreatment of the barren,
and he blatantly disregarded the Priestly text's command to
reproduce sexually. Jesus said,
Some have cut off their genitals on behalf of the
Kingdom of Heaven. Not everyone can accept this
doctrine, but those who can accept this, let them accept

Spoken as hyperbole, which Jesus frequently employed, the

meaning of the overstatement is still apparent. On this point,
the teaching of Jesus is again at odds with the Priestly text,
and therefore he is also at odds with Genesis 1, because it is
part of the Priestly text. Yet Jesus' doctrine on celibacy
aligns perfectly with the practice of the Essenes who wrote
THIS SECTION: the Dead Sea Scrolls, as Josephus testified,

Ancient lore says the Jerusalem temple

(above) was built with the help of demons.
The Genesis Creation Story was written by
heretic priests of that temple.

They (the Essenes) don't have slaves or wives, because

they think the first is unfair and the second just causes

A preference for celibacy existed both in the Bible and

also in Christian tradition, as well as in the Gnostic
literature. In the Bible, Paul cautioned against marriage,[8]
and John believed that virgins will receive heavenly rewards.
[9] Ancient Christian leaders encouraged celibacy as a way
to draw closer to God. Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr,

Ancient Christians believed that some parts of

the Bible were written by God and other parts
of the Bible were written by Satan the Devil.


"Did Jesus Christ Have Sex?"

Athenagoras, Tertullian, Origen, Novation, Cyprian,

Victorinus, and Pierius were among the pre-Constantine
leaders who endorsed celibacy. The only early Christian on
record for expressing reservations about the practice of
celibacy was Methodius.[10] Yet it should be noted that
Peter was married and Philip had children.[11] As Jesus
said, not everyone can accept the doctrine. Even the angels
of Christ are celibate, as Jesus says, "they neither marry nor
are given in marriage," and everyone in the kingdom of God
will eventually be celibate like the angels[12] in this, they
are unlike the world-creating angels of the demiurge, who
amuse themselves with all manner of bestial perversion.

Above: Marduk, the hero

of Enuma Elish, the
pagan myth from which
Genesis 1 is derived.
Below: Map of Israel and
where different parts of
the Bible came from.

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Tertullian said that it was common for married Christian

couples to abstain from sex by mutual consent, so that they
could pursue a more spiritual union with God.[13] Paul
himself was apparently both married and celibate. In one
New Testament passage, he indicated that he was celibate,
but also indicated that he had a "sister-wife."[14]
Recently, a new theory has become popular that Jesus and
Mary Magdalene were married with children. Yet this finds
little support in early Christian literature. We have, at our
disposal for study, four dozen ancient Gnostic scriptures, a
plethora of early Christian apocryphal books, and ten
volumes of Christian literature written before Constantine.
Within this literature are detailed descriptions of the beliefs
and practices of a multitude of unorthodox groups. Yet none
of these groups are said to have believed that Jesus and Mary
Magdalene were lovers, nor that they had a child together.
No orthodox Christians believed it, and no "heretics"
believed it either. Nobody even suggested it. This cavernous
silence amidst a mountain of ancient literature makes the
theory highly improbable.

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Some point to The Gospel of Philip, which states that Jesus

kissed Mary Magdalene. Yet if Jesus kissed Magdalene, how
is this different from what the New Testament states about
fellowship "Greet each other with a holy kiss?"[15] Should
we extrapolate from this that early Christian fellowship
included orgies during church services? Should we presume
that Judas performed a homosexual act on Jesus when he
"betrayed the Son of Man with a kiss?"[16] Perhaps the
elders of Ephesus were also homosexuals, for they kissed
Paul on the neck.[17] Likewise the merciful father who fell
on the neck of his prodigal son and kissed him.[18] Such
misunderstanding is the result of an ethnocentric assumption
that kissing is necessarily sexual. Even to this day, a kiss is a
greeting in Middle Eastern cultures, and does not carry with
it any sexual connotation. Why assume anything more
concerning Mary Magdalene?
Still, they point to the Merovingian kings of France as the
ancestors of Christ and Magdalene. Yet here, there was a
political motivation for the invention of a lie, for the
Merovingians were newly converted Germanic pagans


"Did Jesus Christ Have Sex?"

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struggling to control a nation of Latin Christians. The ethnoreligious struggle in France at that time was severe. What
better way for the Merovingian kings to legitimize their
dynasty and unite their kingdom than to say they were
descendents of the King of Kings himself? Hence, the story
was a political lie told for the unity of France and even then
it did not come about until 500 years after the fact.
Jesus was celibate, the Essenes were celibate, and many
early Christians were celibate. These facts are attested for in
the earliest sources. A sexual relationship between Jesus and
Magdalene is not.
This section: Genesis 1 is a forgery.
The creationist narrative in Genesis 1 is contradicted by
many ancient Christian texts. Instead of an Almighty
Creator God, ancient Christian texts espouse that the
universe is born from blind arrogance and stupidity. The
angels caused evolution to occur from species to species.
There are many gods, (or aliens?), and the Christian God is
just one among them. Satan the Devil writes scripture, and
thus the Bible was polluted with Genesis 1. Archaeology and
modern scholarship demonstrate that Genesis is indeed
corrupted. Cavemen walk with Adam and Eve. Esoteric
prophecies reveal the coming of Christ, and also reveal the
dark forces that govern the cosmos. Such are the ancient
Christian writings.
Science vindicates the truth of these ideas. Evolution often
happens too fast for Darwins theory. Gaps in the fossil
record indicate that some kind of unnatural force acts
together with natural selection. Astrobiology reveals that
intelligent life probably evolved long before us. The fossil
record reveals strange clues that aliens abducted species and
transported them across oceans, and that DNA from diverse
lineages was combined to spawn hybrid species. Evidently,
aliens influence evolution, and they are the gods of the
worlds religions.
This is not fiction. All these facts are thoroughly documented
in the links above.

[1] Genesis 9:1

[2] Protevangelion 1:5-9
[3] Protevangelion 2:1,5, 3:3
[4] Protevangelion 5:10
[5] Justin Martyr. Dialogue with Trypho 78.5; Luke 2:7; Protevangelion 19:5
[6] Matthew 19:12
[7] Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews 18.1.5
[8] I Corinthians 7:1, 7:8-9, 7:32-38


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[9] Revelation 14:4

[10] Bercot, David W. A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs. 1998, Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody,
MA, p 88-90, 672-674
[11] Matthew 8:14, Acts 21:9; Clement of Alexandria. Miscellanies 3.6.52, 7.11.63; Eusebius quoting
Gaius. The History of the Church 2.25
[12] Mark 12:25, Luke 20:35-36, Matthew 22:30
[13] Tertullian. To His Wife 1.6
[14] 1st Corinthians 7:5-7, 9:5
[15] Romans 16:16, 1st Corinthians 16:20, 2nd Corinthians 13:12, 1st Thessalonians 5:26, 1st Peter 5:14
[16] Mark 14:44, Luke 22:47, Matthew 26:48
[17] Acts 20:37
[18] Luke 15:20


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