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Assessment Questions Asked By Professional

1. What goals have you set for yourself? How are you planning to achieve
2. Who or what has had the greatest influence on the development of your
career interest?
3. What factors did you consider in choosing your major?
4. Why are you interested in our organization?
5. Tell me about yourself.
6. What two or three things are most important to you in a position?
7. What Kind of work do you want to do?
8. Tell me about a project that you initiated?
9. What are your expectations of your future employer?
10. What is your GPA? How do u feel about it? Does it reflect your ability?
11. How do you solve conflicts?
12. Tell me about how you perceive your strength. Your weakness. How do
you evaluate yourself?
13. What work experience has been the most valuable to you and why?
14. What was the most useful criticism you ever received and who was it
15. Give an example of a problem you have solved and the process you
16. Describe the project or situation that best demonstrated your analytical
17. What has been your greatest challenge?
18. Describe a situation where you had a conflict with another individual,
and how you dealt.
19. What were the biggest problems you have encountered in college? How
have you handled them? What did you learn from them?
20. What are your team-player qualities? Give examples.
21. Describe your leadership style.
22. What interests or concerns you about the position or the company?
23. In a particular leadership role you had, what was the greatest challenge?
24. What idea have you developed and implemented that was particularly
creative and innovative?
25. What characteristics do you think are important for this position?
Compiled by Mr. Graham Miranda, Faculty Front Office and Placement
Adapted from the book Sweaty Palms: H Anthony Medley

26. How have your educational and work experiences

27. Take me through a project where you demonstrated _____ skills.
28. How do u think you have changed personally since you started college?
29. Tell me about a team project of which you are particularly proud and
your contribution.
30. How do you motivate people?
31.Why did you choose the extracurricular activities you did? What did you
gain? What did you contribute?
32.What types of situation put you under pressure, and how do you deal
with the pressure?
33.Tell me about a difficult decision you have made.
34.Give an example of a situation in which you failed and how you handled
35.Tell me about a situation when you had to persuade another person to
your point of view.
36.What frustrates you the most?
37.Knowing what you know now about your college experience, would you
make the same decision?
38.What can you contribute to this company?
39.How would you react to having your credibility questioned?
40.What characteristics are most important in a good manager? How have
you displayed one of these characteristics?
41.What challenges are you looking for in a position?
42.Are you willing to relocate or travel as part of your career?
43.What two or three accomplishments have given you the most
44.Describe a leadership role of yours and tell why you committed time to it.
45.How are you conducting your job search, and how will you make your
46.What is the most important lesson you have learned in or out of school?
47.Describe a situation where you had to work with someone who was
difficult. How was the person difficult, and how did you handle it?
48.We are looking at a lot of great candidates; why are you the best person
for this position?
49. How would your friends describe you? Your Professors?
50.What else should I know about you?

Compiled by Mr. Graham Miranda, Faculty Front Office and Placement

Adapted from the book Sweaty Palms: H Anthony Medley

Session 2
1.Begining with your first supervisory jobs, would you tell me briefly why
each change was made?
2.Referring to your most recent position, what would you say are some of
your most important accomplishments? Id be interested in operating results
and any other accomplishments you consider important. (Probe four or five
accomplishments . Get specific data)
3.Considering these accomplishments, what are some of the reasons for your
4.Were there any unusual difficulties you had to overcome in getting these
5.What two or three things do you feel you have learned on this job?
6.What did you particularly like about the position?
7.There are always few negatives about the position. What would you say
you liked least about the position?
8.What responsibilities or results have not come up to your expectations? Id
be interested in things you had hoped and planned to accomplish which were
not done. I sometimes call them disappointments. (push for certain specific
9.What are some of the reasons for this?
10.Im interested in how you do your planning. What planning processes
have you found useful, and how do you go about them?, And how do you go
about them
11.In what way do you feel you have improved in your planning in the last
few years?
12.What are some examples of important types of decisions or
recommendations you are called upon to make?
13.Would you describe how you went about making these types of decisions
or recommendations? With whom did you talk, and so forth?
14.What decisions are easiest for you to make and which ones are most
15.Most of us can think of an important decision which we would make
quite differently if we made it again? Probe: Whats the biggest mistake you
can recall?
Compiled by Mr. Graham Miranda, Faculty Front Office and Placement
Adapted from the book Sweaty Palms: H Anthony Medley

16.Most of us improve in our decision making ability as we get greater

experience In what respect do you feel you have improved in your decision
17.What has been your experience with major expansion or reduction of
force? (Explore for details)
18.How many immediate subordinates have you selected in the past two
years? How did you go about it? Any surprises or disappointments?
19. How many immediate subordinates have you removed from their jobs in
the last few years? Any contemplated? One example how you went about it.
20.How do you feel your subordinates would describe you as a delegator ?
Any deliberate tactics you use
21.Some managers keep a very close check on their organization. Others use
a loose rein. What pattern do you follow? How has it changed in the last few
22.What has been the most important surprise you have received from
something getting out of control? Why did it happen?
23.Lets talk about standards of performance. How would you describe your
own? What would your subordinates say? What would your boss say?
24.Sometimes it is important to issue an edict an individual or entire staff.
Do you have any recent examples of edicts you have issued? Probe :
Reason? Result?
25.What things do you think contribute to your effectiveness as a
26.From an opposite view point, what do u think might interfere with your
effectiveness as a supervisor?
27.In what respects do you feel you have improved most as a supervisor
during last few years?
28.What kind of supervisor get the best performance out of you?
29.Some managers are quiet deliberate about such things as communication,
development, and motivation? Do you have any examples of how you do
30.What have you done about your own development in the last few years?
31.Would you describe your relationship with your last three supervisors?
32.Consdering your relationship both inside and outside the component,
would you give me an example of how you have been particularly effective
in relating with others?
33.Would you also give me an example of how you might not have been
particularly effective in relating with others?
Compiled by Mr. Graham Miranda, Faculty Front Office and Placement
Adapted from the book Sweaty Palms: H Anthony Medley

34.Some people are short-fused and impatient in their reactions. How would
you describe yourself?
35.Have you encountered any health problems? What do you do about your
36.Most of us can look back upon a new idea, a new project or an innovation
we feel proud introducing. Would you describe one or two such innovations
you are particularly proud of?
37.How do you feel about your progress(career wise) to date?
38.What are your aspirations of the future? Have these changed?
39.We sometimes compare the assets and limitations of our products with
competition. Lets do a related thing with your career.Thinking of your
competition for jobs to which you aspire, what would you say are your
40.Are there conditions of personal business, health, or family which would
limit your flexibility for taking on a new assignment?

General Questions
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What was your favorite subject in school? Why?
3. What was your least favorite subject in school? Why?
4. What were your grades/class standing?
5. Why did you go to the school you attended?
6. How did you choose your major/course of study?
7. What extracurricular activities did you participate in at school?
8. Did you have a favorite teacher?
9. Why did you like this teacher better than anyone else?
10.What have you accomplished so far in life?
11.What have you done of which youre most proud ?Why
12.Whats your best asset?
13.Whats your biggest weakness?
14.Have you ever been arrested?
15.Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
16.How do you get along with people?
17.What are your outside interests?
18.Do they interfere with your job?
19.Have you ever told a lie ? Explain.
20.Why do you want to work for us?
Compiled by Mr. Graham Miranda, Faculty Front Office and Placement
Adapted from the book Sweaty Palms: H Anthony Medley

21.How do you handle an irate customer?

22.What is a good (whatever job you are applying for, e.g. Secretary)?
23.Whats the most difficult task you have undertaken?
24.What can you do for us?
25.Why should we hire you?
26.What can I do for you?
27.Why do you feel you are qualifies for this job?
28.Does your present employer know you are interviewing for another
29.Why do you want to change jobs?
30.Did you have problems in any of your previous jobs?
31.What do you think youll be doing in ten years?
32.What would you like to be doing in ten years?
33.What do you want to accomplish in life?
34.If money were not a consideration, what would you want to do?
35.Do you consider yourself as a professional? Why or why not?
36.Who/What has been the greatest influence in your life? Why?
37.How do you get along with your parents?
38.Do you prefer one of your parent over the other?
39.Have you ever been fired?
40.Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
41.Have you ever used drugs?
42.Will you submit to a drug test?
43.Do you think theres any correlation between grades in school and
success on job?
44.Who paid for your education?
45. If you were starting over right now what would you do?
46.Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Do you live together?
47.Whats your sexual orientation?
48.Are you married?
49.How old are you?
50.Are you in good health?
51.Is there anything that you havent revealed, either in this interview or
on your resume that would affect our decision?
52.Have you had any other interviews? With whom?
53.What did you do to prepare for this interview?
54.Have you ever been rejected? How did you handle it?
55.Have you ever been passed over for promotion? How did you handle
Compiled by Mr. Graham Miranda, Faculty Front Office and Placement
Adapted from the book Sweaty Palms: H Anthony Medley

56.How much money are you making now?

57.How much money do you want?
58.How much money do you think youll be making in five years?
59.what did your father do?
60.Is your private life happy? Why or why not?
61.Are you a happy person?
62.Are you satisfied?
63.What makes you angry?
64.Whats your net worth?
65.Whats your social security number?
66.How well do you take criticism?
67.Have you ever supervised anyone? Explain.
68.Do you like to travel?
69.Do you have a family?
70.Do you plan on having any (more) children?
71.How do you feel about (any controversial issue, like the death
72.Do you read? What? How often?
73.What magazines do you read regularly?
74.Whats the last book you read?
75.Do you watch a lot a television/go to movies?
76.Whats your favorite book/movie/TV show? Why?
77.How do you keep in shape?
78.What salary do u want?
79.Why do you think you are worth that?
80.Would you be willing to work for less?
81.Is money the most important aspect of your job for you?
82.Do you require close supervision?
83.Have you always been treated fairly?
84.Give me three reference I can talk to you about?
85.Please sign this release so we can talk to your references about you.
86.Whats the most important thing you are looking for in a job?
87.Do you like people?
88.Have you ever done anything you regret?
89.Describe your character.
90.Have you ever done anything that you are ashamed
91.Have you ever reprimanded?
92.Do work better alone or with people?
93.Do you think you are unique?
Compiled by Mr. Graham Miranda, Faculty Front Office and Placement
Adapted from the book Sweaty Palms: H Anthony Medley

94.Tell me about your present job?

95.How do you spend most of your time in present job?
96.How do you feel about your job/Employer?
97.Where do you rank your present job with others youve held? Why?
98.Is there anything about your present job/employer youd change or of
which you are critical?
99.How many hours a day a person you think should spend on job?

Do you devote any time or money to charity work?
What do you feel is an acceptable attendance record?
Do you arrive on time?
What do you think about your present supervisor / employer?
What do you think are your present supervisors strengths or
How does your present supervisor treat others in your
What are your goals?
What have you done that indicates you are qualified for this
How do you think you should be judged on your job?
Do you go to church/synagogue/temple/mosque?
Are you tolerant of different people?
How long do you plan to work for us?
Do you like to travel?
Is there any section of the country youd prefer to live/work?
Have you always done your best?
Are you an over achiever or an under achiever? Explain?
Do you have any questions?

Compiled by Mr. Graham Miranda, Faculty Front Office and Placement

Adapted from the book Sweaty Palms: H Anthony Medley

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