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Electricity Manipulation


Manipulate electricity.

The ability to manipulate electricity.


Also Called

Electric Current Manipulation

Electric Charge Manipulation
Lightning Bending/Control/Manipulation
Lightning Release/Raiton


User can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the
existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over
electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism.


Create/generate/increase, absorb, conduct, shape and manipulate electricity of various

o Charge objects with electricity, heat them and/or making them conduct
o Charged Particles Manipulation
o Death Inducement by overcharging the victim with electrical currents.
o Electric Field Manipulation
o Electric Field Negation
o Electric Pull to pull themselves toward something or to pull things toward
Electrical Wall Crawling
o Increase the sharpness of objects by using electricity to create vibrations.
o Paralysis Inducement and/or Jolt Inducement.
o Power up electronics by recharging their battery.
Electricity Attacks - user may be able to generate enough power to vaporize matter.
Electricity Solidification
o Electrical Constructs, including weapons, walls, armor or allies/servants.

o Electrical Force Field

o Electrocommunication
Ride on and/or in electricity/lightning-bolt for faster travel.


Bio-Electricity Manipulation
Electric Aura
Electric Transmutation
Electrical Signal Manipulation
Electrical Telekinesis
Electrical Telepathy
Electricity Empowerment
Electricity Mimicry
o Lightning Ball Form
Electricity Portal Creation
Electrokinetic Combat
Electrokinetic Invisibility
Electronic Communication
Electroportation by using electricity to teleport.
Electrical Healing by charging with electricity, which accelerates the healing of cells.
Electrical Enhanced Condition
o Electrical Regeneration
Electrokinetic Flight
Electrolysis on atomized water.
Prevalent Discharge
Static Electricity Manipulation


Black Lightning Manipulation

Cosmic-Electric Manipulation
Electricity Embodiment
Electron Manipulation
Esoteric Lightning Manipulation
Physical Lightning Manipulation
o Astral Electricity Manipulation
Positive Electricity Manipulation
Positron Manipulation
Psychic Lightning Manipulation
Underwater-Lightning Manipulation
White Lightning Manipulation


Electrical Immunity
Electromagnetism Manipulation

Elemental Manipulation
Energy Manipulation
Heat Generation
Ion Manipulation
Lightning Induced Powers
Magnetism Manipulation
Neural Impulse Manipulation by redirecting the electrical signals between the brain
and nerves, they can achieve control over thoughts, feelings, and movement of a body
under this power.
o Memory/Mental Manipulation by controlling the electrical signals in the brain.
This takes very high skill.
o Motor-Skill Manipulation by controlling the nerve-signal for movement.
o Reanimation by reanimating the dead.
Plasma Manipulation
Resurrection by restarting a person's heart or reviving their dead nerve cells by
applying electric energy.
Spark Manipulation
Technology Manipulation by controlling the electrical functions of technology.
Thunder Manipulation


May be unable to create electricity, being limited to manipulating only from already
existing sources.
Distance and the amount of energy depends of the strength and skill of the user.
Electricity can be insulated by non-conductive mater such as air.
Electricity may be redirected by certain materials.
May be limited only to the path of least resistance.
May become useless if confronted electrical resistant material such as rubber or
May have to find electrical sources of power in order to recharge.
Reflection Manipulation could cause a problem since it's unclear if users are immune
or not.
May have problems using electronics.
Users may short circuit if hit with water.
Electricity needs a conductor like metal or water too move through.

Universal Difference
In universes such The Avatar series, electricity manipulation requires the user to be mentally
stable with the complete absence of emotions and a peace of mind. But physically it requires
separating the energies of yin and yang, which in our universe can be interpreted as positive
and negative electric potential respectively. When the yin (positive chi) and yang (negative
chi energy) collide together to become whole again, lightning is created, essentially its similar
to matter and Anti-matter collision. In which when they collide they release pure energy in the
form of photon. Supposedly in the Avatar Universe, the combine of yin and yang release the
pure energy in the form of electricity.

Fulgurkinesis is often confused with electrokinesis, which should have been caught earlier,
considering the lack of Latin prefix. But it will be continued to be used anyway, considering
people's familiarity with the term.

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