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Outline of open educational resources

supported learning Flexible learning E-learning theory MOOCs Personal learningenvironments
Networked learning Blended learning Virtual learning environment

4 KB (273 words) - 23:07, 20 July 2014

Auditory learning
model, one of the most common and widely used categorizations of the various typesof learning styles,
categorized the various types of learning styles as

6 KB (698 words) - 14:19, 8 January 2015

Robert M. Gagn (section Five categories of learning)

are several types and levels of learning, and each of these types and levels requires instruction that is tailored to
meet the needs of the pupil. While

10 KB (1,242 words) - 00:17, 20 October 2014

Kinesthetic learning
VAK/VARK model (one of the most common and widely used categorizations of the
various types of learning styles) categorized learning styles as follows:

7 KB (883 words) - 03:17, 14 January 2015

Cerebellum (section Learning)

motor control, the cerebellum is necessary for several types of motor learning, most notably learning to adjust to
changes in sensorimotor relationships.

70 KB (9,281 words) - 23:54, 16 January 2015

Putamen (section Types of Pathways)

globus pallidus. The main function of the putamen is to regulate movements and influence
various types of learning. It employs GABA, acetylcholine, and

24 KB (3,015 words) - 12:30, 3 January 2015

Higher-order thinking
(HOTS), is a concept of education reform based on learning taxonomies (such as Bloom's Taxonomy). The idea is
that some types of learning require more cognitive

5 KB (619 words) - 20:52, 5 October 2014

Common Sense Media

different types of learning qualities within various forms of media. The new rating system was funded in part by
SCEFDN's $10 million learning initiative

22 KB (2,456 words) - 21:39, 29 December 2014

Petchey Academy
different medical heroes and famous medical figures. There are four types of learningcategories. These are:
Human Spirit, Natural World, Communications

4 KB (254 words) - 18:59, 16 July 2014

Learning enterprises
Learning Enterprises is the type of learning which reflected capabilities that combinetypes of learning into more
general expertise developed by Gagn

11 KB (1,673 words) - 05:49, 4 May 2014

Instructional design (redirect from Learning Design)

types of learning outcomes. To identify the types of learning, Gagn asked howlearning might be demonstrated.
These can be related to the domains of

55 KB (6,610 words) - 19:21, 21 December 2014

Lifelong Learning Networks

Institutions (HEIs) to forge partnerships, bringing together different types of learningprovider in a single network.
These networks would provide fresh opportunities

1 KB (216 words) - 12:19, 29 July 2011

Psychology of learning
learning. Media psychology is a newer addition among the learning theories because there is so much technology
now included in the various types of learning

6 KB (824 words) - 05:26, 10 January 2015

Language-based learning disability

development of brain usually at birth. It is often hereditary, and is frequently associated to specific language
problems. There are two types of learning disabilities:

7 KB (854 words) - 09:09, 28 October 2013

Visual learning
of the three basic types of learning styles in the widely used Fleming VAK/VARK model that also includes
kinesthetic learning and auditory learning.

18 KB (2,664 words) - 19:03, 2 December 2014

Grundtvig programme (category Lifelong learning)

Grundtvig programme encompasses all types of learning, whether these take place in the 'formal' or 'non-formal'
system of education for adults, or in more

2 KB (294 words) - 14:04, 15 August 2014

Learning disability
characterized by inadequate development of specific academic, language, and speech
skills. Types of learning disabilities include reading disability (dyslexia)

51 KB (6,209 words) - 09:04, 27 December 2014

Professional development
all types of facilitated learning opportunities including credentials such as academic degrees to formal coursework,
conferences and informal learning opportunities

13 KB (1,425 words) - 04:06, 13 January 2015

Wikiversity (category Virtual learning environments)

fundamental goal to broaden the scope of activities within the Wikimedia community to include
additional types of learning resources in addition to textbooks

13 KB (1,210 words) - 20:24, 29 November 2014

As education evolves so does the role of the classroom teacher. What is the current role of the classroom
teacher? What are his/her responsibilities? How does this educator prioritize and what is most important? I
consider the many aspects of the classroom teacher below. I also propose reflection related to possible
changes in that role for best effect. I look forward to your response regarding this topic.
Classroom Teacher as Manager
In many ways, the role of a classroom teacher is that of manager. He/she passes out and collects numerous
forms, takes attendance and lunch count, responds to illness, supervises recess, manages transitions,
responds to parent emails, notes and phone calls, organizes the coat rack, finds lost mittens (and other
articles), prepares/cleans a classroom environment, orders materials and creates an atmosphere for learning.
These are all time consuming tasks, but not tasks, in general, that require extensive subject knowledge or
instructional understanding. Should all of the tasks above be the responsibility of a classroom teacher? Would
it be better to broaden the responsibilities above to all faculty members so that every professional educator has
responsibility for the management of a relatively equal group of students, or would it be better to start a new
role in schools, one in which people are hired to manage the procedural aspects of running a school including
attendance, lunch count, recess duty, transitions, coat rack organization and more?
Classroom Teacher as Social Skills/Behavior Counselor
A large part of teaching involves coaching and mentoring related to social skills and behavior. Students come
to school with all kinds of attitudes and readiness with regard to learning and working together, and teachers
work day in and day out with students to develop their abilities related to optimal social skills, behavior and
emotional intelligence. This is an area of school life where I believe advisory groups would be better than
homerooms as advisory groups could include all professional educators in a building which would mean
smaller social groups to guide and mentor related to optimal social skills, behavior and emotional intelligence
Classroom Teacher as Academic Coach, Mentor, Guide and Instructor
With the move towards greater interdisciplinary project based learning, and the need for expert teaching related

to specific skill development in reading, writing and math, I am wondering about this area too.
Have we reached a point where we need to re-look at professional responsibilities in the academic


Do we know so much more now about the art and science of teaching that one-size-fits-all classrooms
have become outdated and inefficient with respect to optimal learning?
Is it time to embrace a model of school that includes a greater use of targeted teaching responsibilities
and content areas? For example, as a fourth grade teacher, there is a lot to know about current math, science,
reading, writing and social studies content, pedagogy and methodology. With the current tools available, the
sky's the limit for what we are able to do with students, yet when we try to do it all, our efforts are sometimes
diluted and less effective.
What are the developmental implications related to school structure and environment? What types of
environments and instruction are best suited for students at particular ages?
For best effect, optimal engagement and student confidence, I believe it's time to restructure the roles,
schedules and responsibilities related to academic instruction. With this in mind, I proposed a model last year.
A good way to start this restructure is to consider the efforts that currently work related to student learning,
engagement and confidence, and those efforts that are less effective. Then begin replacing less effective
strategies and efforts with activities that make students want to come to school, engage and learn as much as
Further, the time to respond to students and families through editing, correcting papers, writing report cards,
assembling portfolios/files and analyzing data has traditionally just been considered a classroom teacher's
responsibility. For some roles, this after hours work adds up to multiple hours, and for other roles there is little
to no additional responsibility related to this. This "on your own time" work has created a wide variety of
responses and actions. I think the time has come when this work needs to be considered as part of the
teacher's overall on-time tasks in the school house which means that response time becomes a consideration
when creating schedules, prep time and collaborative meetings. In one school I read about recently, writing
teachers were given smaller classes and greater prep time due to the great amount of time it takes to coach
writing skill and proficiency with care.
Teacher as Collaborator
As schools respond to research which supports greater collaboration, how does that affect a teacher's work and
skills. Generally veteran teachers were used to working in relatively isolated situations, hence there's a
learning curve related to collaborative skill, attitude and effort. Also, school schedules often don't leave time for
professional collaboration. Fortunately I work in a system that has put aside three weekly times for
collaboration including PLCs, common grade-level planning time and Wednesday inservice hours. This is a
step in the right direction. Collaborative cultures in schools will develop if time and learning is devoted to
building that culture.
Education evolution requires the evolution of roles and responsibilities. I believe it is a time when we must
begin to reconsider the classroom teacher role with regard to current cognitive research and a focus on best
effect. How can we create a school structure with roles and responsibilities that lead to optimal engagement,
learning and confidence for all students? I am very interested in this discussion as I believe it holds potential for
better schools. Please don't hesitate to comment with links, arguments and other ideas.

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