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dP atten Language for life. Language for life. Berlitz Languages, Inc. Princeton, NJ USA ‘Author: Katharine MacCornack Layout and design: Bill Suir Srucio Audio producer: Paul Ruben Productions Project consultant: Howard Beckerman Berlitz thanks the many instructors, eitors, and others who have contributed to the creation of Berlitz: Photo Credits: Cover: Rephael Junneau/FPG/Getty Images; p. 0: The Image Bank/Getty Images; p. : The Image Bank/Getty Images: p.6: Masterfie:p 1 Masterfl:p, 12: Larry Wiliams/Masterle: p17, Lat yy Witiams/Mastertile; p18: EyeWte Collection/Getty Images: p. 19: Davis Buttington/PhotaDise! Getty Images; p. 21: (T) PhotoDisc/Gelty Images, (C.8) EyeWire/Getty Images: p. 22: Don Farral/ Photobisc/Getty Images: p, 23: (BL) EyeWire Collection/Getty \mages, (TR) David Buffington! PhotoDisc/Getty Images, (AR) EyeWire/Getty Images: p. 24: Peter Christapher/Mastertile: >. 25: Reuters NewMedia inc/Corbis . 27: (7) Jack Hallingsmorth/PhotoDise/Getty Images, (CL. CLC) Ryan MeVay/PhotoDise/Getty Images, (CRC, CR) Jack Hollingsworth/PhotoDise/Getty Images .29: (L) Peter Christopher/Masterfle, (R) Jack Holingsworth/ProtoDise/Getty Images: 0. 36: ‘The Image Bank/Getty Images; p. 38: (TL) Flip Chalfant/The Image Bank/Getty Images, (TLC) Ren Chapple/FPG International/Getty Images, (TRC) Jack Fields/Corbis, (TR) The Stock Market/Corbis, (C) Stockbyte/PictureQuest; pa: (7,L) The Image Bank/Getty Images, (®LC) Ron Chapole/FPG International/Getty Images, (BRC) Jack Flelds/Corbis, (BR) The Stock Markot/Corbisj 9,42: Charles Thatcher/Stone/Getty Images: p. 46: (L) Eyewire Collection, {) The Stock Market/Corbs, (L) EyeWire Collection/Getty Images: p. a7: Charles Thatcher! Stone/Getty Images; p. 48: Plerre Tremblay/Masterile; p. 49: (1) V.C-L/Nick Clements) FPG International/Getty Images, (8) Ryan MeVay/PhotoDisc/Getty images p. 5), 52: Rob LLewine/ The Stock Market/Corbis;p. 53: (TL) Pierre Teemblay/Masterfile, (TR) V.C.L/Nick CClements/FPG International/Getty Images, (BL) Rob Lewine/The Stack Maruet/Corois, (BR) Ryan McVay! PhotoDisc/Getty images: o. $4: Laurent Delhourme/PhotoDise/Getty Images: 9. $7:(U) Jeff Greenberg/RAINBOW/PictureQuest, (LC) Adrian Weinbrect/Stone/Getty Images, (RC) Stewart Cohen/Stone/Getty Images, (R) Jerome Tisne/Stone/Getty Images: p. 58: (.) Corel, (R) Corbis: p. 59: Laurent Delhourme/PhotoDise/Getty images: p. 60: PhoteDise/Getty Images 1. 64: The Image Bank/Getty Images all others Peter Lueders Permissions: Courtesy of Eriesson (pp, 4,10, 16, 28, 40, 46, 58, 64) ©2002 Zagat Survey, LLC. Reprinted with permission (p. 10) Copyright® 2002 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduces or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording ‘or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the Publisher. Berlitz Trademark Reg. U.S. Patent Office and other countries Marca Registrada ISBN 159104-459-6 Printed in China Second Printing - April 2006 For use exclusively in connection with Berlitz classroom instruction. Berlitz Languages, inc. 400 Alexander Park Princeton, NJ 08540 usa

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