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Basic Theory
The reproductive cycle is cyclic changes that occurs in reproductive system
(ovaries, uterus, oviduk, and vagina) adult female animals that did not get pregnant,
which shows the relationship between each other. The reproduction cycle in mammals
Primate called a menstrual cycle while the reproductive cycle in non Primate called
estrus cycle. Estrus cycle is characterized by the presence of estrus (lust). At the time
of estrus, females are receptive to the animal animals Bull, and copulation will most
likely be fertil for ovarian and uterine ovulation is occurring is at the right phase for
implantation (Adnan, 2013).
Most of the animals showed a clear and definite cycles in reproductive activity,
which is often associated with the changing seasons. The periodic nature of
reproduction allows animals to conserve resources and produce offspring when more
energy is available than is required for the maintenance of environmental conditions
and when conditions favour the survival of offspring. Ewe, for example, have a
reproductive cycle for 15 days and ovulate in the middle of each cycle. This cycle
generally occurs in early winter, so lamb is generally born in late winter or early
spring. Even the animals that live in a habitat that is almost stable, such as the tropics
or the ocean, generally reproducing only at certain times of the year. The reproductive
cycle is controlled by a combination of hormonal and environmental instructions, the
instructions include environmental factors such as seasonal temperatures, rainfall,
length of day, and the full moon cycle (Campbell, 2004).
According to (Adnan 2013), estrus cycle is a cycle of reproduction which take
place on adult female sexual animal who is not pregnant and non-primates. This cycle
consists of several phases, namely:
1. Phases of the diestrus ,phase which is characterized by the presence of nucleated
epithelial cells in very little amount and leukocytes in the amount very much.
2. Phases of proestrus, namely a phase characterized by the presence of epithelial cells
and leukocytes spherical nucleated nothing or very little.
3. Phases of estrus, namely a phase characterized by the presence of epithelial cells
Gore very much and some epithelial cells with nuclei that generation
4. Phase metestrus, namely phase characterized by the presence of epithelial cells and
leukocytes that much Gore.
The factors that have an effect on estrus is the histology and function of the
hypothalamus and pituitary in relation to the process of reproduction, the onset of
puberty in female animals, including factors affecting estrus cycle and the process of
formation of the sex cells (gametogenesis). In addition there are other factors more

influential that the hormones. The hormone progesterone uterine implantation blatosis
to prepare, maintain and regulate the reproductive organs. Corpus luteum in the
laboratory mice is the main source of progesterone, the hormone progesterone levels
so that it is closely associated with ovulation rate. The higher the ovulation, then the
hormone progesterone levels will increase. Progesterone hormone vary according the
rate of ovulation (the number of corpus luteum). Uterine endometrial glands emit
substances serve food which consists of uterine milk to support the growth and
development of the embryo. Gland-gland synthesizes uterine milk under the control of
hormones. The growth and development of primary follicles is stimulated by the
hormone FSH. On the primary oocyte cells seat will divide and produce a haploid
ovum. When the follicle develops into the follicle Graaf's Cookbook, it also produces
the hormone follicle estrogens that stimulate the release of LH from the pituitary.
Estrogen stimulates the repair function that comes out the wall of the uterus, the
endometrium are depleted chipped timing of menstruation estrogen inhibits, in
addition to the formation of FSH and LH produce a pituitary ordered work stimulates
the follicle Graaf which are ripe to hold an ovulation, time around the onset of
ovulation is called estrus phase (Anita, 2013).

II. Purpose
1. Distinguish the cells of the vaginal apusan results.
2. Determine the stage of the cycle that is being observed by a female animal.
III. Methods of experiment
A. Time and Place
Day/date: Tuesday, December 2nd 2014
Time: 15:00 s/d 17:00 pm
Place: Biology Laboratory third east floor at FMIPA UNM
B. Tools and Material
a. Tools
Pipette drops
Object glass
Deck glass
b. Materials
Female Mus musculus that adults and not pregant
NaCl physiologist 0,9%
Blue methylene 1%
Alcohol 70%
Canada balsam
C. Work procedures

1. Put the pipette drops that already should be wiped with alcohol into the vagina
laboratory mice approx cm. Deep, then rotate it carefully. Then spray a
solution of NaCl into the vagina using a dropper laboratory mice are smooth.
Spray and suck over and over again until the liquid in the pipette appears
2. Squirt the liquid that is inside of the pipette over the glass objects and
methylene blue solution a little squirt at more his cell more visible under a
3. Close the object-glass with deck glass.
4. Then, put under the microscope and observe it.
5. Determine the image of the vaginal cytology apusan and reproductive cycle
stage, such as: diestrus, proestrus and estrus, metestrus.
IV. Observation Result and Discussion
A. Observation result
a. Diestrus
Observation Result


Comparison picture


Comparison picture

b. Proestrus
Observation Result

c. Estrus

Observation Result


Comparison picture


Comparison picture

d. Metestrus
Observation Result

B. Discussion
1. Diestrus phase. In this phase the vaginal apusan observations in visible
microscope consists of epithelial cells which are nucleated by very small
amounts and leukocytes in great numbers around the nucleated epithelial cells.
Phase duration approximately 55 hours. Diestrus is the last period of estrus, on
this phase corpus luteum develops perfectly and the resulting effects of
progesterone (a hormone that is produced from the corpus luteum) appears
clearly on the uterine wall and a small follicle by follicle-korpora lutea in her
pussy bigger than ovulation before.
2. Phases of proestrus. In this phase the vaginal apusan observations in visible
microscope consists of epithelial cells are spherical and nucleated leukocytes
in very small amounts or nothing at all. The length of this phase approximately
18 hours. Proestrus is a period of preparation which is characterized by the
growth of the follicle boosters by FSH follicle grows so osphronemidae.

Proestrus lasts for 2-3 days. On the phases of the moisture content on the
uterus increases and contain many blood vessels and glands glands undergo
endometrial hypertrophy.
3. Estrus Phase. In this phase was found the presence of epithelial cells Gore very
much and some epithelial cells with nuclei berdegenerasi. Leukocytes are not
visible in this phase. The length of this phase approximately 25 hours. Estrus is
the desire to mate mice form characterized by stagnant mucus out from within,
the vulva, in this phase the follicle increases with the growth we have load, the
uterus undergoes Vascularity with maximum, ovulation occurs quickly, and
epitelnya cells underwent a late development/ happens quickly.
4. Phase Metestrus. In this phase of the leukocytes started to look more to the
number a lot, in addition there are epithelial cells Gore in large quantities. The
length of this phase approximately 18 hours. Metestrus marked with cessation
of lust, ovulation occurs with rupture of the follicle, the cavity of the follicle
gradually-shrinking, ansur and expenditures stalled mucus. Besides going on a
decrease in size and vaskularitas.
V. Closing
A. Conclusion
1. The cells of the vaginal apusan results can be distinguished by looking at the
bottom line, epithelial cells and leukocytes.
2. Stages of the cycle are observed by a female animal's stages of estrus, diestrus,
proestrus and metestrus
B. Suggestion
Preferably at the time of practical don't make a fuss, so practical running orderly.

Adnan. 2010. Perkembangan Hewan. Makassar: Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM.
Anita, 2013. Siklus Reproduksi. Diakses 5 Desember 2014
Campbell, Reece, dan Mitchel. 2004. Biologi Edisi 5 Jilid 2. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Complete report of Basic Biology with the tittle Reproductive Cycle. Which made by:
: Ahmad Setiawan Jarigau
Reg. Num (ID)
: 1314442005
: ICP A Biology
: III (Three)
After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so the report accepted
Makassar, December 2nd 2014
Assistant Coordinator


Anggra Rahar Alfian

Ulva Nilawaty .S
ID : 1214441019

Lecture of Responsibility

Drs. Adnan, M.S



: Ahmad Setiawan Jarigau


: 131 4442 005



GROUP : 3 (Three)

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