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The Impact of Arching Shape

on Structural Deflections
(Static State)
Robert Zuger
Mejerigatan 16
SE26734 Bjuv

When we apply string load on an instruments it starts to deflect. The surfaces, rib, belly and back, start
to deflect. When string load is at pitch there still remain areas that not are deflected. In some manner
most of the structure becomes stressed but not all surfaces necessarily must deflect by string load.
For a violin maker it is desirable to have information about how string load deflects the violin structure and particularly the condition of belly and back. The belly and back are the main surfaces that
become forced into motion acting on the air. The air then transmits these air waves we recognize as
sound when they hit our ears. The path from a simple string attack on a string to the sound we interpret
is complicated. There are a number of steps to make before we come to the dynamic state acting on the
air. A major problem to solve therefore is how to shape the arching to reach the result we strive to
Studying how the arching shapes of belly and back deflect has been done by violin makers from early
times. Bending and twisting the free plates by hand give some information about resistant but say
nothing about how the arch shape behave in the compound instrument.
Structural engineering deals with action forces and react able structure thus where action comes about
and structures that are able withstand forces. Mainly the foundation of a building is the react able
structure, it is stationary. What happens in between the structural members of a building is of second
importance. On a violin it is the other way around here the space between structural members, if there
are some, is the important structure. This structure must deflect/move in order to bring about dynamic
state playing the instrument. All applied forces stay in the violin structure itself. An optimal state arises first when applied dynamic forces from the action on the strings become transformed into vibrating
arching shape. To be able to control the dynamic process of the vibrating arching shapes we need acting structural members and reaction able structural members that surround deflecting/vibrating arch
No one can ever learn to control the vibrating process optimally without understanding any of the
technical conditions where action and reaction come about. What happens in between is the vibration
shape. My research of the violin arching shape structure has been orientated to find out where in the
arching shape structural members are hidden that bring about desired react able conditions. I found an
answer when I located arching shape conditions that bring about a stationary framework on the compound violin that takes reaction from deflecting arching shape driven by other structural members.
These members have the function of buckling columns, on the belly, while others are columns that
become bended, on the back.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

On earlier pages on this internet site I described what I had accomplished and find out about arching
shape [1] from a special point of view. When I checked the quality of the geometric outcome, visualized by a topographical map, with instruments of Guarneri del Gesu and Stradivarius I found considerable proportions of similarity that can be related to structural members. I found significant structural
members in the arching shape that bring about a framework that have react able state and mainly is a
stationary structure. The surrounding arching shapes may move and deflect in relation to this framework driven by other deflectable structural members. These deflectable structural members must be
optimized in a special manner; they must deform the structure of the arching shapes that surround the
framework. With such structural conditions aware it becomes possible to have good control over the
deflecting arching shape areas. The combined function of the framework and the acting structural
members predict the function of the instrument. Without knowledge of these qualities it becomes hard
to control any vital function of an instrument.
This report focuses and describes static conditions of the violin structure with and without string load
of a well defined arching shape structure. A separate report will describe how to make the special
structural shapes and how to optimize the function of the instrument. In order to simplify stress conditions from the beginning I positioned the sound post on the lengths axis. There are no F-holes and no
bass bar on the belly. Later on I describe normal conditions. Figure 1 show the condition with the central positioned sound post. In that state the right and left side have mirror image shapes. On the model
I extended the sound post on the outside so it could carry a string like the bridge does. In this condition
string load is applied.

Figure 1. The centrally placed sound post with an extended column on top.
Figure 1 show cords that become stressed like the corner lines of a tent when the sound post is positioned. We can recognize pyramid shapes that arise on both belly and back. In the report I explain
what these cords represent and why they are shown as a model.
I use expressions in this report to explain special quality. These are:
Straight Tangent Line (STL). A STL is a line on the arch surface in straight direction between two
points without any space beneath. I regard the wood structure under the STL as structural members
when it's given thickness and some width condition. Figure 1 shows four STLs on the belly, the cords
with small balls.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

Partial Stabilizing Framework (PSF). A PSF arise when STLs, thus the structural members, become
tensioned by the compressed sound post between belly and back. Figure 1 shows the PSF that arise on
the belly. The cords, the structural members, make a pyramidal shape. A corresponding condition arises on the back. Its like raising two tents at the same time with the rib structure in between. These
structural members divide the arch shape in sectors shapes that may deflect independently but not
without influencing each other. In this condition no stress arises on the arch shape. What we see on the
figure is a stationary structure.
Primary Driving Structure (PDS) are the structural members that become forced primary to deflect
due to the internal stiffness conditions of the wood structure. These structural members, columns, become the acting structural members in the violin structure in relation to the PSF. These structures are
located between points on which the strings primary act, the end blocks, and the location where reaction is given. Where these reacting structures are located will be explained.
Deflecting Structure (DS) is arching shape located between the structural members of the PSF and the
Controlling the function of the violin means controlling the function of the structural members
in the framework in the first place and finally the conditions on the arching shape.
This report explains the function of such shape conditions.


1.1 The main structural deflection starts when the columns on the length axis start to bend
It is elementary to understand where and how the instruments start to deflect. We must look at figure 2
to get this understanding. A person stands on a beam with the shape of the length arc on the back.
Ropes are fitted on the ends. When the person starts to pull like we would stress a string to pitch, the
beam starts to deform. Action is on the beam ends and reaction is under the persons feet on the beam.
Downward movement is technical not possible. The person representing, the sound post in the instrument, is the only stationary structure. The only result of the applied force on the beam ends is deformation on the beam. This brings about a downward pressure on the beam but there is no downward
Since the ropes becomes shorter, like tuning strings to pitch, the end points move inward and upward.
If we continue pulling finally the ropes will make a straight line. The result of this process is increasing stress on the ropes that bring about bending of the beam. Thus action on the beam ends results in
reaction under the persons feet. The person becomes compressed and acts as a stationary column. All
applied stress is used to bend the beam. In order to have equal bending deflection on both side of the
sound post the structural quality on the beam must be absolute equal on both sides.
Already a minor difference in rigidness somewhere along the beam on one side brings about a difference in deflection. If we know where the different rigidness conditions are located we become able to
adjust and make both sides equal. If the beam has uniform thickness the bending stress will be different from the reacting point to the beam end points. Bending stress therefore varies along the beam.
This is the reason why we have thicker wood in the centre. Bending shape (curve) can be made equal
by thinning the beam in the direction from the reacting point to the end points. If we do so the bending
stress at equal cross section location along the beam can be made equal. In such condition the beam is
optimized from this special point of view. This is not easily achieved.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

Figure 2. Deflection on length axis by string load.

On an instrument the location of the sound post is not at the centre of the length. This causes several
problems. Do both sides get equal stress condition? The wood structural quality can be different and
from this the deflection may become different. Do the right and left sides participate on equal base?
1.2 Understanding balance in structural deflection and stress condition
I will give a simple explanation when structures deflect and stress conditions are disordered to bring
about desired result. At the image bellow we pull on the centre of a bar. On the bar, three rubber bands
that all have equal structural resistant are fitted between a stationary block. Two rubber bands are close
on one side while there is only one on the other side. In order to have equal stress condition on all
rubber bands we must move the location where we pull the bar. A simple calculation show where the
pulling position must be, figure 3.

Figure 3, Result of different pulling conditions

Now we compare the conditions in figure 3 with the condition on the violins beam on each side of the
sound post, figure 2. The sound post remains stationary while the beam on each side deflects. If they
deflect differently there is no absolute balance. The resistance must be equal to let both sides participate on equal bases just as it can be done on the conditions in figure 3. If one side is more rigid the
weaker side deforms more. They share the applied load with different result.
2.1 Structural qualities visualized by iso lines.
Understanding the stress applied on the end blocks, compressing the violin structure, it becomes important to have a notion what stress does with the arching shape. My study of the violin structure started with a wish to make it possible to bring about equal bending conditions on the upper and lower
bout shapes when the instrument becomes compressed at the end blocks. The intention was to construct an arching shape with equal cross arc shapes from the centre to the outline on both the upper and
lower bout shapes. This intention is attained as we can see in figure 4.
Cross section lines 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the back mark the position of such structural members where equal
cross sectional shapes are found. On the belly the 5, 6, 7 and 8 mark these arc shapes. The advantage

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

of this structural member quality becomes obvious. Compressing the violin structure must deflect these structural members equally. Since the lower bout is wider the bout bending stress and deflection
that occurs is somewhat different. This the violin maker can regulate by accurate thickness graduation
of the structural members, thus the shape of the bout area. This is no easy task. One must be aware the
quality in first place.

Figure 4. Equal cross sections on the geometric arch shape.

2.3 Straight Tangent Line (STL) structure on the arching surface

The most important structural quality I found on the geometric arching shape is the deposit of Straight
Tangent Lines (STLs) on the arching surface. STLs demarcate the location where arching shape
changes from convex to concave. There are two such STLs on each bout area shape right and left side.
The length and slope are equal but the direction to the outline is different on the upper and lower bout.
Figure 5 show the circumstances.

Figure 5. The calculated arching shape and the STL location.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

Figure 5 is a print screen image of computed iso lines of half the arching shape showing one STL
(red) on each bout shape. The input data to achieve this result comes from the earlier described geometric concept on this internet site. The green line is at the 0,00mm level. I name this the base line.
The red iso line is at 4,00mm level. The 4,00 mm level marks the boundary shape on the arching that
has a geometric decided arching shape. The shape outside the 4,00mm level has inverse shape, concave.
In the following figures I show by holding a ruler on the arching surface how the arching shape changes from convex to concave.
Figure 6, the arching shape on the bout, the convex shape
Figure 7, the STL shape, demarcating convex from concave arching shape
Figure 8, the arching shape at the C-bout, the concave shape.
The ruler moves parallel in relation where the STL is found.

Figure 6. The convex shape on the bout sector shape

Figure 7. The STL shape dividing concave from convex shape

Figure 8. Concave shape on the C-bout sector shape

2.4 The STLs regarded as structural members
Structure under the STLs is given the condition of structural members by regarding them as bars.
The circumstances with convex on one side and concave on the other makes the location of this structural member very stable. When the convex side shape is forced into an even more convex (bulging)
shape, the concave must simultaneously become more concave (curving inward). The opposite deflection is demarcated by the STLs. The deflections occur in a seesaw movement where the STL structural member is the axis.
2.5 A Partly Stabilizing Framework (PSF)
A special structural quality arises on the arch shape from these STL structural members. They bring
about a framework whose shape is found in an octahedron with truncated tops, figure 9. The PSF arises when the STLs structural members become stressed when the compressed sound post forces the

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

truncated pyramid tops longer from each other. The end points of the corner lines, the STLs, are on
the outline shape of the rib. What happens is the same as raising a tent. The corner lines, the STLs,
become stressed and the framework arises. See also figure 1, a model of the PSF.

Figure 9. The Partly Stabilizing Frameworks (PSFs) with the STLs

Depending on stress on the STLs the PSF become more or less stable. In this condition the surrounded
convex and concave arching shapes are not affected by stress. Figure 11 shows that the extension of
the STL is on the rib upper side.

Figure 10. The extension of the STL is on the rib

A very special condition arises when the PSF is established. The STLs demarcate arching shape areas
from each other into sector shapes. The upper and lower bout sector arching shapes have convex
shapes, figure 11. The C-bout shapes are close to the STLs concave arching shapes and changes slowly in the remainder C-bout areas to convex arching shapes. The result of this state makes it possible to
affect the deflecting behavior on each of the sector shapes to a certain extent. When sector shapes deflect they influence each other by the seesaw movement, fulcrum on the STL location

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

Figure 11. Sector shapes arise by the PSF

2.6 The impact of PSF quality is dependent on arching height
On a total flat shape, no STLs and no PSF arise. The deformation of the flat shape is completely dependent on the properties of the internal wood stiffness. However, already on a very low arching shape
based on the geometric construction the STLs that arise bring about PSF quality. Figures 12 and 13
show arching shapes with different arch height and structural quality of the PSF dividing the arching
shape into sectors that deflect differently.

Figure 12. STLs on an arching shape with low, 5 mm height render in lower stiffness

Figure 13. STLs on an arching shape with high, 25 mm height render in higher stiffness
2.7 Negative consequences of diverging STL conditions
It is reasonable to expect the PSF to have STLs of equal lengths and slope etcetera ending at the rib.
The compressed sound post brings about equal stress conditions on the STLs structural members in

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

such state. If a single STL has diverging shape the conditions become interrupted. In order to give
some understanding of how such diverging condition affect the quality of the PSF I give a description
of similar conditions that arise sitting on a chair with unequal length on the legs.
When we sit down on a chair with four legs we expect them to carry our weight on an equal base.
When one leg is somewhat shorter the legs in a diagonal direction must carry more load. Three legs
can almost carry the complete weight of the person by moving the centre weight position. In that state
one leg gets no weight at all. Moving the centre weights position to the other side of the diagonal loaded legs we can bring about reverse condition. However, the two diagonal positioned legs always carry
load. What has all this to do with the PSF?
When one leg thus the STL has a diverging inclination, it cannot participate on equal basis when the
STLs become stressed by the expelling force of the squeezed sound post. If we have a diverging condition on both belly and back STL inclination we do not have any notion where this state affects the
PSF structural member and how the shape may deflect when string load occurs. We simply do not
know what PSF structural member conditions come about.
However, the wrong conditions will always come about to some extent. If the STLs structural members are not straight they will bring about deflection on both the convex and concave arching shapes
when they become stressed, see figure 14. Also wrong STLs structural members will get some stress.
When this happens the pointing direction of the STL may change direction and affect the conditions
on other sector shapes. As a result all other STLs structural members become to some extent affected
by wrong circumstance. The resulting stress conditions expected to be equal become different and the
violin maker is not able making sufficient corrections to make conditions better. Knowing what to
accomplish from the beginning is a must to do so.

Figure 14. Consequences of wrong STL structural member direction (exemplified).

Before we look at the deflection of the compound violin structure we must look at the deflection
of the belly and back length arc beam. This is where string load give its primacy resistance.
2.8 How the belly and back length arc shapes become structural columns
In all structural design the primary loaded structural members are given the strongest structural state.
When this state is loaded to a certain stress the shape they may start to deflect. The conditions to withstand load in that state can be dependent on another structural shape that participate. We first looked at
the beam in figure 2. Now we look at conditions with belly and back beams shown in figure 15. The
internal wood conditions have their main resistance orientated to withstand load in the length axis of
the violin structure. In that direction the wood bending resistance is 15-20 times stronger than the
cross wood bending resistance. This is familiar to all violin makers. Technically we talk about anisotropic conditions.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Anisotropic: Properties of a material depend on the direction; for example, wood. In a piece of
wood, you can see lines going in one direction; this direction is referred to as "with the grain". The
wood is stronger with the grain than "against the grain". Strength is a property of the wood and
this property depends on the direction; thus it is anisotropic.
Now when string load slowly come about the structural columns of both the belly and back at a certain
stress state cannot withhold and they start deflecting. In figure 15 I show how I prefer the columns to
buckle and bend. I talk about preference since it is possible to let this occur differently. The end blocks
start moving inward and upward. Important is that string load deflecting the columns in such manner
that the end blocks movement remain parallel to the sound post.
If we succeed in bring about this movement the neck and fingerboard will not tilt. A tilting movement
causes the neck and fingerboard to rock. In a dynamic state it will vibrate.
The deflection of the columns of the belly and back come about by interaction. They share the load
acting on the end blocks but must deflect differently in order to bring about a parallel movement of the
end blocks. I show this with figure later on more specific.

Figure 15. Desirable deformation by interaction of belly and back.

We can study what is necessary by looking at the underlying geometric shape.
I observe 2 iso scales trapezoids (green). They have the sound post as the common base. The end
blocks are the upper base. The legs are the chord lines of the columns (arc shape). The end blocks
move parallel to the sound post inward. The lengths of the legs, the chord lines, must change. The
belly chord lines become shorter than the back cord lines. As a consequence the belly column must get
buckling allowable condition and the back column must have bending allowable condition. This
means that the belly has greater deflection by the fact that the distance between the end block and the
stationary structure changes. The interaction between the belly and back regulate the movement of the
end blocks and the deflections that occurs.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed



I found the following conditions when the PSF with the STLs are in a perfect state.
4.1 The function of the Primary Driving Structure (PDS)
PDS occurs when varying (increased and decreased) string stress moves the end blocks and compress
the arching structure along the length axis. To let any deformation occur we must overcome the resistance that makes the column buckling and the end blocks to move location. When this happens the
belly column starts buckling. I call this state the Primary Driving Structure (PDS) since this buckling
causes lateral shape to deflect (secondary deflection). Figure 16 illustrate the conditions that arise.

Figure 16. The PDS affect the lateral structures.

The figure explains the principles of how the columns drive the lateral arch shapes to deflect. When
the structural column starts buckling lateral arching shape functions like brake mechanism. The lateral
arching structure is only a part of the Deflecting Structure (DS). It is obvious that the lateral arches to
a large degree have influence on the deflection of the columns. The deflecting columns in return drive
the lateral arch structure to deflect. The PDS thus drives the complex DS that have both convex and
concave shapes on the arching. The STLs and the PSF decide where the deflection on the bout shape
respectively the C-bout shapes comes about.
Now we imagine the lateral arches in the upper and lower bout areas as being rubber bands. The resistance in the rubber bands predicts the allowance of buckling of the column. Figure 16 illustrates
these conditions. The rubber bands are marked with in green. Depending which rubber bands we cut
we can allow where buckling forces on the column increases. But of course the column resistance in
its self also can be changed.
When we reduce the buckling resistance by making the column thinner the rigidness decreases and the
rubber bands become more affected when the column starts buckling even more. The rubber bands are
part of the DS driven by the columns. Similar conditions arise on the back structure.
The conditions with the rubber bands are comparable with thickness graduating the resistant. What we
are doing is graduating the bending resistance by graduating the thickness. Conditions on area A must
be equal to A: 1 in order to have equal deflection on the shapes. It also prevents the column to twist.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Small dissimilarity may influence deflection modes to arise correct. This complex system where stress
thus deflects the areas A and A: 1 will influence deflection on area B and B: 1 in the seesaw movement on the STL. B and B: 1 thus has influence in the deflecting process of the complete arching
shape and the stiffness conditions on these shapes are of importance for a perfect structural deflection
of the complete structure. These conditions the violin maker must learn to handle. Wrong balance on
the right and left sides may cause twisting of the complete structure and of course affect the dynamic
state and the modes that may arise. How to handle these problems will be described in another report.
In figure 17 I show some cross arc shapes I observed on the upper and lower bout shapes. We see the
STLs numbered 2. Perpendicular to the STLs we see the cross arc shapes number 3 and 4. When point
A and B on the lengths arc deflects outward they may do this in relation to the STLs with seesaw
movement. Arc shapes 3 and 4 have the same shape. With the support of the STL and the lengths arc
the deflection of these shapes becomes possible. Proportionally the upper and lower bout shapes have
equal structural qualities in many respects.
In the C-bout we see number 5 cross arc shapes that may have equal function when they deflect. On
the upper and lower bout we see cross shapes number 6 that may deflect equally by compression. Figure 4 shows some other equal arc shapes. Corresponding quality is found on the belly arch shape. The
STLs starts at the truncated pyramid shown by the dotted lines.

Figure 17. Equal cross arch shape conditions

4.2 About Deflecting Structure (DS)

Deflecting Structure, DS, is all structure other than the Partial Stabilizing Framework, PSF, include
the sound post. Simply expressed the DS thus mainly is the entire structure with exception of the
function of the PSF.
When DS becomes active the C-bout shape is forced to curve inward. Plus and minus in figure 18
shows what happens in relation to the framework, the STLs. The downward force deforms the cross
arc shape in the C-bout into widening the structure. The widening can occurs in spite of the sound post
holding stationary distance between the belly and back. The STL as the structural member in the
framework retain position and shape while the bout shape bulge outward and the C-bout shape curve

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


inward. In order to have equal behavior on all four STLs the stress as it occurs in the PSF state, must
retain. What can go wrong is described earlier. Look again at figure 14. If the structural members in
the STLs not are straight they will deflect and affect the arching to deflect before any string load is
applied. Such deflecting conditions are negative.

Figure 18, Deflecting conditions along the STLs at the back plate.
4.3 Principle movement of the Driving Force (DF) on the end blocks and Deflecting Structure (DS)
Figure 19 illustrates what happens on a cross section on parallel location along the length axis almost
at the position of the number 6 cross shapes shown in figure 17. The red line represents winter annual
grown wood. The condition primary is equal the belly. Anisotropic wood quality give us the opportunity to look at the winter grown wood being a structural member with bigger internal bending
resistance. Figure 19 show the shape of such a beam. Where the beam intersects the STL reaction is
given and the deflection that occurs a downward pressure in the C-bout. The downward movement in
the C-bout, inwardly curving, is responsible for the downward force that widens the C-bout as we see
in figure 20, 21 and 22

Figure 19. Deflection on a cross section parallel to the length axis.

The figures 20, 21 and 22 shows with arrows how string load at the end blocks deflect the arching

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Figure 20 the deformation of the belly arch by forces on the end blocks

Figure 21 the deformation of the back arch by forces on the end blocks
When the bout arching shape starts bulging outwards the violin body becomes shorter while simultaneously as a result the C-bout arching is forces curving inwards and the structure widen. All this
happens with the sound post as the stationary structure together with the PSF with the STLs. The
complete violin structure with the stress that arises on the bout and C.-bout shapes functions like
springs that act on each other. An alternating motion arises which is shown in figure 22.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Figure 22. The alternating deflection in the violin structure.

4.4 The structural members in the intricate structural system
In figure 23 we see the structural members that together bring about conditions to let arching shape
deflection occur in a controllable manner.

Figure 23. The intricate structural members on the violin structure.


5.1 What do we know for sure how a violin structure deflects?
Some valuable information of structural deflection is given by a measurement investigation at the National Physical Laboratory (UK) as part of PhD N.Harris thesis [3]. NH shows the deflection on specific points on the violin structure before and after string load is applied. The information is given
from a computed average altitude of four points that have their location at the widest bouts. They are
marked with red balls in figure 25. These points have no stationary state related to each other on the
violin structure. They are only points from which the measurement is presented by numbers by NH.
To get precise information of the deflection we must recalculate the numbers to stationary structure
when deflection occurs. The only stationary structure from which to observe is the sound post on its
ends on the outside of belly and back. This has been explained earlier. The numbers in figure 21 are
shown in relation to this condition. The location on the back and belly outside is given the 0,000 mm
stationary location. I have added -0,223mm to all numbers on the NH measuring presentation in order
to give a measurement representation from the stationary sound post at the top and bottom of the PSF.
The 0,233mm number on the back is the end point location of the sound post in relation to the red
balls NH used. Now this is at the 0,000mm altitude.
A small error remains since the four red balls NH are at the average 0,000mm level of four points. The
acceptation of this state, not having information of the deflection between those points, affects the real
deflection in some respect of all other points. However, the resulting measurement precision is acceptable to get good information about the deflection in relation to the stationary sound post ends.
Another figure shows with arrows in which direction the deflection changes in an uphill or downhill
direction from the new 0,000mm level.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


The new numbers confirm the bending shown in figure 24. The compression by string load brings
about the bout shapes to bulges on both belly and back. In this respect there is no difference to the NH
observations. The difference consists in what I observe along the lengths axis in relation to the NH
representation. NH claims that the centre part is forced downward and the end blocks in some manner
upward. Contrary all explanations given by others I claim that the sound post retain at stationary position while all other shape may deflect. Figure 24 confirms this state based on the deflecting principle
shown in figure 15.

Figure 24. Measurement result from the National Physical Laboratory (UK)
observed from outside.
Now we look specifically at the deflection on the length arc shape that arises by different observational methods.
Conditions observed by the author.
The deflection shown comes from the information in figure 24. (based on NH measurement)
Red balls are the fix points (stationary) on the structure described in this report.
Black balls are deflecting points
Red lines is the deflecting shape (exaggerated).
Black lines show structural shape before string load occurs.

Figure 25. Structure deflection from string load observed by the author.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


The deflection that occurs is based on the principle shown in figure 26.

Figure 26. The person (one) is stationary, the end points move (two) different.
Conditions observed by Nigel Harris
Figure 27 shows deflection as it is measured by PhD N.Harris. NH observes both downward and upward deflection due to the observation position on non stationary location on the violin structure
when the instrument deflects. This observation gives a wrong picture of deflection.

Figure 27. Structure deflection observed by Phd N.Harris.

Structural deflection observed at National Physical Laboratory (UK)
Open red circles are positions of observation computed being average stationary level at 0,000mm.
Red lines show deflecting shape (exaggerated) of the structure.
Black lines show the structure before string load.
Black balls are deflecting points.
Blue open circles are points located on the length arc of belly and back that remain at stationary
position observed from the red bals location on the violin structure. Other observation location will
produce other deflection and will move the position of the blue circles. A observation postion on the
end block will result in deflection where all structure move downward. Observation on the sound post
ends will show that structure around will deflect upward. This is what figure 24 shows.
Any new measurement with other computed stationary location (red open ball) between the sound post
and end blocks will bring about another deflection picture. NH in his report describes that the blue
open circles in figure 27 are points where deflection on the lengths axis changes from inward into
outward bending. These points are found on the dotted lines NH shows on his report figure 8.
N.Harris in his report on page 8 he writes: The dotted lines added to the diagrams of the back and
front separate areas of outward movement from areas of inward movement in the plates [5]
NH with this measurement likes to give sufficient proof for the deflection that occurs. In my opinion
NH gives misleading information when he withholds information that the red balls are not stationary
structures but only observation location on moving structure. Any new measurement from another
red balls location between the sound post and the end blocks will bring about another picture of the
deflection outcome of upward and downward deflection. A downward movement of the sound post is
technically not possible.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


To be able to achieve such deflection one must hold the end blocks firm in a stationary position. Such
conditions we find in the investigation by A.Langhoff.
Condition observed by A.Langhoff, Mauro Facchini, Paolo Zanetta.
I looked at the TV holographic investigation by A. Langhoff [4]. A.L holds the end blocks fixed on a
stationary structure, figure 298. The end blocks must be held fixed. A downward movement comes
about by increasing string load. Of course nothing is wrong on the observation as the investigation has
been done. Whats wrong is the misunderstanding of what on the violin structure is stationary and
what moves. A.Ls observation is in correspondence with the conditions in figure 29, the stationary end
blocks. Such conditions never arise on a violin in playable state as an almost free structure.

Figure 28. Structure deflection observed by A.Langhoff.

Structural deflection observed on a TV holographic investigation.
Red balls are fix part of the structure fitted to a stationary structure.
Black balls are relocating part of the structure
Red lines are deflecting shapes (exaggerated)
Black lines show structural shape before string load.

Figure 29. The trees are stationary structures while the person moves (bridge/sound post).
A.Langhoff observe string stress acting on the end blocks as stationary trees with a down load
deformation on the instrument at the bridge/sound post. His research is based on this princeple
understanding how string load deflect the instrument.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Neither N.Harris nor A.Langhoff has taken into account where the action and reaction occurs on the
violin as a free structure. N.Harris shows the conditions that are in between the figures 25 and 28 or 26
and 29. Not understanding the right conditions, both undertook their investigations already from the
very beginning from a wrong understanding that led to wrong outcome.


5.1 Holographic investigation of back
In order to get a verification of the conditions described above a holographic investigation should confirm the quality of the PSF with the STLs structural members. The shape of the PSF would only deflect slightly in relation to all the other shapes.
At Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, LTH, Sweden, I carried out a holographic investigation to
get a verification. The instrument was placed with the rib on a supporting structure so that the length
axis of the instrument is in horizontal position. The instrument was held at the end points of the sound
post on the outside arch shape being the only stationary structure of the instrument, figure 30.

Figure 30. The holding condition of the instrument (viola).

The friction of the rib on the supporting structure was not measured since the supposed deflection
moving the rib sideways almost is impossible to measure. In this position the instrument was held for
24 hours before any picture was taken. A picture was taken and then a higher string load was applied
only to the G string, by rotating the string tuner 4 degrees. A series of pictures was taken every 30
seconds. The picture shown below was taken after 20 minutes, figure 31. A day later we find that no
further deformation happened.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Figure 31. The deformation on the viola back

We can see the presence of the PSF structural member function and that deflection arises on the upper
and lower bout areas surrounded by the STLs and the scoop. The upper and lower bout areas almost
participate equally in the transition of the increased string load. The deflections come about by interaction with the deflection on the belly.
Thus fare in this report we have looked on deflection conditions with the sound post positioned
at the lengths arc as it is shown in figure 1. From now on the position of the sound post is at its
normal location behind the bridge. The extended column now has two load points on the belly
one just in front of the sound post and the other on the bass bar. Conditions still remain in a
static state.
String load on the length arc shape can be compared to column load conditions.
In engineering we find structural members, columns, which starts buckling at high compressive stress.
The length arc of the arching on the violin can be compared to such conditions, columns starts buckling when they become loaded by high compressive stress. However, columns on the violin structure
already from the beginning have a deformed shape while structural members, like columns in buildings, must remain straight and always are upright.
Figure 32a illustrates three different conditions on equal shaped columns with different conditions at
the end points. Critical conditions arise when the column starts to buckle. This may depend on how
slim the column is and the conditions at the end points of the column where they fitted and or hold at

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Figure 32a. Different load conditions on columns.

Figure 32b. The pinned-pinned condition

We see three different conditions on the end points of the column, figure 32a
1. Top and bottom pinned = hold at location but the end points allows rotation, figure 32b.
2. Top and bottom fixed = no rotation at fix points allowed which bring about other buckling.
3. Top fixed and bottom pinned = No rotation at top but rotation on bottom.
Another condition comes about when the top of the column also is forces in side way direction. Such
condition arises on the violin structure, figure 33. the column AD at the belly shape.
Each one of the columns in figure 32a before any load is applied is completely straight. In order to
make them to deflect sideways by X, they must be loaded different to do so depending on their end
point conditions. What we see is that the fixed-fixed condition withstands much higher load then
the two others (do not allow rotation on the end points). The pinned-pinned is the easiest condition
for buckling (do allow rotation at the end points).
There are "fulcrum" conditions at the column end points. Figure 32b show such condition that allows
rotation at the centre point (axis). The fixed condition prevents rotation. Close to the end point the
column first must bend before it starts buckling. We see that different weights are needed to let the
columns buckling side way equally by X. The differences depend on the end point conditions whether
they are pinned (function like a fulcrum) or fixed or a combination of both.
We find similar conditions on the violin structure. However, what is very important on the violin
structure is that we must not construct the column to withstand buckling. We must find critical buckling condition that make the column buckling. Any buckling of the column than affects the lateral arch
shape to deflect. What we seek for are conditions where arching areas participate in bulging of the

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


bout shape within the STL sector. The utmost condition arise when the complete arch shape deflect
and become stress in some manner. It is not possible to make equally stress conditions all over the area
in a bout shape but it is important to have deflection on as large areas as possible. Any change in increasing or decreasing compression load on the end blocks than allow the aching shape in the STL
sector to become more stress and change shape.
The highest buckling stress arises where the column bent most. When the column starts to buckle we
have reached the state were PDS starts, the Primary Driving Structure. At this very critical state also
the lateral arch shape starts to deflect. The buckling resistant in relation to the cross bending resistant
is about 15-20 times higher. This depends on the anisotropic structure of the wood.
No two pieces will ever have the same conditions. To bring DS conditions about we are limited to the
max load that string stress can bring about at string pitch. So, the critical resistant quality, the arch
shape and the thickness, are the qualities we must bring in a state where PDS and DS become active.
We are limited to string stress of about 36-40 Kp depending on string quality. About 34-38 Kp act as
compression on the end blocks, the load P2, like the column load in figure 32a. At the same time a
horizontal force come about by about 8-10 Kp, P1. We see these circumstances in figure 33.
Only halve the instrument structure is shown but the circumstances are almost equal on the other side.
The only differences that come about depend on the string angle on the bridge to the end block. Different vector forces P1 and P2 than come about.

Figure 33. Deflection caused by string load on end blocks.

On the figure we see the main structural condition based on the geometric shape of an isosceles trapezoid, ABCD. The base of the trapezoid AB is the sound post which remains stationary. This has been
explained before. The top base is the end block on the violin structure, CD. The legs of the trapezoid
are BC and AD. These legs BC and AD also are the chord lines of the belly and back arc shapes,

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Chord 1 and Chord 4 with ARC 1 and ARC 2. The load applied is SL (String Load). SL is divided
into two vector forces, a horizontal and a vertical, P1 and P2.
When SL becomes active when strings are brought into pitch condition the structure starts to deflect.
Finally we find a new trapezoid ABC1D1. The upper base CD is forced to a new location C1D1 while
the base AB still remain in its stationary state. The chord length conditions changes by the P1 and P2
The end point of CHORD1 at C mainly rotates side way with B as the rotating centre point. This side
way movement mainly comes about by the P1 load. A new location C1 is found. The length of the
CHORD 1 mainly remain unchanged, so CHORD 2 = CHORD 1. On the violin structure the arc
must bend over the stationary base at B the sound post end. On the violin this causes bending all along
The bending conditions depend on wood thickness thus resistance. The largest bending that come
about comes from the moment P1*L1 (B) and decreases to zero at C. This is the reason why to thickness graduate of the back arc different from the centre to the end blocks in order to bring about equal
bending stress condition along the length arc.
The conditions on Chord 3 become quite different. Point D is forced side way to D1, which is equal to
the side way movement from C to C1 caused by P1. To let this side way movement of CD happen
parallel to AB the load P2 must compress the CHORD 4 length into a shorter CHORD 3. However,
the lengths of ARC2 remain unchanged and must bent to fit the length on CHORD 3. The load SL,
thus P1 together with P2, bring about the new chord length and the ARC2 is forced to change shape.
There arise buckling on ARC 2 in some way like columns load conditions in figure 32a. Most likely
pinned condition at A, as I will explain, and fixed at C, fixed to the end block.
While the ARC1 and ARC2 from the beginning have equal arc shape and length now the ARC 1 have
slightly different shape caused by relocation from C to C1, while ASRC2 now have a completely new
shape caused by P1 and P2. These deformations arise by interaction of the arcs BC and AD which
means that the allowance of bending of the back ARC1 highly is involved what happens with ARC2
and vise verse. Certainly a complex interaction to control especially when we also must control what
happens with the other part of the instrument under the base bellow AB.
If the ARC 2 is complete rigid no side way movement ever will arise. The deformation, buckling of
ARC2 in that state only comes about by load P2. When such state comes about a rotation of the upper
block must be brought about at the point C. When this happens the neck and finger board become
tilted. In a dynamic state where the deformation condition changes all the time the neck starts to rock.
The deformation described above from no string load into string pitch load thus can bring about very
special conditions that must be controlled. Any increasing of SL increases P1 and P2. This is what
happens when we attack one or two strings in the playing condition. The ARC1 becomes more bended
and the ARC 2 bents even more. These conditions bring about a dynamic state in the length arc shapes
acting on the lateral arch shapes.
What we must look for is bringing about such critical conditions that affect bout arching shapes demarcated by the STLs and the outline to the end block. The complete arch structures are brought into a
state of a spring. The more sensitive this spring becomes the better dynamical state and vibration
modes will come about.
I return to this in a special report that describes improvement of the dynamic state.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed



There is no doubt that string load bring about movement on the end blocks in relation to sound post
that remain in stationary position. This has been discussed on the first page of this internet site. What
happens when the end blocks move location is exaggerated shown in figure 34. Equal conditions are
on a shape bellow the sound post AB.

Figure 34. Extreme deformation on length axis

The cross bout arc shapes on R4 increases the volumes of the lateral bout shapes, thus the volume of
the instrument structure. This deflection is verified by the measurement shown in figure 24. Already a
minor shortening of the altitude CD to C1D1 will increase the area and the violin structure volume.
This extreme deformation of course never happens on an instrument but it tells us that any movement
of the upper base will increase the volume. Increasing the volume means that the violin body starts
inhaling air. In a dynamic state the volume will changes continuous and bring about air flow through
the F-holes. The movement also brings about an air pressure in the structure.
No movement of the end blocks means that no breathing trough the F-holes come about.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed



Figure 35 bellow show conditions where the sound post is at its normal position in the instrument.
Special attention is directed to the belly where extraordinary circumstances arise. The back still is
affected mainly by bending on the stationary sound post end. The normal position of the sound post
behind the bridge foot does not change the bending conditions dramatically on the back.
The load on the bridge is about 10Kp divided by two bridge feet. 5Kp goes to each bridge feet.
9.1 Conditions at the treble bridge foot.
The treble bridge feet, figure 35, have a total load of about 5Kp. This load can bring about only a minor bending moment between the two stationary fix points. The sound post top acts as a fulcrum. The
moment that arise at the sound post is the bridge foot load 5Kp multiplied with the distance between
the centre of the sound post (fulcrum) to the centre of the bridge feet on one side and the fix point in
front of the upper F-hole eyes (fulcrum) to the centre of the bridge feet at the other side.
Both fix points have fulcrum function stationary as they are. What we see is a downward movement
between the stationary fix points and an outward buckling of the bout arch shapes as it is explained
before. Rotations like a seesaw motion come about at the fulcrums.
We find the pinned condition of the column in figure 32a and b. The load condition that comes
about increases the buckling of the bout arc columns and also increases the deflection on the section
between the fulcrums. They help and influence each other to do more as by a load on the end block
respectively the bridge feet.

Figure 35. Deflection on length arc columns at the treble bridge foot

Depending on the stiffness conditions of each of these shapes they will influence each other. Also here
we can talk about the spring function of the bout columns and the bending at the mid field. The
shapes will go back to an earlier state when the dynamics in the bowing state stops. If the buckling
stiffness on columns are different they will bent different and the stress conditions on the lateral bout
shapes also become different. In such state we must accept that they then do not share the applied
string stress or increased string stress on equal base. The weakest becomes more active. The mid field

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


bending also has influence on the stress that may come about since the moment from the bridge feet to
the fulcrums is unequal.
Buckling circumstances of the bout columns become very difficult to fore say on free plates as well as
the stress on the lateral arching shapes.
9.2 Conditions at the bass bar bridge foot.
The length arc shape at the bass bar bridge foot has only one stationary fix point, the fulcrum in front
of the upper F-hole eyes, figure 36.
Looking at the bass bar bridge foot we observe different circumstances. First to observe is that we
have only one fix structure, the fulcrum at the upper F-hole eye. On the column between the lower end
block and the fulcrum, the fix structure, the bridge feet resist the column to bent outward by downward string load.
Studying figure 24 closely we observe an outward buckling caused by the compressing loads on the
end blocks. In spite of the bridge foot load the compressing load on the end block has the overhand
and the column bent outward. A more or less rigid bass bar brings about other buckling conditions.
The shape and rigidness of the bass bar have large influence on the buckling of the column between
the lower block and the fulcrum at the upper F-hole. These conditions will affect the conditions in the
dynamic state. I return to this in another report.

Figure 36. Deflection on the length arc shape at the bass bar bridge foot.
9.3 Bulging of the bout shapes.
The buckling on the bout columns in high degree is dependent on the rigidness of the lateral arching
shapes that must allow such deflection. First when they do we can talk about bulging of the bout
shape. The bulging area is demarcated by the STLs and the instrument outline to the upper respectively the lower end block.
While columns in buildings never may come into critical buckling conditions I expect the violin columns to bent and the bout shapes to bulge cause by the compression at the forces on the end blocks.
Specific conditions where increasing string load from bowing bring about fluctuating buckling and
bulging are related to critical buckling and bulging conditions.
The interaction between the deflecting belly and back must be trimmed to participate at special conditions. Also the interaction between the deflecting upper bout and lower bout areas, especially the belly,
must be optimized. This the violin makers can handle by thickness graduating the bout area shapes and

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


C-bout area shapes as well as the bending resistance of the back that foremost function like a spring.
Interaction is the answer to bring about optimal condition.
How to do I explain in another report that describes the dynamic of the bout shape conditions.


When we look at the belly arching shape without any F-hole opening it is impossible to fore say where
any outward bending starts at a specific location at the top of the arch. We need a technical solution to
be sure where and how deflection may happen. Making parallel cuts through the arch shape, slits,
somewhere parallel the length axis outside the bridge feet makes local downward bending possible
This bending than have a starting and end points decided by the lengths of the slit. The slit separate the
continuous cross arc shapes which is needed to allow downward bending.
The vault structure (arch) that would carry the load not longer exists. Now the stationary supporting
sound post has got the supporting function. But when we place the sound post back the bridge feet we
allow bending deformation. This deformation is limited to the length of the slits between stationary
points. So what we need is another stationary structure to be sure where the downward bending
changes to out ward buckling. The end point of the slits may bring about such specific location.
From a technical point of view a slit is not a good solution since the slit easy can continue to cleave
the wood structure into ever growing. When this happens we lose control where any specific stationary structure is located.
By cutting the end of the slit line in a gentle curve sideway a specific length end point is brought
about on the arching shape and the problem with possible cleaving is eliminated. We see this solution
at the upper F-hole eyes. With this solution we have decided the width of the column, to the distance
between the F-hole eyes. On the other end of the slit the curve starts at the sound post and ends at the
lower F-hole eyes. These technical solutions give us the understanding that the function of the F-hole
not is limited to a simple sound hole but make specific bending conditions possible.
The upper F-hole eyes thus have very important structural quality for possible deflection of the entire
structure. A specific deflection comes about with help of the PSF. When the bout areas bulge the
STLs function as a seesaw axis. The concave C-bout shape is forces downward. This causes the Cbout to widen and hold down the cross arc shape in front of the upper F-hole eyes. We see this illustrated in figure 16. The combination of the slit as the F-hole represent with its demarcating end point
and the function of the STLs makes a perfect stationary fulcrum location. In this state the length of
both columns are almost equal.
We see the deflecting circumstances in figure 37 illustrated by + and signs. We see how different
areas move by increased or decreased string load in relation to the STLs and the Stationary fulcrums.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Figure 37. Deflecting areas on the belly by equal load on both bridge foot.


In figure 35 and 36 the arc shaped columns mainly have much higher buckling resistant than lateral arc
shapes bending conditions depending on anisotropic wood structure qualities
The lateral arching between the fulcrums is interrupted by the F-holes. The lateral arching shapes, the
F-hole wings, thus have influence on the downward bending of the structure between the fulcrums.
When downward bending between the fulcrums come about the F-hole wing has no connection shape
to the upper bout and the rib structure.
The wing end point thus is free to move in relation the upper bout shape and may point in another
direction driven by bending between the fulcrums. Figure 38 illustrate these conditions. However, this
is not the only condition that predicts the wing to move freely.
Increasing the open length of the F-hole along the length axis will change the bending conditions between the fulcrums. The bending resistant decreases, the tip of the F-hole wing participate less. The tip
can move easier. Downward bending by an increased F-hole opening along the length axis increases
the possibility to bend different. It becomes possible to affect both conditions by chancing the F-hole
Furthermore all perpendicular cross ach shapes between the fulcrums have their vault arc shape interrupted by the F-hole openings. A complicated combination of length shape and perpendicular cross
arc shapes arises. However, the deflection on what is known the island always is small in relation to
the deflection and movement of the bout shapes.
I return to these conditions in a separate report about the dynamc state of thecomplete structure.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Figure 38. The F-hole wing moves up and down.


Another important quality related to deflection is the compression force on the squeezed sound post.
The underlaying shape of the longitudinal cross shape consists of two trapezoids that have common
base, the sound post. The upper bases are the end block of each trapezoid. The legs of the trapeziod are
the chord lines of the belly and back arc shapes. When we lenghten the sound post, thus the trapezoid
base, the chordlines become forced to be longer, thus the length of the chord lines increases. The arc
shape allow such deformation by making a larger radii. The altitude of the arc in relation to the chord
line becomes lower while the length of the arc remain unchanged.
The arc becomes forced inward and the earlier outward bending, the stress that was brought about by
string load on the end blocks becomes reduced and hold back the buckling of the arc. The buckling
stress on the arc and the bending on the lateral arching shapes now may be in better condition, while
some others are not. The bending stress is reduced on all bout shapes. However, each arc and arching
shape can be brought into better condition by reducing the thickness which allow them to deflect
other, hopefully more equally and with better interaction in the intricate system.
Finally bending stress conditions may be equal on the sector bout shapes. These conditions becomes
possible to control whith an arching shape that have a PSF where sector shapes are demarcated by the
STLs which is shown in figure 37. Lenghtening the sound post will also bring about increased tension
on the STLs. The PSF become more stable. How to handle these circumstances is explained in
another report.
Figure 39 show how arc shapes may deflect by lenghtening the sound post.

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Figure 39. Length arch shape deflection by changing sound post length.
Depending on the stiffness of the belly and back the deflection X and Y become different and affect
the arc shapes to bend inward different. These circumstances has to do with interaction.

This report has given a detailed explanation how special structural arching shape based on a simple
geometric construction may deflect by applied string load. I have recognized special structural quality
as structural members that have impact on the deflection of the structure. The geometric construction
is simple to retain in memory without making notes.
Ones found and understood the importance of the structural members of the PSF structure with STLs
it becomes much easier to shape and thickness graduate the arch shape. This is what early violin makers learned making their arch shapes, making precise PSF with STLs. They still can be found on instruments after 300 years. It also explains how the bulging deformation on the bouts on the length axis
comes about. This deflection comes mainly from of the length arch shaped column, a structural member.
Deflections in the first place do not come about by the downward load of the bridge on the belly but
by the compressing and vertical force on the end blocks that bent the complete structure. How the
structure deflects is described in relation to structural members.
Figure 40 show the simple geometric layout that brings about described qualities. The location and
shape of these lines are explained earlier on this internet site [1]. The layout is the foundation to construct templates. Accurate modeling with these templates will bring about perfect PSF shape with

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


Figure 40. The simple geometric structure to retain in memory.

[1] Zuger.R, Structural design,
[2] About structural engineering.
[3] Harris.N,, research report "On arching shape and violin tone"
[4] A.Langhoff, Mauro Facchini, Paolo Zanetta, Static deformation measurements on violins by optical TV-holography, Catgut Acoust. Soc. J. Vol.2, No.6 (SeriesII) November 1994
[5] Harris N, On arching shape and violin tone, Part 1

Article Copyright 201209 Robert Zuger. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

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