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A Guide On What Really Preventing You From

Getting Pregnant

Eddy Kong
Certified Behavioral Consultant (USA)
EKWW Global Marketing

A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


About The Author: Eddy Kong

Eddy Kong is a Certified Behavioral Consultant
awarded by Institute for Motivational Living, Inc (USA).
He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from University of
Southern Queensland, Australia.
He is known for his unique way of sharing health-related
information, he actually walks the talk through his
own experience.
He is one of the leading certified behavioral consultants
that provide quality behavioral consultations to small-medium enterprises,
individuals and providing quality health information to many individuals.
His forte is in helping many people achieve excellence in their lives with regards
to health through his many uniquely-created health-related special reports,
ebooks, coaching programs online and etc He usually uses a unique proprietary
and easy to under step-by-step way to bring across his message.
Due to this reason, he is determined to find answers to this pressing problem as
both of them like kids. Over the course of 3 years, he found out many answers
that are either known to most people or unknown. In addition, he often turned
to books and the web for various researches pertaining to infertility issues.
However, he has yet found a place where all the information is conveniently
accessible. With that in mind, he started to go through his note and present to
you, is a simple guide on how to get pregnant reading these 10 hidden secrets.
When hes not working, Eddy is found spending time with his family (loved wife,
Esther, 4 year old girl, Elysia and his 2 year old son, Elgin) or out to the beach
for inspirations and ideas for his behavioral consulting and online information
business endeavors.
He has actively involved in community projects like volunteering to help out at
old-aged homes, visiting orphanages, and organizing social activities for his
neighborhood. In addition, he has adopted 2 under-privileged kids from Africa
and Cambodia respectively via World Vision all from his income from his
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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


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We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success as there are some
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The aim of this report is to provide information on the uses of complementary
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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Table of Contents
Stress And Your Health
How Does Stress Actually Affect Fertility
Decreasing Stress Helps With Fertility
Stress Is A Personal Reaction
Stress Today
Reducing Stress May Help Fertility
Ways To Reduce Stress
Why You Really Need To Relax
It Is Not All In Your Head

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


A Personal Message From Eddy Kong

Dear Valued Reader & Friend,
Its my pleasure to write this special report for you, I hope itll be
useful and helpful to you.
You see, since 2008 is near half way, is it time for us to think about
how youre going to make plans for the rest of the year to have kids. If
not for this reason, you would not be reading this report, right?
Youve no doubt seen dozen of people carrying their kids, playing with
them. Every where you are looking seems like things are being
shaken, and only those in the knowing remains standing. Yes, it is
true, knowing how to conceive is the greatest joy in life. Especially,
after knowing 10 hidden secrets on how to get pregnant fast will surely
push your fertility or pregnancy to another level. You can find these
hidden truths and secrets here at:
Well, Id like to put your mind at ease about this RIGHT NOW. Your
chances to conception arent going anywhere. In fact

There may be no better time to start planning to

conceive babies.
There are many claims from so-called medical gurus and pregnancy
help fads, they came and are gone in flash, most of it having to do
with the usual textbook materials. Most of them dont really care
whether you conceive or not, they just want to make money from you.
Some of their methods do work, but most of them dont seem to work
for some people. Its not that these methods didnt work for these
people. Its just that they werent designed to get long-term results.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Whats left standing are the same solid answers that

were always there just good plain, old-fashioned
tips, hints and secrets of getting yourself pregnant
What youll gain here is only the tip of the iceberg perspective. If you
are interested to know more on the truths and myths of how to
increase your pregnancy odds. My special report called How To Get
Pregnant By Reading These Hidden Secrets will reveal to you how to
do it.
Keep in mind you are about to read is not a step-by-step how to
guide, but an awareness you need to know how stress can really affect
your fertility level and how you want to prevent it at all costs. As I
strive to make every effort to give you the basic information you need
to get started.
My purpose in writing this for you is to uncover some facts about
stress and how it can really affect your pregnancy level.
Take every conceivable thought you have about pregnancy and enjoy
the process with an end result in mind.
If there is a need, grab a pen and paper and jot down notes so that
you know how to deal with infertility for the rest of the year. If you are
ready, lets go
To Your Pregnancy Success!

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


When a couple faces the painful truth that they are experiencing some
difficulties with their plans for reproduction, it seems that suddenly
anyone and everyone around them is an expert on the subject, with
many words of advice and so-called wisdom in how to deal with the
issue and how to correct it.
Some of this wisdom will no doubt be based on anything but
scientific fact. After all, if someone is not a doctor how can they
rightly know what any physical ailment or issue truly comes from?
And what is worse, many of the things that people will tell couples
facing infertility are not only unscientific, they are somewhat callus
and even dismissive. For example, how many times have you heard
the following phrases:
Youre just trying too hard.
You need to relax and let nature take its course.
Once you stop worrying about it, then it will happen.
The problem is that youre too stressed.
Of course you cant get pregnant. Look how tense you are!
If you've been trying for some time to get pregnant, you've probably
lost count of the number of times well-meaning friends and family
offered this or similar advice.
It may be true that for some couples, once they decided to relax and
stop thinking so much about their goal of having a baby, then
pregnancy seemed to miraculously follow, but chances are that
whatever it was that was giving them such trouble probably corrected
itself on its own, or the pregnancy just happened by circumstance.
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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Some couples are naturally a bit more able to conceive for others, and
some need several more tries before it happens for them. The
couple that decided to relax probably just had all their circumstances
line up by coincidence.
But many couples and women may wonder how much of this is
actually true. Does stress play any type of role in ones fertility and
ability to conceive? Could it be possible that excessive worry about
ones condition can only make things worse?
Yes, there is a way. In fact, I will reveal not just 5, but 10 hidden
secrets on how to get pregnant fast in my latest e-book.
To understand the real connection between stress and fertility, lets
take a moment to first learn about how stress affects your health

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Stress And Your Health

Stress and anxiety do bring about actual physical changes in ones
body. When the body is nervous or anxious, this triggers the fight or
flight response, wherein the body readies itself to flee or defend itself
from a predator.
This change can be a beneficial one under certain circumstances.
Adrenaline courses through your system, giving you a burst of energy.
You are in a heightened state of alertness, making you more
perceptible to changes and other factors around you. This can be a
good motivator for you, pushing your forward to achieve something,
create something, or confront something or someone.
And of course stress is natural. Our bodies and minds are not typically
meant to handle all of the issues and pressures facing us, and so we
naturally feel stressed when we have many things vying for our
attention trying to prepare a meal when the phone rings and you
have children running around, for example, can cause stress because
all these things are competing for your attention. Your mind cannot
focus on any one problem or annoyance, and so you feel stress as it
tries to decide what to deal with first.
You dont even need to be in a very stressful situation at the moment
to feel it as well. Having constant, nagging thoughts about your life,
your work, your marriage, your friends, your health, or anything else
can keep you in a constant state of anxiety as your mind is being
bombarded with its own thoughts. This can happen too after a long
day at the office or anywhere else when youre actually done dealing
with certain problems or issues, but your mind has not yet shut those
things out, still turning them over and over again. Just the fact that
they have existed brings about stress, even though they dont need
your attention at the moment.
So to think that stress and anxiety are somehow unnatural or that
theres anything you can do to avoid them completely is not correct.
You will always have these things in your life at one point or another,

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


but its learning how to deal with stress effectively and before it harms
your health thats the key.
When a person is feeling anxious, the heart beats faster to pump more
blood to the necessary muscles it will need to flee a predator or other
danger. This makes the blood pressure rise, of course. Continued
high blood pressure can lead to strokes and heart attacks, and even
heart disease.
Because the bodys nutrient-rich blood is going to the large muscle
groups of the legs to be ready to flee, it is being pulled away from
other systems that are of less importance at the moment. This might
include the fingertips, which is why people report feeling number when
theyre stressed, and the digestive system. Having an upset stomach
or being nauseated is also common when one is stressed. Stress
affects others by causing extreme gastrointestinal disorders such as
ulcers, lower abdominal cramps, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.
These areas of the body are not getting that necessary blood in order
to function properly, and long-term damage is done.
That heightened sense of alertness may be beneficial at the moment,
but does cause problems when it runs unchecked. The body is not
meant to function this way for long periods of time, much like revving
a cars engine for long stretches causes more wear and tear. Fatigue
and headaches are common side effects of this condition.
And because the muscles are tenses and ready for action, they soon
become painful. These aches and tensions can occur anywhere in the
body, but are more common in the back, neck and shoulders.
Stress is often a key factor when women experience either absence of
menstruation or abnormal bleeding. Hormonal imbalances caused by
stress may proliferate the symptoms of fibroid tumors and
Frequently people under the effects of over stress will have more colds
and infections due to lowered immune system responses. Stress can
initiate dermatological conditions such as itchy skin and rashes.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Its also thought that stress actually ages you prematurely, as the
decrease in blood and oxygen to the skin and other vital organs
chokes them and their function, causing them to break down earlier
than natural.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


How Does Stress Actually Affect Your

However, this doesnt mean that stress, and especially extreme
anxiety or nervousness, has no effect on someone trying to get
pregnant. Doctors are once more looking to the idea that stress - and
sometimes "trying too hard" -- may actually play a role in up to 30%
of all infertility problems, as reported recently on
"What we do know now is that when stress-reduction techniques are
employed, something happens in some women that allows them to get
pregnant when they couldn't get pregnant before," says Allen Morgan,
MD, director of Shore Institute for Reproductive Medicine in Lakewood,
Stress has an adverse effect on the body that actually seems to set off
a chain reaction of sorts. It affects the heart rate and respiratory rate,
and the blood and oxygen produced by these two systems are vital for
overall health in every cell of the body. Blood that is freshly filtered
through the lungs, and oxygen, both work to bring nutrients and
antioxidants to the cells, and to flush away toxins, waste, and other
such unnecessary elements. When the body is under stress, these
toxins are less likely to be moved out of the system as easily.
Its also strongly believed that hormones like cortisol or epinephrine which rise and often remain high during times of chronic stress - play
a key role in the relationship between stress and fertility levels.
Proteins that help a woman with ovulation and that prepare the uterine
lining for a fertilized egg are often compromised by both cortisol and
Additionally, when the body is under stress, that precious oxygen and
nutrient-rich blood gets diverted from areas such as the reproductive
system to the large muscle groups, such as the legs. This prepares
the body for that fight or flight reaction it often has to stressful or
frightening situations.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Stress may also affect a womans ability to respond to fertility

treatments, such as in vitro fertilization. Because the proteins and
hormones of the body are out of balance, her body is not optimized to
respond as it should for such a procedure.
Stress can also wreak havoc on ones sex life as well. Many couples
report that they have decreased sexual activity when trying to
conceive simply because they are always so stressed and anxious. So
just when there should be more sexual activity in ones life, stress is
robbing the couple of just that!

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Decreasing Stress Helps With Fertility

In research published in the journal Human Reproduction, doctors
compared pregnancy rates in couples that reported being stressed and
those who were not.
What they found was that pregnancy was more likely to happen when
couples reported feeling good and were relaxed and happy, and
without much stress. It was less likely to occur when they were
feeling stressed or anxious, according to how they rated their anxiety
levels during the trials.
During this testing, it was revealed that women with the highest
reported levels of stress actually ovulated 20% fewer eggs as
compared with women who were experiencing lower levels of stress.
Obviously the strain on the body caused by anxiety and stress had
affected her abilities to produce healthy eggs.
Moreover, of those who were able to produce eggs, those who were
most stressed were 20% less likely to achieve fertilization success.
Its also noteworthy to remember that for conception to happen, there
must be sexual activity taking place (unless of course one has opted
for medical intervention that bypasses this).
Obviously stress can take a great toll on ones sex life. Men who are
constantly distracted with problems at work or elsewhere can have
serious issues with impotence, as the blood thats necessary for an
erection is being diverted to other areas of the body in response to his
stress. This may also cause him to lose his erection prematurely.
For a woman, of course she often puts more emphasis on being in the
mood for sex. Being anxious, nervous, upset, angry, frustrated, all of
these things are not going to help her in this regard.
Many couples report that the stress they are feeling when dealing with
infertility is greatly upsetting their sex lives. This may be one reason
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why some report that after they decided to relax, conception took
place. It was not really anything that they did other than be in the
right frame of mind to have more sexual activity. The more sexual
activity, the greater the chances for conception, of course.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Stress Is A Personal Reaction

One thing that most of the doctors in the above noted studies could
agree on is that stress and its results are a personal matter. What
affects one woman may not affect another in the same way. While
some women seem to be much less fertile during the most stressful
time, others were still able to conceive even when experiencing the
same level of stress.
This shouldnt surprise anyone as obviously the human body is as
different in all its systems as it is with its own fingerprints. Some
people seem to feel a certain level of stress but brush it off somewhat
easily, while others respond to stressful situations with a whole host of
physical ailments. Everyones system is different, and there is nothing
to be alarmed about or ashamed about if you are feeling rather
stressed over your situation and believe that this may be affecting
your fertility levels.
However, no matter how personal a matter this is, the point is that the
connection between stress and fertility rates or infertility rates is
something that cannot be ignored.
One fertility expert pointed out that for some 40% of couples
experiencing fertility problems, there is no known cause that can be
pinpointed. It is this group, he commented, that may be most
affected by stress.
Twenty years ago, he stated, the rate of unexplained infertility was
between 10% and 20%. Today I see up to 40%. Women's bodies
aren't different, but their stress levels are, and combined with the
ticking of the biological clock, I believe it sets the stage for infertility.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Stress Today
Its thought by many that the times were living in are some of the
most stressful in history, and unfortunately, this seems to be true for
women in particular. Even with all the so-called time saving
appliances and other aids in our life microwaves that cook meals in
minutes rather than hours, machines that wash clothes and dishes for
us women are finding that their lives are filled with too much, too
The fight for women to have it all was hard won, but many women
now are finding that while they enjoy a career and family at the same
time, and of course would not give up either one for anything in the
world, this has caused them too much stress in trying to juggle the
responsibilities of most.
Sadly, its reported by many women that even when they work and
have a home and children to take care of, the men in their lives are
still not helping out quite as much as they would like. Many women
report still doing the lions share of the housework, even when both
spouses work full-time jobs.
There is also the added burdens that many women put upon
themselves. Far too many still feel guilty if they are not the Stepford
wives who have perfect homes, perfect children, perfect bodies, and
perfect everything. Anything they do or get involved with must look
good to other people, and there is no such thing as saying no to
anyone, lest she be thought of as somehow incompetent.
Women do well to be honest with themselves in this regard. Are there
projects youre volunteering for and taking on at your childs school,
and at work, when you know you really dont have time? Do you wear
yourself out trying to do everything for everyone, and trying to be
everything as well? Do you have unreasonable standards of perfection
for yourself, your home, and your family?
You may also ask yourself if its reasonable to believe that you can or
should have it all. A career, home, marriage, and family are one
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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


thing, but how many extra hobbies and other distractions are you
adding to the mix? Must you be on the company softball league, and
have a weekly girls night out, and try to run a part-time business on
the weekends? Scale back on all those things that are giving you
added stress.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Reducing Stress May Help Fertility

While it may be a while before the pathway between stress and
infertility is clear, what is known right now is that reducing stress
levels seems to help.
Some research in this area shows that, for many women, acupuncture
could hold the key. In studies conducted in Germany and published in
the journal Fertility and Sterility, women enrolled in an infertility
program underwent acupuncture treatments just prior to and just after
an embryo transfer into the uterus -- the final step in an in vitro
fertilization procedure. The result was that the women who did not
have the acupuncture had a 26.3% success rate, while the women
who did undergo the treatment had a 42.5% success rate almost
Additionally, reducing stress in a couples life may also help with their
sexual activity as well. The more relaxed and close a couple feel, the
more likely they are to engage in sexual activity, and of course the
more sex there is, the more chances there are at conception.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Ways To Reduce Stress

Its believed by some that acupuncture really does nothing more than
place a suggestion in ones head that they are being treated and will
have a cure, however, many do agree that even if this is the case, the
power of suggestion obviously holds much promise for many women.
Whether acupuncture truly works on its own or if its just the thought
that counts, women may do well to ask themselves that since it cant
hurt, why not give it a try?
Massage therapy also seems to do well for women. In research
published in the International Journal of Neuroscience in 2004, doctors
found that massage therapy worked to decrease the body's physical
signals of stress, including heart rate and brain waves. Whether or not
its the actual massage of the muscles that makes a woman relax, or
just the fact that it feels good and can be rejuvenating, again, it seems
to work and obviously cannot do any harm.
Exercise is also a great tension reliever. The blood circulation that you
encourage with regular exercise does much to relieve aching muscles
and sore joints. It also delivers that nutrient-rich blood to those cells
that are robbed by stress.
You may also find that exercise relieves much of your mental tension
as well. Having a few minutes by yourself where youre not
bombarded by phone calls and work projects and everything else can
go a long way toward letting your mind get some much needed rest.
Also, if youre doing something positive for yourself such as exercising
regularly, this can help you build self-esteem, which helps alleviate
emotional stress. Exercise also releases endorphins, those feel good
chemicals in the brain that produce a sense of calm.
Doing positive things for others and being around positive people can
also do much to relieve tension and stress. When you get involved
with volunteer activity, you realize that your life isnt as bad as it could
be. Additionally, positive people will help to keep you in a good frame
of mind and can do much to help you stay stress-free.
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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Its also been pointed out that constantly hearing the advice and words
we mentioned at the outset really dont do anything to help a person
relax, in fact, they may have the opposite effect. Women who are
constantly being told that theyre too stressed or that they just need to
relax seem to be even more tense and stressed.
Its somewhat difficult to figure out just why this is so, but chances are
that this advice can actually be interpreted as a form of nagging, and
makes the woman feel as if she is constantly doing something wrong,
bringing her infertility upon herself. Obviously these negative
thoughts and actions will do nothing to put her mind at ease.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Why You Really Need To Relax

The bottom line is that stress obviously may have some effect on your
ability to conceive, but one shouldnt feel guilty about being anxious or
frustrated this will only add fuel to the fire, so to speak, and bring on
more tension and stress.
Doctors often recommend that women take a step back from all those
well-meaning friends and family members and just look at their life
overall, and make a decision to relax simply because its the healthy
thing to do, conception or not. Whatever positive changes you can
make in your life when it comes to relieving stress and tension, thats
what you should do. Not because people are nagging you to do it, but
because its the best thing for you!
Being upset and anxious is obviously no atmosphere for which to
welcome a child into the world once conception takes place. If you
and your partner are the type to allow stress to overtake you when
you are facing difficult issues, then this is a habit that will only carry
over once you are parents.
Learning more effective and healthier ways to deal with anxiety now
will help you in the long run.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


It Is Not All In Your Head

There is a danger in taking all of this information a bit too literally, in
that there are times when a couples fertility issues may need medical
intervention no matter what. There can be serious physical issues or
abnormalities that need to be addressed by a doctor.
Thinking that only acupuncture or a nice massage will be enough to
get you on your way to fertility can be a mistake, if those changes
need to be addressed medically.
Its important to always visit your physician if youve been having
regular (twice a week on average) unprotected sex for at least a year
and there hasnt been a pregnancy yet. There are many ways that
medical science can help you, and of course you dont want to wait
years and years before you ask for that help.
So while its important to do whatever you can to reduce unnecessary
stress in your life, and to remember that doing so may actually
increase your odds of conceiving, its a mistake to think that all you
need to do is relax in order to have a child.

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


I hope you have enjoyed this special report as much as I have took
great time and effort to present it to you.
I would love your feedback on it so, please email me at
Initially, I wanted only to share some 10 to 15 pages of tips on how
stress actually affect the fertility level. But in the end, I ended up
sharing a whopping 20 over pages of valuable information that you
can use for 17 minutes a day. Hey, guess what? I have also written a
special report called How To Get Pregnant Fast By Reading These
Hidden Secrets? I will show you the latest information with regards to
pregnancy surgeries. Stay tuned.
I am always an advocate of under-promise and over-deliver attitude,
whether towards my loved ones, friends and also to my readers. Thats
why I share so much than required.
I hope you have found these information useful and help you to
achieve conception soon.
The first thing you should now do is to take action. Dont just let this
information gather digital dust like any other stuff you may already
have. Just follow the 17 minutes and you soon may hear some good
news from your doctor that you have conceived.
Having said that, not only you need to be equipped the knowledge to
increase your odds of conceiving, I believe once you are expose to my
range of pregnancy-related products such as, How To Prevent
Miscarriage Naturally, or Getting Your Baby Sex Is Easy As ABC. In
the meantime, you can go to my limited time offer before I put off
from the shelf

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A Guide On How Stress Actually Affect Your Fertility?


Wishing you success in your pregnancy endeavors.

Take care and talk soon!

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