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Pierre-Francois PUECH reply to the analysis:


Forensic scientists uncovering

A forensic team has established that Mozart's skull, owned by the Mozarteum,shows unmistakable
individual characteristics, comparable to those of fingerprints, that give evidence for the identity of the skull
(Mozarts skull identification : Forensic Science International, 41 (1989) :101-110 Elsevier Scientific
Also important, the face of Wolfgang Amadeus has been reconstructed forensically, providing an authentic
portrait. The head is short, with a vertical forehead, the midle face juts forward and the cheekbones are
prominent. A poor bone rim protection of the eyes gives to the face a feminine appearence.
Not all were convinced : Herbert Ullrich, a forensic pathologist who has studied the skeletons of famous

Germans and Austrians, said he was convinced the Mozart skull was of someone other than Mozart. "I
examined a cast of the skull in 1999, Ullrich said. All the characteristics of the skull suggested it belonged
to a woman.
Army Helps DNA Scientists Unravel Mozart Mystery: Department of Defense scientists at the Armed Forces

DNA Identification Laboratory, a division of the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner, Armed
Forces Institute of Pathology in Rockville, Md., were presented with a small tooth from the skull to be
Our results definitively refute that the skull is female, said Parsons. The skull is of a male. It was the
powder located in the center of the tooth that the genetic material was gathered from.
As forensic scientists, the only optimism youre going to have is that youll find out the actual answer, no
matter what that answer is, Parsons said.( Ken Hall [Army News Service, 10 January 2006]

In conclusion: Herbert Ullrich was misleaded by the femine appearence of Mozart and the forensic

anthropological identification is free from doubt, the Mozarteum skull belongs to Mozart.

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