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Student Government of Seattle University

Representative Assembly Meeting

Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2015 Student Center 210 at 6:00 p.m.

Call to Order
Raquel calls the meeting to order at 6:02 PM


Roll Call (initial on the line)

Eric Sype, President _________
Raquel Davalos, Executive Vice President _________
Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance _________
Meggie Green, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Luke Larsen, Senior Representative _________
Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative _________
Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative_________
Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative _________
Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative
Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative _________
Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative _________
Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative _________
Jaden Phan, International Representative __ ___
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative __absent____
Jarrod Gallagher, Nontraditional Representative _________
Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative _________
Tanish Bhojwani, Freshman Representative _________


Approval of the Minutes

Motion passes unanimously with abstention from Braden Wild.


Public Comment None


Guest Speakers None


Old Business


New Business
REPA 20150128 Approving Funds (Finance Committee)
Matthew: Budget presentation attached.
Jordan: Would it be appropriate for UFC to be here?
Eric: If the club cant present to the finance committee, then the present to Rep. Assembly.
Matthew: This is our presentation of our recommendation. I seek a motion to approve these funds.
Monica: So moved.
Myra: Seconded.
Raquel: The motion passes unanimously, with abstention from Braden who is absent.

REPA 20150128 SGSU & Student Engagement (Myra+ Steering Committee)

Myra: Weve been meeting regarding the Student Engagement forum. The purpose is to reach out and
bring students into SGSU.

Raquel: This is a list of things well be doing. Steering decided, with Myra, to find new or stronger ways
to connect with our constituents. Some of those things include public comment and First Friday
Doughnuts and improving our office space, etc. This is what weve come up with so far.
Myra: Its important that were productive in the office and cultivating a space in which our constituents
feel comfortable coming to talk to us.
Luke: Not only is our job to reach out to people, but we need to be proactive as well. If you overhear
something, then you have a responsibility, as a representative, to bring that to the group. Be conscious of
the opportunities to better Seattle U that are constantly around you.
Raquel: Myra sent out an email about email processes. There are other instructions as well. We talked
about posting the agenda outside the office by the door.
Meg: In our UA meeting last week, we discussed raising awareness for public comment.
Owen: I like the idea of using the facebook page more generally, especially for raising awareness for
public comment.
Eric: Izzy and I are going to start a strategic communication plan to get people interested in the We the
Redhawks petition program.
Raquel: We just wanted to bring this to the group, so that everyones on the same page.
REPA 20150128 Merit Based Scholarships (Eric Sype)
Eric: Last Friday I was in a Board of Regents meeting. They meet four times a year. Connie Kanter
spoke about finances of the university. Marilyn Crone spoke about enrollment. Josh Krawczyk came and
spoke regarding retention. Hes going to come speak to this group later this quarter. One thing that I
noticed from his presentation was that he had a graph that showed two bodies of students: non-transfer
students and then transfer students. For each of those groups there was an EFC, which is Estimated
Family Contribution, which is how financial aid estimates how much money you get. If your EFC was
greater than 50% then there was a number for the percentage of those students what were retained and
thats at a very high level. Our retention has improved since the beginning of the year. And then there
was the opposite of that, which was if your EFC is lower than 50% of tuition. Basically, students of
lower and higher socioeconomic levels. On both groups of students, transfers and non-transfers, students
who were in lower socioeconomic group (families with a less than 50% EFC), there was a 6-8% drop in
retention. Which doesnt sound like a huge number, but actually is. Its one of the main reasons were in
the financial situation we are now. At the end of the presentation, I brought up looking at how we do
merit based scholarships at this university. Currently, everyone gets a merit based scholarship and its
tied to GPA and SAT/ACT scores. With those two factors playing into how merit based aid is
distributed, Im wondering if theres a way to change the way these scholarships are distributed because,
as they stand, I believe they play into complex systems of privilege. Im wondering if were giving a lot
of aid to students who dont necessarily need it. Originally that was kind of shot down, but Ive briefly
connected with some people and were talking about it some more. Possibly introduce a way for
students to return their scholarships to the university if they dont necessarily need them. As I was
walking out with Connie Kanter, she mentioned that shes interested in looking into seeing if the
numbers match up with what were talking about. I described my interaction with the Naeff Scholarship
program. What are your thoughts?
Monica: The 6-8% of student you talked about, are they middle class or upper-middle class?
Eric: The 6-8% are students whose EFC is less than 50%.
Meg: Clarify?
Eric: If your EFC is lower, then youre going to get more financial aid.
Meg: People with a lower EFC are retained at a lower rate.
Luke: It takes into account your familys income with regard to paying for school.
Myra: Students who can pay for school should donate their scholarship back?
Eric: That was a suggested idea.
Monica: Did you say theres a correlation between higher socioeconomic status, higher merit based
scholarships, and higher SAT/ACT scores and GPAs?
Eric: Sort of. We need to look into that correlation.

Monica: Does SU use affirmative action?

Nikki: I dont think so.
Myra: Did anyone talk about lowering tuition?
Eric: *laughs* There was a slide about that in Joshs presentation.
Owen: Theres also the idea that if you attend a more expensive school then its a better school.
Matthew: Has there been a conversation about need-based SU Grants?
Eric: Not in relation to merit-based aid.
Jaden: Are you just talking about merit-based aid?
Eric: Yes.
Meg: If they looked into how much money people of different EFCs are paying/receiving in scholarship,
do they take into account all scholarships?
Eric: I think we need to see if theres a discrepancy in how merit-based aid is being distributed.
Meg: If a change were to happen, when would it go into effect?
Eric: It would take even longer than Tobacco Free.
Monica: If you apply to a state school in California, then you dont get any merit-based aid. Its all
based on the FAFSA.
Eric: I believe thats true across the board.
Izzy: Have any of the conversations surrounded the incremental adjustment regarding merit-based aid
reflecting the change in tuition?
Eric: Not that I know of. Noted.
Raquel: We should look into how other universities go about distributing their merit-based aid.
Eric: I think this could have implications on retention. Another huge factor is that our peer-eleven
institutions lost a lot of students to Portland State University because they have a higher discount rate.
They gave more money than anyone else.
Manuel: Who are the Peer-Eleven?
Izzy: Gonzaga, PSU, Santa Clara, USF, Loyola LA, Chapman, etc.
Manuel: Theres a pattern Ive noticed of all of my friends who have dropped out of SU while Ive been
here have been people of color. That might be something to take into account.
Eric: Depending on the results of the Campus Climate Survey, we could be starting this conversation at
an opportune moment.
Monica: Wouldnt Portland State handle their finances differently because theyre a state school..?
Eric: Excuse me, I meant to say University of Portland which is private.
Matthew: Whats the next step?
Eric: Bring Michelle Murray up to speed. Talk with Connie Kanter. And maybe a work group. Whos
interested? I would now like to seek a motion to add an agenda item.
Manuel: Moved.
Luke: Seconded.
Raquel: Motion passes unanimously.
REPA 20150128 A Decade of Excellence (Eric Sype)
Raquel: Nikki has handled 6 election seasons, 105 rep assemblies, 13 SGSU retreats, advised 90 SGSU
people (plus Red Zone), 13.5 quarters at SU, 670 one-on-ones approximately.
Eric and Raquel: *presents a series of photos*
Nikki: I dont know that I believe those numbers But Ive loved every second of this. I feel so
privileged to be a part of your live. Ive learned so much from all of you.

VIII. Officer Reports:

Officer Reports:
A) Eric Sype-President:
a. Homecoming: Im on the planning committee and I wanted to break the mold that we have
developed as being very athletics oriented. Weve done a lot of improvements. The events
begin next Thursday and go through the weekend.





b. Dance Marathon Promotion Video: Friday at 2pm. Ill send an email.

c. Met with Tim Marron.
Raquel Davalos- Executive Vice President
a. Exec. Update:
i. Owen requested monies for the Ethiopian food event.
ii. Jaden requested monies for the gift.
iii. Appropriations debrief.
b. Doodle for the Events List will be coming!
c. Scheduling guest speakers.
d. International dinner on Saturday.
e. Sign up for one-on-ones.
Matthew Kelly- Vice President of Finance
a. Presentation.
b. One-sheet for accessing executives.
c. Budget updates.
Meg Green- Vice President of University Affairs
a. Jarrod and I met with Matt Feldmyer to discuss bikes, last week.
b. Academic Assembly was super packed.
i. Program revisions.
ii. Program terminations.
iii. New programs.
c. Non-tenure track faculty member discussed reasons against unionization.
a. Luke Larsen, Senior Representative:
i. U-Rec public comment: cut students hours. Didnt fire any students.
b. Manuel Siguenza, Junior Representative:
i. Junior questionnaire.
ii. Play music in the office!
c. Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative:
i. Jordan and I are meeting on Tuesday, re: transgender inclusion on campus.
ii. Ideas for primary games
d. Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative:
i. Budget proposal to Exec.
ii. Ethiopean event.
e. Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative:
i. Survey, please!
f. Lynn Doan, Commuter Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
g. Jordan Murakami, Transfer Representative:
i. Meeting with commuter-transfer life people!
h. Jarrod Gallagher, Non-traditional Rep:
i. Murphy Garage bike enclosure on the 5th floor of the parking garage.
i. Jaden Phan, International Representative:
i. Thank you for money for gift!
j. Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative:
i. Absent.
k. Sarah Coluccio, Athletic Representative:
i. Special Olympics event in April!
l. Isheeta Tewari, Freshman Representative:
i. Meeting with Tim Leary
ii. Working on 12th and Jefferson Event
m. Tanish Bojwani, Freshman Representative:

i. Talking with photography club about photographers for Senior Soiree

ii. Talking with gym people about safety issue.
n. Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff:
i. This is Seattle U event.
ii. FQ report is live
iii. Graphics work as well
iv. Updated website.
o. Margaret Quartararo, Internal Chief of Staff:
i. Met with Helaina Sorey!
F) Advisors
a. Nichole Robison:
i. Advising shift.
b. Kayla Zobel:
i. Nothing to report.


Committee Reports
a. Tabling for new question of This is Seattle U, the week after next. (10th and 12th)
b. Fr. Ely Forum, last week of February.
B. Steering:
a. Retreat: difficult to schedule.
b. Idea: last part of retreat would be going to the Drag Show (March 14th)
C. Finance:
a. 28 appropriations requests
b. April 11th Appropriations meeting is being rescheduled because it conflicts with iLead.
D. University Affairs:
a. Discussed budget ideas.
Eric: Next Tuesday, theres a table at the Clubs and Involvement Fair for SGSU
Raquel: Drag Show is April 10th
Matthew: If youre planning to attend the International Dinner, come get your tickets after the meeting.
Izzy: Shout out to Myra who is on the Homecoming court!
Adjournment at 7:20 PM

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