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Human Resource Management

Chapter 1: understanding HRM


Definition Personnel management and HRM?

Answer : Human Resource Management (HRM) may be defined as managing human elements(such
as employers, employees, owners, workers) who are directly involved with the organization to
achieve organizational goals and objects. These human elements areconsidered as the resources
because they contribute themselves for the organization andthe society as a hole.
It is responsible for
1.Hiring competent people;
2.Training them;
3.Helping them perform at high levels; and
4.Providing mechanisms to ensure efficiency.

Personnel management

Administrative discipline of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable to
the organization. It includes (1) conducting job analyses, (2) planning personnel needs, and
recruitment, (3) selecting the right people for the job, (4) orienting and training, (5) determining and
managing wages and salaries, (6) providing benefits and incentives, (7) appraising performance, (8)
resolving disputes, (9) communicating with all employees at all levels.


Personnel management and HRM differences?

Answer: Difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource

Human resource management is the new version of personnel management.
There is no any watertight difference between human resource management and
personnel management. However, there are some differences in the following

1. Personnel management is a traditional approach of managing people in the organization.

Human resource management is a modern approach of managing people and their strengths
in the organization.

2. Personnel management focuses on personnel administration, employee welfare and labor

relation. Human resource management focuses on acquisition, development, motivation and
maintenance of human resources in the organization.
3. Personnel management assumes people as a input for achieving desired output. Human
resource management assumes people as an important and valuable resource for achieving
desired output.
4. Under personnel management, personnel function is undertaken for employee's
satisfaction. Under human resource management, administrative function is undertaken for
goal achievement.
5. Under personnel management, job design is done on the basis of division of labor. Under
human resource management, job design function is done on the basis of group work/team
6. Under personnel management, employees are provided with less training and development
opportunities. Under human resource management, employees are provided with more
training and development opportunities.
7. In personnel management, decisions are made by the top management as per the rules and
regulation of the organization. In human resource management, decisions are made
collectively after considering employee's participation, authority, decentralization,
competitive environment etc.
8. Personnel management focuses on increased production and satisfied employees. Human
resource management focuses on effectiveness, culture, productivity and employee's
9. Personnel management is concerned with personnel manager. Human resource
management is concerned with all level of managers from top to bottom.
10. Personnel management is a routine function. Human resource management is a strategic

HRM in Bangladesh perspective?

What are the activities / function of HRM?

Chapter 5: Job analysis


How do you understanding by job analysis (job description and job specification)?
Job methods
How its linking organizational strategy to hr planning?

Chapter 7: Selecting Employees


Selecting process

Chapter 8: employee recruitment


Benefits and sources of recruitment

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