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February 2015 / March 2015


The films are one of the ways the Hall Committee
raises funds to meet the running costs of the Hall. Why
not come along, enjoy the film, support the Hall and be
home in time for cocoa!

Friday 20th February (note earlier than usual date)

What we did on our Holiday - Cert 12A
A hugely enjoyable laugh out loud British comedy/drama with
David Tennant and Rosamunde Pike as an unhappily married
couple and Billy Connolly as grandpa about to celebrate his
last birthday. They set off on holiday in Scotland with the
real stars, the children, Emilia Jones, Bobby Smallridge and
hilarious Harriet Turnbull to put on a show of family
togetherness. An agonisingly truthful depiction of family

Friday 27th March

Mr. Turner - Cert 12A

The most anticipated British film of the year which received

five star reviews on release. Mike Leigh's biography of the
artist with a majestic performance from Timothy Spall as
Turner, arguably the best in a rich career despite or maybe
because of the many expressive grunts and growls!

Friday 24th April

The Imitation Game - Cert 12A

Based on the real life story of Alan Turing and his team of
code-breakers at Bletchley Park during World War II.
Excellent script and a superb ensemble of actors make this
irresistible viewing. Benedict Cumberbatch (Turing) is being
talked of for 2015 Best Actor Oscar for his performance.
The films start at 8pm, doors open at 7.15. Bar and Raffle as
usual and still only 4 - best value in the West!


Run by the community for all to enjoy

The committee would like to thank you for all your support
throughout 2014. We are very much looking forward to 2015
with our four main events already in the diary, we look
forward to seeing you and your continued support.
The Pavilion and facilities can be hired for any event,
birthdays (not 18th or 21st) christenings, fundraising events,
contact Anna Allen 01460 220742 for further information.
Events for 2015:~ Beer Festival - 3rd & 4th April
~ Mini Rally - 7th June (tractor trundle 6th June)
~ Party in the Park - 8th August
~ Bonfire Night - tbc
We also have a great new website for you to browse,
including football & cricket information and upcoming events.

Issue 67 The DRIFT

Issue 67
You can find a link to the website on 'The Drift Newsletter'
Facebook page.
Anna Allen on behalf of Tatworth Playing Field Management


The workshop at our December meeting took on a different
theme this month when we were shown how to make designs
with a glue gun.
Using an upturned glass vase, the glue was used to make lace
effect patterns over the glass base which, when set, was able
to be used for flowers and foliage, similar to using chicken
wire, but far more pretty. Fourteen members and one visitor
made very attractive arrangements and our president
Rosemary Walton thanked Maria Pike (Sue's Flowers in Chard)
for her demonstration and guidance.
Our next meeting is on Thursday 5th February and it will be a
workshop entitled Blooming Spring. As the title suggests,
we shall be using spring flowers and we do not have
competitions at workshops. Doors open at 1:30 for a 2pm
A Happy New Year is wished to all members and friends, and
we look forward to seeing you in 2015.
Rosemary Walton President


A Selection of letters and emails from Residents:
More Trips Please!

Paul Bagnall writes:

I would like to thank Sue Russell for organizing the recent trip
to the Imperial War Museum, the only trouble was - I only had
time for one war and also my wife was caught up with
tutorials. Please, please organize another, even at twice the
price. Once again many thanks.
(continued on Page 2)

The Drift Thank You


This edition has been supported by generous donations from

Polly and Peter Mulligan, Rosa and Geoff Newman and two
other residents who wish to remain anonymous.
We are most grateful to them, and repeat our plea for other
donations, however small, to keep the publication going in
the future.
If you would like to make continued publication possible, by
sponsoring an edition of The Drift, advertising, or simply
donating towards it, please contact our treasurer Nick
Bernard on 01460 220339.


Since the last election in May 2011 the work of the current
Council has resulted in the following achievements:


The administration was completely restructured and

now operates from the Parish Office.
Resulting in a reduction of administrative expenses of
approximately 10,000 pa
All aspects of governance have been reviewed and
many changes made, such as computerised accounts and
new policies. These have resulted in excellent Internal
and External Audit Reports
The Council is in an excellent financial position and
holds adequate financial reserves to cover its varied
The Council Tax charge for a Band D property has only
increased by 3 pence per property a year compared to
the level in 2011/12.

The Jubilee Field and Allotments

The purchase of 6.32 acres of land off School Lane, at

a cost of 55,000, in order to fulfil residents' expressed
wishes for recreational space and allotment gardens.
The purchase and development of this land is funded
from the annual savings from the restructuring.
The provision of some car parking was investigated
but, regrettably, this was found to beyond financial
reach of the Council.
Volunteers have planted over 250 free trees in the
Jubilee Field, the start of our very own 'Jubilee Wood'.
The allotment gardens have been marked out and
Allotments Regulations and other documents devised
and approved.
A spring fed well has been constructed in the corner
of the allotment field.
Bardon Aggregates has carried out free ditching and
drainage work and have offered to help with the
construction of wheelchair friendly paths.
The Council intends to submit a Planning Application
for Change of Use from 'Agricultural' to 'Recreational'.

Other Initiatives

In line with Local Government legislation the Council

has assumed financial responsibility for the insurance
and maintenance of St John's Churchyard.
The insurance cover for the War Memorial has been
increased from 2,004 to the more realistic level of
55,000, in case of accidental damage.
In 2012 a new clear statutory layout plan was created
for Tatworth Cemetery. Cemetery fees have been
brought up to date to ensure that maintenance costs are
fully covered.
In late 2014 the Council successfully supported an
appeal to Somerset County Council so that ALL children
in Tatworth now qualify for free transport to school.
The Council continues to lobby against reductions in
public transport and library services.
Two Councillors and some volunteers continue to work
hard to improve access at Coombses Pond. A seat and
picnic bench are planned for 2015.
Litter: the Parish Council will organise a litter pick
twice a year. The first will take place in February 2015
and residents are invited to help. Please look at the
notice boards for details.

Tatworth and Forton Parish Council,

The Parish Office, Tatworth Memorial Hall.

Tel: 01460 221066;

FROM THE INBOX (continued from Page 1)

Personal Thanks

From Rosemary Walton and Mark:

We would like to send greetings to all our friends who have
helped us through the year with transport and their kindness.
Friendship is special, very precious and greatly appreciated.
Fond wishes to you all.

The Jubilee Field A Reply

From the Clerk of Tatworth & Forton Parish Council:

In response to Norman Loveridges letter printed in the Drift
issue No 66:
The Parish Council has replied directly to Mr Loveridge
explaining that all Councils decisions relating to the Jubilee
Field are in the Councils Minutes and all decisions have been
in the public domain.
In brief the answers to his questions are:
The purchase of 6.32 acres cost 55,000 and small
maintenance costs have been covered by the sale of the grass
crop. All other work has been done by volunteers.
b. The costs over the next 3 years cannot be predicted at
this stage, but will be kept within allocated budgets derived
from savings.
c. The aims for the field have been determined by residents
wishes for allotments and quiet green space, via two
consultations with residents.
The Jubilee Field has not resulted in an increase in Council


New Age Kurling comes to Tatworth Womens Institute as
part of the "Sport50" project launched by South Somerset
District Council's Healthy Lifestyles Team.
Original content from Angela Long:
After experiencing our first New Age Kurling session we were
hooked and waiting for our next challenges. Seated Volley
Ball, which gave rise to great fun and much laughter also
badminton with an adjustable net, and finally Boccia, a game
played on similar principles to indoor bowls.
The Group meets on Monday afternoons, at Tatworth Memorial
Hall 2:30 - 4pm and costs 1.50 a session, including
refreshments. All the necessary equipment was presented to
the group in December.
New members are welcome. Enjoy gentle exercise and great
fun (no need to be a WI member).
Find out more about the Sport50 project on The Drift
Newsletter Facebook page or contact Charlie Coward on
01935 462347.
A QUIZ will be held at Tatworth Memorial Hall on Saturday 7th
of March at 7pm, 5 per person, tables of four, to include a
ploughman's supper. The Quiz has been organised by Jim and
Shelia Jeffery, tickets available from Shelia 220683, Sue
220188 and Angela 220953. Proceeds will be towards purchase
of further sports equipment plus a donation towards the
maintenance of the defibrillator.


Report from meeting held on 15th January 2014:
Angela welcomed everyone and birthday cards were given out.
Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
Marguerita asked everyone to be sure to vote for the
Resolutions and stressed how important it was that we
exercise our rights to vote.
Hilary Miller from Ilminster WI sent a card thanking everyone
who attended the Carol Service and said 119 had been raised
to send to Somerset Sight. A request has been received asking
for cakes for the pantomime which is on from 26th to 28th
February. Names were taken of people willing to donate cakes
which can be given to Sheila Harding at 48 Watermead or
handed in at the Hall before each performance. Vicki, the
Federation Secretary has given birth to a baby girl who,
although supposedly 4 weeks early, weighed more than 8lbs!
Diana reported an overall profit for the year of 12.90
although more money has yet to come in. Income from
refreshments, raffles and the sales table were all down even
though we have more members.
Angela asked new members to embroider their names onto a
small piece of cloth to be sewn onto our table cloth. Anyone
unable to embroider their own names should write it on the
piece of cloth and give it to Wendy Cotton who will do it for
them. Rosemary Heeks and Sue Joy have agreed to take over
running the Kurling Group on Mondays. Angela had been
interviewed about the Kurling and seated volleyball by BBC
Radio Somerset. A number of members of the group had gone
to the Guildhall to play Kurling to provide a background for
the live broadcast. A Quiz will be held on 7th March at
Tatworth Memorial Hall to raise money to purchase a second
set of Kurling equipment. Tickets will be available soon for 5
to include a Ploughman's.
Instead of a lunch in February, Angela suggested we go to The
Ammonite in Chard for a cream tea. She asked if everyone
had been satisfied with the meal at the Christmas Party. As
we were all more than happy, she will book them again for
next year. Chard WI have asked if we would do the catering
for their Centenary Party in October and in return they will
provide the refreshments for our Party in September. This way
we can all enjoy our parties without having to do anything and
this was agreed. Chard will also be celebrating their 50th
Birthday. We were then treated to a fascinating talk by
Margaret Harper about making glass jewellery, which she
makes for pleasure and donates the profits to charity
(currently equipment for the Beacon Centre at Musgrove
Apart from a kiln and a grinding machine, the only other items
Margaret needed to get started were a glass cutter and a pair
of tweezers. The type of glass is called Dichroic, and it comes
in many different colours, some of which change colour when
heated. This makes it very exciting because you never know
exactly how a piece will turn out after firing and Margaret
often gets up in the middle of the night to see the results.
She either adds about 4 different pieces of coloured glass to
one base, or makes a larger sheet which she then cuts up. She
normally sells her jewellery at small craft shows or church
ftes, although she prefers making it to selling it. After the
meeting closed we had the opportunity to purchase some of
her work.
The next meeting on February 19th is a talk about Bletchley
Park and will be an Open Meeting so husbands and friends can
come along.
Barbara Gault


Hester Down writes:
Our programme for 2015 started as it always does with our

Issue 67 The DRIFT

New Year Cheer Epiphany Party at which cheques were

presented for our two nominated projects for 2014. These
were for one edition of the Link for which a cheque for 200
was presented to the Rev Tim Price, and the maintenance of
the defibrillator at the Memorial Hall for which a cheque for
150 was presented to Mrs Angela Long.
After the
presentations we enjoyed a buffet supper and entertainment
provided by Emily Miller who sang some well known songs to
her own accompaniment on the guitar and ukulele.
Our next meeting will be at Tatworth Church Room on
Thursday 5th February when our speaker will be Pauline
Homeshaw who will talk about the role of the S.S.A.F.A. This
will be an open meeting to which everyone including visitors is
warmly invited. Our chosen fundraising project for 2015 will
be the planned extra storage for the Church Room.


Marion Slyfield writes:
A Big Thank You to everyone who donated Shoeboxes,
knitted hats & gloves, as well as donating scarves, toys, books,
pencils, toiletries and other fillers for the Shoeboxes last year.
Nearly 10,000 boxes were collected from around Somerset.
The warehouse group worked hard checking all the boxes for
Customs & Excise before they were put into large Cardboard
Cartons and sealed, before being collected by the Articulated
Lorry and transported to Bosnia at the beginning of December,
ready for the children to receive in time for Christmas.
We feel everyone did the Bosnian children proud again as in
todays climate with money getting tighter and others needing
our support.
Due to unforeseen circumstances Steve and I were not able to
go out in the van this year. We greatly missed meeting all the
collectors around the county, but should be OK for 2015 so
have already put our names down, as have other volunteers as
If you would like to help in any way this year, to find out more
please contact Coordinators Peter & Ingrid on 07583333408.

It is wonderful to say that I have already been given items for

November, which are packed away in my cupboard.
So, once again on behalf of the Children, Operation Christmas
Child Organisation, volunteers, Steve and myself Thank You
for all your support and kindness.

Good condition, new owner dismantles (with help if required)
and transports. Viewings welcome/ Phone 01460 220339

An extremely good collection of coarse fishing equipment
all in good condition, some unused:
and also
For more information and to view, please contact Mrs Frost on
01460 220140


Monica Mason writes:
Social media for a church serves two very useful purposes:
1. They engage your congregation (or certainly can!).
2. They reach out to new people.
The Church of England is finding digital engagement via
Twitter, Facebook and blogging-sites a powerful and important
part of its ministry and mission.
Sister Elizabeth Pio, based in Southsea in the Diocese of
Portsmouth, is the Anglican nun behind @bethanysister, which
has attracted a followership of over 3,500. She uses the site
as an electronic notice-board, sharing spiritual insights and
prayers as well as her take on current affairs and even
football matches!
For Sister Elizabeth, it is a simple matter; the Church needs to
be where the conversation is and if that conversation is online, then that is where she plans to be: "People are on
Twitter, people are on Facebook. As a Church, we do need to
embrace it, simply because that is the case; that is where
people are having conversations."
Worldwide, there are over 1 billion people on Facebook, and
500 million on Twitter. In the UK, more than half of the adult
population regularly logs in to some form of social media, with
more than 40 million people having a Facebook profile. Those
numbers alone are a good reason for a church to be on-line.
Being realistic, we dont expect that people will walk through
our doors just because they saw something they liked on
Facebook (although this would be lovely!). However, a visible
and positive presence on-line can build a positive image for
the Church, engage our existing congregation and support
wider efforts to reach out to new people. Social media is
moving beyond just being a fun tool, through which people
connect with friends, to a critical communications channel.
So, if youre already tuned into social media, please like our
new Facebook page - 'St. John the Evangelist Church,
Tatworth'. Then encourage all your friends and family to do
the same!

Gilbert Plastering
With over 25 years of first class plastering covering all
types of internal and external work.

T: 01460 221920 / 07958027833


Ken Johnson, chairman, writes:
Following the inclement January weather we can look forward
to the arrival of Spring - already the snowdrops, crocuses and
daffodils are heralding another gardening year.
The Society's Annual Luncheon, held at 'The Golden Fleece'
was enjoyed by thirty plus members.
The Spring programme of open meetings, held at 19.30 in the
Tatworth Memorial Hall is as follows:
Feb 12th - 'Seed sowing, pricking out and potting on' by a
speaker from 'The Gold Club'
Mar 12th 'My Horticultural Life in Ten Plants' by Rob Cotterill.
Apr 9th - 'Gardening for Wildlife' by a speaker from 'The Gold
Membership of the Society is 3.00 per calendar year. Nonmembers visiting evening meetings are required to pay
2.00 per meeting.
Nothing is so beautiful as spring When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;
Thrush's eggs look little low heavens, and thrush
Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring
The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing;
The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush
The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush
With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.
Extract from 'Spring' by Gerald Manley Hopkins

Tony Arnold ACIHort writes:
Maintenance. Agreed, the weather is very mixed mild, windy
and yes still a bit wintry sometimes, but are we prepared for
the off in mid February, quickly followed by the start of the
garden season in earnest in March? Hopefully the ground will
start warming up soon and enable us to get started on so many
garden tasks ahead.
Nows a good time to check and clean those vital tools with a
wire brush, not forgetting the lawn mower. If you use an
electric mower, after cleaning, give it a safety check on a dry
day, first plugging it in to a circuit breaker socket, if any
smoke appears switch off immediately and decide if it
requires expert attention. Check cabling for any faults
especially if there is damaged, exposed or loose wiring.
Similarly check a petrol mower with due regard to fuel safety.
Cutting blades for all tools will require sharpening with a
carborundum sharpener, available from a garden retailer. Its
worth doing now for when that tough post winter pruning
Have you done that dreaded greenhouse, shed and garage
clean and clear-out you have been promising yourself?
Greenhouses act as a luxury hotel winter break for pathogens
and insects and pests.
Plant Feeding. Replenish solid and liquid plant feeds. Tomato
food is often a favourite liquid feed. Dont forget your acid
loving plants (Ericaceous family) which require a separate
liquid feed boost NOW; Camellias and Heather, are starting to
flower already!

Add organic fertiliser, seaweed (for a hormone boost), blood,

fish and bone or pelleted chicken manure and lightly hoe in, it
will bring great benefits in Spring and Summer.
Wildlife. Dont forget that wildlife needs extra help this time
of year. A bit of extra support now could well mean the
difference to having more birds this spring. Fruiting berry
plants such as Mahonia (Berberis family) and Sorbus (Rose
family) attract ground feeding blackbirds and thrushes (that
are endangered). Bees need good pollinating plants, there is
not enough of either - could we offer to house a beehive with
help and advice provided by the British Beekeeping
Association. Butterflies love and rely on Buddleias (Foxglove
family) which are easy to grow, inexpensive, magnificent, tall,
arching and fragrant garden plants, every garden could have
Plant Now. Plant bare root trees and shrubs as February is the
best time, but avoid frost and very wet conditions. Prune
overgrown evergreens and late flowering shrubs not forgetting
that (post July flowering) clematis should be cut hard back.
(Pre July) woody clematis should just be trimmed back. Tidy
climbers in general.

Christmas dinner at Minehead. The hotel staff had made a

fantastic job of decorating and table laying - truly the best we
have had. The whole year was very enjoyable with many new
members. Our January trip was a Mystery trip with a Burns
Lunch. The Haggis was piped in by a local piper.
February 5th is Bingo
February 19 is a bottle tombola and a speaker
March 19th is a Mother's Day mystery trip and lunch
April 2nd - Easter Bingo
All Bingo session commence at 10am with coffee/tea/hot
chocolate and biscuit over a chat. Bingo commences at 11am.
Visitors and new members are always very welcome with
annual membership only being 3. For further information
please contact Secretary Anne Goody on 01460 239434 or
Assistant Secretary Helen Johnson.

RHTS Firewood &

07774 909202

Garden Planning
How content are you with your garden? What do you really
want to achieve? Will a simple plan enable you to make
changes and improvements and provide interesting ideas for
thought and discussion? Was last years gardening experience
up to expectation? Can you remember ideas you thought
might motivate you to make those exciting changes you always
wanted to? Its not too late to make decisions for the coming
gardening year.
List any structural and planting changes. Did you want to
create more space? Do some raised beds need adding,
especially if growing tap root vegetables, the Umbelliferae
family e.g. carrots, parsnips, celery etc. require depth which
also helps to stop carrot fly. Drainage improves hugely with a
raised bed and you can add attractive and fragrant companion
annual plants such as tagetes and marigolds that many
vegetable pests hate. It works!

Quick Planning Priority list

Soil - Acid Alkali or Neutral. Try to do a pH check with an

inexpensive testing kit. Take a small sample of soil, add some
distilled water and shake then use the indicator to see what
soil pH you have. Also is it sandy or clay or is it nice and
mixed and crumbly? Add plenty of fresh compost - your plants
will soon respond. Some moderate feeding will be welcome in
March onwards, especially when plants start to flower.
Vegetables will have their own feeding requirements, so do
check first.
Plant Size. Consider height, size, light and, often omitted,
space and air circulation. Also, often forgotten, the spread of
plants. Shrubs are small trees so plan and prune carefully.
Ground cover may be just what you want in difficult areas to
plant. Climbers should give great pleasure and lift colour up
above all the other plants and can be used for covering up
unsightly objects.
Containers can be used successfully for bulbs, summer
flowering bedding plants and annuals. Try some vegetables in
a deep container if you havent done so before, as well as
specimen standard shrubs and tender plants. Containers can
be moved around to achieve the best position, but do so
before adding water as they become too heavy. Keep them
well watered during hot weather and add water crystals
before going away. They work well!!
For an extended version of Tony's article, or to contact him,
please go to The Drift Newsletter Facebook page.

Seasoned Harwood Logs

1 cubic metre loose load


2 cubic metre loose load (most popular load)


3 cubic metre loose load


4 cubic metre loose load


Nets of Logs

3.50 each

Nets of Kindling

3.50 each

Hotmax briquettes (20kg bags)

5.95 each

Winter bundle: 2 cubic metre loose load, 3 nets 220.00

of kindling and 5 bags of Hotmax
All prices include VAT @ 5% and delivery within 10 miles of
South Chard, TA20 4QN.
To qualify for free delivery there is a 75.00 minimum order.
All wood is ethically sourced from sustainable woodland with
active replanting programs and is seasoned for at least 12
months prior to being cut and split and then left to air dry.


Club Secretary writes:
From February 2nd the clubs new membership cards will be
needed by members to purchase drinks. If you have not paid
your subscription for 2015 please do so as soon as possible to
ensure continued member prices.
Forthcoming Events:
Feb 21st - ABBA Gold who will be performing in the function
room from 9pm. Tickets are 10 and are limited to 1st come
1st served basis due to the limit on numbers in the hall. Nonmembers are welcome to apply for tickets.
Feb 22nd - HOWL Open Mic from 3pm to 5:30pm
Feb 7th, 14th and 28th - Bingo/quiz from 9:30pm
Mar 14th and 28th - Bingo/quiz from 9:30pm
Mar 28th - HOWL Open Mic from 3pm to 5:30pm


Anne Goody writes:
Tatworth Good Companions ended 2014 with a lovely

Issue 67 The DRIFT

Open every evening & Saturday & Sunday lunch time

Bookings are advisable call 01460 220285
By Popular demand we will be continuing to run our successful
Pie Night throughout the summer
Join us every Thursday for a selection of our finest homemade pies
accompanied by a glass of wine, pint or soft drink for only 10

Have an event or get together coming up?

Don't forget we are more than happy to open
lunch times in the week for tables of 10 or more
Perry Street, South Chard, Somerset, TA20 4QH


Everyone welcome --- No need to book

Good home-cooked food ---- Friendly atmosphere
Come along and enjoy lunch or a snack, coffee & cake, etc
Every Wednesday 10am 2pm at TMH

Celia's Salon
Extra special Experience at a Beautiful Countryside Salon
Celia is passionate about showing women how a great hairstyle
makes you look fabulous and feel great. She is a highly dedicated
and qualified hair stylist with over 24 years of experience.
Extra time to discuss the best styles to suit your face, hair type
and life style, each haircut is created with care and precision in
a peaceful, relaxing environment in a highly professional salon.


T: 01460 221444 / 07971 675577

Maddys Homemade Treats

Free delivery to Tatworth and Forton
Celebration cakes, Christmas Cakes, cupcakes, jams and
other yummy treats.
Maddy will work with you to create your dream cake.
Food and hygiene rating 5 very good.

T: 01460 221920 / 07985590313



Attention Moves on to Trains

Russ Wardell T: 01460 221376, Coordinator

Following the item in our last issue on the bus service, it appears Please send COPY to: 7 Dairs Orchard, Tatworth, TA20 2TA
or email to:
that attention is now turning towards trains.
Deadline for The DRIFT no: 68 - 14th March 2015
With several political parties making favourable noises about a The Drift is published by the Tatworth & Forton Residents
new train station at our very own Chard Junction, we could be Action Group, printed by Perry Print and distributed by
faced with the question What shall we call it?
The views expressed in contributed articles are not necessarily
Should we have a competition for the best station name? How those of the RAG Editorial Team.
should the entries be judged and indeed who by? Perhaps name it Don't forget the RAG website:
after a local feature or even a local dignitary? Now there's a
The Drift Newsletter - Like us on Facebook
Springing to mind are Tatworth for Forton & Chard
- The terms for advertising in The Drift are:
Langdons Halt - Cider Central - South Chard Parkway and

Single size advert: 5.00 per insert

so on.

Double size advert: 10.00 per insert

Advertisers who are based in Tatworth & Forton

One wonders if it is too premature to have such a debate.
receive a 5.00 discount for the first insertion.

Self invoicing is expected, unless otherwise agreed

Please contact The Drift editorial coordinator in the first

Meets at TMH, Thursdays 7pm. Contact: 221315
Meets at TMH, Wednesdays 7pm. Contact: Jill Bond 220677
Every Wednesday at TMH 10am 2pm. Delicious home cooked food
Monthly Roast lunches
Meets alternate Thursday mornings at 10am at The Playing Fields.
Contact: Anne Goody 239434
Meets regularly at members homes. Contact: Sue Osborne 220330
Meets Brewer Room, TMH Wednesdays at 10am
Takes place at TMH on Wednesdays 3:30-5pm
Takes place at Church Room on Mondays 2-3pm with Liz Murtha.
Contact: Di Ramsay (Age UK) 08456434702
Meets at TMH, Tuesdays 2-4pm. Contact: Cynetta 221173
Meets on the 1st Thursday in each month in the Church Room at 7:30pm.
Contact: Nan Austin 220708
Meets on the 3rd Thursday each month in TMH at 7:30pm
Contact: Angela Long 220953 or Marguerita Bond 220198
Meets on the 1st Thursday each month in TMH at 2:00pm for flower arranging
demonstrations. Contact: Rosalie Palmer 65883
Meets on the 2nd Thursday each month in TMH at 7:30pm.
Contact: Ken Johnson, Chairman 01460 220221

Issue 67 The DRIFT


Active Living
Sue Russell 220339,
Marguerita Bond 220198,
Margaret Kitch 220099,
Janet Wood 221823

The Drift
Russ Wardell 221376,
Phillip Pepperrell 221610
Community Speed Watch
Doug Allen 220116
Health & Wellbeing Centre
Roy Bain 220152
Jane McGee 220826
Judy MacOmish 220966
Public Transport
Andrew Turpin 220691
Community Emergency Management
Team - (CEMent)
John Pearce 221899
The Project Teams welcome new
members could you perhaps spare
a little time?


Date & Time



Thu 5th Feb 2:00pm

Tatworth Flower Club 'Blooming Spring' Workshop

Thu 5th Feb 7:00pm

Thu 5th Feb 7:30pm

Tatworth & Forton Parish Council Meeting

Tatworth Wives Group - S.S.A.F.A. with Pauline Homeshaw

Thu 12th Feb 7.30pm

Tatworth & District Horticultural Society Seed sowing, pricking out & potting on


Thu 19th Feb 7.30pm

Tatworth WI Bletchley Park - Mr R Kibble-White (0pen meeting)


Ch Rm

T&F Movies - What we did on our Holiday (cert 12A) comedy/drama doors open 7.15pm
Fri 20th Feb 8.0pm
Sat 21st Feb 6:30pm for 7:30pm Quiz Night in aid of Tatworth Church funds - 3 snacks, soft drinks available BYO wine/beer
ABBA Gold tickets 10 seet text
Sat 21st Feb 9pm

Ch Rm

Sun 22nd Feb 3pm 5:30pm

HOWL Open Mic

Thu 26th Feb 12 2pm

Lent Lunch

Ch Rm

Thu 5th Mar 12 2pm

Lent Lunch

Ch Rm

Thu 5th Mar 2.00pm

Tatworth Flower Club Spring has Sprung with Lisa Fowler - 'Blooming Spring' competition


Thu 5th Mar 7:00pm

Tatworth & Forton Parish Council Meeting


Thu 5th Mar 7:30pm

Tatworth Wives Group - Experiences of Her Life with Ellie Baer

Sat 7th Mar 7.00pm

Tatworth WI QUIZ - in aid of sports equipment & defibrillator maintenance see text

Thu 12th Mar 12 2pm

Lent Lunch

Thu 12th Mar 7:30pm

Tatworth & District Horticultural Society My Horticultural Life in Ten Plants by Rob Cotterill

Thu 19th Mar 12 2pm

Lent Lunch

Thu 19th Mar 7.30pm

Tatworth WI It's a Vet's Life - Mr M Welshman

Thu 26th Mar 12 2pm

Lent Lunch

Fri 27th Mar 8.00pm

T&F Movies - Mr Turner (cert 12A) biography of the artist doors open 7.15pm


Sun 29th Mar 3pm 5:30pm

HOWL Open Mic


Thu 2nd Apr 2:00pm

Tatworth Flower Club 'Pots of Colour' with Barbara Clatworthy 'Easter Bonnet' competition


Thu 2nd Apr 7:00pm

Tatworth & Forton Parish Council Meeting


Fri/Sat 3rd & 4th Apr

Tatworth Playing Fields Beer Festival


T & F Movies - The Imitation Game (cert 12A) based on Turing's life doors open 7.15pm



Fri 24 April 8.00pm


Ch Rm
Ch Rm
Ch Rm
Ch Rm

Every Mon 2pm
Every Mon 2.30pm
Every Mon, 7pm 8pm
First Tuesday, Monthly
Every Tue 2pm 4pm
Every Wed 10am 2pm
Every Wed 3:30 5:00pm
Every Wed 7pm
Every Sat 5pm 7:30pm
First Thu, Monthly 2pm
Fourth Tuesday, Monthly
Every other Sat 9:30pm

Stretch and Relax Class

New Age Kurling Group - 1.50 per session, including refreshments
Celias, Get Fit, Tone-up & Stretch Class
Chiropodist Mr Grimminger Tel: 30114
Tatworth Craft Group - 1 each including refreshments Brewer Room
Wendy's Kitchen
Exercise Class
Chard & District Lace Group Brewer Room
Traditional Fish & Chips van
Tatworth Flower Club (for contacts see text)
Kents Fellowship
Bingo and Quiz

Ch Rm

KEY: Ch Rm St John's Church Room, PSC Perry Street Club, TMH Tatworth Memorial Hall, TPF Tatworth Playing Fields, TPS Tatworth
Primary School, PO Premier Stores/South Chard Post Office, StJ St John's Church, KCR Kents Common Room

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