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A very good morning to all of parents and audiences today.

Thank you very much to Puan

Habibah as a school principal because invited me to give talk today. Actually Im so surprise
because I can see so many audiences especially parents today. That is very good encourage
to yourself. Today I will talk about parenting and everybody want to be a good parent to their
child. So, let we discuss about that.
Becoming a parent is a once in a lifetime experience. It is a wonderful feeling. Holding your
infant in your arms gives you the most supreme feeling of all. With a bundle of joy it even
leads to a package of responsibilities. Especially with the passing years when your child
starts growing up you need to act all the more responsible. You being their guardian, they
look up to you for almost everything. Being a parent is not an easy task. You have to be
responsible for your child. You cant be infallible if youre a good parent. They reflect you.
Dear parents,
To be a good parent we have to practice and know more elements of good parents. The
important element that you have to adopt is trust. Why I said trust?. Trust, the name itself
suggests a lot of complication. Trust is the threshold of every relationship. You being parents
must trust your children. Lack of trust may lead to a lot of arguments or misunderstandings.
When your child is in his or her teens, they are at a phase where anything said or done against
them invokes them to fight back. Therefore do not be suspicious of your children in any
situation. Trust them freely. The values that you have imbibed in them will not lead them to
do anything wrong.
The second important element is understanding. This is another major quality that you must
possess as a parent. Understanding leads to a healthy and smooth relationship between a
parent and a child. You should be so much approachable that your children can talk their
hearts out in front of you. Take care to assure your children that you think that what they say
is important. They can discuss all their problems with you without being fearful. Many a
times it happens that parents dont understand their children and simply make the child feel
reluctant in expressing themselves. This is a negative point. It affects the child mentally.
Therefore maintain a balance in your relationship.

Thirdly element is supportive. Being parents you are the only support for the children.
Children look up to their parents for everything. From childhood they seek support from you.
In whatever they do, you should stand by them to let them not feel alone. Especially when
children grow up, for their future decisions too, parents must act supportive towards them
rather than imposing your own decisions over them.
Fourthly element is compromise. This is a unique as well as an important quality. At some
or the other point in life you have to learn to compromise for your children.

Life is

incomplete without them. There comes a time when you have to accept things as they are
and compromise a bit to move on in life. Be it financially or in any other way to build a
secure future for your children you should be that much responsible to give up what it takes.
The next element is frankness. Parents are the first friends of children. Before entering
school, parents are the only one a child talks to. But as they grow up too you must be careful
enough to be frank with them. You should let them open up to you. They should feel
comfortable in talking to you about anything that they are curious about. You being parents
should be the best of all friends of your children. You should be the first ones they approach
for any kind of problem they face.
As a parent you must encourage your children. Encouragement is the first and foremost thing
a parent must do. Life brings many failures but learning to cope with them and being
encouraged to move on is necessary. This is what you have to do for your children. This
goes a long way to boost the confidence and well being of your children. Encourage them to
try new things and explore their talents. Your encouragement may lead them to do great
things. At the same time if you are discouraging it leaves the child disheartened.
As a parent you also should be loving. A parents love and care determines eventually how a
child grows up and how a child will eventually parent. Being loved by your parents make
you feel important and gives you inspiration to do something worthwhile in life. It becomes
a necessity for parents to show their love and care towards their children. Depriving your
child of the love they deserve is no less than a criminal offence. Love directs your children
towards the right path. Tell them you love them. Everyone likes to be loved and given
importance. Parents must keep it in mind to never let the child feel unwanted or not loved.
This might lead to show behavioural changes in them.

A parent also a good teacher. It is very well said that parents are the first teachers. All that
you teach your child from the childhood itself nurtures their upbringing. You need to be a
good teacher. You have to teach everything to your child in such a way that it makes them
sensible enough to deal with odd situations. Be assertive and kind when pointing out what
they have done wrong.

Children should be very familiar with the consequences of their

actions. Always remember your values can be seen in your children. Therefore be careful
while handling them.
Next, a parent have to be patience. Patience is another important quality which every parents
must possess. Whether you are the mom or the dad you need to learn to be patient. Dealing
with kids can get stressful at times. But do not give up, your parents have dealt with you too
no matter how hard it was for them. You have to learn to calm down and handle situations.
Taking decisions in a haste may lead to problems. You have to understand your children too.
Then, parents have to accept changes. We all are humans and owing to that we make many
mistakes. As parents too you might end up making mistakes but do not avoid them. You
should know what you have to change within yourself and when.

Dont allow your

determination to become a good parent prevent you from being one. Make changes for the
better. Nobody is perfect and being a perfect parent is also just a myth. All you should know
is where you are going wrong and then implement changes for yourself.
Dear audiences,
Before we go through to more skill of parenting, I would like to share with all of you about
types of parenting skills that is firstly authoritarian. Authoritarian parents are those who
believe in structure. They're not abusive parents, but they do demand obedience from their
children and do not ask for input from their children when making decisions. Authoritarian
parents set very high standards, and often the result is children who have low self-esteem and
need a voice of authority to guide them. Psychologists say this is an effective style of
parenting for children who have behavioural or conduct disorders and therefore need
structure and authority.

Secondly is permissive. Permissive parenting allows the children to be active in the decisionmaking process, even determining partially their own parenting.

Permissive parents

encourage their children to be creative and spontaneous, which can sometime appear careless
to others. While they are not neglectful, permissive parents tend to use reasoning instead of
authority, often allowing children to argue the reasoning for their actions. Because this
parenting style is so lax on authority, it can sometimes result in a lack of impulse control and
immature behaviour.

Though not for rebellious or aggressive children, this is a good

parenting style for children who are withdrawn or anxious.

Thirdly is authoritative.

Authoritative parenting is often considered the most effective

because it helps children develop a sense of independence and self-sufficiency without giving
up the role of authority figure. Authoritative parents leave much of the decision making
process up to the children, but with high standards and firm expectations. Although these
parents are willing to listen, reason, and communicate with their children, they are also quick
to correct certain behaviours and exercise their discipline and limits. This parenting style
works well for average children who are neither shy nor aggressive.
The last style is neglectful. Neglectful parenting is a type of parenting that describes parents
who do not offer adequate parental support. While permissive parents may be passive,
neglectful parents tend not to be involved in the day-to-day activities outside of the home.
These parents are unaware of their children's academics, behaviours, and activities until
something major happens. Neglectful parents do not attempt to be an authority figure in
many aspects of their children's lives, and therefore allow their children to essentially parent
So as a parent you can think and choose which style you want to be.
Dear audiences,
I believed that many of you here got teenager. Raising a teenager can be difficult. You say
one thing, and he does another. Although we have all been at the teenager stage, it can be
difficult to relate when you are the parent.

Help improve your relationship with your

teenager, while also maintaining the responsibilities of a parent. Here I got ten tips to make it
more rewarding.

Firstly, discuss issues with your teenager, do not lecture. Lecturing simply puts your child on
the defensive. Secondly, follow through on rules and consequences. Do not back track. The
teenager needs to realize you mean business. Thirdly, lead by example. Give your teenager a
positive role model. Make her desire to be more like you. Fourthly, set reasonable goals for
your teenager. Do not expect more than he can give, or he will begin to feel inadequate.
Fifth, don't judge too harshly. Your teenager is going to slip up. She or he is still young and
learning. Try to work through problems with her or him, as opposed to yelling and making
demands. Sixth, do not point out only negative behaviour. Make sure you give plenty of
praise when it is due. Seventh, have regular family dinners. This is a good opportunity to
remain close as a family and ask about your teenager's day. It is possible to be both a good
parent and a friend. Eighth, take an active role in your teenager's life. Do not leave the
parenting or educating to someone else. Ninth, share your thoughts, fears and feelings with
your teenager, when appropriate. This will encourage him to do the same. Tenth,

express your love. Make sure your teenager knows you will be there no matter what. A great
support system goes a long way.
Dear parents,
I would like to give more advice to all of you. Maybe you can practice this skill to make
improvement in your parenting skill. Firstly, an ideal parents demonstrate moral and spiritual
responsibility. They believe in hope. They hold a space for their child to develop into who
she or he truly is verses trying to make the child into something "they" want.


consistently demonstrate good boundaries and give their child permission to say "yes" and
"no" when it's appropriate. They encourage the child to dream, to be more, and to think
"outside the box." They teach the child to regularly look into the mirror and say, "I'm loving
An ideal parents also create a social environment where the concept of "family" extends out
into the community and expands to all our brothers and sisters on the planet. Friends are
welcomed and play is an opportunity to learn, to grow, to communicate, and to share. Formal
education is embraced and the development of the intellect is valued and praised. Discipline
and consistent daily routines, that support the family and the community, are demonstrated
and reinforced. The child knows that they can count on their parent to hold, to comfort, to
listen, to understand, and to love them.

An ideal parent also strives toward their ideal, however, she or he knows it's not reasonable or
realistic to expect or demand that they always are ideal. An ideal parent extends forgiveness
to him or herself when they miss the mark. An ideal parent knows parenting is an ongoing
learning process.
That is about ideal parent, now we go through how parent take care of their child health.
Dear parents,
Health of a child is a major issue that concerns a majority of parents. One of the foremost
duties of parents is to encourage a child to lead a healthy life. Parents can have a positive
impact on the health of their children simply by setting a beneficial example. Children
and teens who are overweight and in poor physical shape are likely to suffer from a host of
health-related problems. Hence, it is imperative for parents to participate in sports and
physical activities together with their children. Parents should encourage their children to
take part in games and physical activities on a regular basis and try to convince them into
making it a part of their lives.
Here Im glad to give you know the importance of exercise and diet to your children. We
look at first about exercise.

In order to keep a child in good health, parents should

accompany their children on daily walks since, walking is an exercise that is considered
extremely useful in keeping children in proper shape. Parents should try to give swimming
lessons to their children since swimming is an extremely useful exercise which ensures good
physical health. Tennis and bicycling are regarded as excellent physical activities and parents
should see to it that their children are appropriately engaged in such activities.
Next is diet control. Physical exercise together with a proper diet can ensure the proper
health of children. Calcium is a necessity in the growth of young children. Calcium assists
in developing strong bones and teeth. Milk in addition to milk products are excellent sources
of calcium. Hence, parents ought to see that a child gets sufficient amount of milk and milk
products for the overall development of their body.

Children should be served with

vegetables rich in calcium such as broccoli, mustard greens, kale, collard greens, and
Brussels sprouts.

Parent also should serve with High-calcium beans such as black turtle beans, great northern
beans, baked beans and navy beans in casseroles and salads are also extremely beneficial for
the health of growing children. Soy enriched in calcium together with rice-based drinks is
also ideally suited for the proper growth and development of children. It is not a bad idea to
provide ones child with a snack or two apart from his or her three daily meals. In order to
ensure the proper health of a child, he or she should be introduced to a diverse range of foods,
for example grains, vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, and lean meat or beans.
Food cooked with less fat are considered beneficial for children. Parents should see to it that
baked, roasted, or poached foods are served instead of food that is fried. Parents should make
certain to restrict the quantity of additional sugar in the childs diet since, sugar consumed in
unchecked quantities can lead to several health complications. Cereals with low or no added
sugar should be preferred. Water or low-fat milk is considered beneficial in comparison to
sugar-sweetened sodas and fruit-flavoured drinks. It is vital to remember that children should
be allowed to decide. If a child does not like to eat a food initially, new food should be
served unless and until a child develops a liking for it.
It is also vital to consult a physician whenever a problem related to the health of a child
arises. Even if the problem seems minor it is advisable to seek a physicians help since,
children are delicate and require special attention.
Dear parents,
I have to stop here and hopefully all of you will be more effective and better parents soon.
Thank You

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