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Object 2

Arbori care pot deveni bonsai

Acer buergerianum I, A, Ap, R, P
Acer palmatum I, A, Ap, R, P
Acer palmatum v atropurpureum I, A, Ap, R, P
Acer palmatum v atropurpureum disectum I, A, Ap, R, P
Banksia integrifolia A
Banksia serrata A
Betula pendula I, Ap, R, P
Buxus microphylla I, Ap
Buxus sempervirens I, P
Cedrus atlantica Ap, A, R
Cedrus deodora Ap, A, R
Chamaecyparis obtusa kosteri I, Ap, R
Chamaecyparis pisifera I, Ap, C
Chameacyparis obtusa nana I, Ap, A, R
Coccinnia royallii I, Ap, P, F, Int
Cotoneaster microphyllus I, Ap, A, F
Crataegus monogyna I, Ap, F, P
Cryptomeria japonica Ap, A, R
Fagus silvatica Ap, A, R, P
Ficus benjamina I, Ap, A, Int, U, xx
Ficus macrophylla I, Ap, A, Int, U, x,
Ficus microcarpa retusa I, Ap, A, Int, S, x
Ficus rubiginosa I, Ap, A, Int, S, x
Fraxinus americana I, Ap, A, P, R
Juniper chinense I, Ap, A, R
Juniperus procumbens nana I, Ap, A, R
Juniperus sargentii I, Ap, A, R
Juniperus squamata prostrart I, Ap, A, R
Leptospermum laevigatum I, Ap, A, F
Liquidambar styracoflua I, Ap, A, P, R

Olea europaea I, Ap, A

Parleyensis I, Ap, A
Picea abies (Little Gem) I, Ap, A, R
Picea albertiana I, Ap, A, C
Pieris japonica I, Ap, A, U
Pieris japonica I, Ap, A, U
Pinus densiflora Ap, A, R
Pinus mugo I, Ap, A, R
Pinus parviflora I, Ap, A, R
Pinus sylvestris P, E, C
Pinus thumbergii Ap, A, R
Pittosporum I, Ap
Pittosporum tenuifolium I, Ap
Pyrus ussuriensis I, Ap, A, P, Berr
Quercus cerris I, Ap, A, P, R
Quercus robur I, Ap, A, P, R
Rhododendron indica I, Ap, A, F
Rhododendron I, Ap, A, F
Salix gracilistyla I, Ap, A, P, C
Sequoia sempervirens I, Ap, A, P, R
Serissa foetida I, Ap, A, X, F
Serissa foetida I, Ap, A, X, F
Taxodium disrichum I, Ap, A P, R
Thyhus serphyllum I, Ap, A, X
Ugni molinae I, Ap, A, X
Ulmus elegantissima I, Ap, A, P, R
Ulmus parvifolia I, Ap, A, P, R
Wisteria floribunda I, Ap, A, P, R
Wisteria sinensis I, Ap, A, P, R
Zelkova serrata I, Ap, A, P, R

I - pentru nivelul incepator; sunt arbusti rezistenti, usor de ingrijit.
Ap - arbusti populari printre cunoscatori, des intalniti ca bonsai.
A - pentru nivelul avansat, des intalnit la colectionari.
Int - creste bine daca e tinut in interior.
U - are nevoie de umbra pe timpul verii.
X - sensibil la inghet, trebuie protejat de temperaturile foarte scazute.
XX - numai pentru zonele in care temperaturile nu scad sub limita inghetului.
R - are nevoie de o perioada de latenta in anotimpul rece.
P - arbust peren, care isi va pierde frunzele peste iarna.
F - cultivat pentru flori.

Acer artar
Acer buergerianum = Trident Maple; is a species of native to eastern China

A medium sized hardy deciduous tree for smaller gardens and a long loved choice of Bonsai
artists. Their vibrant spring and autumn colours, their trident shaped leafs, striking stem and bark colours
and shallow fibrous root systems make this species especially attractive bonsai.
Styles: Formal upright, Informal Upright, Slanting, Cascade, Semi-cascade, Broom, Rock-overroot, Clasped-to-rock, Twin-trunk, Clump, Group planting, Saikei
Location: Outdoor
Position: Place the tree where it will receive morning or evening sun but will not be in direct
sunlight, especially at the height of summer. It is a very hardy species, but is best protected when
temperatures are likely to fall below -10C for prolonged periods. Keep in cool greenhouse for these
Watering: Water regularly keep soil moist not wet as root tend to suffer easily from root rot.
Ensure soil is well drained. Water well in early morning or late afternoon to prevent the soil from drying
out. Do not water plant during the hottest part of the day best in the early hours of the morning, when
Feeding: Feed bi-monthly during the growing season. Use a high nitrogen fertiliser. during spring
and a low nitrogen fertilser the rest of the year. Do not feed during peak summer.
Leaf and Branch Pruning: Pinch back to 2 leafs once 4 to 5 leaf nodes have grown. To develop
fine branches and avoid long internodes, pinch back new growth during the growing season. Pinch back
new shoots through out the grwoing season.
Re-potting & Growing Medium: Repot younger trees every 2-3 year, trees older than 10 years
only when pot bound. Repot in spring, shortening root by no more than a third of their length. Remove
dead and damaged roots to avoid root rot. Repot in 30% loam, 30% peat, and 30% coarse sand, or use 3
Part Akadama and 1 Part Pumice.
Wiring: Maples are usually shaped by pinching and pruning. Wire sparingly and with care, in
spring. Check wire frequelty and remove after a few months.

Acer palmatum = called Japanese Maple or Smooth Japanese Maple

1. Plant the young trident maple in the ground over a cement slab that is buried less than 6 inches
below the surface of the soil. This first stage helps the tree to develop a thick trunk while forcing
its roots to spread out and remain shallow. An alternative to planting over a slab is to use a large,
but shallow, training pot. This stage can take up to five years, depending on the trunk thickness
you desire. Plant in full sun if you can water the tree every day. Otherwise, plant in partial shade.
2. Repot the tree in a bonsai pot using freely draining bonsai soil when the trunk has grown to the
desired thickness. Tease out the roots so that they are spread evenly around the tree and near the
surface. Cut the tree down to the desired height at the same time. This should be done early in the
late winter before spring arrives and leaf buds have begun to swell.
3. Wire a branch near the top of the newly cut tree into a new leader position, but allow others to
grow freely. The tree eventually reshapes itself so that the new leader becomes part of the trunk.
4. Cut the new leader back to less than 4 inches long at the end of the growing season. Repeat this
process each year, cutting the new growth of the leader back to less than 4 inches. This gives a
tapered appearance to the trunk so that it better mimics a full-grown tree in miniature. This
process of reshaping can take several years.
5. Prune away all branches that are not in the correct position for bonsai shaping in the fall or late
winter. Cut back the desired branches to five nodes near the bottom of the tree and two nodes near
the top. Nodes are the areas on the branch where leaves grow.
6. Remove all but two pairs of leaves on each branch during the growing season. Defolating a trident
maple encourages more leaves to grow than were removed, which reduces leaf size and improves
the minuature look of the bonsai tree. The tree can only support a given total leaf area for its size,
so when leaf number increases, leaf size decreases.

Banksia integrifolia -

Betula Mesteacan
Betula pendula = Silver Birch

The lovely silver birch is often planted as a garden or park tree it is a slender and graceful
deciduous tree with silvery white bark and double-toothed serrated margins almost triangular leaves. A
native to northern areas that is grown for its beautiful white bark. The tree will grow to 50 feet or more
and about 25 feet wide. It has excellent cold tolerance and will grow comfortably in our colder parts too.
Styles: Formal upright, Informal Upright, Slanting, Cascade, Semi-cascade, Literate, Broom,
Rock-over-root, Clasped-to-rock, Twin-trunk, Clump, Sinuous, Straight Line, Group planting, Saikei
Location: Outdoor
Position: Birches like a lot of light, although some shade is advisable in the hottest areas or in
Watering: Requires consistently moist soil; do not let it dry out between waterings and ensure that
the pot does not water log.
Feeding: Every two weeks from early spring till the end of summer. Use a balanced fertiliser.
Leaf and Branch Pruning: Trim back shoots to the first pair of leaves throughout growth. It is wise
to make large pruning cuts late in the season, as birches "bleed" profusely when the sap begins to run.
Re-potting & Growing Medium: Birches younger than age 10 will need repotting every two-three
years. Older trees need repotting as necessary. Repot in spring, before bud burst, using free-draininig soil
mix. Use 3 part Akadama to 1 part Pumice or Fuji Grit.
Wiring: Care should be taken to protect the bark when wiring.
Betula papyrifera = Paper Birch
Betula pubescens = Downy Birch, Brown Birch

Buxus microphylla cimiir?

Fel, forma de gard viu
Buxus microphylla (Japanese Box or Littleleaf Box) is a species of native to Japanand Taiwan
It is an evergreen shrub or small tree growing to 23 m tall

Crataegus monogyna paducel

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