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Alexs Guide to Better Sleep

As a chiropractor I am constantly reminding people that a good nights rest is one of the most
important and often overlooked aspects of health. When we go to bed at night every organ
system in our body slows down, our cardiovascular system, our pulmonary system, our digestive
system etc. the only system that speeds up when we go to bed at night is our nervous system. The
very simple and vital reason for this lies in the fact that the nervous system is the system that is
responsible for healing the body. When we do not sleep at night we do not heal! As a
chiropractic patient you are improving the efficacy of your bodys ability to heal with every
More and more Americans today are trying to find a good nights sleep in a pill bottle. In act the
CDC reports that 9 million Americans rely on something link and Ambien or Lunesta to find a
good nights sleep. WebMD lists sleep-driving as a side effect of prescription sleep aids. We
are not supposed to operate heavy machinery after taking a Benadryl but there have been people
driving around town asleep behind the wheel on these drugs! As if sleep-driving was not scary
enough the British Medical Journal published last year that those who take a prescription sleep
aid are four more times likely to die than those who do not!
Here are my simple solutions to a good nights sleep:
1. Use your bed for sleeping train your mind that when you are in bed it is time to sleep, not
reading, tweeting, Facebook or checking emails. If your mind is racing and you are tossing and
turning leave the bedroom lay on the couch and return to bed when you are tired enough for
2. Turn down the heat when are you more likely to wake up at night when you are hot or cold?
The body prefers to be a colder milder climate to sleep. Experts recommend bedroom
temperatures to be 65 70 degrees.
3. Exercise every day This will greatly improve your ability to sleep at night. However be
careful not to exercise too close to bed time as it can have a negative effect on sleep.
4. Eat a proper diet Follow the Advanced and Core plans in your Maximized Nutrition
plan books to limit your intake of sugar and mind altering preservatives, food coloring, and
artificial sweeteners.
5. Supplement with Vitamin D3 Louisiana State University recently published research that
those with the highest levels of Vitamin D3 reported the best nights sleep.
6. Stay away from televisions and computer screens a couple of hours before bed. The blue light
emitted from these screens confuse our mind that it is day light and stop the production of
melatonin an important hormone for sleep.
7. Get Adjusted by a Chiropractor! Of the tens of thousands of adjustments I have delivered a
better night sleep is almost always the first reported benefit! Because sleep cycles are regulated

by the nervous system, common sense would tell us that removal of interference a subluxation
in the nervous system will drastically improve an individuals ability to fall and stay asleep.
Always remember the body wants nothing more than to heal when subluxation is reduced
through a proper chiropractic adjustments this facilitates the very system that is responsible for
healing the body the nervous system. The body will want to do what it does best heal. When
you are sleeping better you are healing better!


You wake up and on your morning commute the city skyline is illuminated in pink. You walk
into the office and your coworkers are sporting hot pink shirts and buttons. At lunch you see
those same coworkers munching way on KFC from a pink bucket and washing it down with pink
bottles of Pepsi. After lunch your boss calls a team meeting because Katherine was just
diagnosed with breast cancer, the third coworker this year, so he rallies the troops to support her
by baking a dozen for the cure and wearing even morepink tomorrow. you come home
exhausted from the day and put on Monday night football to sell all of your favorite athletes,
wearing what other than pink. You say to yourself If I didnt know better I think I have been
pink washed.
The Pink Campaign is in the Epicenter of a Bad Health Paradigm
When you believe that the human body was created with flaws, that we are destined for suffering
and cancer, then your approach to health comes from the defensive and not the offensive. If you
believe that more pink is the solution to our countries cancer epidemic you are participating in
this flawed thinking. Here is the problem with pink it represents all that is wrong with
allopathic western medicine and the theory that you will get cancer, there is nothing you can do
so find it early keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best. The majority of money outside of
marketing and huge salaries for their top personnel (I bet their checks are even pink) goes to
early detection of cancer with mammograms and treatment with drugs and surgery. One of those
drugs, Tamoxifen, created by AstraZeneca (whom the pink campaign owns stock in) has a black
label listing because it is a known to cause uterine cancer. Studies have shown that women whom
receive the most mammograms have he highest incidence of breast cancer because of the high
amount of concentrated radiation directly into breast tissue. Susan G. Komen also has a very
close financial tie to EG and lists them as million dollar contributer on their website GE just so happens to make mammography machines. The money to fund such a campaign comes
from corporations whom pink up their products like a bucket of fried chicken from KFC and
beauty products with known carcinogens on the ingredient list. Fighting cancer with known
carcinogens-insane however justified by believing in a flawed health paradigm that the body
was created unintelligantly with flaws and we are destined for suffering disease and cancer.
Maximized Living The Health Paradigm That is Sweeping the Nation
Now to the other end of the health paradigm that is centered around the belief that the human
body is a self regulating self healing mechanism and needs no help to survive and thrive just no
interference with its ability to do so. What causes the interference in the bodys ability to heal?
Subluxation in the spine choking off the brain from the body, a poor diet, lack of oxygen to the
cells from a sedentary life style, a toxic overload of our cells and organs from living in such a
toxic world, and the belief in the wrong health paradigm sound familiar? When we participate
in the correct paradigm of health we no longer need to be afraid. We understand that cancer is
not caused by a lack of mammograms, chemo and radiation cancer is caused by a body that is

unable to heal itself. We no longer need to surround ourselves in pink to feel safe from cancer;
because we innately understand that we are destined for health not disease. Our model of health
is your gateway to a long and fruitful life far from the oncology ward.
Lets put an end to this pink washing madness and create a community of Cancer Killers.
Someone once said that a small group of determined individuals can change the world.

Is your Medical Doctor Insane?

Here is why the American medical system is failing us, and why Chiropractic will be the saving
grace of Americas sickness. Really back pain doctors are going to turn Americans health
around? Let me make this plain and simple, so simple in fact a child could understand.
Imagine this. Your are driving down the parkway and all of a sudden your car begins to make a
loud clunking sound, immediately your check engine light comes on. You pull off to the side of
the road, call AAA and your vehicle is taken to the nearest mechanic. The mechanic sits you
down and spends seven minutes with you. Upon hearing your story he immediately goes over to
your vehicle and places a piece of duct tape over your check engine light. He hands you a pair of
ear plugs and if that does not mask out the noise informs you to turn your radio up loud enough
that you no longer hear the clunking. He hands you a bill for $295 dollars. Would your vehicle
be fixed? Would you think the mechanic of sane mind? Would you continue to drive your
vehicle? The answer is a resounding no!
We all understand that continuing to drive this vehicle is going to result in an accident that could
potentially end our life. Why is it then when we go to our doctor with high blood pressure,
cholesterol, blood sugar etc. we gladly accept the proverbial duct tape and ear plugs in the form
of a pharmaceutical thinking we are healed, believing our medical doctor is a genius, and that
duct tape and ear plugs are worth hundreds of our hard earned dollars?
You see medical doctors know NOTHING about healing, and good one will tell you this straight
to your face. They are excellent in duct tape and earplugs to mask or better yet maintain disease.
In fact use this acronym to better understand your medical doctors purpose MD = maintain
While we are on the subject of acronyms lets examine a doctor of chiropractics purpose DC =
doctor of cause. Chiropractors and chiropractic patients understand that all disease has a cause
and focus on removing it so the body can heal. Not maintaining disease through drugs.
Chiropractic understands that the human body is conceived by two cells. Those two simple cells
are responsible for creating life. Chiropractic understands that the very first organ those cells
develop is a brain, then from that brain comes the spinal cord, then like branches growing on a
tree come the nerves and finally like fruit at the end of those branches grows organs. Since all
life starts with the central nervous system, then it is the responsibility of the central nervous
system to maintain life and health. The healthier the nervous system the healthier the body,
chiropractors understand this fundamental law of the body and maximize the nervous system
through adjustments. Unlike the negative side effects of pharmaceuticals chiropractic only has
positive side effects like no more headaches, low back pain, shoulder pain, digestive issues etc.
and maximizing the health of the chiropractic patient!
Chiropractors care very little of symptoms and on removing the cause of malfunction of the body
the caused the symptoms. In fact headaches, low back pain and digestive issues are all warning
signs, like te check engine light of your car, that the body is not well and lacking health! Blood
pressure, cholesterol, depression, anxiety and diabetes are our bodies check engine lights. Are
the people in your circle of influence putting duct tape on them or getting to the cause. I want

nothing more for you than abundant health for you, your family and those that you care about.
Spread the work of chiropractic because you never know how far reaching something you say or
do today can change the lives of millions tomorrow.

A Guide to be Healthy for Holidays!

And so it begins November has arrived and we are officially in the Holidays, that exciting time
of the year when we get to spend time with family, friends and loved ones but lets be honest,
that time is usually spent overindulging in food, drink, and spending. Add the stress of picking
the perfect gift with little or no time to do so and we have created the perfect storm for a health
disaster! We tend to celebrate the holidays from October 31st until the first week of January for
simplicity sake lets consider that a total of 60 days celebrating. Add another 30 days throughout
the year celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, national holidays, national doughnut day etc. and
you have spent a total of 90 days an entire 25% out of your calendar year neglecting your
health! If you add all those Holidays up an entire 10 years of your first 40 on earth are spent
overindulging during the holiday season no wonder we suffer from the most heart disease,
cancer and diabetes than any other people on the face of the planet!
Research shows that the average American will gain between 1-5lbs over the Holidays that they
will never loose. Add up a decade of this behavior and you have watched your weight increase
10, 20, 30, 40, 50lbs in a decades time! Much of your middle aged weight gain can be a direct
result of what you have done during a lifetime of celebrating the Holiday season.
The Holidays are a designated time out of our year to celebrate and appreciate Gods blessings
upon us. Today the holidays have resulted in a time dedicated to decreasing your life expectancy
as well as your God given potential. Clearly a misrepresentation of what the Holidays are all
Of the thousands of people I have consulted with about their health not one of them had said, I
wish I would have spent less time focusing on my health. In fact when I sit down and get eye to
eye and heart to heart with someone in the middle of a health crisis they undoubtedly make the
realization that they had spent too much time focusing on the things that didnt matter getting a
cookie recipe just right, serving the right bottle of wine at a party, finding the perfect gift, and
having the tree look better than last year. Not that there is inherently anything wrong with the
above list but when that gets the attention and your health gets put on the back burner people
get hurt. Ask any child what they would rather have, mom and dad, grandma and grandpa wound
for an extra ten Christmass, or the perfect ham, cookie, outfit or toy and I believe you will
have your answer to what is important this holiday season.
Here is the secret to a happy holiday season enjoy it! Spend 6-12 days celebrating and
overindulging (I will) not the 60 days the rest of America will be celebrating. After your
overindulgent days make sure to exercise, follow the advanced plan for a week by cutting all
sugars and refined carbohydrates while focusing on increasing high quality saturated fats, get
plenty of rest simply scheduling a 20 minute power nap can drastically improve your health and
cognitive function, take extra supplements, vitamin D3 at 10,000 IUs will keep your immune
system strong and curcumin and Indian gooseberry will aid in decreasing inflammation caused
by holiday foods both curcumin and Indian Gooseberry can be found in our Daily Defense
formulation. Most importantly schedule extra adjustments (I will). Like I said, I never hear, I
wish I would have spent less time focusing on my health. I almost always hear, I wish I would
have met you years ago. The perfect gift is the gift that keeps on giving a true health care

system that empowers an individual to extend their years and live out their God given potential.
Give that gift to someone you care about this holiday season.

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