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Lecture Quiz Questions for Week Three:

1. What region of a steroid is hydrophilic?

a. the methyl (-CH3) groups
b. the terminal hydroxyl group
c. the ring structures
d. the long hydrocarbon chain

2. You make a phospholipid bilayer with short, saturated hydrocarbon tails. You
measure the permeability of this membrane to molecular oxygen. You then double the
length of the hydrocarbon tails, and remeasure membrane permeability. You then
double the length of the hydrocarbon tails again, and make a third measurement of
membrane permeability. You graph membrane permeability as a function of
hydrocarbon tail length. Which of the following would describe the slope of your line?

a. The slope of the line would increase as the hydrocarbon tail increased in length.
b. The slope of the line would decrease as the hydrocarbon tail increased in length.
c. The slope of the line would stay constant throughout the experiment.
d. Since oxygen is a polar it is not able to cross the phospholipid bilayer.

3. Lipids that form membranes have what kind of structure?
a. completely nonpolar, because they are lipids
b. completely polar, which allows them to dissolve in water
c. polar heads and nonpolar tails; the nonpolar tails interact with water
d. polar heads and nonpolar tails; the polar heads interact with water

4. In an experiment involving planar bilayers, a solution of table salt (sodium and
chloride ions in water) is added on the left side of the membrane while pure water is
added on the right side. After 30 minutes the researchers test for the presence of ions
on each side of the membrane. The right side tests negative for ions. What can you
a. The experiment failed.
b. The water somehow blocked the movement of ions across the membrane.
c. The left side would probably also test negative for ions.
d. Ions cannot cross planar bilayers.

5. Which of the following crosses lipid bilayers the fastest?
a. a sodium ion
b. a small, polar molecule like water
c. a large, polar molecule like glucose
d. a small, nonpolar molecule like oxygen (O2)

6. Which of the following is true of osmosis?

a. Osmosis only takes place in red blood cells.
b. Osmosis is an energy-demanding or "active" process.
c. In osmosis, water moves across a membrane from areas of lower solute concentration
to areas of higher solute concentration.
d. In osmosis, solutes move across a membrane from areas of lower water
concentration to areas of higher water concentration.

7. Celery stalks that are immersed in fresh water for several hours become stiff. Similar
stalks left in a 0.15 M salt solution become limp. From this we can deduce that the fresh
a. and the salt solution are both hypertonic to the cells of the celery stalks
b. and the salt solution are both hypotonic to the cells of the celery stalks
c. is hypotonic and the salt solution is hypertonic to the cells of the celery stalks
d. is hypertonic and the salt solution is hypotonic to the cells of the celery stalks
e. is isotonic and the salt solution is hypertonic to the cells of the celery stalks

8. Under what circumstances does membrane transport require energy?
a. wherever large molecules are moved within a cell
b. whenever a solute is moved against its electrochemical gradient
c. whenever an ion moves through a phospholipid bilayer membrane
d. whenever oxygen moves through a phospholipid bilayer membrane

9. Where would you most likely find an integral membrane protein?
a. on the inside surface of the cell membrane
b. on the outside surface of the cell membrane
c. floating freely in the cytoplasm
d. spanning the cell membrane, with parts of the protein visible from both the inside
and the outside of the cell

10. Which of the following types of molecules are the major structural components of
the cell membrane?
a. phospholipids and cellulose
b. nucleic acids and proteins
c. phospholipids and proteins
d. proteins and cellulose
e. glycoproteins and cholesterol

11. For a protein to be an integral membrane protein, it would have to be _____.
a. hydrophilic
b. hydrophobic
c. amphipathic, with at least one hydrophobic region
d. completely covered with phospholipids
e. exposed on only one surface of the membrane

12. Which of the following allows water to move much faster across cell membranes?
a. the hydrophobic interior of a cell membrane
b. the sodium-potassium pump
c. ATP
d. peripheral proteins
e. aquaporins

13. A nerve cell contains a high concentration of K+ ions. How can K+ ions continue to
enter the cell?
a. Active transport

b. Facilitated diffusion

c. Osmosis
d. Simple diffusion

14. A molecule that has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions is called:
a. bipolar.
b. reduced.
c. oxidized.
d. amphipathic.
e. ionized.

15. A fatty acid chain differs from a strand of isoprene because the fatty acid has
a. a hydroxyl group.
b. an amino acid.
c. a carboxyl group.
d. a carbonyl group.
e. a phosphate group.

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